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News ► Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

The latest issue of Famitsu includes a recap of the biggest KINGDOM HEARTS III updates from D23 Expo Japan 2018. While this recap obviously may not contain any new information, it could help clarify some details such as the nature of Marluxia's involvement in Organization XIII or how the new Link system works.

Translations are available thanks to Saken.


Kingdom Hearts 3 news revelation! The latest news from the festival for Disney fans, “D23 Expo Japan 2018”

Among the dozens of events held at “D23 Expo Japan 2018”, the “Kingdom Hearts Premium Theatre 2018” event shed much new light on Kingdom Hearts 3 (KH3) in the form of various mysterious scenes and the introduction of a new world. Among this, we see King Mickey (a guardian of the worlds) and Riku (Sora’s best friend) in new outfits, as well as a brand new Keyblade in the former’s hand.

(Photo of Utada Hikaru)
The theme song for this title has been decided as Utada Hikaru’s new “Chikai”.
“Chikai” is the 3rd song Utada Hikaru has written for the Kingdom Hearts series, following “Hikari” and “Passion”.

From the Dark Margin to the Way to Dawn
(Large gold text, pg 40)

(Upper left screenshots of Riku & King Mickey at Dark Margin)
Appearing countless times in the series as the stage for many important scenes, the Dark Margin. Could it be that they’ve come to search for her, the Keyblade Master?

(Screenshot of Riku looking at Way to Dawn)
“I’ll leave this here, for the other me”, Riku says, holding his broken Keyblade. How did the Keyblade get into that state? And who is this “other Riku”?

-The revival of the one thought to have withered away, Marluxia.
(Bottom right, to the right of Marly’s head)

-In place of the “Old” Organization XIII, blocking Sora’s path in KH3 is the “True” Organization XIII.
Despite being defeated by Sora while apart of the Old Organization, Marluxia appears to also be a part of the new one? As for the reason for his revival, and whether his goals match with those of the True Organization XIII’s leader, Master Xehanort, all remain a mystery.

(Bottom right, below Marly)
After defeating Marluxia and his gang, who were all members of the Old Organization, Sora had his memory restored so he doesn’t remember them. In KH3, although Marluxia’s words suggest a reunion, Sora doubts having ever met him.

(Bottom of page, text on Marluxia)

In “Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories”, using his position of power Marluxia attempts to overthrow the Organization XIII, however is stopped in his tracks when defeated by Sora.
Additionally, in the series’ oldest story to date, “Kingdom Hearts Union Cross”, we encounter a figure named “Lauriam” who bears a striking resemblance to Marluxia.

-Welcome to Monsters, Inc. where we only recruit the best!
(Large gold text)

Monsters, Inc., one of Pixar’s largest feature animation films makes its way into the Kingdom Hearts series! Sora and friends have had their appearances transformed to those of cute but repulsing(!?) monsters. Characters from the original film, Mikey, Sulley, Boo and others will of course also be making appearances!

-Commotion within the Monsters, Inc. headquarters!
In the original movie, Monstes, Inc. is a giant company who purposely scare human children in order to exchange their screams for energy. Stumbling into this world of diverse monsters, Sora and friends encounter Mike and Sulley, who they mistake to be bullying a small human girl.

In the original film, Sulley is Monsters, Inc.’s pride, ranked number one as the “scaring star”. By nature he is very gentle, and everyone aspires to be like him.

A bit of a birdbrain who really likes to talk, and Sulley’s best friend. He’s also Sulley’s capable assistant, supporting him in his work. He’s a fairly stubborn fellow, but a good guy overall.

A young human girl who unfortunately found her way to the monsters’ world. She’s still not able to speak, however she can in some way or another utter some simple words.

(Screenshot of Sora using Assault Claws next to Sulley)
Upon fulfilling the right conditions, in the midst of battle you’ll be able to change “Form”, which involves the modification of usable attacks, abilities and wardrobe. When Sora changes form in this (Monsters, Inc.) world, his body colour will change.

The key to the story lies within the power of children?
(Bottom of page 42, small text)

In the top left corner of some screenshots we can see a small icon of a face accompanied by a gauge labelled “LAUGH POWER”. While it’s been said that the screams of horrified children are able to generate energy, in reality it’s not only those screams that can do it. The power of a laugh is also able to generate huge energy. Perhaps the act of entertaining Boo, making her cry out in laughter, will be useful within battle?

