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KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

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baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010

Today is the ninth day of our 12 days of giveaways here at KHInsider! Yesterday  DizzyCAM90 won the pin! 

Today's prize is a poster featuring the coverart of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue

 Pay attention to the rules! They're different from yesterday! 

The entry period for this giveaway ends tomorrow, December 21st, at 8 AM PST. 

  • We will not ship the physical prize internationally. You don't have to be a resident of the US or its domestic neighbors to enter, technically, but if you enter you must have a domestic address that we can ship it to, otherwise you will be disqualified. We are not responsible for what happens to the prize once it leaves our care.
  • If you are underage, you must have the consent of a parent or guardian to enter, as we will be in need of your shipping address should you win.  
  • To enter you must respond in this thread with your story of how you were introduced to the Kingdom Hearts series. We will post the winner here and in the next thread, and we will contact the winner over private message. The winner will have three days to respond, or we will choose another winner.

There you have it! Happy Holidays, and good luck! Remember: check back every day for a new giveaway. 

Remember to follow Kingdom Hearts Insider on FacebookTwitter, and Tumblr for the latest updates on Kingdom Hearts Union χ [Cross], Kingdom Hearts 3 and all things Kingdom Hearts!




New member
Dec 20, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was first introduced to the series through my brother when I was like 5. I always watched him play through the first Kingdom Hearts and eventually through Kingdom Hearts II. Even though he never let me play his copy of the game, I kinda fell in love with the series just through watching his game play. Eventually I was able to steal his copy of the game and I got to play it myself=D


New member
Dec 20, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

Kingdom Hearts has been my favorite series throughout my entire life. I was first introduced to the series when my father, wanting to get me a new game, purchased the original Kingdom Hearts for my PlayStation 2. I was young, and couldn’t get past Clayton for a very long time. As I grew up, i finally beat Kingdom Hearts 1, and my older cousin, who also loved the first game, let me borrow his copy of Kingdom Hearts 2. I fell in love with Kingdom Hearts 2. The game was fun and the story changed in crazy ways. Since then, I’ve purchased every Kingdom hearts game and used to follow the series on YouTube religiously. I’m the biggest fan in my friend group and Kingdom Hearts is my favorite fictional series of all time. Sora is my favorite fictional character ever and I feel an immense love for the series. I love collecting Kingdom hearts merchandise. I own my own Kingdom key replica, have purchased the collectors editions of Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8. I plan to do the same with Kingdom Hearts 3 and the rest of the series. I don’t expect to win the poster, and I’m fine with not winning it, because it genuinely makes me happy to be a part of a community that loves a series as much as i do. Sure, I’d love to win, anyone would, but this series is magical to me and many more and I’m glad i can express that here.


New member
Dec 19, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

It was actually a commercial that introduced me.

I was 5 when the game came out, and a few chords from Simple and Clean stuck with me for years. Even though I didn't know the lyrics, Utada's beautiful vocals stayed with me until 5 years later and I could finally rent Kingdom Hearts and proceeded to beat the game in 72 hours. Thank goodness for Blockbuster allowing me to jump down that rabbit hole!

Since then, I've purchased all limited edition titles except for 2.8, but it's the last one I need to complete the collection! Well, until Kingdom Hearts 3.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

One of my best friends got me into KH the summer of 2010. She lived just down the street from me so I was always at her house and one day she just decided to have me play KH1. She let me take it home with me (after getting stuck on Clayton's awful boss fight lol) and I was hooked. I finished KH1 super fast and she lent me 2 which I blasted through as well! I had to call her a few times though to help me through boss fights (mainly Xaldin's which I had done three times before calling her and then got through with her help!)
I was really stoked she got me into the series because at the time she changed highschools so I only saw her when I went to her house. She eventually had to move across the US but she was so kind to give me her ps2 copies of the game.
I miss her so much, but Kingdom Hearts keeps us together and we're both playing the remixes and talking to each other during our playthroughs just like that summer when I first started playing!
I'm so grateful to her for introducing me because as cheesy as it sounds, she opened up my world with KH! 💙


New member
Dec 20, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I first got into the Kingdom Hearts series when I saw a promo commercial for it way back when on the Disney Channel in 2002. At the time, I've never seen anything like it! So I asked my parents if I could get it as a Christmas gift alongside with a PS2, and in that same year, I got them both! The series has had a HUGE impact on my life, and I treasure all of my closest friends that I've made because of KH!


