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12/15 Union χ JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Participate in the newest story event this week in KINGDOM HEARTS Union X Japan!

The Christmas Winter Party event will be held from 12/15~12/25! Clear all 10 quests to earn Donald Boosts, which buffs magic medals (active until 12/31)!

Translations by goldpanner:

(You’re walking through the streets of Daybreak Town when Chirithy stops you.)

Chirithy: Off on another mission today, then? I'm so proud.

(You explain.)

Chirithy: Huh? You mean you're not going on a mission, you're just going to a Winter Party at the Moogle Shop?

Well, I guess it's good to take a breather every now and then. Though I get the feeling there's been a lot of breathers lately…

Oh, no, it's nothing. A party at the Moogle Shop, was it?

Let's not keep everyone waiting! We should get going.

(You continue to the Moogle Shop, only to find it completely frozen over.)

Chirithy: Whoa! The shop is completely frozen inside. Wow. Is this the Winter Party?

(A Heartless appears!)

Chirithy: Wah!

(You defeat the Heartless and find the Moogle frozen in a block of ice. Mog rushes past you.)

Mog: The store manager!

This is terrible! The store manager is frozen stiff!

(You make your presence known.)

Mog: Oh, you're here too, kupo. So it was like this when you got here?

The store manager said he was getting a surprise ready, kupo...

I guess this is pretty surprising... but something tells me it's not what he meant, you know?

Something has to have caused this... Let's investigate inside, nice and thorough, kupo!

(You head to the first floor.)

Mog: This has to be the spot, kupo. The cold is flowing from here, and Heartless are appearing, too.

I bet the Heartless are behind this, just like they were behind the flooding incident last time, kupo.

But, we're stuck, kupo. We can't get in from this way, not now that it's been repaired so nice and solid.

Even if we tell him it was an emergency, I'm sure the store manager would be really mad if we busted it up...

(You make a suggestion.)

Mog: What? You mean, come in down from 2nd district?

Oh yeah, I guess we are under it, since the underground is all connected by the waterways.

Let's try it and see, kupo!

(You go into the underground waterway to find it frozen over as well.)

Mog: I can't believe it's frozen this far... if we don't do something, the whole town will freeze solid, kupo!

We've got to hurry, kupo.

(You eventually find an Ice Fist.)

Mog: This must be the source of the cold, kupo. Let's take it down together, kupo!

(You defeat the Ice Fist, and the ice disappears.)

Mog: The ice is gone, kupo! Now the store manager will be back to normal for sure, kupo!

(You return to the shop but find it still frozen.)

Mog: It's still not back to normal, kupo!?

Store manager!

(As expected, Moogle is still frozen.)

Mog: Why...

Huh? What's this?

(He pushes the frozen Moogle out of the way to find a little snowman-shaped thermostat.)

Mog: Brrr!

This is it! This machine is the culprit, kupo.

Let's try flipping the switch off, kupo.

(He flips the switch, and all the ice melts.)

Mog: We did it! It's back to normal, kupo!

(The defrosted Moogle confronts you.)

Moogle: Pipe down, kupo! Use your inside voices in my store, kupo

(Mog hugs Moogle.)

Mog: Store manager!

(Moogle steps far away from him.)

Moogle: What? What? What, kupo??

(You explain what happened.)

Moogle: I see, kupo. The snow machine plus the Heartless was an unfortunate mix, and everything got frozen solid, kupo....

Mog: It's okay! We are the only ones who know. Nothing happened to the town. The store's reputation is safe...

Moogle: I'm so relieved to hear that, kupo. I thought I could show everyone a fun time, and give business a boost, but...

It was a massive failure, kupo. This machine is too dangerous, I'm getting rid of it, kupo.

(He leaves with the machine.)

Mog: Store manager, it's nearly time for the party. We have to hurry and get ready!

Moogle: !

Thanks to being frozen solid, I'm nowhere near done, kupo!

My favorite customer - please lend us a hand, kupo!

(You go to get things ready. Bandana and the others arrive.)

Bandana: Oh, I think we're a little early.

Afro: This is where the party is supposed to be, right?

Pinky: Hey, you guys aren't ready at all!

Moogle: Less talking more helping, kupo! My favorite customers - you have to lend me a hand, kupo!

Bandana: Guess we have no choice. If we all pitch in, it'll be over before we know it.

(The go to help out. However, Pinky finds the snow machine…)

Pinky: Ooh! Wow! It's so cute! And it's got a little switch on it...

Continuing with the Cyber Monday Sale, get Gula HD Ver [EX] within 10 pulls from 12/15~12/17!

Gula HD Ver [EX] [All Targets | 1 SP cost] For 2 turns: Increases Speed Attack by 7, decreases enemy Defense by 2 and Speed Defense by 7. Inflicts 3 hits that deals more damage against standalone enemies including the Raid Bosses' main body, doesn't decrease counters

Each draw guarantees one of the following Premiums, 10 ViP coins and 5 Magic Mirrors:

Larxene HD Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Decreases enemy Defense by 3 for 1 attack, inflicts 3 hits that deal more damage the more SP has been used this turn
Auron Illustrated Ver [All Targets | 2 SP cost] Inflicts 2 hits at fixed damage regardless of enemy Defense. Deals 200,000 damage with max strengthening
Xion HD Ver [1 Target | 0 SP cost] Copies and activates the
Ventus=Vanitas [All targets | 3 SP cost] Decreases enemy Speed Defense by 4 for 1 turn, inflicts 6 hits that deal more damage when this medal is placed in the 5th slot of the deck
Kairi KH0.2 Ver [All targets | 2 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Attack by 6 & PSM Attack by 1, decreases enemy Defense by 1 & PSM Defense by 1, large HP recovery
Sora Wisdom F HD Ver [All targets | 3 SP cost] Decreases Enemy Defense by 2 for 1 turn, inflicts 8 hits that deal more damage the more abilities the player uses to attack with



Well-known member
Jun 5, 2016
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

Is Player's recent friend group part of this event too? I've grown fond of them, and it was cool that they were in the Halloween one.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

Is Player's recent friend group part of this event too? I've grown fond of them, and it was cool that they were in the Halloween one.

Yes they are, and all dressed up in festive gear! It's mostly just Mog in this event though; the other three don't appear until the very end.


red gay
Jun 6, 2015
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

I can't wait for new thread to say how blown away I am by the new Roxas VIP medal:

Need level is at like 9001/10


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

It's not new. I don't know where exactly it is from, but I saw someone post the image a couple of weeks ago somewhere else speculating it might be what they do for a VIP medal next. lol


Nov 30, 2014
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

It’s not new, it’s from one of Amano’s artbooks iirc


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

In case anyone is still curious about the winter party, you can watch it now with English subs, translations by goldpanner :)


Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: 12/15 Union ? JP Update: Christmas Winter Party, Cyber Monday Sale

Chirithy seemed a bit huffy about the Player taking another break with his/her friends again. Besides that it looks like a neat side story.
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