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Union X: Enchanted Dominion w/ English Subs (June 2017)

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

The adventures in Enchanted Dominion in KINGDOM HEARTS Union X continue, with translations by goldpanner! English subtitled videos are also available!

This second part covers scenes from the June 2017 story update. For the May 2017 update, please visit this page.

(You speak to the 3 good fairies outside the cottage as they prepare to take Aurora back to her parents.)

Merryweather: I accused you of working for the witch, before.

Fauna: She had a good reason.

Flora: We may as well tell you.

Right after Princess Aurora was born, she was cursed by the witch Maleficent. Before sundown on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die.

Fauna: But Merryweather left us a ray of hope.

Merryweather: Yes. Instead of dying, she will only fall into a deep sleep. With a kiss from her true love the curse can be broken, and she will be able to wake up.

Flora: So we called Princess Aurora "Rose," and raised her here so that Maleficent wouldn't find her.

Fauna: Now, today is Princess Aurora's sixteenth birthday. We managed to keep her hidden from the witch all this time, But it will all have been for nothing if the monsters get her.

Flora: So, we have a request. Please protect Princess Aurora from the monsters. We can't use our own magic right now.

(You agree to help as Aurora exits the cottage, looking very upset.)

(The fairies begin to lead her away. Merryweather lags behind.)

Merryweather: Please.

(You clear the way of Heartless and catch up with the fairies.)

Flora: I think this is far enough to be safe.

Fauna: Thank you, you're a great help.

Merryweather: Thanks to you, it looks like Princess Aurora is going to make it safely.

Flora: Until next time.

(A voice sounds out from behind you.)

???: Hmm. I wonder if it was really such a good idea to let them go.

(It’s Chirithy.)

Chirithy: Ever since we set foot in this world I've had a super nasty feeling.

I bet it's the witch Maleficent.

(You’re surprised and speak out.)

Chirithy: Yeah. Let's do that!

(Meanwhile, the fairies and Aurora arrive at the castle.)

(The fairies lead Aurora to her bedroom to wait.)

Flora: And now, dear, if you'll just sit here.

(Aurora sits in front of the mirror on the vanity as the fairies conjure up a tiara for her.)

Flora: This one last gift, dear child for thee, the symbol of thy royalty.

(Flora places the tiara on Aurora’s head.)

Flora: A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right, and royal duty.

(Aurora breaks down and cries.)

Fauna: Now, dear.

(She moves to comfort Aurora, but Flora stops her.)

Flora: Come, let her have a few moments alone.

(The fairies leave. Once they’re gone, the flames in the fireplace go out, and a green light appears, blanketing the room. Aurora stops crying and gets up, as if possessed.)

(The fairies hurry back into the room.)

Flora, Fauna & Merryweather: Rose!

(Aurora follows the light through a passageway in the fireplace. The fairies try to catch her, but the passage closes up before they manage to.)

(Aurora follows the light higher up the castle tower as the fairies try to break through to her. You manage to catch up to the fairies.)

Fauna: Oh, it's you!

Merryweather: What great timing.

Flora: Let's go together.

(Flora breaks through to the passage with her magic, and you all rush in. The fairies head up the tower and frantically call out to Aurora.)

Fairies: Rose, Rose!

Where are you?


(You make your way up as fast as you can.)


(Aurora continues to follow the light as the fairies call for her.)

Fairies: Rose!



(You head up the tower but are confronted by a green light that bursts into flames, and a malevolent woman with a scepter emerges from it.)

???: Who are you?

(You get into your battle stance and prepare to fight.)

???: Do not get in my way!

(She disappears and suddenly and giant Thorn Snake Heartless appears to block your way.)

(You defeat the Thorn Snake and continue making your way up the tower. Aurora follows the green light into a room. The light conjures a glowing spinning wheel, beckoning Aurora towards it.)

(Meanwhile, you and the fairies almost manage to catch up.)

Flora: Rose! Don't touch anything!

Fauna: Don’t touch!

(The mysterious woman you encountered speaks to Aurora, the green light shining brightly from her scepter.)

???: Touch the spindle. Touch it I say!

(Aurora pricks her finger on the needle just before you and the fairies arrive.)

Fairies: Oh!

(The woman approaches you.)

???: You poor simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me.

Me, the mistress of all evil.

Well, here's your precious princess.

(She reveals Aurora’s still figure, collapsed on the floor.)

???: Ahahaha!

(She is engulfed in flames and disappears. You and the fairies approach Aurora.)

Merryweather: Rose...

Fauna: Rose...

Flora: Oh Rose! Oh, I'll never forgive myself.

Fauna: We're all to blame!

(You bring Aurora back to the room.)

Fauna: Poor King Stefan and the Queen.

Merryweather: They'll be heartbroken when they find out.

Flora: They're not going to.

(Flora pulls herself together.)

Flora: We'll put them all to sleep, until Rose awakens.

(She turns to you.)

Flora: Thank you for everything. Even though it turned out like this…

You must leave this castle, now.

(You nod. Flora turns to Fauna and Merryweather.)

Flora: Come!

(They shrink and fly out, spreading their magic throughout the kingdom to prevent anyone from waking until Aurora is saved.)

(You approach Aurora. Chirithy appears to speak to you.)

Chirithy: It looks like she's in a deep sleep. But, I can still feel a light in that abyss.

(You look up in shock and turn to Chirithy.)

Chirithy: It seems as though her heart isn't sleeping.

(You press him.)

Chirithy: No. There's nothing we can do right now.

Let's come back another time.

(You agree and open a portal to return home.)


Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I wonder, will the real Maleficent meet the Maleficent of Union X's Enchanted Dominion? Because if I recall correctly, the real Maleficent travels to King Stephan's Castle.
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