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News ► Nomura on the possibility of a Kingdom Hearts cinematic film

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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008

In the Daily Mirror interview with Kingdom Hearts series director Tetsuya Nomura released yesterday, there was a lot of discussion about how far along Kingdom Hearts 3 is, the possibilty of including other characters from Square Enix properties, Nomura's design choices over the years, and even the potential return of Sephiroth as a secret boss.

Later in the interview, Nomura was asked about the potential of a Kingdom Hearts CGI movie similar to Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children or Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and Nomura mentioned that there have been discussions about a cinematic piece but due to the complexities of Kingdom Hearts's narrative, nothing has really ever been set in stone:

Nothing has been thought about in terms of a cinematic piece, only because it's difficult to put into a narrative that has become as complex as Kingdom Hearts. Of course, we do have a 15 year history so it has come up in discussions about doing some sort of cinematic piece, especially from Disney.

They are interested in making a CG movie of sort, but again, it's difficult to make the call on how we want to execute it and how to form it. I still haven't come to a resolution about what would be the most appropriate way in which we depict the narrative, so nothing specific has been formulated.

What do you all think about the potential of a Kingdom Hearts cinematic film? Let us know in the comments below or on our forums!

Read the full interview on the Daily Mirror.



Jan 2, 2013
I'm surprised the Disney company is interested in a KH movie.

I think the best place in the timeline for a film would be between KH3 and the saga that comes afterwards

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
You know what the best way to go about this is? An alternate re-telling of the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Keep all the lore elements, the original characters and their purpose to the narrative, but adjust the plot in such a way that it seems like a motion picture as opposed to video game cut scenes cobbled together.

And seeing as the concept for it is to be a CG movie, which Disney studio would be in charge of making it? would it be Disney Animation? Pixar? or would be developed by Visual Works and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures? that's my biggest curiosity regarding this.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
You know what the best way to go about this is? An alternate re-telling of the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Keep all the lore elements, the original characters and their purpose to the narrative, but adjust the plot in such a way that it seems like a motion picture as opposed to video game cut scenes cobbled together.

And seeing as the concept for it is to be a CG movie, which Disney studio would be in charge of making it? would it be Disney Animation? Pixar? or would be developed by Visual Works and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures? that's my biggest curiosity regarding this.

Probably Disney Animation considering their history with adaptions.

Considering the skill of Visual Works (good god look at Kingsglaive and every CG they have ever made), I could easily see it become a collaboration between both studios if they ever nail a script down.

It would have to be a retelling if they wanted to simplify the story.

They could make it a cross-media project but that means there is a ton of story newcomers would have to experience to even be able to enjoy the movie.

I think in this case. the movie's purpose would be to give non-fans an easy introduction to the series so they would want to experience the games while still being a film for the fans. Something that delivers the charm of the series while being wholly its own thing.

An original adaption of Kingdom Hearts would help open up more doors for the series, anyways.

This is probably something they struggle with figuring out themselves, which is why nothing has happened beyond the discussion of the possibility of it.


Jan 2, 2013
How would you integrate the Disney and original worlds in a 2 hour retelling? I imagine they would have to be limited to possible two or three(including Destiny Islands since its the starting point)

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
How would you integrate the Disney and original worlds in a 2 hour retelling?

This. The original KH story parts are a whole lot to handle and organize if such movie would be made, but including -some- Disney and not -all- Disney is a problem of its own; here is where a lot of time would be consumed, negociating and discussing around copyright and distribution matters, but also featuring/advertising, as it would be Disney's part to promote what they consider right or best, I would assume. I don't really think a clear, "well-built" movie is what I can imagine, but some kind of movie could happen... if Nomura-papa really really is stubborn or courageous enough to deal with all the business mess that comes with such project
But who indeed would produce it...


Jul 24, 2012
S. California, USA
How would you integrate the Disney and original worlds in a 2 hour retelling? I imagine they would have to be limited to possible two or three(including Destiny Islands since its the starting point)

I wouldn't think it unlikely for them to cut all Disney worlds out except Disneytown/Disney Castle. When you're turning a game meant to take dozens of hours of exploring to a 1hr 45min film, you're gonna have to cut whatever you can. I mean c'mon, as cute as it is, how necessary are any of the non-Disneytown characters besides the Princesses? The message of friendship can stil get across without being jam-packed with 20+ characters Sora only has time to shake hands with.

A suggestion a friend made back in high school would be to shifting all Disney characters to either Disneytown or one of the prexisting original worlds (i.e. Merlin & Scrooge McDuck in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden). Relegate the non-major characters to cheeky cameos & background easter eggs.

And this is all assuming they're just adapting KH1, which is fine by me. Besides just being the first title, it's about as compact as KH ever got, so it's the best shot.


