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5/23 Union χ JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Version 2.6.0 will arrive today and with it, a slew of new updates!

  • Added PVP Mode to the Coliseum (see below)
  • Added Medal Rarity ★7 (see below)
  • Added Subslot function (see below)
  • Added "Optimize" feature to deck menu in the quest window 
  • Added function to automatically skip to the next set of story quests
    • Objectives will not be fulfilled for skipped quests
    • Some quests cannot be skipped
    • Skipping is not possible in Proud Mode
  • Added function to receive PUSH notification when a party member presses the LUX Up button
  • Added filters for ★7, Tier 7, Tier 8, Upright, Reverse, Buff, Debuff
  • Added [Sort] function for  medals


  • Adjusted required materials to upgrade Keyblades up to +25
    • [Changes]
      • Mythril Drops, Mythril Stone, Mythril Crystal, Orichalcum, Adamantite are no longer required
      • Only 1 Mythril Shard is required to upgrade Keyblades +1
      • Only 1 farmable material (such as Herbal Leaves or Copper Stones) is required to upgrade a Keyblade +1
      • Moogle of Glory quest is now available regularly
    • Material farming quests to upgrade Keyblades have been removed
    • Dalmations that were acquired through farming quests have been allocated to other quests
    • No change in required number of Magic Gems, Electrum and Dark Matter
  • Changed daily quests to make it easier to upgrade the deck
    • Monday~Friday: 1 of 5 quests from the "Premium Quest: Medal Super Growth Quests" will be available each day of the week
    • Saturday~Sunday: "Premium Quest: Skill Super Growth Quest" will be available
  • Fusing different rarity of the same medal can re-roll traits. 
    • (Example) Fuse ★3 Tifa into ★5 Tifa will roll traits for ★5 Tifa
  • Changed the maximum medal inventory from 1300 to 2000
  • Added Permanent Raise Draw (see below)
  • Added names to the jewel shop
  • Compatible with iPhone X screen

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug with push notifications not appearing on Android 8.0 or later
  • Fixed bug where the pet slot attack would switch targets when tapped
  • Fixed bug when medals with Extra Attack traits would switch targets
  • Fixed issue where Hayner & Pence & Olette's ability differed from the text

PVP Mode has been added to the Coliseum! Battle other players using multiple Keyblades! 

  • This is a damage contest
  • Players will have infinite HP.
  • Rankings are held for each month, and the Keyblades that can be used will change monthly.
  • The number of times players may participate in PVP each day is also fixed. However, you can get more chances by purchasing VIP.
    • Valid until the Sunday of the week you purchased VIP

Battle Rules:

  • 3 Keyblades are used: 1 battle per Keyblade, with players alternating first turns. The player that inflicts the most damage per turn wins, best 2 out of 3
    • Buffs and debuffs that last more than 1 turn will carry over into the next battle.
  • By defeating your opponent, you will switch ranks with them.
    • Example: Player (1000th) vs Opponent (500th)
    • => Player (500th), Opponent (1000th)
  • If you win a battle with an opponent of a lower rank, your ranking will not change.
  • When you go to the VS Player screen, your new rank will be registered and you can face a new batch of players.
  • Each battle only lasts 5 minutes. If it exceeds that time, it will be considered a draw.
    • In this situation, the rankings will not change.

Other Rules:

  • Opponents will not be associated with attributes, and therefore will not have weaknesses against specific attributes.
    • This rule excludes abilities that are advantageous against all types.
  • Status effect skills will work in PVP, but the length of the effect is different from normal battles.
  • Opponents will be treated as ground enemies.

  • On the Keyblade Equipment screen of VS Player, you can edit the order and deck of the Keyblades you're using.
    • Unlike the usual decks, you cannot set one medal in multiple decks
  • The order of your Keyblades and positioning of your medals is the key to victory!

Earn points in battle to obtain rewards!

  • You can earn points even in draws and defeats, but of course, more points are earned in victory.
  • Points are reset at the end of each month.


  • Some daily missions have been changed for PVP.
    • Objectives of these daily missions cannot be fulfilled if you quit in the middle of a battle in PVP.