(Upper page 43, screenshot of Sora sliding on a rail)
As seen in the original film, we can see the warehouse which stores the huge amount of doors linked to children’s rooms in the human world. In this segment we can see Sora sliding on one of the rails, with the command “Take Cover” available, which appears to be a gimmick that allows Sora to hide himself from enemies.

(Bottom page 43, screenshot of what seems to be yoyo Keyblade transformation finisher)
As one of the transformations, the Keyblade is able to morph into twin yoyos, both bearing the logo of the Monsters, Inc. corporation. The yoyos can transform into giant monsters(!?), and chew away at enemies as their finisher move! Exciting!

-Vanitas also revived!?
(Screenshot of Vanitas)

Vanitas appeared in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep as one of the leading characters in relation to plot. He has a very deep connection to Ventus, but was defeated within the same game. In KH3, he appears to be clad within a black coat, indicating that perhaps he is part of the True Organization XIII? Having seemed to have sniffed out the existence of Ventus within Sora, he approaches him and……?

Vanitas’ revival, an omen from KH3D?
(Small text, bottom of pg 43)

Vanitas was defeated in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep (KHBBS), however, following on from KHBBS he is seen in KH3D for a brief moment, appearing as a sort of phantom or illusion besides a young man in a black coat. Considering who this young man is, could it be that Vanitas’ revival was already foreshadowed!?

The birth of strength through the bonds shared between connected hearts.
(Large gold Text, top of 44)

(Screenshot of Sora, Mike, Sulley, Donald, Goofy pulling “scary” faces)
Combining forces with all your friends, Link Attacks have also been prepared for use. In the trailer, we see Sora grab Mike, who shouts “What are you doing!?”, and throws him like a bowling ball toward enemies who seem to be lined up like pins.

(Screenshot of Sora and co. running on netted steel)
Together with Sora, Donald and Goofy, Mike and Sulley also join the fray! This confirms that in other worlds also, you will be able to join up with 2 other party members. Battles with 5 party members are now a reality!

(Screenshot of Sora, Woody and Buzz riding a rocket)
In the Toy Story World, Buzz and Woody join Sora in battle as party members. After clumsily whirling up in the air, the rocket with Sora, Woody and Buzz aims directly at an enemy and heads straight for it, dealing damage amidst a huge explosion!

As for travelling between worlds? Of course, the Gummi Ship returns
(Bottom of page 44, small text)

While embarking off to each world, you will be able to control and play a shooting style game with the Gummi Ship. In KH3, you will be able to control the Gummi Ship in all fields of motion, and fly freely among space while fighting large numbers of enemies. Additionally, the flying segments are split into two phases: Battle and Searching Phase. Perhaps there’ll also be the possibility to fly out searching for items?

The friends that stride with Sora
(Large gold text, pg 45)

Joining the True Organization XIII, Marluxia and Vanitas pose a huge threat. However, within Sora lie the connections he has formed with the friends he has met in his journeys, as well as with the ones of the journeys yet to come. Let’s take a closer look at the battle scenes of each world, and see these dashing friends performing their well coordinated Link Attacks with Sora.

(top of 45, screenshot of Rapunzel swinging on tree)
Rapunzel wraps her long hair around a tree and whirls around it, sweeping away all her enemies. If you look at the bottom right corner of the screenshot, you can see that in the Kingdom of Corona you will also be able to team up with Flynn!

(top of 45, image of tower and light beams shooting out)
As well as Link Attacks, special attention should also be put into the Keyblade transformations! In the Kingdom of Corona, you will be able to obtain a Keyblade that will transform into the tower itself as its finisher!

(Picture of Sora riding Meow Wow)
Beginning with Meow Wow, the Dream Eaters that made their appearances in KH3D all gather around Sora! Could it be that upon visiting them all at the end of KH3D, Sora gained this new power!?

-The summoning of trustworthy friends by “Link”
(Image of Sora and Ariel having some finny fun)

Appearing in Birth By Sleep in the form of the “Dimension Link”, the “Link System” in KH3 is a similar idea where you are able to lend upon the power of your friends afar. Upon fulfilling certain requirements, those who have connected with Sora’s heart, like Ariel and Meow Wow, will make a temporary appearance on screen, bringing all sorts of bonuses and effects.

