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[English Sub] Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

KINGDOM HEARTS Union X updated with 5 story quests today, accompanying the arrival of Version 2.3.0 and the Pet system. See how your new Spirit friend is created and find out what the 5 Union leaders are going to do first now that they've gathered together!

Translations by goldpanner!

(The 5 Union leaders enter the Foretellers room.)

Blaine: So this is the Master's room~!

(Ephemera, Skuld and Ven look around as Blaine heads for the desk at the end of the room and begins to sift through the book on it.)

Skuld: I don't think it's such a good idea to go touching everything, you know?

Blaine: But we're allowed to use this room from now on, aren't we?

Ephemera: That's true.

(Lauriam heads over to the large table and sits down.)

Lauriam: So, what should we start with?

Skuld: How about we divide up the Unions?

Ephemera: About that.

I actually want to keep going for a while without dividing up each Union.

Blaine: Hu~h.

Lauriam: I see.

Ephemera: I want to leave the five Unions we have now as they are, and discuss and decide things relating to the Unions together, the five of us.

Skuld: That's one way to avoid the conflict we've experienced before.

Ephemera: Yeah. I don't want us to be bound to just our own Union.

I want us to all think about things together.

Blaine: It was written as law that we are to divide them up, though. You think it will be okay?

Lauriam: Well, it doesn't say when we are to do it.

Blaine: I see. Sounds like it'll end up being a longish while~

Skuld: I think it's a good idea.

Lauriam: I agree.

Skuld: What about you, Ven?

Ven: Yeah, I'm fine with what you guys all think.

Ephemera: You don't have to go along with everyone else, you know that right?

Ven: I'm not confidence I could handle suddenly being put in charge of some Union. I feel safer having us all decide things together.

Blaine: Being so timid isn't gonna work out in the long run~

Lauriam: Ven is a gentle guy.

Skuld: Yeah, he is.

Ephemera: Okay, it's decided.

Also, I want to avoid panic - so for the time being, let's just say that the Foretellers are doing well.

Lauriam: Yeah.

Right now everyone seems to be in the middle of re-experiencing their time as Keyblade Wielders from the beginning, just as planned.

So, why don't we wait til that's over before we discuss what to do?

Skuld: Yeah.

Ven: Uh-huh.

(Blaine walks over to show the others something in the book.)

Blaine: Hey now, why don't we make this our first job?

Ven: What is that!

Skuld: It's so cute!

Ephemera: A spirit?

Blaine: Yeah. To celebrate our rise to power, why don't we lift the ban on partners for everyone?

Ven: Awesome! Awesome!

Blaine: Right? Right?

Lauriam: What do you mean by 'partner'?

Blaine: While they don't have the level of abilities as Chirithies, Spirits are creatures that eat nightmares.

Skuld: Oh.

(Skuld and Ephemera the conversation they had with your Chirithy.)

Skuld: Yes, it seems like they keep dreaming about it...

Chirithy: Yeah....

They're having terrible nightmares.

At first I thought it'd be horrible to lie to them, but now, I really do want to let them forget after all...

Skuld: Yeah…

I know it'll be tough on you, Chirithy, but please...

Chirithy: I will. Because "Player" is my best friend.

(Return to present.)

Ephemera: It's to stop them remembering the tragedy...

Blaine: Yeah. If we can get everyone to raise creatures that eat nightmares as their partners, the tragedy will start to fade away. That's what I think, anyway.

Ephemera: That might work!

Ven & Skuld: Yeah, yeah!

Lauriam: But how do we make them?

Blaine: Well, I think they can be made using an archetype, which is the basis of the Spirits...

Let's see...

(Blaine flips to a page and tears it out.)

Blaine: We'll need some other things too. I'll start getting ready, so how about you guys get the stuff together for me?

(Ephemera takes the page as he, Ven and Skuld look it over. Blaine starts collecting equipment around the room.)

Ven: Are there lots of things we need?

Ephemera: Yeah. Looks like it's going to be a bit tough.

Lauriam: Doesn't sound like my cup of tea, to be honest.

Blaine: In that case, you can help me.

Lauriam: Well *that* sounds like my cup of tea.

Ephemera: Okay then, the three of us will go and get the materials.

Blaine: Thank you~

(Ephemera, Skuld and Ven leave.)

(You and Chirithy walk through fountain plaza, when another Chirithy appears.)

