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(English Subs) Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

5 story quests have been added for Enchanted Dominion! Translatioins and English-subbed videos are available.

(Now that Maleficent has left Phillip's cell, you and the fairies take the opportunity to rescue him.)

Flora: Wait, prince Phillip. The road to true love may be barriered by still many more dangers, which you alone will have to face.

(You approach them with determination.)

Merryweather: You're saying you'll accompany the prince?

Fauna: Of course. You did help with Rose after all.

Flora: Very well.

(She turns back to Phillip.)

Flora: So arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue and this mighty sword of truth. For these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil.

Come now, we must hurry.

(You leave the dungeon.)

(You make your way out of the castle. The fairies free Max from his chains and Phillip leaps on his back, riding off to save princess Aurora. Merryweather chases Diablo around and transforms him into a statue before he can alert more guards. However, the commotion has attracted the attention of Maleficent, who uses her magic to strike down the gate before you can escape. Surrounded by the enemy, you make a stand.)



Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

I wonder if this will finally address the secret ending of the original Browser Chi or if it is just a repeat of Aqua's plot in BBS with the player avatar taking her role.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

Subbed videos are up, only the first one has dialogue lol

I wonder if this will finally address the secret ending of the original Browser Chi or if it is just a repeat of Aqua's plot in BBS with the player avatar taking her role.

The way the second scene ended leads me to believe they may address Dark Footsteps, but I know deep in my heart that it's too good to be true and they'll probably end up following movie plot anyways.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

Subbed videos are up, only the first one has dialogue lol

The way the second scene ended leads me to believe they may address Dark Footsteps, but I know deep in my heart that it's too good to be true and they'll probably end up following movie plot anyways.

Pfft, by now there shouldn't be anymore wondering I'd say.

It may be just another excuse to insert a scripted battle as well, lol.
I'm past ranting about it by now but they're really testing the audience's patience with the constant dragging and protraction of worthwhile story content, aren't they?

By now they're even worse than Browser-Chi was in this regard.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

Pfft, by now there shouldn't be anymore wondering I'd say.

It may be just another excuse to insert a scripted battle as well, lol.
I'm past ranting about it by now but they're really testing the audience's patience with the constant dragging and protraction of worthwhile story content, aren't they?

By now they're even worse than Browser-Chi was in this regard.

Agreed. And I thought Chi's pacing wasn't all too bad, but this is just awful.

It is one week earlier than usual (started at the 2nd Thursday, switched to 3rd, now back to 2nd this week). I guess the possibility exists for another update before the month ends, but I'm not holding my breath. It'd be annoying if it's because they wanted to reveal the new world at the event this weekend.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

Agreed. And I thought Chi's pacing wasn't all too bad, but this is just awful.

It is one week earlier than usual (started at the 2nd Thursday, switched to 3rd, now back to 2nd this week). I guess the possibility exists for another update before the month ends, but I'm not holding my breath. It'd be annoying if it's because they wanted to reveal the new world at the event this weekend.

It's been a while since the original Browser game and I do remember there being gaps between substantial story content all the same, but not to this extent.
It is telling and at the same time somewhat sad/a shame that after the big wazoo made about how "great an uproar and change" would come with the much advertised "Season 2" and how the story would "quickly" take up pace we're still not past the bare introductory episodes of this so-called season 2.
It's really like a TV series of 30+ episodes only sending the first two and then going on hiatus for years.

No interesting conversations and/or dynamics between the new union leaders beyond the first sneak peak, neither relationship-building nor world-building nor characterisation in any mentionable capacity so far.
Blaine, Ventus and Lauriam are literally card-board cutouts with only a few traits attached, Skuld's importance and involvement is toned down significantly compared to what her importance was in the final third of Browser-Chi and while Ephemer is now around more than he was in the Browser game, he still doesn't get much attention or characterisation beyond what we already know.

There was a setup about his uneasiness about taking a leadership role and the apparent ability of him to "sense" Darkness around and that the one in the Unchained world is different from the one in the "original" world, but there isn't any follow-up and further exploration of those themes.