Keyblades that can be used in PVP from 5/23~ 5/31 are Three Wishes, Sleeping Lion and Darkgnaw.

There will also be limited missions for using these Keyblades. Each one offers 300 jewels, so clear them all to receive 900 total!

Now, all medals will be able to evolve to ★7, with the exception of experience, evolution, munny, and trait medals.
By evolving to ★7, the max attack power can exceed 10,000 and ability multipliers increase, making the medal super strong!

Some ★7 medals (exclusive medals and High Score medals) will receive Upright/Reverse Attack+3 buffs.

 Example Ability Effect Attack Power Multiplier
Sora HD Ver (★6) For 2 turns: increases PSM ATK by 1, inflicts 8 hits that deal more damage with more HP 7356 x3.47~7.08
Sora HD Ver (★7) For 2 turns: increases PSM ATK by 1 and Upright ATK+3, inflicts 8 hits that deal more damage with more HP 12121 x7.51~11.13

When evolving ★6 to ★7, the following requirements must be met:

  • Level and Guilt Bonus % must be MAX
  • Possess the Blue Fairy evolution medal

There are 8 kinds of Blue Fairy medals, for Tier 1~8.
When evolving a medal to★7, 5 Blue Fairies of that medal's tier are required.
Blue Fairy medals can be obtained with in a draw, using reward tickets obtained from PVP.

Use Gold, Silver and Bronze tickets acquired from PVP in these ticket draws to get Blue Fairy medals per pull!

These draws will only distribute Blue Fairy medals, and there are 8 types for Tier 1~8 medals.

Here's the breakdown for what tier of Blue Fairy can be acquired with each ticket:

Gold Ticket Tier 8 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 7 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 6 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 5 [Blue Fairy]
Silver Ticket Tier 8 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 7 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 6 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 5 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 4 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 3 [Blue Fairy]
Bronze Ticket Tier 3 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 2 [Blue Fairy]
Tier 1 [Blue Fairy]

Subslots have been added to each Keyblade!

By setting ★7 medals in subslots, the slot multipliers of each Keyblade will increase.
The amount a multiplier increases depends on the set medal's Guilt.

Subslot medals can be set by pressing the [Subslot] button on the Keyblade equipment screen.

Only ★7 medals can be set in subslots, and they must match the attribute of that slot.
To increase the multiplier, medals must be set sequentially, starting from [SLOT 1]

Guaranteed ★7 medal draw is held from 5/23~5/31! Each pull guarantees one ★7 Tier 4 medal, as well as 1 returning ★6 Premium, 10 VIP coins and a bonus Cid5. 

Kairi KH Illustrated Ver [EX] [All Targets | 0 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Upright Attack by 2, Attack by 7 and PSM Attack by 6, decreases enemy Defense by 3 and PSM Defense by 4. Raises Counter by 1, recovers a large amount of HP and 5 SP
Zack HD Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Upright Attack by 1 and Speed Attack by 4, decreass enemy Defense by 1 and Upright Defense by 1. Inflicts 13 hits that deal more damage when set later in the deck
Yuna & Rikku & Paine [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Increases Upright Attack by 1 for 2 turns, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage the more Lux has been acquired in the stage
The World Ends With You Key Art #2 [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Increases Upright Attack by 1 for 2 turns, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage the more Lux has been acquired in the stage

Xion Illustrated Ver [EX] 
[All Targets | 0 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse Attack by 2, Attack by 7 and PSM Attack by 6, decreases enemy Defense by 3 and PSM Defense by 4. Increases Attack Counter by 1, recovers a large amount of HP, recovers 5 SP
Pete HD Ver
 [All Targets, 4 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse ATK by 1 and decreases enemy Defense by 3. Inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage when set later in the deck
Zexion HD [All Targets | 3 SP] For 2 turns: Increases PSM Attack by 4 and PSM Defense by 2, decreases enemy Attack by 1 and Defense by 1. Inflicts 7 hits that deal more damage with more SP
Larxene HD Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Decreases enemy Defense by 3 for 1 attack, inflicts 3 hits that deal more damage the more SP has been used this turn

Get bonus magic gems in these three Raise Draws! Each pull guarantees 1 featured Premium, 1 gem of the corresponding attribute and 3 VIP coins.

