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Unchained X: Castle of Dreams 3rd story update w/ English Subs

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Goldpanner has translated the latest update for Castle of Dreams in KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained X! Cinderella's dress has been torn to shreds by her stepsisters! Will her dream of going go the ball end?

Let's head to the Entrance Hall to see how Cinderella is doing.

Jaq: When Lady Tremaine 'n the others see Cinderelly's dress they'll get a shock!

I wanna be there to see that. Let's go, partner!

(Lady Tremaine, Drizella and Anastasia begin to head out for the ball.)

Lady Tremaine: Now, remember. When you're presented to His Highness, have poise.

(Suddenly, a voice calls out. They stop and turn to see Cinderella in her new dress.)

Cinderella: Wait! Please... wait for me!

I have a dress. I'm not too late.

(You and Jaq watch from above, when suddenly, you hear a shout.)

Drizella: Mother, she can't!

I won't go with her. I won't!

Lady Tremaine: Girls, please. After all, we did make a bargain. Didn't we, Cinderella?

You finished your work, and a dress.

And I never go back on my word. 

(Lady Tremaine approaches Cinderella and lifts up her necklace.)

Lady Tremaine: How very clever, these beads.

They give it just the right touch.

Don't you think so, Drizella?

Drizella: No, I don't. I think she's…


That's mine, you little thief!

(Drizella and Anastasia storm over to Cinderella, accusing her of stealing and tearing her dress to shreds.)

Drizella: They're my beads! Give them here!

Cinderella: Oh, no!

Anastasia: And look, wearing my sash, how dare you!

Cinderella: Oh, don't! Please, stop!

(Satisfied that Cinderella's dress has been ruined, Lady Tremaine and her daughters are ready to leave for the ball.)

Lady Tremaine: Girls, girls. That's quite enough.

Hurry along now, both of you. I wont have you upsetting yourselves.

(Lady Tremaine turns to Cinderella.)

Lady Tremaine: Good night.

(She leaves, and Cinderella runs out of the house, sobbing. You and Jaq watch her go, and you make a suggestion.)

Jaq: Yeah. Go cheer her up.

(You find Cinderella crying in the garden.)

Cinderella: Boo hoo hoo...

(Suddenly, sparkles of light appear, floating towards Cinderella.)

Cinderella: I can't believe. Not any more...

(The sparkles gather to form the Fairy Godmother, who comforts her.)

Cinderella: There's nothing left to believe in, nothing…

Fairy Godmother: Nothing, my dear?

Oh, now you don't really mean that.

Cinderella: Oh, but I do!

Fairy Godmother: Nonsense, child!

If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here.

(Cinderella is startled to see her fairy godmother.)

Fairy Godmother: And here I am.

Oh, come now. Dry those tears.

You can't go to the ball looking like that.

Cinderella: The ball? Oh, but I'm not...

Fairy Godmother: Of course, you are. But we have to hurry.

(Fairy Godmother takes out her wand.)

Fairy Godmother: Now… the magic words…

Oh, yes!


(She shoots her magic at a nearby pumpkin and transforms it into a carriage. Jaq is startled, and runs away, but Fairy Godmother aims her magic at him and some other mice, turning them into horses to pull the carriage.)

Fairy Godmother: Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

(With one more spell, she transforms Cinderella's tattered dress into a gorgeous gown.)

Cinderella: Did you ever see such a beautiful dress?

And, look, glass slippers.

Why, it's like a dream. A wonderful dream, come true.

Fairy Godmother: Yes, my child.

But, like all dreams, well, I'm afraid this can't last forever.

You'll have only til midnight, and then...

Cinderella: Midnight? Thank you.

Fairy Godmother: Now, now, now, just a minute. You must understand, my dear.

On the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken, and everything will be as it was before.

Cinderella: Oh, I understand.

But, it's more than I ever hoped for.

Fairy Godmother: Bless you, my child. I...

Goodness me!

Hurry up, dear. The ball can't wait.

Have a good time. Dance, be gay.

Now, off you go. You're on your way.

(You see Cinderella off to the ball, and Fairy Godmother disappears. Suddenly, a Werewolf Heartless appears, but it runs right past you. Chirithy appears to inform you.)

Chirithy: There's no time to relax just yet! It's after the heart of pure light!

Player: !?

Chirithy: It's your time to shine. Hurry, hurry!

(You chase after the Werewolf, and Chirithy disappears.)


(You catch up to the Werewolf and fight it, but it takes off before the battle is finished.)

Chirithy: The Heartless are after the light. Cinderella is in danger! Let's hurry!


(The Werewolf makes it all the way into the castle courtyard, but once again, it runs away before you can defeat it.)

Chirithy: Even though you didn't manage to finish it off, it looks like you got rid of it.

