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Zexion's Weapon Discussion

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daxter fan

New member
May 21, 2004
I does not agree with you, he wouldn't be thougher than Vexen. I think he's the weakest orgy member that ever was, lol.


New member
Dec 17, 2006
I'm sure I'm going to sound stupid, so I'm sorry in advance, but who the hell is "Ienzo"? I'm guessing he must Zexion's heartless or Human form (because of his name being zexion re-arranged and the x removed), but when was he even mentioned? I never beat CoM as Riku, so i don't know if he was mentioned somewhere in there. sorry for asking a dumb question but i'm really confused.


New member
Dec 17, 2006
Looks like Zexion has a lot of fans.
Probably because he's quite enigmatic. He's the only member who showed up with no weapons but it's not because he doesn't have his own weapon, it's more of because he died without fighting so nobody knows what's his weapon. I have an idea on what his weapon is and I might have a chance of showing it in the near future so I'll keep it as a secret for now. That reminds me, in the World that Never Was, each XIII Organization member had a gravestone for them and each of those have a picture of their weapons and that's when Zexion became a problem for us. "Eh, we're gonna put a spoiler on Zexion's weapon there!?" (laugh) That's a bit too much so we decided to destroy the gravestone so that his weapon couldn't be seen

I dont know if this has already been mentioned, but this is something that Nomura said about Zexion in an interview. This would sugest that Zexion does have his own weapon, however the way Nomura said means that the weapon could be a power of some sort, but more likely than not, it is a weapon that can change its shape to adapt to different situations, and maybe the stick he picks up in the magna isn't just a stick. maybe it is the form zexion put it in to keep it from being seen. I can't wait till KHIIFM finally comes out. then we'll know for sure


New member
Jun 1, 2006
Im pretty sure this is wrong, but you never know. What if Ienzo was Riku's father? You never know. Probably wrong just thought it would be interesting.

13 Blades

New member
Dec 18, 2006
In proof of exsitence they would have a brain, but that would look dumb so they broke the wepon thing. Got it memorized?


New member
Jun 1, 2006
They could have just put a picture of Zexion, it didnt have to be a brain. That would indicate he was the weapon.

daxter fan

New member
May 21, 2004
Looks like Zexion has a lot of fans.
Probably because he's quite enigmatic. He's the only member who showed up with no weapons but it's not because he doesn't have his own weapon, it's more of because he died without fighting so nobody knows what's his weapon. I have an idea on what his weapon is and I might have a chance of showing it in the near future so I'll keep it as a secret for now. That reminds me, in the World that Never Was, each XIII Organization member had a gravestone for them and each of those have a picture of their weapons and that's when Zexion became a problem for us. "Eh, we're gonna put a spoiler on Zexion's weapon there!?" (laugh) That's a bit too much so we decided to destroy the gravestone so that his weapon couldn't be seen

I dont know if this has already been mentioned, but this is something that Nomura said about Zexion in an interview. This would sugest that Zexion does have his own weapon, however the way Nomura said means that the weapon could be a power of some sort, but more likely than not, it is a weapon that can change its shape to adapt to different situations, and maybe the stick he picks up in the magna isn't just a stick. maybe it is the form zexion put it in to keep it from being seen. I can't wait till KHIIFM finally comes out. then we'll know for sure
Nomura didn't say though that he has physical weapon right? he's master of tricks he is a kind of a shadow maker of some sort.
oh and btw every portals in the greavestones were ruined expect Roxas's but the platform that showed the weapon glowed red when they fade.. the ruins of the gravestone in Zexion case didn't fall on the platform but some kind of a black mud or something.. I dunno, That's beacuse he doesn't have any weapon for you to see.


Nomura didn't say though that he has physical weapon right? he's master of tricks he is a kind of a shadow maker of some sort.
oh and btw every portals in the greavestones were ruined expect Roxas's but the platform that showed the weapon glowed red when they fade.. the ruins of the gravestone in Zexion case didn't fall on the platform but some kind of a black mud or something.. I dunno, That's beacuse he doesn't have any weapon for you to see.
I dunno, it looks more like it was destroyed or that it imploded or something, instead of falling apart like the others did [did they? sorry, cant remember].

13 Blades

New member
Dec 18, 2006
I have a theory. What if his brain was his wepon. He could control shadows to, maybe. So, he could have anyones wepon if he wanted it. The Silent Schemer could make shadow into anything he wants and doesn't want to get his hands dirty. So, by making clones of himself and saying that the clone is the real thing, he never has to get his hands dirty. So he fakes his demise and comes back in Kingdom Hearts 3. Totaly throws of Riku. Now in this battle, his clone uses Zexion's power and the battle becomes hell without Hades. I find it hard to believe that people call him weak. His power is fake, but the brain says it's real so it is. The one question is this, if my theory is correct, then why not destroy Riku with flame made of shadow? I have figured that out to. Like all powers, his has limits. He can't kill unless he uses a real wepon. Try to tear that apart, punks!