New member
Oct 27, 2016
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was introduced for the first time in the series through one of my classmates (it was maybe 2008 or 2009) who was a fan of the series and always talked about the game. At the time I had never played there because I considered it a game for children. in the end my friend lent me the first game and I immediately fell in love. Later I bought the second game and then everything related to the series.


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

My aunt owned the first game and my sister and my sister and I would play it when we saw her. We didn’t know what it was and she didn’t really play it herself but it was Disney so we were all drawn to it pretty quickly. So, I’ve been around the game series since it came out.
I really got into the games after my parents’ divorce. My mom would take my sister and I to the video store in town sometimes and we were allowed to rent a game if we played together since we shares a PS2. That was when KH2 came out. So, my sister and I played the game together and picked it out because we remembered out aunt having the first one and never finishing it. It was a similar situation to where we saw Disney and agreed to share that. The store ran a promotion during report card season where you get so many A’s then you can rent x-amount of movies or a video game for a night. My sister and Inwould pool our report cards together in order to get the game. Our mom would then pay for us to have it for the rest of the week. Some of my greatest memories were playing KH2 with my sister after some things went down in our lives. The one game brought us closer and as adults we still bond over the series. That is more than likely why KH2 is my favorite of the series and one of the reasons why KH is my favorite series.
I got more into the series as I got older. Now as a college student, I found a club on my campus dedicated to KH. I joined and have made some awesome friends because of a shared love of a video game series. The series has always had a special place in my heart but it helped me find friends and my niche as I got older and now it means even more to me.


New member
Feb 18, 2016
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

The first time I was introduced to the series was the trailer for Kingdom Hearts on the VHS of Mickey's House of Villains. My favorite movie was Aladdin and seeing Jafar erupt from boiling lava and the music crescendo won me over. It wasn't until the Christmas of 2005 that my dad got me a PS2 and with all of my birthday money the following April I bought Kingdom Hearts II and the rest is history. Since then I have brought six others into the fold and will continue to do so!


Twilight Warrior of the Stars
Jan 29, 2006
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was only 11 or 12 years old when I watched the KH commercial with simple and clean. It was an amazing commercial that got me into playing the game plus it was from squaresoft which already introduced me to FFX at the time.


New member
Dec 17, 2017
Michigan, United States
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was first introduced to the Kingdom Hearts series by my friend Marissa back in eigth grade when she brought her PSP to school and was playing Birth By Sleep. Since then I've read chapters of the manga, have watched the cutscene movies, and have played Dream Drop Distance and Union X. I'm definetely glad that I got into the series because of Marissa since it's now one of my favorite game series now.


New member
Dec 20, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was introduced to the series in 2009 with the release of 358/2 Days. I was really bad at math in elementary school so I had this deal with my parents that if I got a B+ or higher in math in a marking period, I got to get a new DS game. The last marking period of the year, I got that B+ and I was off to Gamestop. I was browsing the shelves of games when I came across Days and I remembered the commercials I had seen for it on TV and I saw Disney and I loved Disney and it just looked fun. I got it and began playing as soon as I got home and wouldn't stop. I just loved it. From that point forward, I have immersed myself in this amazing universe, bought all of the games, and can 100% confidently say I completely understand the storyline and can explain it to my friends who hear what a bitch it can be to understand.:smile:


New member
Dec 19, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

My mom bought me the first game on sale at gamestop when I was 6 because she thought it looked cute with all the disney characters on the front of the case, i played through the entire game but couldn't get through Ansem. I talked to my friend about it and he said he had never played it but he thought his brother had the 2nd game so he let me borrow it. I had no clue what happened at the start and just thought i had missed something at the end of the first game. But i loved both games the entire time i played them.