-KH Union Cross: The connection with KH3
(small text, bottom of pg 45)

From February 23rd, a collaboration between “Kingdom Hearts Union Cross (KHUX)” and “Final Fantasy Record Keeper” will begin. Furthermore, brand new worlds to the series will be making their debut within KHUX, and the story will become more closely connected to KH3, so keep your eyes peeled! “A special sort of gift for linking KH3 and KHUX” is also under consideration.



Jan 2, 2013
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

I'm hoping there's an official name for Riku's new keyblade somewhere in that text.


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

From my meager japanese skills I think it says Marluxia is indeed part of the real Organization XIII. I could be wrong though.


Active member
Dec 24, 2017
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Yeah... As i thought... I THINK we will only get news info on the PAX East/Union Cross Event lol

I do hope this clarifies some stuff to us tho


Jan 17, 2017
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

No idea why people thought Marluxia wasn't in the Organization.


Jan 2, 2013
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

No idea why people thought Marluxia wasn't in the Organization.
It was mostly because he didn't have gold eyes or pointy ears like the others. And the fact that he was in the "weakness of trust" category.


Apr 11, 2007
Drummond Island
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Even as one who believes rather strongly he will be a member of the New/True Organization, I can still understand that there are good reasons some might be not so sure. Yes, the hair and eyes for one and the "weakness of trust" quotes always throw things into shaky ground. Additionally, the fact that he seems to still control Nobodies and the wording used in the (perhaps sloppy) English translation of the trailer leads a few to think perhaps he is representing an "Organization Classic" of sorts that keeps itself distinct from the Seekers of Darkness but itself claims to be the "True Organization," like a faction split.


Aug 14, 2017
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

It was mostly because he didn't have gold eyes or pointy ears like the others. And the fact that he was in the "weakness of trust" category.
This as well as the very ambiguous English translation which made him say "the only Organization". With the missing body features, it wasn't too far off to argue that a) he could still believe the old Organization to be a thing, b) be a part of a totally different Organization yet to be revealed (especially in combination with KHUX's story) or c) strangely referring to the new Organization as "the only" one.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

No idea why people thought Marluxia wasn't in the Organization.
Aside from the ears and his eyes, the English translations could infer that he is a part of the “only” Organization that he cares for - his own that he would have gotten if he was successful at overthrowing Xemnas.

Young Xehanort also talks about how various members of the Organization were unfit for the task of carrying Xehanort’s heart. A traitor should surely be at the top of that list. Now we don’t even know why Marluxia was overthrowing the man whose Heart he carries.

If it was translated as “I am Marluxia, of the true Organization” or “I am Marluxia, of the new Organization” then there wouldn’t be this confusion. But the use of “only” introduces a new position - Marluxia is forming his own group or he only recognises the Organization from CoM and II as the only Organization.

As many have pointed out, the Japanese dialogue infers that Marluxia is a part of the true Organization, so it makes one wonder why the sentence was translated into English in the way that it was instead of something a bit more direct and in line with the Japanese dialogue.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

I just think it'd be weird if Marluxia is part of the new organization. Team 'Nort thought he was untrustworthy. That is a legitimate concern founded on the fact that Marluxia betrayed the original organization. However, now they let him join? Either they have confidence that they can control him through a piece of Xehanort's heart or they got desperate after they lost Sora.

I just want to know why would Xehanort, a man who can plan for anything, pick the likeliest person to betray them? Because Marluxia is not a team player. He's always had his eyes at the top and now I'm supposed to believe he's going to obey Xehanort? Or are they going to ruin his character by taking away his scheming personality and have him loyally fight for New Org 13 until the end? So either it's going to be predictable and Marluxia betrays the Organization again or they go against this character's established background and make him another Xehanort puppet.

Now I'm curious if Xehanort is planning on Marluxia betraying them again or if his confidence finally caught himself in a stupid mistake. Anyway that's why I hope he's not in the new Organization.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

It was mostly because he didn't have gold eyes or pointy ears like the others. And the fact that he was in the "weakness of trust" category.