But I'm still stressing! Let's go see how Cinderella is doing.


(Cinderella's path to the ballroom is blocked by Heartless.)

Cinderella: Whatever shall I do... It doesn't look like they'll let me through so easily.

(One of the Heartless launches itself towards her, but you make it just in time to block its attack.)

Cinderella: It's you!

(You tell her to leave, but she refuses.)

Cinderella: No, I won't run away. I'm not giving up on my dreams any more.

Besides, with you beside me, I have all the heart I need.


(With all the Heartless and the Werewolf defeated, and Cinderella can finally enter the ball.)

Cinderella: Thank you. I'm saved, all thanks to you.

We've made it just in time for the ball.

Well, I'd better go.

(She waves goodbye to you and enters the ballroom. Chirithy appears afterwards.)

Chirithy: I bet that strength to keep on believing in her dreams is what let Cinderella bear a heart of pure light.

I hope she has a lovely time.

Well, how about we head home?

(You and Chirithy leave.)

(Meanwhile, Cinderella dances with the prince. Her stepmother and stepsisters watch in shock.)

Anastasia: Who is she?

Drizella: Do we know her?

Anastasia: The prince certainly seems to.

I know I've never seen her.

Lady Tremaine: Nor I. But she certainly is…


There is something familiar about her.

(Cinderella and Prince Charming dance the night away, when suddenly the bell tolls, signalling midnight.)

Cinderella: Oh no!

Prince: What's wrong?

Cinderella: It's midnight.

Prince: Yes, so it is. But why...

(Cinderella tries to leave, but the Prince holds on to her hand, not understanding.)

Cinderella: Goodbye.

Prince: No, no, wait. You can't go now. It's only...

Cinderella: Oh, I must. Please.

Please, I must...

Prince: But why?

Cinderella: Well, I...

Oh, the Prince, I haven't met the Prince.

Prince: The prince? But didn't you know...

Cinderella: Goodbye.

(Cinderella pulls away and runs off.)

Prince: No, wait. Please come back! I don't even know your name.

How will I find you?

(Cinderella runs into the ballroom, saying goodbye to the Grand Duke.)

Cinderella: Goodbye.

(Prince Charming chases after her.)

Prince: Wait! Please wait!

(Cinderella runs down the stairs but leaves behind a glass slipper. The Grand Duke catches up before she can retrieve it, and she continues her departure.)

Grand Duke: Mademoiselle! Senorita!  

Just a moment!

(The carriage races away from the castle, but soon enough, the magic runs off, leaving behind only Cinderella and Jaq. She kneels down to talk to him.)

Cinderella: I'm sorry. I guess I forgot about everything. Even the time.

But, it was so wonderful.

And he was so handsome, and when we danced…

I didn't catch even a glimpse of the Prince himself, though.


Oh, well, it's over.

(Cinderella gets up, and Jaq notices a glass slipper remains on her feet.)

Jaq: Cinderelly. Look, look!

Your glass slipper! There's only one, but it didn't change back!

(Cinderella picks up the slipper.)

Cinderella: Thank you. It was a beautiful dream.

Thank you so much.



Silver Member
Jun 12, 2013
so do you think we get the final story update in castle of dreams before the end of month or no we get it januarry?


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
so do you think we get the final story update in castle of dreams before the end of month or no we get it januarry?

Unchained X Japan only updates with 15 new story scenes on the second Thursday of each month, so we'll probably just finish Castle of Dreams in January.


Oct 9, 2007
Thanks for the translation Sign, despite being just 15 missions these story updates are packed to the brim with cutscenes.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
I just realized I messed up with the subs for the first scene ;A;

Accidentally scrolled right past goldpanner's translations and left the placeholder dialogue from the original movie, so it's not exactly accurate to the Japanese script. Might need to reupload that one later.


Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Thanks for the translations, as always. Not too surprised that these new Disney worlds seem to be just reruns of the movies so far, but I'm wondering if the next world (Enchanted Dominion, most likely) will have anything new in light of X's secret ending.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Soo, is there anything worthwhile in these new "story"-updates concerning the actual chi-storyline or is it just Disney-movieplot rehashing filler at its finest like in KH 2 the whole way?

According to these translations, all the Player character does is repeating everything Terra already did in his storyline of Castle of Dreams with only slight variations.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Soo, is there anything worthwhile in these new "story"-updates concerning the actual chi-storyline or is it just Disney-movieplot rehashing filler at its finest like in KH 2 the whole way?

According to these translations, all the Player character does is repeating everything Terra already did in his storyline of Castle of Dreams with only slight variations.

It's all just "Disney-movieplot rehashing filler" for now. I think Square Enix are cleverly and intentionally saving the new Daybreak Town scenes after 2.8 is released. Clearly there's a revelation'a brewing...
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