New member
Sep 6, 2013
I mean, I doubt it'll be possible to make the story of all the games down in one movie, but they can create a movie for each game, or at least one for each main series and combine some side series into one movie, where it fits (like CoM with 358/2 Days), and they can adapt the story from the mangas/light novel. Or if they cant show off the transition of kairi and lea training, and sora training between 0.2 and 3. if they choose not to incorporate these into 3, its totally able to make a movie from it. Or as I saw some one day, make a movie transitioning between 3 and the next saga. Or make an original story all together, new keyblade wielders and such.


Nov 30, 2014
Keep them non-canon or second tier canon and I'm ok with anything


Jul 24, 2012
S. California, USA
If they were to do it, it'd probably inspired by/based on the series, but an entirely separate canon. Especially if it were to be done as one of the main WDAS feature films, they wouldn't try for any sort of secondary canon; that limits them even more than making an adaptation of an ongoing series already does LOL

I'm of the opinion that any movie should be to the point where you don't have to play any game to understand or enjoy it, the same way people don't have to read any Big Hero 6 comic to enjoy the movie. No tie-ins, no cross media, no "if you want to understand this just play [X] lol". Just a singular, easily consummable but totally enjoyable standalone KH experience is perfect.

That was my one problem with Back Cover. As cool as it was, I was personally hoping (naively) for something that could be enjoyed at least somewhat by itself; but it instead felt like a series of animated footnotes to X. I really don't want that again in any capacity :(


Jan 8, 2015
The part of the Kingdom Hearts mythos I always felt would work as a cinematic movie would be to showcase the fall of Radiant Garden. It's early enough in the timeline that you don't need extensive knowledge of the games to follow what's going on without minor exposition, and it's an event we know very few details about. Since I doubt we'll ever get a prequel that lets us play through that time, a movie seems like the best way to go.


Jul 29, 2014
BBS could easily be adapted into a movie. With plenty of filler to cut out and being the starting point for the Xehanort saga, it could work. Fitting all the content in to ~2hrs would work if edited correctly, also allowing for the potential to strengthen the connection between TAV and rewrite some bad story telling. It introduces the main antagonist, sets up the next part and if it's successful, they could make it into a series of movies. With Disney behind it, they wouldn't let it fall flat. I think this might be the best way to go about starting a film franchise adaptation of the games.
Sep 14, 2009
I kinda want to know a backstory between master Eraqus and master Xehanort when they were still training together. Heck, even have Yen Sid appear so we know what kind of relationship they had before he dropped out of Keyblader academy and became a sorcerer. I also want to know who their Master who trained them was.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
BBS could easily be adapted into a movie. With plenty of filler to cut out and being the starting point for the Xehanort saga, it could work. Fitting all the content in to ~2hrs would work if edited correctly, also allowing for the potential to strengthen the connection between TAV and rewrite some bad story telling. It introduces the main antagonist, sets up the next part and if it's successful, they could make it into a series of movies. With Disney behind it, they wouldn't let it fall flat. I think this might be the best way to go about starting a film franchise adaptation of the games.

The problem I see is that BBS is just a loose rendition of Star Wars. Also, while BBS has a ton of popularity and would work well on its own as a standalone, the ending of it would have to be changed from a tragedy to fit with Disney's storytelling style.

The part of the Kingdom Hearts mythos I always felt would work as a cinematic movie would be to showcase the fall of Radiant Garden. It's early enough in the timeline that you don't need extensive knowledge of the games to follow what's going on without minor exposition, and it's an event we know very few details about. Since I doubt we'll ever get a prequel that lets us play through that time, a movie seems like the best way to go.

The fall of Radiant Garden would be wonderful but this is also an idea that I worry is too tragic for Disney to allow as a feature animated film.

I kinda want to know a backstory between master Eraqus and master Xehanort when they were still training together. Heck, even have Yen Sid appear so we know what kind of relationship they had before he dropped out of Keyblader academy and became a sorcerer. I also want to know who their Master who trained them was.

KH3 seems like this is where we'll see some of this.

If they were to do it, it'd probably inspired by/based on the series, but an entirely separate canon. Especially if it were to be done as one of the main WDAS feature films, they wouldn't try for any sort of secondary canon; that limits them even more than making an adaptation of an ongoing series already does LOL

I'm of the opinion that any movie should be to the point where you don't have to play any game to understand or enjoy it, the same way people don't have to read any Big Hero 6 comic to enjoy the movie. No tie-ins, no cross media, no "if you want to understand this just play [X] lol". Just a singular, easily consummable but totally enjoyable standalone KH experience is perfect.

That was my one problem with Back Cover. As cool as it was, I was personally hoping (naively) for something that could be enjoyed at least somewhat by itself; but it instead felt like a series of animated footnotes to X. I really don't want that again in any capacity :(

I agree with everything you have said. I could easily envision a KH film inspired by the first game. Cut the Disney worlds, just make it the main original worlds and include Disney's classic characters so there are still characters like Donald, Goofy, Mickey, etc., hint at the existence of Disney worlds for a throwback, but keep it all rooted in the original story.