That can have multiple reasons though including the most obvious one that a) he's from the past via time travel or b) has not a high level of "nortification" yet.
Xaldin also had blue eyes yet the pointy ears while Zexion was considered fit for the position of second in command by Xemnas (hence why Saix send him to C.O. and tasked Axel with taking him out so he wouldn't be an obstacle) yet he never displayed any physical "Nort"-traits.

No offense intended, but to be completely honest I consider the whole reliance on Xemnas' babbling in DDD to be outdated and frankly, misplaced.
First off do neither Sora nor we know in which context Xemnas lists off those categories, it's all only fan interpretation by people who think they deduced what it means when in reality Xemnas (and Xehanort) could mean something entirely different when listing these categories for "unfit members".
To use an easy example, who says that "weakness of trust" has to strictly mean the traitors and/or about Xehanort's/Xemnas' trust in them or their trust in Xehanort/Xemnas. Strictly spoken Saix fits this interpretation of "weakness of trust" to a T and yet look where he is.
"Weakness of trust" could also mean lack of trust in Xemnas words and promises (i.e. not eating the propaganda about that one can't feel and not gain a heart anywhere except the way Xemnas propagates) and thus becoming unfit due to developing a heart and possible connections with others which could undermine Xemnas'Xehanort's influence. Would also fit with the "cult"-imagery of the Organisation.
Or it could mean "weakness of trust" in the Darkness and the methods the Organisation uses to reach their goals despite all outward loyalty. There are more possible contextual reasons as to what this assessment could mean from Xehanort's and Xemnas' viewpoint, but I don't want to make yet another essay out of it.

Secondly it is highly probable that Xemnas was speaking only for the first Organisation as a whole, there is no evidence that the same criteria are in place for the second Organisation, not only because it is now Master Nort sitting in the CEO-seat/being the cult-guru but also because with the No Name Keyblade being fully available again + time travel + Nort possessionâ„¢ ability on highest level the new Organisation has several additional assets at hand the first one didn't have to mitigate some of the problems that were knock-out criteria in the failed prototype.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

I just think it'd be weird if Marluxia is part of the new organization. Team 'Nort thought he was untrustworthy. That is a legitimate concern founded on the fact that Marluxia betrayed the original organization. However, now they let him join? Either they have confidence that they can control him through a piece of Xehanort's heart or they got desperate after they lost Sora.
Twelve of the members had already had seeds of Xehanort planted in them prior to Dream Drop Distance. Marluxia, if he is one of the Xehanort's, would have that seed in him now. Based on the comments from Fami or one of those places that recapped D23, Toy Story is before Tangled. Young Xehanort is studying how hearts connected because there is a darkness that they are missing long before Sora encounters the Graceful Assassin in the forests of Corona.


Apr 11, 2007
Drummond Island
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Twelve of the members had already had seeds of Xehanort planted in them prior to Dream Drop Distance. Marluxia, if he is one of the Xehanort's, would have that seed in him now.

Is this so? I don't doubt you, I just don't believe I've heard this tidbit before, myself.
I knew it was the long-run intent of the Organization for seeds of Xehanort's heart to be planted in each member. I however didn't think it was ever clear or confirmed that each of the first twelve certainly had that seed in them.
I guess as far as I was concerned, the only one Xemnas managed to impress upon for certain during the Org's time was Saix (with himself being...himself, and Xigbar having been mostly norted during BBS).


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

The key phrase for me is, “I, Marluxia serve it,” referring to the “only Organization.” It doesn’t sound like he would “serve” a group he’s the leader of. The only groups I’d think he would join without being the leader are MX’s Organization (probably for a revenge-driven mission) or the Dandelions reformed. While I admit, it would be an exciting twist to see Ephemer, Skuld, et al forming their own “Unchained Organization,” if you will, I don’t think it’s too likely. BUT if he’s actually loyal to the Dandelions, it would explain a lot including why he wanted Castle Oblivion (for Ventus.)

That being said, until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume that he’s going to be with MX.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Is this so? I don't doubt you, I just don't believe I've heard this tidbit before, myself.
I knew it was the long-run intent of the Organization for seeds of Xehanort's heart to be planted in each member. I however didn't think it was ever clear or confirmed that each of the first twelve certainly had that seed in them.
I guess as far as I was concerned, the only one Xemnas managed to impress upon for certain during the Org's time was Saix (with himself being...himself, and Xigbar having been mostly norted during BBS).
Twelve beings appeared at the end of Dream Drop Distance, and Xehanort only sent his heart towards a thirteenth being - Sora. It wouldn’t make sense if Xehanort was jumping past a few members to get his heart into the very final member. The fact that all twelve were destined to arrive on that day for the unification of the seekers of darkness and the guardians of light (a union that was not achieved) tells me that everyone has Xehanort’s heart except for the thirteenth member.