Jul 29, 2014
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I remember seeing the commercials for the original game and thinking “holy cow. That looks amazing! But my dad would never let me play that. It’s too violent for him”. Fast forward to 2006. It’s november and we’re taking our bi-yearly trip to Disney world. There’s this new indoor theme park open in downtown Disney now called Disney Quest. That’ll be cool. Interactive and indoor. Very high tech. Like all things Disney, they hit you with the gift shop on the way out. And I saw it there. Kingdom Hearts. I was now old enough and had my own money. So I didn’t ask my dad, I just bought it. The rest is history.


New member
Dec 12, 2017
Ontario, CA
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was first introduced to the series when I was roughly 11 years old, if memory serves me well I was walking into target and the cover art drew me in. Once I looked at the back cover and read the story I fell in love. I played that game and later introduced it to my younger cousins and we have followed the series since.


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

Hmmm, honestly, I can't remember how I was introduced to Kingdom Hearts. I think we saw someone play it and ended up buying it. Whatever it was that lead to me playing it, I'm glad that I did... it helped in my later years to come close to feeling something in this life. I hope, if there's another life, that it'll somehow be like Kingdom Hearts... maybe I'll even be reborn as Kairi, lol...


New member
Dec 16, 2017
Joplin, MO
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I was introduced to the series not long after the first game came out. One of my friends at the time, Zack, got it for his birthday and played it at the party. I am not the biggest Disney fan(weird, I know, especially since KH is my favorite video game series), even as a kid, so the concept did not sound like something I would like. We all sat down and watched him start playing it and I fell in love instantly. My dad got it for me as soon as we got our first ps2 and that is the only game I played for a long time.


New member
Dec 21, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

My brother when he was a kid got a PS2 and let me play it from time to time. When he was going to college he let me have it. The only games he had at the time were KH 1 and 2 and I played the hell out of it. It was such a adventure to see all these colorful and vibrant worlds jam full of items and gear to obtain. I played and beat KH1 and 2 over and over until every detail and game mechanic was stuck in my brain. I love and cherish the Kingdom Hearts series even now and it may have turned me into the person I am today. Thanks Square :)


New member
Dec 21, 2017
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

the first time i found out about kingdom hearts was at my friends house when i was 4 and we were stuck on destiny islands and we ended up not leaving. later on when i was 7 i got kingdom hearts 2 cause i was looking for kingdom hearts 1 but i didnt know which one was the first one and i knew something was odd when i played it but i still loved it. ever since then i was really into kingdom hearts looking at Youtube videos and getting PC emulators for the final mix versions and it was just so much fun. :wink:


New member
Dec 21, 2017
Bay Area
Re: KHInsider's Season of Light Day 9: Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Poster

I learned about Kingdom Hearts through a TV commercial when I was in the 7th grade. The background music of the theme song “Simple and Clean” by Utada Hikaru was amazing and I was really fascinated by the gameplay, artwork and music. I noticed that it was published by Square Enix, and did some research to find that it was a cross-over with my all-time favorite RPG series, Final Fantasy! Unfortunately, I did not have a PS2 by the time the game came out, and told my mother that what I really wanted for my birthday and Christmas present (my birthday is in December), was a PlayStation 2. I received my gift and borrowed my friend’s Kingdom Hearts game, and played it to my heart’s content. Although everyone says that the first game of the Kingdom Hearts series was very hard, I played it on Expert and completed the game at 100%. I enjoyed the entire story, and was always surprised and excited to see the cameos of each Final Fantasy characters and was happy to find all of the 101 Dalmatians without using guidelines. When I played Kingdom Hearts, it was so magical to me. I accidentally broke the game when my PS2 knocked over, and so my mom and I had to go and buy a new game for my friend. I parted with the Kingdom Hearts game and returned it to my friend, excited for the next game to come out. I truly believed that Kingdom Hearts was going to be the next Final Fantasy, but when the 2nd game came out with the same characters, I still loved the series. Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games and best accomplishment as a gamer.
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