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April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
Draw Three Times Each Day from the Top-Drawer Deal!

■Campaign Period 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 25, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 26, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ For a limited time, draw three times per day from the Top-Drawer Deal! 
Expand your Medal collection with powerful buffer and copy Medals!

During the campaign period above, you will be able to draw from the Top-Drawer Deal three times each day, as opposed to once daily! 
Take advantage to get your hands on these powerful and useful Medals, including Illustrated Kairi [EX] and Illustrated Xion [EX]!

Read on for more details!

■Deal Details 
The 4-Medal Top-Drawer Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive one of following powerful Medals (including two amazing EX Medals!): 
 - Illustrated KH II Kairi 
 - KH 0.2 Kairi 
 - HD Naminé 
 - KH II Naminé 
 - Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
 - Illustrated Xion [EX] 
・You are guaranteed to receive one Tier 6 or above Medal! 
・The remaining 2 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
・As an added bonus, you will also receive one Magic Mirror Medal, too! 
 (NOTE: This deal does not have a "guaranteed within X draws" aspect.)

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of these Medals! 
・Boosted Illustrated Kairi [EX]Illustrated Xion [EX]1,000 more base Strength and Defense.

・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost!

Medal Details:

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Illustrated KH II Kairi 
*Includes music.
M Upright 5 Restores 10 gauges. Greatly recovers HP. Raises PSM STR by 1 tier for 1 turn. Lowers PSM DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 1 turn. Inflicts fixed damage. All 0 Total 20000
KH 0.2 Kairi S Upright 5 Raises STR by 6 tiers & PSM STR by 1 tier/1 turn. Lowers enemies' DEF & PSM DEF by 1 tier/1 turn. Significantly recovers HP. All 2 × 3.93
HD Naminé 
*Includes music.
M Upright 5 Unleashes the same special attack as the next Medal. Works only when set before a Medal. Single 0 × 4.17
KH II Naminé M Upright 7 Unleashes the same special attack as the next Medal. Works only when set before a Medal. Single 0 × 5.01
Illustrated Kairi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 1 turn: ↑Upright STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
Illustrated Xion [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Reversed 7 1 turn: ↑ Reversed STR by 2, STR by 7, PSM-STR by 6, ↓ targets' DEF by 3, PSM-DEF by 4. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 4. Fills 5 gauges. All 0 × 4.53
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

Moogle: Ribbon Avatar Parts VIP Quest and More!

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 29, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 30 2018 6:59 (UTC)

During the campaign period, a special set of limited-time VIP Quests will be unlocked when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza (includes 3,000 Jewels and other Special Quests)!

Read on for more details!

● VIP Moogle: Ribbon Avatar Parts and 1400 Jewels 
Complete Special Quests to obtain the exclusive Moogle: Ribbon avatar parts and 1400 Jewels

Avatar Parts

Male Female
Moogle: Ribbon (Item Drop Perk +6) Moogle: Ribbon (Item Drop Perk +6)

● VIP Master Xehanort [EX+] 
Complete the Special Quest to obtain one Master Xehanort [EX+] Medal! 
This is the second of seven chances to get a Master Xehanort [EX+] Medal!

Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Master Xehanort [EX+]
*Includes music.
S Reversed 8 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' Reversed DEF by 2, S-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 4 × 8.84 - 15.37

● VIP Magic Broom Quests 
Complete these quests to earn up to 7 Magic Broom Medals! 
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

● VIP Gem Quests 
Complete these quests to earn 6 Gems in total: 2 Power Gems, 2 Speed Gems, and 2 Magic Gems
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

● VIP Magic Mirror Quests 
Complete these quests to earn 7 Magic Mirrors
NOTE: All quests will be unlocked from when you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza.

▼ Important Notes Regarding Weekly Jewels Extravaganza Special Quests: 
・You can only purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza once a week, and the Special Quests will be available until Sunday at 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
・If you purchase the Weekly Jewels Extravaganza on Sunday, the Special Quests will only be available until 11:59 p.m. (PT) on that same Sunday.

LIMITED TIME: KH II Cloud [EX+] is Back!

★ KH II Cloud [EX+] is back! 
 Get him within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal!

KH II Cloud [EX+] is back! 
Even better, you are guaranteed to receive him within 5 draws from this EX Medal Deal! 
As you can also receive Trait Medal #3 for him from this Deal, you'll be able to deck our your KH II Cloud [EX+] with traits and power him up further! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this banner!