Chirithy 2: Hey there, Chirithy.

Chirithy 1: Hey there, Chirithy.

Chirithy 2: You're "Player," aren't you?

Player: Um, yeah.

Chirithy 1: That's right!

(Chirithy 2 approaches your Chirithy.)

Chirithy 2: Kay then, don't mind me here.

(Chirithy 2 starts messing with Chirithy’s back.)

Chirithy 1: ?


(Chirithy 2 steps away, leaving you both confused.)

Chirithy 1: What? What?

(Chirithy 2 whips out a flask. He turns around and messes with it before showing you,)

Chirithy 2: That should do it!

Player: ?

Chirithy 1: What? What?

Chirithy 2: Today, as thanks for the tender care and protection you give every day, the Foretellers have entrusted you with an amazing gift!

(A puff of smoke swirls around in the flask before beginning to glow.)

Chirithy 2: Dun dun dunnnn! A Spirit!

(You’re shocked.)

Chirithy 1: Spirit??

(After customizing your pet for the first time, it appears from within the flask. You and Chirithy approach it with excitement.)

Chirithy 2: There you have it.

It's your new partner, Player! Give it lots of love, ya hear!

(Chirithy 2 disappears.)



Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Thanks for the videos!
Man, there's already a lot I wanna say about it (first and foremost, apparently Daybreak Town is confirmed to be still up and about in a post-Keyblade War world), but I'll wait for translations.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

At the very least, we all agree that leaving Blaine and Lauriam alone in the Foreteller's room is not a good idea, right?


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Okay, from the thumbnail and the dialog from the recent quests in NA, I'm betting Chrithy made the Spirits as a way to actively help the player in the dream world, since his own role is more passive. That, or it's an attempt to block out the memories player is having to prevent the sorrow, and thus darkness, that may come with them. Aid in the healing process, in other words. I don't have good enough internet to watch vids atm, so I'll give further thoughts when I can see it.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Okay, from the thumbnail and the dialog from the recent quests in NA, I'm betting Chrithy made the Spirits as a way to actively help the player in the dream world, since his own role is more passive. That, or it's an attempt to block out the memories player is having to prevent the sorrow, and thus darkness, that may come with them. Aid in the healing process, in other words. I don't have good enough internet to watch vids atm, so I'll give further thoughts when I can see it.

Good guess! It's both; Chirithy can't devour nightmares so Blaine suggests creating Spirits to fulfill that role instead, which ties in with what's been happening with the player.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Good guess! It's both; Chirithy can't devour nightmares so Blaine suggests creating Spirits to fulfill that role instead, which ties in with what's been happening with the player.

Whoa...So...that would make Chirithy the progenitor of the Spirits, as well as the progenitor of the Nightmare Dream eaters due to the other Chirithy. Hot damn...But wait. Would Chirithy still be considered a Dream Eater himself if he can't eat dreams? If not...is the symbol for them the MoM's own symbol? I know he's got the Eye on the keyblades, but....he's never actually had a sigil like the BBS crew did, nor have the Foretellers or even the book IIRC. So...could the sigil on Chirithy's back be further linked to MoM beyond "He made Chirithy?" I'm intrigued...


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

You know what I think Nomura might have just canonized Dream Eater recepies. Wouldn't that be a kicker if the recipes were actually created by say new union leaders and the reason we find them in the realm of sleep is because that's where the dandelions are.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Whoa...So...that would make Chirithy the progenitor of the Spirits, as well as the progenitor of the Nightmare Dream eaters due to the other Chirithy. Hot damn...But wait. Would Chirithy still be considered a Dream Eater himself if he can't eat dreams? If not...is the symbol for them the MoM's own symbol? I know he's got the Eye on the keyblades, but....he's never actually had a sigil like the BBS crew did, nor have the Foretellers or even the book IIRC. So...could the sigil on Chirithy's back be further linked to MoM beyond "He made Chirithy?" I'm intrigued...

One more note: in the scene when you're introduced to the Spirit, the other Chirithy is messing with your Chirithy, who then says "Ow!" And then the other goes to tinker with the flask.

So I wonder if the Spirit is created from one of Chirithy's hairs or something?

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Thanks for the videos. Can't wait for the translation to understand what's going on.

