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[English Subs] Union X: Agrabah story update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

As of 10/12 at 15:00 JST, 15 main story quests have been added! The player meets Jafar with the golden scarab in hand. Can you retrieve the magic lamp that lies within the cave...?

Translations and English-subbed videos are available below thanks to goldpanner!

(You and Chirithy wait around in the desert.)

Chirithy: Hmm… I definitely think something's off…

(You turn to him and take out half of the golden scarab.)

Chirithy: See, a huge reward just for going to look for that golden scarab piece, right? There's no way that's legit. We should have talked to Aladdin about it before we came out here.


(Chirithy sees a figure approaching)

Chirithy: Okay, be careful.

(Chirithy disappears. It’s Jafar and Iago. You approach them.)

Jafar: You have it, then?

(You take out your half of the scarab. Iago snatches it out of your hands and gives it to Jafar, who merges it with the other half. It lights up and flies away.)


Quickly, follow the trail!

(You chase after the scarab.)

(You follow the scarab and see it split apart and dart into the ground. A tiger’s head forms from the sand.)

Jafar: At last, after all my years of searching, the cave of wonders!

Iago: Cave of wonders!

Jafar: Now, remember! Bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!

(You nod and approach the Cave of Wonders, when suddenly it begins to speak.)

Cave of Wonders: Who disturbs my slumber?

(You explain.)

Cave of Wonders: Know this. Only one may enter here.

One whose worth lies far within. A diamond in the rough.

(You hesitate.)

Jafar: What are you waiting for? Go on!

(You approach the cave, but it blows you far away and sinks back into the sand.)

Cave of Wonders: Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough.

(Iago collects the pieces of the scarab and delivers them to Jafar.)

Iago: I can't believe it. I just don't believe it.

Jafar: I must find this one, this...diamond in the rough.

(Somewhere else in the desert, Chirithy appears. You pop out from under the sand.)

Chirithy: I told yoooou.


Well, since we've come this far anyway, let's go see Aladdin.

(You arrive at the oasis when Chirithy appears once again.)

Chirithy: Let's stop here for tonight.

(Morning arrives.)

Chirithy: All right, one more time, let's go see Aladdin!

(You head off towards Agrabah.)

(Meanwhile, a young woman strolls through the marketplace, when suddenly, a group of Heartless appear.)

???: What are you people?

I'll yell!

(Aladdin and Abu happen upon them as the Heartless prepare to attack.)

Aladdin: That person's in trouble!


(They spring into action and defeat the Heartless.)

Aladdin: Are you okay?

???: Yes, thank you.


(Before he can answer, more Heartless arrive. Aladdin reaches out to the woman.)

Aladdin: Do you trust me?

(She hesitates, but takes his hand.)

Aladdin: Let's go.

(They run away from the Heartless.)

(Iago powers a mechanism in Jafar’s lair to power his strange device.)

Jafar: Ah, sands of time--

reveal to me the one who can enter the cave.

(Gazing into his device, he can see an image of Aladdin.)

Jafar: Yes, yes! There he is. 

My diamond in the rough!

(The mechanism malfunctions, tossing Iago around like a rag doll. Jafar doesn’t even notice.)

Jafar: Let's have the guards extend him an invitation to the palace, shall we?

(Meanwhile, Aladdin and the woman arrive at his house.)

???: Is this where you live?

Aladdin: Yep. Just me and Abu. Come and go as we please.

???: Fabulous.

Aladdin: Well, it's not much, but it's got a great view.

(He pulls the curtain aside, revealing the view of the palace in the distance.)

Aladdin: Palace looks pretty amazing, huh?

(She looks away.)

???: Oh, it's wonderful.

Aladdin: So, where're you from?

???: What does it matter?

I ran away, and I am not going back.

Aladdin: Really?

???: My father's forcing me to get married.

Aladdin: That's-- that's awful.

(Suddenly, a voice calls out.)

???: Here you are!

(A palace guard storms in with Captain Razoul and Hakim in tow to take Aladdin into custody. The woman hides.)

Palace Guard: It's the dungeon for you, boy.

(The woman reveals herself.)

???: Unhand him, by order of the princess.

(The guards bow.)

Palace Guard: Princess Jasmine.

Aladdin: The princess?

Jasmine: Do as I command. Release him!

Palace Guard: Well, I would, princess, but my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him.

Jasmine: Believe me, I will.

(You and Chirithy arrive in Agrabah. You see the guards talking together happily.)

Chirithy: Well these guys are in a good mood. Did something happen?

(You jog over to greet them and ask what happened. Razoul’s and Hakim’s smiles drop immediately when they see you.)

Palace Guard: Did something happen…?