The new coaty has not even appeared yet.

The new world is going to be a Disney world anyways, isn't it?
Considering their track record I dunno if there can be expected anything else beyond yet more movie-plot rehashing with player avatar insert?

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: Union X: Enchanted Dominion 5th update

Yeah, I'm not happy with this content allocation either. Agrabah was excessively stretched out, and Enchanted Dominion shouldn't be this long with its intervals, Sleeping Beauty was a short movie, we could have had a 15 quest update instead of five.

However, with saying that...

I'm past ranting about it by now but they're really testing the audience's patience with the constant dragging and protraction of worthwhile story content, aren't they?

By now they're even worse than Browser-Chi was in this regard.

No interesting conversations and/or dynamics between the new union leaders beyond the first sneak peak, neither relationship-building nor world-building nor characterisation in any mentionable capacity so far.
Blaine, Ventus and Lauriam are literally card-board cutouts with only a few traits attached, Skuld's importance and involvement is toned down significantly compared to what her importance was in the final third of Browser-Chi and while Ephemer is now around more than he was in the Browser game, he still doesn't get much attention or characterisation beyond what we already know.

There was a setup about his uneasiness about taking a leadership role and the apparent ability of him to "sense" Darkness around and that the one in the Unchained world is different from the one in the "original" world, but there isn't any follow-up and further exploration of those themes.

The new coaty has not even appeared yet.

I get that you're invested in the original lore of the game, it's fundamentally the reason why people are motivated to stick to this mobile application, for the canonical elements. However, we've just literally been introduced to the new Union Leaders, why demand this much when there's yet to be a new Daybreak Town story quest?

Also, it may be a situation where other former Organization XIII members (my money's on Luxord's somebody) may get introduced in the game for the next lore story update, and so they'd rather space that revelation out for marketing purposes.


Jul 18, 2014
Wait a sec! does it really end there?
If that's the case, then Enchanted Dominion will not be wrapped up by the (new world) announcement.
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Oct 11, 2015
When was the last time we've even seen the new Union Leaders anyway? The main story is all I really care about for UX, and every time I see a JP Update with story, I have hope that it's finally gonna be some progress. But nope, it's just more Disney movie rehash filler.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
However, we've just literally been introduced to the new Union Leaders, why demand this much when there's yet to be a new Daybreak Town story quest?

Also, it may be a situation where other former Organization XIII members (my money's on Luxord's somebody) may get introduced in the game for the next lore story update, and so they'd rather space that revelation out for marketing purposes.

Uh, I'm afraid you don't get the main point, which is exactly that we have "just" been introduced to the new union leaders.
That is the main damn problem. They get just introduced and then put into the fridge so to speak and nothing worthwhile is done with them for months, which is both a huge waste of time and opportunities.

The things I listed aren't even "much" to demand but the basic things any story should do which aims to have the audience care and engage with the characters of the work. I wasn't even speaking about groundbreaking story twists and huge revelations (which were among the things advertised back in 2017 as well no less) but plain characterisation and visibility for the characters.
Right now, Union Cross is doing even less than diddlying Birth by Sleep did with their characters and being stuck still in the introductory stages after this much time is honestly not a good advertisement no matter how you try to spin it.

They have enough at hand to flesh out and finally do something with the existing characters, introducing another former Org member or any other characters will do exactly zero to remedy this problem but rather perpetuate it even more.
Why should we bother with Luxord's somebody or anyone else if they can't even get Blaine, Ventus, Lauriam, Ephemer and Skuld fleshed out and engaging for the audience to follow?

When was the last time we've even seen the new Union Leaders anyway? The main story is all I really care about for UX, and every time I see a JP Update with story, I have hope that it's finally gonna be some progress. But nope, it's just more Disney movie rehash filler.

We're still at the point where Blaine and Lauriam are preparing things in the Foreteller's Castle to start creating the spirits while Ephemer, Ven and Skuld move out to collect materials, which was released in September last year if I recall correctly and is now more than half a year ago.
The main story hasn't moved an inch since then.
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