All I got out of it was a lot of plot development going on which ends with Blaine ripping pages out of books and starts looting the place with Lauriam offering to help at the end. Well either that or they started making a meth lab..

Context. What a wonderful thing, right? :p


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

You know what I think Nomura might have just canonized Dream Eater recepies. Wouldn't that be a kicker if the recipes were actually created by say new union leaders and the reason we find them in the realm of sleep is because that's where the dandelions are.

As always Hirokey, you are seriously on top of things. That makes a ton of sense, especially having watched the vids now. The Recipes used bits from Dream Eaters to make them, and the one Chirithy did something with Player's Chirithy to get something for the bottle (which might negate my spur of the moment hypothesis) to make the Spirit. Not to mention Nomura loves to make damn near every aspect of the series canon in some way (like the constant explanations for Sora losing his powers at the start of each game), so it lines up really well.


Jul 21, 2016
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

You guys got it right. Although the one who created the Spirit isn't Chirithy, rather, that was the first work that Ephemera and co. did. So yep, it's to aid the player to forget what happened in KHX.

As always, if there's something wrong with my summary please correct it.
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Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

You guys got it right. Although the one who created the Spirit isn't Chirithy, rather, that was the first work that Ephemera and co. did. So yep, it's to aid the player to forget what happened in KHX.

As always, if there's something wrong with my summary please correct it.
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Nice summary! That was very helpful.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

....Man I really feel like I shouldn't be so shocked at the new union leaders being intelligent, communicating as a team, and not just acting as pre-programed robots. But the handling of the previous foreteller group has basically conditioned me to keep my expectations for the leaders low. Anyway nice job on the summary can't wait to see a properly translated video though.

Also yay Nomura canonized dream eater recepies....I think that might mean every single game mechanic in the series has now been successfully integrated into part of the canon. Well wait no technically the command deck in BBS and DDD aren't canonized yet....

Deleted member

Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

....Man I really feel like I shouldn't be so shocked at the new union leaders being intelligent, communicating as a team, and not just acting as pre-programed robots. But the handling of the previous foreteller group has basically conditioned me to keep my expectations for the leaders low. Anyway nice job on the summary can't wait to see a properly translated video though.

Also yay Nomura canonized dream eater recepies....I think that might mean every single game mechanic in the series has now been successfully integrated into part of the canon. Well wait no technically the command deck in BBS and DDD aren't canonized yet....
i mean they kinda were (until kh3+0.2). the implication in DDD with Sora and Riku having to forget their self-taught ways and learn how to wield the Keyblade the "proper" way (which had them go from Menu -> Deck) heavily implied that the Command Deck is considered the Proper Way to Keyblade.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Quite an interesting bit of lore they unveiled this time around to be sure.

I gotta say I really dig the interactions of the new group so far, as with Ephemer trying to encourage everyone to work as a team and not flaunting his "leader status" in everyone's faces, encouraging Ven, who's very humble and modest, to get in with the others more etc.
Blaine without any delay looking into what they can do to improve everyone's situations and everyone agreeing to not go 100% by the book and refusing to split the Dandelions off in competing unions again. Except Ephemer and Skuld they don't know each other from beforehand, yet right now it looks like they work together better than the original Foretellers ever managed for a whole year.

That being said, Blaine takes a book from the desk which is, if I remember correctly, the one where Ira kept his copy of the Book of Prophecies, does that mean the book Blaine takes from there is a copy of the BoP?
Isn't the one having the book supposed to be secret and not tell the others? Or is this one of the "Rule books"?

Whoa...So...that would make Chirithy the progenitor of the Spirits, as well as the progenitor of the Nightmare Dream eaters due to the other Chirithy. Hot damn...But wait. Would Chirithy still be considered a Dream Eater himself if he can't eat dreams? If not...is the symbol for them the MoM's own symbol? I know he's got the Eye on the keyblades, but....he's never actually had a sigil like the BBS crew did, nor have the Foretellers or even the book IIRC. So...could the sigil on Chirithy's back be further linked to MoM beyond "He made Chirithy?" I'm intrigued...

It is not unusual that a prototype/progenitor model of a certain thing/being does not have all the abilities and traits the later production model possesses, just like the prototype can also have different abilities the production model later doesn't have.

Not to mention that in one of the cutscenes of the original Browser Chi Lady Ava does ask the Player's Chirithy to "protect them from Nightmares". So while Chirithy may not have the "devour Nightmares"-ability, it may have other abilities relating to deter/repel them.

