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3/7 Union χ JP Update: White Day Event, Daily Lux Challenge, Union Cross

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

The White Day Event will be held from 3/7~3/20, with the second half being added on 3/14!

There are 10 quests in total. Clear all of the quests to get the Fluffy Heart pet part.

Update 3/14/2018: The second half of quests have been added. Clear them to get Lady Luck S-4 Boosts to buff the medal in its 4th slot.

Translations and subtitled video are available below:

(You're minding your own business in Wonderland when you hear a voice.)

???: [Player]...

(You look around but don't see anything. Afro and Mog join you.)

Afro: What's wrong?

(The voice calls out again.)

???: [Player]!

(You realize Bandana and Pinky have been shrunk!)

Afro: What happened to you two?

Mog: What kind of mission is this, kupo?

Pinky: No, it's not that...

Bandana: We drank some weird potion in the Bizarre Room and now we're stuck like this. 

Afro: Isn't there anything you can eat to change back?

Pinky: Yes, there should be some cookies we could eat, but we have no idea where they are.

Mog: So you just need to find some cookies, kupo?

Pinky: Yes, that's it!

Afro: Alright, then we'll go ask the White Rabbit.

Bandana: Thank you.

Pinky: Please hurry!

(You arrive at the White Rabbit's house to see him running around frantically.)

White Rabbit: Oh dear, oh dear! The queen, she's demanding every last cookie in the kingdom!

If I don't deliver, she'll have my head for sure!

(He races off.)

Afro: Guess the White Rabbit doesn't have any.

Mog: I know! Where there's tea, there's gotta be cookies, kupo!

Afro: You're right. Let's check the tea party!

(You get to the Tea Party Garden just as the Trump Soldiers are leaving.)

Alice: How awful!

Mog: What's wrong, kupo?

Alice: Those Trump Soldiers took all the sweets, right when the tea party was about to begin.

I won't stand for this. We must speak to the Queen of Hearts.

(You and Alice head into the hedge maze.)

Alice: Return our sweets!

Trump Soldier: All the sweets in the kingdom belong to Her Majesty, the Queen!

If you don't like it... then it's off with your head!

(You fight the Trump Soldiers, but they don't stop.)

Mog: There's no end to them!

Let's get out of here!

(You flee into the forest.)

Afro: We have to meet with the queen, otherwise we can't get the cookies back.

???: Seems you have quite the dilemma.

(You look around and find the Cheshire Cat.)

Cheshire Cat: Just leave it to me.

Alice: Looks like he's got an idea. Let's follow him!

(Back in the hedge maze, the Trump Soldiers attempt to catch the Cheshire Cat.)

Trump Soldiers: He went that way!

(However, he keeps vanishing in and out of sight.)

Trump Soldiers: Get back here!

Cheshire Cat: Now's your chance.

(You run for it. Meanwhile...)

Trump Soldier: Big trouble! Those sweets we collected have transformed into a huge monster!

(They flee.)

Afro: Let's go.

(You make your way through the hedge maze and into the queen's courtroom, where the White Returner waits. You manage to defeat it.)

Queen of Hearts: All the soldiers who ran away and abandoned their post will lose their heads! 

(You approach her.)

Queen of Hearts: Are you the ones who slayed that monster?

I shall grant you a special reward. Tell me what you want.

(Alice rushes forward.)

Alice: We want you to return our sweets!

Queen of Hearts: Hmph! So it's you again, Alice!

Well, go on then. Take your precious sweets. And do it quickly, before I change my mind!

(She leaves.)

Alice: What a selfish woman!

Mog: What else is new, kupo...

Afro: Well, shall we take the cookies and leave?

(You head back to the Strange Branch Path.)

Alice: As usual, it's never boring when I'm with you.

Do come back for another visit.

(She leaves. You deliver the cookies to Bandana and Pinky.)

Pinky: We're finally back to normal!

Bandana: You saved us this time. Thank you.

Afro: By the way, why did you drink that shrinking potion?

Pinky: About that...

I thought if we became smaller, we could eat more sweets. 

Mog: So that's why you did it, kupo...

Pinky: I thought it was a great idea! But I was totally wrong.

Bandana: Just one bite was enough to change us back.

Mog: So, you're saying you're not full yet, kupo?

Bandana & Pinky: ?

Afro: To repay you for last time, we've arranged something for you at the Tea Party Garden!

Pinky: That's right-- Today is White Day!

Bandana: Thanks guys.

(They leave. Just you and Chirithy now.)

Chirithy: Huh? You've got sweets for me too? Waaa, thank you!

It'd be embarrassing if you just watch me so I'm going to eat over there.

(Chirithy goes to the White Rabbit's house to eat in private. But after he eats a few cookies, he begins to grow.)

Chirithy: Huh? What the...

(He eats some more and grows even larger!)

Chirithy: Where did they get these sweets?

Daily Lux Challenge is held from 3/9~3/16! Clear the quests to get Sora, Riku and Kairi Childhood Boosts to buff their respective attributes until 3/31!

Union Cross is updated from 3/9~3/18! Clear quests to earn coins and redeem the Donut Cap pet part and Lady Luck S-5 Boosts, which buffs the medal in the 5th slot of Lady Luck until 3/31! 

There are 4 sets of Cross Boards available:

(1) Magic Mirror set 1
=> Magic Mirror set 2
(2) Broom Servant set 1
=> Broom Servant set 2
(3) Donut Cap
(4) Lady Luck S-5 Boosts

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~19:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more Cross Coins.


Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event

Global gets near zero pet activities. Disgusting.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event

Global gets near zero pet activities. Disgusting.

White Day isn't a Western thing. We didn't get anything on the day last year, either.

But yeah, JP keeps getting pet stuff that we don't. The New Years dog design was adorable. We never got it. T.T


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event

Added the Daily Lux Challenge and Union Cross updates to the OP!


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event, Daily Lux Challenge, Union Cross

JP players managed to defeat 124,027 Weapon Masters in Union Cross, so we'll be getting 1200 jewels on 3/12 after 15:00 JST.

The FFRK collab campaign rewards will also be distributed at that time, which includes 1000 jewels, 1 Cid10, 5 Moogles, 5 Huey & Dewey & Louie.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event, Daily Lux Challenge, Union Cross

Second half of quests for the White Day Event have been added, offering Lady Luck S-4 Boosts.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 3/7 Union ? JP Update: White Day Event, Daily Lux Challenge, Union Cross

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