Apr 11, 2007
Drummond Island
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Twelve beings appeared at the end of Dream Drop Distance, and Xehanort only sent his heart towards a thirteenth being - Sora. It wouldn’t make sense if Xehanort was jumping past a few members to get his heart into the very final member. The fact that all twelve were destined to arrive on that day for the unification of the seekers of darkness and the guardians of light (a union that was not achieved) tells me that everyone has Xehanort’s heart except for the thirteenth member.

Ohhh, apologies, I understand. Yes, the new Org is already 'Norted to some extent, that much I get. I thought you were suggesting that the old Org members all definitely had seeds of Xehanort's heart planted within them, but I getcha now.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

BUT if he’s actually loyal to the Dandelions, it would explain a lot including why he wanted Castle Oblivion (for Ventus.)

There are some logical holes in this line of thought though as it is nowhere indicated that Marluxia wanted specifically Castle Oblivion, he wanted first and foremost power and he was put in charge of C.O. by Xemnas himself.
That's why he was able to almost effortlessly get Vexen to submit to his authority despite the whole "I'm Number 4 and you're only Number 11"-ranting from him, because he had Xemnas' higher authority behind him.

As for Ventus, there is no indicator that Marluxia even knew about him being in C.O.
Saix and Axel also only know about "the chamber" in broadest terms and while Xigbar hints about possibly that chamber housing the "other friend" to Zexion during a scene in KH 2 Final Mix there are so far only three people who know for sure that Ventus rests in C.O:
Aqua, Xemnas and Master Xehanort.


Active member
Mar 20, 2015
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

I just think it'd be weird if Marluxia is part of the new organization. Team 'Nort thought he was untrustworthy. That is a legitimate concern founded on the fact that Marluxia betrayed the original organization. However, now they let him join? Either they have confidence that they can control him through a piece of Xehanort's heart or they got desperate after they lost Sora.

I just want to know why would Xehanort, a man who can plan for anything, pick the likeliest person to betray them? Because Marluxia is not a team player. He's always had his eyes at the top and now I'm supposed to believe he's going to obey Xehanort? Or are they going to ruin his character by taking away his scheming personality and have him loyally fight for New Org 13 until the end? So either it's going to be predictable and Marluxia betrays the Organization again or they go against this character's established background and make him another Xehanort puppet.

Now I'm curious if Xehanort is planning on Marluxia betraying them again or if his confidence finally caught himself in a stupid mistake. Anyway that's why I hope he's not in the new Organization.

Again.....Saix exists. They also went for Terra and Sora as well. Marluxia being in the True Organization not only is confirmed by him but it makes sense. Also his established character is he is greedy for the Keyblade. Xehanort can offer this to him like he did with Braig.

Hakan Xatos

Jul 30, 2014
Re: Famitsu's D23 Expo Japan 2018 Recap

Twelve beings appeared at the end of Dream Drop Distance, and Xehanort only sent his heart towards a thirteenth being - Sora. It wouldn’t make sense if Xehanort was jumping past a few members to get his heart into the very final member. The fact that all twelve were destined to arrive on that day for the unification of the seekers of darkness and the guardians of light (a union that was not achieved) tells me that everyone has Xehanort’s heart except for the thirteenth member.
Yeah and if Marluxia is a member he would've been sitting at one of the thrones, because the thirteenth is not very likely going to be him. Probably a big shock factor character. Alright, I get that and that was an oversight on my part, but I feel that my other gripes are legitimate.

Again.....Saix exists. They also went for Terra and Sora as well. Marluxia being in the True Organization not only is confirmed by him but it makes sense. Also his established character is he is greedy for the Keyblade. Xehanort can offer this to him like he did with Braig.

Except unlike Braig, Marluxia's Somebody wielded a Keyblade. So he doen't need Xehanort's help to get one. He should be able to do it on his own since Marluxia gained his heart back.
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