When you fuse Trait Medal #3 into KH II Cloud [EX+], the following will occur: 
 ・KH II Cloud [EX+] will gain a new trait
 ・KH II Cloud [EX+] will gain one Special Attack Dot. 
NOTE: If KH II Cloud [EX+] is already strengthened to 5 Special Attack Dots, the Trait Medal will unlock the Special Attack Bonus. Trait Medals can also re-roll Special Attack Bonuses if the Bonus is already unlocked.

As a reminder, EX Medals can only be obtained for limited periods of time
In other words, you won't be able to obtain KH II Cloud [EX+] outside of this EX Medal Deal until we announce that he is available again!

Read on for details!

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 26, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 27, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

This 10-Medal EX Medal Deal guarantees the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive KH II Cloud [EX+] within 5 draws! 
・You will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this banner! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 6 or higher Medal pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack Dots in each draw! 
 NOTE: KH II Cloud [EX+] will come with 0 Special Attack Dots. 
 NOTE: Trait Medal #3 will come with 0 Special Attack Dots. 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of this Medal! 
・Boosted KH II Cloud [EX+]1,000 more base Strength and Defense.

・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost!

■ EX Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
KH II Cloud [EX+] P Upright 8 Deals 3 hits. 1 turn: ↓ targets' Upright DEF by 2, P-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the higher your HP. All 4 × 8.84 - 15.37
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

■ About Trait Medals 
・Trait Medals will only yield a new trait or one Special Attack dot when they are fused into their corresponding Medal. Trait Medals have different stats and abilities from their corresponding Medal. 
・Trait Medals are not equippable on a Keyblade due to their high cost. While they can be equipped as a Pet Slot Medal or shared, they are not suited for, or intended to, use as an attack Medal. 
・Each Trait Medal is worth 15 Pet Points. 
・Should you receive a Trait Medal from a deal, it will come marked as being "BOOSTED." 
・Trait Medals and their corresponding Medals share a slot in the Album. 
・During a High Score Challenge, or other event, where a Trait Medal's corresponding Medal is a Score Bonus Medal, the Trait Medal will also give the same score bonus.

Past Avatar Boards Return! (Apr. 23)

★ Favorite Avatar Boards Return for an even more Favorable Price!

■Campaign Details: 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 29, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 30, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Some of your favorite avatar boards are back, and available for only 1500 Jewels apiece
Act fast, as they'll only be around for a limited time! 
NOTE: If you had previously purchased these boards, you will not be able to purchase them again.

■Returning Avatars

■About Avatar Boards: 
・Select "Avatar Boards" from the Menu to view these boards. 
・Once purchased, these avatar boards will remain unlocked for you even after the campaign period ends. 
 (If you have not unlocked these avatar boards before the campaign end time, they will no longer be available to you.) 
・You will not need Avatar Coins to unlock nodes on these boards.

■Avatar Board Contents

Spring Donald (Male) Spring Daisy (Female)
Spring Donald 
Spring Donald Style 
Spring Donald: Hat
 (Skill Perk +6) 
Spring Donald: Earrings 
Spring Donald: Bracelet

Attack Boost III Max x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
SP Attack Gauge II x 1 (5★ Scrooge) 
Magic Gem x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 2 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Magic Mirror x 2 
Title: Husband
Spring Daisy 
Spring Daisy Style 
Spring Daisy: Ribbon
 (Skill Perk +6) 
Spring Daisy: Earrings 
Spring Daisy: Bracelet

Attack Boost III Max x 1 (6★ Scrooge) 
SP Attack Gauge II x 1 (5★ Scrooge) 
Magic Gem x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 2 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 3 
6★ Dale x 3 
6★ Magic Mirror x 2 
Title: Wife

Terence (Male) Tinker Bell (Female)
Terence Style 
Terence: Hat 
Terence: Bag 
Terence: Wings
 (Raid Boss Ω Perk +5) 
Terence: Wristbands 
Attack Boost III (6★ Scrooge) 
ATK Boost II & ATK Prize+ (6★ Scrooge) 
Speed Gem x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 2 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 2 
6★ Dale x 2 
6★ Magic Mirror x 2 
Title: Spirit of
Tinker Bell 
Tinker Bell Style 
Tinker Bell: Hair Ornament 
Tinker Bell: Ear Cuffs 
Tinker Bell: Necklace 
Tinker Bell: Wings
(Raid Boss Ω Perk +5) 
Tinker Bell: Bracelet 
Attack Boost III (6★ Scrooge) 
ATK Boost II & ATK Prize+ (6★ Scrooge) 
Speed Gem x 1 
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x 2 
6★ Cid 10 x 1 
6★ Chip x 2 
6★ Dale x 2 
6★ Magic Mirror x 2 
Title: Fairy

Mustache Spirit Part + Boosters Union Cross!