Infinity's End

ars gratia artis
Dec 6, 2006
A place called style.
I have a theory. What if his brain was his wepon. He could control shadows to, maybe. So, he could have anyones wepon if he wanted it. The Silent Schemer could make shadow into anything he wants and doesn't want to get his hands dirty. So, by making clones of himself and saying that the clone is the real thing, he never has to get his hands dirty. So he fakes his demise and comes back in Kingdom Hearts 3. Totaly throws of Riku. Now in this battle, his clone uses Zexion's power and the battle becomes hell without Hades. I find it hard to believe that people call him weak. His power is fake, but the brain says it's real so it is. The one question is this, if my theory is correct, then why not destroy Riku with flame made of shadow? I have figured that out to. Like all powers, his has limits. He can't kill unless he uses a real wepon. Try to tear that apart, punks!


Ok so...Yes nomura is stupid, but not NEARLY stupid enough to make zexion's weapon his brain, thats just plain stupid. As for faking his death, I am postive he is not dead why would they mess up his tombstone for no reason
Everything happens for a reason
Also not on the tombstones

Zexion had both but if you zoom in photoshop etc you notice there is more blue than red showing he is alive, Yes Zexion can make duplicates and copy things, that is his element "Shadows". As for the clones perhaps he was just copying riku's move, dark break I think is what it is? Moving really fast creating almost "Copies" that would explain why he has the souleater, Although The hades idea made sense Im not sure if they would do that, he might just come back saying he cloned himself or whatever.

Now for my thought on zexions weapon, nomura said it was a spoiler, so why would he put a picture of it and say what it was beforethe game came out? doesnt make sense.
then theres the theory were he can duplicate weapons and use anything he wants, that would make perfect sense although square has a habit a hidding hints making you think of something and makes sense, then chosing a completley different path

What if Nomura wanted to make us think his weapon was duplication when all Zexion was doing was copying riku's MOVE not weapon and is weapon was just put away for the attack.

So theres are my thoughts


New member
Jun 1, 2006
About the tombstone obviously signifying Zexions death. I don't see how anyone could make that assumption. We have no idea that the tombstones were tied dirrectly to the well being of the Organization members. For all we know someone had to push a button to change the tombstones from blue to red. And if that is the case it would be all to easy for Zexion to trick everyone to into thinking he's dead. Also if he really is the master of illsuion that doesn't necessarily mean his weapon is his mind. He could just be using his powers to confuse the mind of the person he's battling. That doesn't mean that that is the weapon he fights with. I mean Xaldin can control wind that doesn't mean his weapon is wind. Who's to say that Zexion can't control peoples minds.

Infinity's End

ars gratia artis
Dec 6, 2006
A place called style.
umm all dead members tombstones are red
all alive members tombstones are blue

Luxord tombstones is blue, you got through portal and kill him it becomes red, therefore signifying that the tombstones are connected to their well beings.


Bronze Member
Apr 7, 2005
Anyone could have been controling those tombstones you dont know Xenmas could have been controling them and when he knew that one of his members failed he probably changed it himself.

Nov 2, 2006
Gahh!!His weapon could be everything he wants.Since his element is Shadow,Maybe the weapon he is using is the shadow of his enemy's weapon!!
I dunno..Just a Thought...

13 Blades

New member
Dec 18, 2006
Good point, thus, i've come to this conclusion. All of the Organization 13 members had close range wepons. All of them did NOT have anything related to brains in there Organization names. So maybe his wepon is a projectile of some kind, Also, who is Nomura? Also, the Silent Schemer staging his death would mean he is the only one left in the Organization. So he wpould take over the Organization and get new members.


New member
Dec 5, 2006
thats a good idea, but i think it wouldnt work. just look at Demyx, he fought with a weapon and he used his element too. it just happened to look like he did. this is why i think that it would be more like he has a weapon but doesnt use it and just molds the shadow around his hand to give the appearence of shadow. doesnt that sound like him anyway? the cloaked schemer, one who dislikes dirtying his hands. what if you never actually fight him but just an illusion in his mind? that would certainly support his personality. then only by difeating him as a shadow would he come out and fight you for real. once he sees that your a worthy oppopnent to worry about? any way their just theories so im probably wrong.


New member
Dec 17, 2006
Good point, but who is Nomura?! You guys do relize i feel like an ass asking this.

Nomura is the person that is in charge of the series. I think the term is the director, but im not sure. anyway, he did the art, the plot, he works with the graphics team, he does everything (except for those few things which he doesn't do and just acts as the supreme overseer for). He is the brains behind the entire series. I'm hoping that answers your question.

13 Blades

New member
Dec 18, 2006
So he's like Xemnas. Anyways, That Demyx idea could be correct. However if you notice he plays his sitar every time he attacks or moves he strums it. So i think that his water was tied to his sitar. Maybe Xaldin, Axel, and the rest of the elemental members' elements were really tied to their wepon. So will stick to my theory until disproven.
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