One more note: in the scene when you're introduced to the Spirit, the other Chirithy is messing with your Chirithy, who then says "Ow!" And then the other goes to tinker with the flask.

So I wonder if the Spirit is created from one of Chirithy's hairs or something?

That other Chirithy, have we any hint who this Chirithy belongs to?
Is it Ephemer's?

It would make sense with the "Dream Materials" used in DDD for Production of Spirits.

You guys got it right. Although the one who created the Spirit isn't Chirithy, rather, that was the first work that Ephemera and co. did. So yep, it's to aid the player to forget what happened in KHX.

As always, if there's something wrong with my summary please correct it.
Spoiler Spoiler Show

Great, thanks for the summary.
Possible translation errors not included, I am really positively surprised how well they go together right now despite not having known each other for very long (except Ephemer and Skuld of course).

Lol @ Ven and Skuld squeeing over the Spirit pictures, cinnamon rolls getting excited over other cinnamon rolls. *ggg*

Them all deciding not to go 100% by the book without thinking stuff over is also a huge improvement over how the first set of Foretellers acted. No "this is forbidden by the teachings of the master and that is forbidden"-bullshit that severely limits the course of action that can be taken or the ways that can be traveled to arrive at a better solution.

....Man I really feel like I shouldn't be so shocked at the new union leaders being intelligent, communicating as a team, and not just acting as pre-programed robots. But the handling of the previous foreteller group has basically conditioned me to keep my expectations for the leaders low. Anyway nice job on the summary can't wait to see a properly translated video though.

Also yay Nomura canonized dream eater recepies....I think that might mean every single game mechanic in the series has now been successfully integrated into part of the canon. Well wait no technically the command deck in BBS and DDD aren't canonized yet....

Maybe that's intended, to contrast the two groups against each other.
There's also another implication in this as the original Foretellers arguably knew each other well for some years but failed to work truly efficient together, while this group with the exception of Ephemer and Skuld, do not know each other from the start yet at least it looks like they're not only working better together, they also show more flexibility than the original Foretellers.

Granted, this group may also "fail" to an extent due to there being possibly a traitor among them (By now I dunno though if this traitor and the one warned against in the Lost Page are meant to be one and the same), but that may be a setup for the "third time's a charm"-plot device which will come to pass in KH III itself.
The first group utterly failed, the second group did something better and may lay the groundwork for eventual success, but fails too in the end but the third group, working off the basics laid out by the second, finally succeeds.

By seeing this now, with Ventus being this excited and positive about the Spirits and moving out with Skuld and Ephemer to gather materials, I wonder if the last scene of Dream Drop Distance where we see Ventus smiling when Sora meets with all the Spirits in Traverse gained an additional meaning.
In Nomura's Ultimania answer he stated that "Ventus felt Sora's happiness and reacted to it", but who knows? Maybe being exposed to the Spirits (his heart is still with Sora after all) triggered some of Ven's old Memories regarding the very first creation of the Spirits?

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

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Pinky and the Brain, Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius and the other's insane...


Active member
Apr 7, 2017
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

I somehow think blaine is master of the masters since I feel that he is too familiar with things that are in the room just like he has ever been here before and it was for a long time

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Honestly if Blaine is revealed to be, in some crazy context, the Master of Masters, I know I wouldn't be so disgusted by his bad name anymore. The Master of Memes can rename himself Brain any day any time, nothing too shocking.

But really though, Blaine walking around in the room, going straight to the book's place, sitting down on the chair like the environment isn't new to him at all, he seems so very familiar with the place, I can't help but wonder.

Their actions seem to show great development in contrast to the rather rigid Foreteller group indeed. Lookin' forward to the translations when available :]


Nov 30, 2014
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

Something about the Blaine-Lauriam duo truly is suspicious, especially how Blaine smiles at the end. I dunno.

Also, wow. They're already breaking the rules. This'll be interesting. Hmmm.


Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Re: Union X: Creature that consumes nightmares

I had my opinion completely turned around seeing Blaine's bright face in the new art and then he immediately starts acting shady again.

Also, I'm not the only one getting a bad vibe from Player receiving his pet from the other Chirithy, right?

Y'know, knowing that Player's Guilt is the cause of the Nightmare Chirithy, this can't possibly be good.
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