■Event Period 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 29, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 30, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

★ Get the Mustache Spirit Part and Booster [KH III Sora (EX)]'s! 
Try Extra Hard Boss Time for Bonus Coins!

■ More Rare Enemies! 
For 30 minutes each day during the following times, there will be an increased chance for rare enemies to appear! 
● 4:00 a.m. - 4:29 a.m. (PT) / 11:00 to 11:29 (UTC) 
● 10:00 a.m. - 10:29 a.m. (PT) / 17:00 to 17:29 (UTC) 
● 2:00 p.m. - 2:29 p.m. (PT) / 21:00 to 21:29 (UTC) 
● 7:00 p.m. - 7:29 p.m. (PT) / 2:00 to 2:29 (UTC) 
● 11:00 p.m. - 11:29 p.m. (PT) / 6:00 to 6:29 (UTC)

■ Extra Hard Boss Times! 
For 30 minutes each day during the following times, the Extra Hard Boss will be extra difficult and yield bonus coins! 
● 4:00 a.m. - 4:29 a.m. (PT) / 11:00 to 11:29 (UTC) 
● 10:00 a.m. - 10:29 a.m. (PT) / 17:00 to 17:29 (UTC) 
● 2:00 p.m. - 2:29 p.m. (PT) / 21:00 to 21:29 (UTC) 
● 7:00 p.m. - 7:29 p.m. (PT) / 2:00 to 2:29 (UTC) 
● 11:00 p.m. - 11:29 p.m. (PT) / 6:00 to 6:29 (UTC)

■ Cross Board Rewards 
This time there are a total of 6 Cross Boards, 4 of which will be unlocked from the start (Magic Mirror Sets #2 and #3 will unlock sequentially as follows below). Complete them to earn the new Spirit Part, Boosters, Jewels, and more!

Board Completion Bonus
Mustache Chat Phrase: I need to help.
Booster [KH III Sora (EX)]
Magic Broom Set
Magic Mirror Set #1
Magic Mirror Set #2
Magic Mirror Set #3

■ About Boosters 
A Booster will temporarily strengthen your Medals! 
You can obtain Booster [KH III Sora (EX)]'s from this event, which will temporarily strengthen your Upright Medals! 
*Booster [KH III Sora (EX)]'s obtained from this event will expire on Apr. 30, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. (PT) / May 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC).

Daily Time Attack Event!

Earn a total of 700 Jewels with the Daily Time Attack Event!

■Event Period: 
Apr. 23, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 29, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 23, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 30, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details: 
Earn Jewels every day this week with this Daily Time Attack Event! 
・Each day there will be a new quest, for a total of 7 quests! 
・You can earn 100 Jewels each day by completing quest objectives, so play each day to receive a total of 700 Jewels!


★ HD Invi [EX] and HD Aced [EX] are back! 
 Get each Medal pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws from their respective EX Medal Deal!

HD Invi [EX] and HD Aced [EX] are making their return! 
Even better, you are guaranteed to receive each Medal pre-strengthened to 3 Special Attack Dots within 5 draws from their respective Deals! 
Plus, as an added bonus, you will receive one Magic Broom Medal each time you draw from either banner!

There's also a chance you could receive HD Invi [EX] from the HD Aced [EX] banner, or that you could receive HD Aced [EX] from the HD Invi [EX] banner!

Both of these EX Medals also have unique Home Screen music when you share them!

As a reminder, EX Medals can only be obtained for limited periods of time
In other words, you won't be able to obtain HD Invi [EX] and HD Aced [EX] outside of these specific EX Medal Deals until we announce that they are available again!

Read on for details!

■ Campaign Period: 
Apr. 24, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Apr. 27, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Apr. 24, 2018 7:00 to Apr. 28, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

These two 10-Medal EX Medal Deals guarantee the following: 
・You are guaranteed to receive HD Invi [EX] within 5 draws from the HD Invi [EX] banner! 
 NOTE: Should you receive HD Invi [EX] from the HD Aced [EX] banner, it will have no impact on the HD Invi [EX] banner counter. 
・You are guaranteed to receive HD Aced [EX] within 5 draws from the HD Aced [EX] banner! 
 NOTE: Should you receive HD Aced [EX] from the HD Invi [EX] banner, it will have no impact on the HD Aced [EX] banner counter. 
・If you receive the following Medals from either deal, they will come with their Special Attack pre-strengthened to 3 Dots: 
 - HD Invi [EX] 
 - HD Aced [EX] 
・You will receive one Magic Broom Medal each time you draw from either banner! 
・You will receive at least one Tier 5 or higher Medal pre-strengthened to 1, 2, or 3 Special Attack Dots in each draw! 
・The remaining 9 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity!