Draw Type Bonus Guarantees
Raise Draw (Power) Sword Gem x 1
 VIP coin x 3
 1 limited Power medal
Raise Draw (Speed) Wing Gem x 1
 VIP coin x 3
1 limited Speed medal
Raise Draw (Magic) Mystic Gem x 1
 VIP coin x 3
1 limited Magic medal

Magic Gem boards are available for 5000 jewels each! Each board offers 20 gems of a specific type.

25 Proud Mode quests have been added! Clear them all to get 1 Moon, Sun, Sword, Wing and Mystic Gem, as well as 45 Magic Mirrors.

Medal inventory sale is held from 5/23~ 6/7! During this period, each inventory upgrade will cost 50 jewels.

Version 2.6.0 also increases the maximum capacity from 1300 to 2000 medals! 

Bonus jewel campaign is held from 5/23~6/3! Get more bonus jewels and skip tickets with every purchase! 

Jewel Packs Bonus Jewels   Skip Tickets
240 0 --> 10 1 --> 2
720 60 --> 80 3 --> 6
1,400 200 --> 250 6 --> 12
2,900 700 --> 900 15 --> 30
4,200 1,320 --> 1,700 20 --> 40
6,800 2,800 --> 3,500 35 --> 70
9,800 4,700 --> 6,000  50 --> 100

Another Keyblade Challenge is available from 5/24~5/31! Clear all 15 quests to earn 1 Sword, Wing and Mystic Gem!

Boss Time Attacks are available from 5/24~5/31! There are 5 quests in each event, for a total of 15. Clear final quests to earn a total of 900 jewels!

Keyblade Quest Number Reward
Three Wishes 5 300 Jewels
Sleeping Lion 5 300 Jewels
Darkgnaw 5 300 Jewels
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2007
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

I can't believe the tickets are back, fitting they arrive with the pvp mode that was hinted at for the browser version like five years ago.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Alright! Now here's the info on 7* Medals that we needed! I do still have a few questions, but a lot of the general stuff is revealed and...I have mixed feelings.

Blue Fairy is the material, which is nice since she hasn't gotten much if any spotlight since KH1 (can't recall if she popped up in DDD). Needing different Tiers of BF is rather...ehh...alongside the Draw aspect adding a layer of RNG to the mix and I'm not too sure I like it. At least it requiring Tickets implies there might not be a Jewel cost to them, so there's something to keep it from being too Whale-centric atm. Could still change once we get full specifics upon the release. That Farming mission can't get here soon enough. I got one week's worth of google play funds with that mission's name on it.

Tier 7 Medals get a base stat boost and increased multiplier, as well as an added Alignment Buff for certain ones. Not gonna lie, was hoping for something a bit more...tailored, but it might be the bigger recent medals that get unique evolutions. It's good that the Alignment boost are being added to older medals though. Would be awesome to see if my Saix B gets it. I do wonder though...will Copy Medals get something different? The base Stat boosts will help, but I don't see any getting the added Alignment Boost and the Multiplier increase does nothing for them since they copy the Multiplier of the copied medal. I'm kinda hoping their effect changes to "Copies the effect of the previous/following medal and deals 1.2x/1.5x the damage." I know it's a long shot since it wasn't mentioned, but otherwise Copy Medals are kinda left out. Also wonder how the boost will affect medals that already provide Alignment Buffs, if at all? Maybe they'll add Alignment Debuffs...that would be nice. Hoping that our Guilt % carries over too.

Still miffed that Subslots are 7* locked. Doesn't tell us much new from before either since what's been stated could be determined from last week's picture.

Those added PVP details are interesting. GED-60 shall be the meta, Attribute ignoring medals will be rather potent, expect a LOT of Lex+ in the next week, and I hope that we can gain Tickets from the Points and not solely Rank. Speaking of which, the Rank Swap mechanic is interesting...I suppose we'll have to keep an eagle eye on our rankings to ensure we don't get bumped. The daily limit on fights is interesting, though VIP getting more matches sounds very P2W. Guess I should've seen that coming. I do have to wonder how they'll calculate where people are ranked at the start of each month, though...I doubt everyone will start at the same place unless Points have a major effect on ranking up, otherwise the Swap mechanic is gonna be moot for the first few days of each month.