Listen to this!

That street rat Aladdin has finally been caught.

(He walks away with a grin. Razoul and Hakim follow in shame. Chirithy appears when they’ve left.)

Chirithy: But Aladdin was doing so much for this city. What's going on?

For now, let's go check his house.

(You dash off towards Aladdin’s house and find Razoul.)

Razoul: Oh, it's you.

Did you hear…? Bad luck for that Aladdin.

He was found with Princess Jasmine.

They've arrested him for the crime of kidnapping the princess.

Hmm. Knowing him, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding.

But if you're caught red handed, there's not much you can say…

It's a pity, but he's gonna be executed soon.

He's still in prison right now. Go see him while you still can.

As for where the prison is, my buddy down at the guard station should be in the know.

(Abu appears.)

Razoul: It's that monkey that's always with Aladdin. Please take him with you.

(You take Abu and go to speak to Hakim.)

Hakim: I was wondering when you'd show up.

I know what kind of bond you have with Aladdin.

He's in a crisis. There's no way you wouldn't show up.

He was locked up on orders from the Royal Vizier, Jafar.

They haven't carried out the sentence yet, but you'd better hurry. Please.

There's a secret passage that leads to the prison in a storehouse in the marketplace.

I've heard that monsters have been nesting in the passage, though, so take care.

(You head off to find Aladdin.)

(In the dungeon...)

Aladdin: She was the princess. I don't believe it.

(You manage to get to Aladdin through a hidden passageway, but are separated by metal bars. You try to get his attention but Abu rushes out first.)

Aladdin: Abu! Hey, c'mon--help me outta these.

(Abu frees Aladdin from his shackles and gives him a piece of his mind.)

Aladdin: Don't worry, Abu. I'll never see her again.

I'm a street rat, remember, and there's a law.

She's gotta marry a prince, she deserves it.

I'm a--

I'm a fool.

(You try again to get Aladdin’s attention, but a voice calls out. You run and hide.)

???: You're only a fool if you give up, boy.

Aladdin: Who are you?

(A haggard old man creeps out from the shadows.)

???: A lowly prisoner, like yourself.

But together, perhaps we can be more.

Aladdin: I'm listening.

(The old man approaches Aladdin.)

Old man: There is a cave, boy.

A cave of wonders.

(You recognize the cave the man is speaking of.)

Old man: Filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.

(He shows Aladdin some rubies, attracting Abu’s attention.)

Old man: Treasure enough to impress even your princess, I'd wager.

Aladdin: But the law says that only a prince can marry--

Old man: You've heard of the golden rule, haven't you boy?

Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

Aladdin: So why would you share all of this wonderful treasure with me?

Old man: I need a young man with strong legs and a strong back to go in after it.

Aladdin: Ah, one problem. It's out there, we're in here?

Old man: Things aren't always what they seem.

(The old man reveals a secret passageway hidden behind a wall.)

Old man: So, do we have a deal?

(Aladdin and Abu leave through the passage. The old man departs. Chirithy appears once they’ve all gone.)

Chirithy: Cave of wonders… That thing from before?

(You nod.)

Chirithy: I'm worried about Aladdin, let's hurry!

(You take off to catch up to Aladdin. On your way out of the dungeon, you’re intercepted by a Ferry Reaper. You defeat it and continue on your way.)


Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

I can't believe it, they made Agrabah interesting again!

Part of me wonders why they stalled so long just to tell this narrative...


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

I can't believe it, they made Agrabah interesting again!

Part of me wonders why they stalled so long just to tell this narrative...
Especially when it’s just the movie plot too lol


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Did they realize they forgot Jasmine was a Princess of Heart and made a "new" story in Agrabah for her?


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Boy, finally, Agrabah again! I missed that world so much! And finally some interesting filler story with movie insert!
*sarcasm off* No, really? Agrabah again? Ugh.


Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

How the Cave of Wonders was animated weirded me out. XD


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Well at least we won't be looking for Abu again.... hopefully... still rather just see the story progress at this point honestly, rather then Disney movie fillers...

How the Cave of Wonders was animated weirded me out. XD

Yeah, me too, lol. It was like watching an awkward stop motion video without smooth transitions...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

On a side note I do wonder why these are labeled "main" story quests when they have as much to do with the main story as Donald Trump has with climate protection.


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

I wonder how long it will take for the main plot of union cross to finish, and if KH3 has to be released AFTER it. Or else.. I am seeing another delay for KH3. We still have a 5/4 year for KH3, but still...