■ EX Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
HD Invi [EX] 
*Includes music.
M Upright 7 Deals 4 hits. 2 turns: ↑ M-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & M-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56
HD Aced [EX] 
*Includes music.
P Upright 7 2 turns: ↑ P-STR by 7, ↓ targets' DEF by 2 & P-DEF by 7 tiers. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Enemy countdown unaffected. All 1 × 9.96 - 13.56

* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town


Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Pay, pay, pay. Timed event, timed event, timed event. Ha ha. What suckage.


Sep 18, 2013
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

At least this kind of time events are doable ... tho it seems like we keep getting less jewels?
I was looking forward to the Monday update because of the announcement during the stream but there wasn't really much. Boards outdated tho cute, the time event is alright... Top Drawer Deal is just another way to waste jewels imo.
I hope we get the next xex banner soon or in VIP or something since kex/xex are mandatory now it would be a shame if we had to wait months ago.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Pay, pay, pay. Timed event, timed event, timed event. Ha ha. What suckage.

idk about that iv ebeen having fun the vexen challenge was a blast and doing these timed trials is enjoyable, we have a high score challenge going on and i wouldn't be surprised if we get a Hades cup or Pegasus cup before the months end

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

The Vexen event "fun?" Timed events "fun?" Um...no.

This game was much more fun before the power creep and the game mechanics changed to favor banners, banners, banners. You can't compete in HSC anymore unless you spend boogles of money on medals. Used to be that VIP medals were the high percentage medals, but no more. It stinks.

Are you F2P? C2P? Whale?


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

The Vexen event "fun?" Timed events "fun?" Um...no.

This game was much more fun before the power creep and the game mechanics changed to favor banners, banners, banners. You can't compete in HSC anymore unless you spend boogles of money on medals. Used to be that VIP medals were the high percentage medals, but no more. It stinks.

Are you F2P? C2P? Whale?

i was cheap to play id buy the vip once for a medal but i stopped doing that since i think halloween sora or so and once on keyart 11 because i liked the artwork but i know how to play and pass things granted i only got to 12 on vexen because i didnt pull for terra or warrior of light but i know how to save jewels and when to pull for whats important,

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

i was cheap to play id buy the vip once for a medal but i stopped doing that since i think halloween sora or so and once on keyart 11 because i liked the artwork but i know how to play and pass things granted i only got to 12 on vexen because i didnt pull for terra or warrior of light but i know how to save jewels and when to pull for whats important,

I too was C2P. I used to buy VIP, but will need to stop. I just can't see myself pumping money into the game when I can't even complete most of the events anymore. The medals offered in VIP aren't really useful much anymore. I find I have an album full of mostly now useless medals. All I see is all the jewels and money I spent to get nothing in return. I am looking forward to a new keyblade, hopefully, and maybe what the 7 star medals deal brings, but not really into PvP, etc. So, gonna stop stuffing SENA's pockets and just sit tight till KH 3!


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Got my Union Armor. Anguis' color scheme matches Diamond Dust perfectly, gonna be having it on for a long time. Might switch back to my Holiday Night Skill Perk set for Story Quests if I want to see the character's face better, but aside from that I'm keeping this setup on. How about you guys?


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update


Heh heh. Managed to get my Regalia last minute by switching to a top 100 party. XD

Got my Union Armor. Anguis' color scheme matches Diamond Dust perfectly, gonna be having it on for a long time. Might switch back to my Holiday Night Skill Perk set for Story Quests if I want to see the character's face better, but aside from that I'm keeping this setup on. How about you guys?

Probably going to use my Vulpes Regalia with Moogle or Counterpoint when I'm just being casual, matches pretty well. Love the pinks and yellows! XD


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Didn't get the armor. Could not even begin to be bothered with the monotonous crap that is Raiding when I had opera rehearsals/performances and other performances, etc. on my mind.

The armor really doesn't do anything for me. Now if they made a unicorn pet and I really liked it, I would do any amount of Raiding necessary to get that. I must have.