7* Medal Draw, I had a feeling that would be the case! I'll probably Skip it though. If I want any of the lower Tier ones at 7*, I'll get the mats the hard way. Future new medals may start coming at 7* by default, so I wanna be sure I still have a stockpile for those. Hope FMBs still work on 7* medals, I assume the Drawn ones won't come preguilted.

5000 Jewel Boards for 20 of each Attribute Gem...that sounds really good, but I'll probably pass on it too. I need Moon Gems more than Attribute Gems, especially as the latter are rather frequent even outside of VIP. Gem Draws are interesting too, wonder how many Jewels those are for?

Inventory Campaign comes back to JP! A LOT of people in Global are clamoring for one of those, so here's hoping it arrives on our end too. I've still got plenty of space after that free 100 slot boost, so no worries here. My past prep is paying off big time. Max Capacity boost is crazy, wonder what they're planning that would need 700 more slots?


Oct 4, 2013
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

oh... noooo...

man I really don't like where this is going... 7* medals are crazy strong -> you only get 7* medals with Blue Fairy medals -> you only get that from pvp -> if you buy VIP you can play more pvp and thus get more Blue Fairy medals and more 7* and...

like this game has always kinda been p2w since if you keep pulling you'll dominate whatever events, rankings or anything competitive, but now it just seems too... in your face, I don't know how to put it.

I hope my fears are for nothing and that you can get a decent numbers of Blue Fairy medals even with the limited number of tries you are given, but if they get the same treatment that Mickey&Brooms got (Fantasia Mickey B), then paying players will get so strong that PVP will become immediately a joke.

I understand giving a bonus to those buying VIP but you either make sure that there's not much difference between a player with one 7* and one with two, OR you make sure that every players gets the same treatment when it comes to PVP, if you don't do either of those things then it can get silly very quickly.

This were my first impression without playing the update since it's still in maintenance, let's hope I'm totally wrong.

Deleted member

Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Blue Fairy is the material, which is nice since she hasn't gotten much if any spotlight since KH1 (can't recall if she popped up in DDD)
uh, she only​ appears in DDD


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Hmm, a bit confusing. And it seems PVP is the ONLY way to get the Blue Fairy coins. Sigh.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Version 2.6.0 is live!


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Oooo goody goody goody! Anyone playing it, please share detailed info on the 7* evolutions for various medals! Definitely copy medals and the KEX/iXEX duo, just in case they have any interesting additions or if it's just the stat boosts.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Added some more updates to the OP, there was a whole notice I ignored, oops.

Oooo goody goody goody! Anyone playing it, please share detailed info on the 7* evolutions for various medals! Definitely copy medals and the KEX/iXEX duo, just in case they have any interesting additions or if it's just the stat boosts.

Premium and High Score medals get an additional Upright/Reverse ATK+3 buff so a 7-star KEX buffs Upright ATK+5 :)


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 5/23 Union ? JP Updates: Version 2.6.0, Proud Quests, Inventory Sale

Added some more updates to the OP, there was a whole notice I ignored, oops.

Premium and High Score medals get an additional Upright/Reverse ATK+3 buff so a 7-star KEX buffs Upright ATK+5 :)

Yeah, I saw that part, just wasn't sure if they counted. And I hoped they'd get an added effect, like Alignment Def Debuff...wishful thinking, I guess. At least at 7* maxing the Alignment buff won't be too hard, won't even need EA40 on the Copy medal to do it. Gonna be good with my iXEX.

  • Changed daily quests to make it easier to upgrade the deck
    • Monday~Friday: 1 of 5 quests from the "Premium Quest: Medal Super Growth Quests" will be available each day of the week
    • Saturday~Sunday: "Premium Quest: Skill Super Growth Quest" will be available
  • Fusing different rarity of the same medal can re-roll traits.
    • (Example) Fuse ?3 Tifa into ?5 Tifa will roll traits for ?5 Tifa

YES! All my yes! Trait Rolls are much easier and we get the (if I'm reading this right) Uber Farming quest outside of VIP? Heck yeah! Definitely great news.
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