All adaptions make sacrifices, and I think the Disney worlds would be a fitting sacrifice to have KH in Disney's animated theatrical canon.
Mar 27, 2012
Would love to see a true depiction of X story. Keep it the same until the end where it just ends incomplete. Don't have it not reveal the traitor, have and show the full conversation between Luxu and Ava that has yet to be seen in full as of yet, have it show the battle and catastrophe of the Keyblade War in full. Let us see the deaths we saw in the end of X but in HD, show us the X-blades role in all this and show it shatter along while watching the true kingdom hearts fall into darkness, have us obsverve the original world be destroyed and shattered turning into a bunch of smaller planets. Then show in a small montage those worlds slowly being restored and light surviving in the hearts of children as the years went by leading to the current state the KH universe is in today. And give slight hints on the roles the Dandelions and Luxu played in all that. THIS is what I wanted Back Cover to be.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Personally I would be wary of "adapting" any of the already existing games into a CGI movie in any form specifically because of the high complexities of the narrative Nomura himself already spoke about.
FF VII Advent Children also doesn't focus on the whole world of FF VII but is confined to a few memorable locations, so the whole hopping around several Disney worlds probably isn't feasible for a movie anyways (that would be something more suited to an animated series).

Instead of adapting fully the story of one of the games for a KH CGI movie there are two more "easier" to accomplish ways to create a compelling movie.
These would be either a tie-in to one or several of the games, meaning it may touch some of the events happening in the games to show its placement within the narrative, but not focus on these but instead on another part of the story which isn't detailed in the games very much at all or a bridge story between different games.
Candidates for such a movie story could be for example i.e.
- Riku's and/or Mickey's adventures after CoM but pre-KH 2.
- their exploits during KH 2 which could give some cameos of SDG while they're doing their stuff during KH 2.
- something focusing on Mickey's (and possibly Donald's and Goofy's) adventures during the ten years between BBS and KH 1 (this could also include the fall of Radiant Garden but only peripheral in order to meet Disney's "not-too-tragic"-requirements).
- something which takes place during the four years between Ventus' arrival in Land of Departure and the beginning of Birth by Sleep itself, either focusing on TAV, Eraqus himself or even Vanitas and old Xehanort.
- a setting in the X[chi]-era with the focus on Skuld and/or Ephemer instead of the Foretellers.
- a setting in the Union Cross/Unchained environment, with the five Dandelion Leaders as the main characters.
- a setting during Eraqus' and Xehanort's apprentice days, having them both as the focal characters.
- something post-KH 3 which may serve as either a continued epilogue from the game or even a setup for the next saga.


Jul 31, 2016
I believe that Kingdom Hearts 1 is simple enough that it could be condensed into a film. Here's some ideas:
- Destiny Islands and Disney Castle story stays similar. I'd like Jiminy Cricket to be more prominent in the overall story.
- I can see more Disney characters added to Traverse Town, eg Sora wakes up and first encounters the 7 Dwarves who explain the town and that their world has been lost too. Walking through the streets we can see Lady and Tramp, Quasimodo, Hercules, Mulan etc in the background. This is an opportunity to show lots of Disney characters who have lost their worlds to darkness.
- Sora and Donald/Goofy/Jiminy meet up with the FF group and Merlin
- They then travel to maybe 4 worlds. Wonderland because it's unusual and have Alice kidnapped, Agrabah which can include the Riku and Sora reuniting/Maleficent scene (Traverse Town scene in game) plus Riku kidnapping Jasmine, next can be Frozen purely because of popularity - Elsa can be a POH as well as Tiana, Rapunzel, Moana etc and it can follow the Monstro story with Sora confronting Riku who kidnaps Elsa, and finally Neverland which is similar to the game but with lost boys and the island.
- We can have a 2 minute musical montage that shows Sora visiting Atlantica, Halloween Town, 100 Acre Wood etc
- Hollow Bastion story remains the same. Possibly add in the summons Simba, Bambi, Dumbo and Mushu who have lost their worlds but are fighting Maleficent's forces here.

Plenty of Disney involvement and the main story here isn't overly complicated - Sora searches for his friends, Riku turns to darkness, they fight Maleficent and Ansem to stop them from gaining the power of Kingdom Hearts. And just a few other small details.
Last edited:

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Candidates for such a movie story could be for example i.e.
- something post-KH 3 which may serve as either a continued epilogue from the game or even a setup for the next saga.

I think this option is the most reasonable and profitable one, both for the plot and for maintaining the interest of the community after the final main title is out and the saga is closed. FFXV Kingsglaive tried this "recipehh", with the difference that the FFXV game itself wasn't available yet, so they presented the movie before the FFXV story, while in the situation mentioned before the movie would be presented after the KH story, with the plus of having what the large public watching Kingsglaive didn't: an already established and "working" universe to jump in without suspicion, as suspicion might turn into a shade of disappointment later on. So, a after-Xehanort-saga movie, leading to something else, would be advantageous.
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