Pirate Queen

New member
Oct 7, 2017
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Got my Union Armor. Anguis' color scheme matches Diamond Dust perfectly, gonna be having it on for a long time. Might switch back to my Holiday Night Skill Perk set for Story Quests if I want to see the character's face better, but aside from that I'm keeping this setup on. How about you guys?

Got the Leopardus Armour and it looks sooo good with my blade of choice, Fairy Stars! I'll be wearing this often. My party, Yakiba Tribe, came in 61st! And we're casual.


Bronze Member
Jun 18, 2005
between a rock and a hard place
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Got the Leopardus Armour and it looks sooo good with my blade of choice, Fairy Stars! I'll be wearing this often. My party, Yakiba Tribe, came in 61st! And we're casual.

lol i came no where close tothe armor but thats the price you pay in vulpes you could get enough by yourself to be the top spot of any of the other 4 unions but its meaningless in the number 1 union XD


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Got my Union Armor. Anguis' color scheme matches Diamond Dust perfectly, gonna be having it on for a long time. Might switch back to my Holiday Night Skill Perk set for Story Quests if I want to see the character's face better, but aside from that I'm keeping this setup on. How about you guys?

Nope. The best person in my party randomly left or maybe got banned? I heard that was happening a lot last week, some were saying its unjustified so I dunno. I'm not sure what happened to her, or if maybe she was secretly a hacker lol.

Either way, my party dropped like 200 ranks just losing her alone, so clearly we had no chance. It seemed like everyone gave up when that happened. TBH, I think its super lame how they limited it to just the top 100 in general but I guess its irrelevant now.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Nope. The best person in my party randomly left or maybe got banned? I heard that was happening a lot last week, some were saying its unjustified so I dunno. I'm not sure what happened to her, or if maybe she was secretly a hacker lol.

Either way, my party dropped like 200 ranks just losing her alone, so clearly we had no chance. It seemed like everyone gave up when that happened. TBH, I think its super lame how they limited it to just the top 100 in general but I guess its irrelevant now.

Yeah, the night of April 19th, there was a sudden wave of soft bans. Rather than locking those players out of the game, it allowed them to continue playing but heavily restricted their experience (excluded from all rankings, can't participate in Union Cross). These soft bans are also permanent.

They released a notice earlier today about it:

We recently issued a round of soft bans against KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross] players who violated the Terms of Service.

While we regret having to take such action, we stress that breaking the Terms of Service, or any other applicable terms of use or policies, is a serious offense. We thoroughly investigate potential breaches of the Terms of Service (including the use of third-party software to gain unfair advantages in the game, purchasing or using any other exploits, or abusing refunds requests). If we determine that a player violated the Terms of Service, we may ban the player or take other remedial action.

Our main goal is to ensure the integrity of KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross] so we can continue to serve our community and so you can continue to enjoy the game. We thank you for your continued support of KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ[Cross].

Glacie also said on Discord (I really wish she would stop sharing information there if she's not going to post it in a more public location so everyone can find it) that "the majority of the bans were not tied to Lux exploits".

Meow Wow

Mar 28, 2018
Under a rock
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Got my Union Armor. Anguis' color scheme matches Diamond Dust perfectly, gonna be having it on for a long time. Might switch back to my Holiday Night Skill Perk set for Story Quests if I want to see the character's face better, but aside from that I'm keeping this setup on. How about you guys?

You're lucky you got the armor in the first place. I'm a solo player in a solo party(for party rewards) in Angius. Best I got was around the 300s.
Man, even in the bottom ranking unions, you need a good party to get good rankings...
Oh well, probably wouldn't have worn it anyways, just would've been a good keepsake.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Re: April 23rd - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Yeah, the night of April 19th, there was a sudden wave of soft bans. Rather than locking those players out of the game, it allowed them to continue playing but heavily restricted their experience (excluded from all rankings, can't participate in Union Cross). These soft bans are also permanent.

They released a notice earlier today about it:

Glacie also said on Discord (I really wish she would stop sharing information there if she's not going to post it in a more public location so everyone can find it) that "the majority of the bans were not tied to Lux exploits".

Ah, yeah I saw your update on Twitter earlier, too! I guess that sort of addresses this, I am not really worried about being banned myself lol. But yea as usual people take it to mean if they do well they will get banned or something... It would bum me out if my party member was doing that, but oh well lol. If my party continues to slack on LUX though now, I may have to look into switching again. I thought I had a good thing going with these guys for a while now, but oh well.
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