Oct 18, 2006
Destiny Islands
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Man they sure do love dragging this story out. I have mixed feelings about Agrabah, both overall like in the main story and on UX, but I hope this means that it will come to a close soon so we can continue in other different better worlds.
What's odd though is I'm really anticipating the possibility of a King of Thieves storyline in KH3. Definitely one of the more interesting stories imo and I think it would fit right in quite nicely.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

I wonder how long it will take for the main plot of union cross to finish, and if KH3 has to be released AFTER it. Or else.. I am seeing another delay for KH3. We still have a 5/4 year for KH3, but still...

Uh, as far as I've observed the main plot of Union Cross hasn't even really got off the starting point yet.
So far the only things that happened are the beginning shots of introducing the main cast, outline of the setting and a glimpse at the first task the main cast is currently trying to accomplish.

If you compare this to another KH title as i.e. KH 1, we're still on Destiny Islands narrative-wise.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Uh, as far as I've observed the main plot of Union Cross hasn't even really got off the starting point yet.
So far the only things that happened are the beginning shots of introducing the main cast, outline of the setting and a glimpse at the first task the main cast is currently trying to accomplish.

If you compare this to another KH title as i.e. KH 1, we're still on Destiny Islands narrative-wise.
And some people thought that KH2's intro was too long. You're right though. I mean the new five Union Leaders just got together a little while ago and we know the origin of Dream Eaters, but nothing substantial has really happened.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2015
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

I dunno I don't think we are really meant to view Unchained as its own separate story. Rather I consider the war in the browser versions to basically be the KH2 RG event cluster fudge. You know the story kind of crawled at a snail's pace with only bits and pieces here or there then ramped up majorly for a huge climax style event (in this case the tensions between the unions peaking, dealing with the nightmare, finding Gula, and the war itself) and then there was another entire second half of the game still to go where the pacing once again kind of goes to a crawl. To me it doesn't feel like we're just starting it feels to me like the new union leader story is just continuing with where the foreteller story left off. Basically I divide it like this...

Up to meeting Ephemer and then him never showing up to our promised meeting - Intro
Our daily lives and search for Ephemer including meeting Skuld and learning of the dandelions - First portion of the game/first word visits
Trying to find a way to stop the war, fighting the nightmare, and dealing with the war - Climactic middle
Reliving our initial lives until things start dividing - Second portion of the game/literal world return visits
The introduction of the dandelion leaders who are replacing the foretellers and their story kicking into gear - start of pre-final world stuff like doing Hollow Bastion visit 1
????????????????? (The equivalent of Traverse Town/Hollow Bastion Visit 2/World revisits for extra story/bosses)
????????????????? (The end of the game ala EotW)

I mean because as it stands right now....the current pacing of Unchained's plot when taken alone is just a complete mess.


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

And some people thought that KH2's intro was too long. You're right though. I mean the new five Union Leaders just got together a little while ago and we know the origin of Dream Eaters, but nothing substantial has really happened.

I was just about to say we basically just finished the intro like kh 2's long intro. XD The logos appearing are pretty much the hints; I personally consider once we reach up to the reveal of all 5 new leaders, that's the ending of unchained X and official beginning of Union X.


May 3, 2009
Midnight channel
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

Makes we wonder if this will be the KH game where we actually meet the sultan and enter the palace. With Beast Castle they actually introduced Gaston and Belle's father. Union X looks to follow more closely to some of the films than before.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

So in other words it's just filler with Player Avatar insert?

So what if it is? The presentations of the Disney worlds are such good eye-candy with their visual presentation that I'm okay with the filler stuff. Yeah yeah, "The story moves at a snail's pace", but this game shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

And besides, a new Disney world is going to debut in the game too (which I highly doubt will be plot relevant). You are aware that one of the biggest draws of Kingdom Hearts is the Disney worlds featured, right?

Makes we wonder if this will be the KH game where we actually meet the sultan and enter the palace. With Beast Castle they actually introduced Gaston and Belle's father. Union X looks to follow more closely to some of the films than before.

I really hope that happens. Matter of fact, we should have met the sultan way before this story took place. We've been doing errands for the guards from here to there so I'm surprised that we have yet to meet the sultan. Personally, I'd be dissapointed if we don't battle Serpent Jafar as the final boss. Genie Jafar is more iconic but he was in the original movie for such a short amount of time.


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

And some people thought that KH2's intro was too long. You're right though. I mean the new five Union Leaders just got together a little while ago and we know the origin of Dream Eaters, but nothing substantial has really happened.

How many things that can make Chi says "hold my beer?" On meta level it is darker than BBS, gives more mind screw than DDD, and longer intro than KH2... What's next?

Deleted member

Re: Union X: Agrabah story update

aw, it's nice to finally see jasmine. i really do hope we also see the sultan. he'd be so cute in khx graphics.
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