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July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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Ansem's Apprentice
Sep 27, 2015
under my books
July Coliseum Update & Special Missions!

● Coliseum Update for July

■ Event Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Aug. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

The July Coliseum update has arrived! Fight against powered-up enemies!

This month, those who battle their way through the Coliseum can earn themselves the Forever Pixie and Lovely Bun hairstyles!

Those who manage to battle their way to the top will also receive the skill ATK B VII Max & GA 2
Dish out 2.4 times more damage with a 100% activation rate and use only 2 special attack gauges!

Battle your way through the Coliseum to receive these and other great rewards!

You can view the Coliseum Tier Rewards in-game by doing the following: 
1. From the Menu, tap on "Quests" 
2. Tap on "Coliseum" 
3. Tap on "PVE" 
4. Tap on "Tier Rewards" on the right

You can view the Ranking Rewards in-game by doing the following: 
1. From the Menu, tap on "Quests" 
2. Tap on "Coliseum" 
3. Tap on "PVE" 
4. Tap on "Ranking" on the right 
5. Tap on "Rewards" on the bottom right

There are also two Bonus Boards available for those with extra Coliseum Coins!

● Special Missions for July

■ Event Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Aug. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

Collect Lux during the campaign period above to earn the new Orange Tortoistar and Mickey Visor Spirit Parts!

Lux Collected Spirit Part
4,000,000 Orange Tortoistar Head
100,000,000 Orange Tortoistar Body
500,000,000 Orange Tortoistar Legs
2,500,000,000 Orange Tortoistar Tail
10,000,000,000 Mickey Visor

As you collect Lux, collect your Spirit Part rewards from the Limited tab in the Missions menu!

Monthly Gem Quests! (July)

The Monthly Gem Quests for July are here! 
Complete these challenging quests to receive Gems!

■Event Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Aug. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details: 
These Monthly Gem Quests are both difficult and rewarding! 
Complete objectives for a series of five quests to receive a variety of Gems
This month, you can get two Power Gems, two Speed Gems, and one Magic Gem!

Each quest will require you to use a certain Keyblade, and you won't be able to use any Friend Medals. 
Additionally, you will be unable to use the continue function during these quests, so come prepared for a fight!

If you find the quests to be too difficult, try upgrading your Keyblade or leveling up your Medals!

Log in Everyday for Toy Story Boosters!

Login every day to receive Toy Story Boosters to temporarily strengthen your Toy Story Medals!

■Campaign Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 31, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Aug. 1, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Campaign Details: 
During the campaign period, you will receive a Toy Story Booster every day you login! 
These will temporarily strengthen your Toy Story Medals, and their effects will accumulate up to 31%! 
Be sure to log in each day to maximize their strength and take on even more challenges and powerful Heartless!

Toy Story Boosters obtained from this event will expire on Jul. 31, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. (PT) / Aug. 1, 2018 at 6:59 (UTC).

New Difficulty: Critical Quests!

★New difficulty "Critical Quest" makes its debut!
 Clear the challenges to earn spectacular rewards!

■Event Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 8, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jul. 9, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■Event Details

3 Critical difficulty quests will be available during this event.
While these quests may be quite hard, completing quest objectives will reward you wonderful rewards, such as 3000 Jewels and Moon Gems!



If you're looking to try your hand at this event, be wary of the new type of Heartless that appears at the end of each stage. This frightening foe absorbs and recovers HP from the attacks of Reversed Medals. Considering this, you may want to take on this foe using various Upright Medals!

※You will not be able to use shared Medals or Continues in these event quests.
※Reversed Medals with special attacks which have no attributes or ignore targets' attributes will be able to deal damage.

Xion [EX+] Falling Price Deal!
★ This Falling Price Deal brings you the latest Tier 8 Medal, Xion [EX+]!

Heads up, Xion [EX+] is here! 
With the Falling Price Deal, the Jewel cost will decrease with each pull, decreasing to 1900 Jewels from the 5th pull onward! 
As you’re also guaranteed to get a Trait Medal #20 each time you draw from this Deal, you'll be able to deck out your Xion [EX+] traits and power her up further!

Xion [EX+] functions almost identically to the previous deal's KH II Kairi [EX+]; its Special Attack will overwrite buff and debuff values, and will heal you back up! 
・Example: If your strength is at -7, when this Special Attack activates, your strength will be overwritten to become +7! 
However, unlike KH II Kairi [EX+], Xion [EX+] is Reversed. Could this make all the difference?

This Medal Deal guarantees a Tier 4, 7★ Medal per draw! 
As an added bonus, you will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this banner!

Even better, your first draw from this banner is FREE!

When you fuse Trait Medal #20 into Xion [EX+], the following will occur: 
 ・Xion [EX+] will gain a new trait
 ・Xion [EX+] will gain one Special Attack Dot. 
NOTE: If Xion is already strengthened to 5 Special Attack Dots, the Trait Medal will unlock the Special Attack Bonus. Trait Medals can also re-roll Special Attack Bonuses if the Bonus is already unlocked.

■Campaign Period: 
Jul. 1, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Jul. 9, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 1, 2018 7:00 to Jul. 10, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Falling Price Deal Details: 
This 10-Medal Falling Price Deal guarantees the following: 
・The price of the deal will decrease after each draw: 
 - 1st Draw: FREE 
 - 2nd Draw: 2500 Jewels 
 - 3rd Draw: 2200 Jewels 
 - 4th Draw: 2000 Jewels 
 - 5th Draw onward: 1900 Jewels 
・You’re guaranteed to get a Trait Medal #20 each time you draw from this Deal! 
・You're guaranteed to get a Tier 4, 7★ Medal per draw from this Medal Deal! 
・You will receive three Magic Mirror Medals!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of this Medal! 
・Boosted Xion [EX+]: 2,000 more base Strength and Defense2 more trait slots
Please check the 'Draw Odds' tab for more information on other Boosted Medals obtainable from this banner. 
・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost! 
・The special Boosted stats offered in this campaign apply only to this specific campaign period. Should Xion [EX+] return in a future Medal Deal, the Boosted version of her Medal may not necessarily have 2,000 more base Strength and Defense, and 2 more trait slots.

■ Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Xion [EX+] S Reversed 8 1 turn: 7 STR, R- & PSM-STR, targets' -7 DEF, R- & PSM-DEF, -2 PSM-STR. SP ATK B +80%. Count +1. HP MAX. Gauge +10. Cures status ailments. All 0 4.98
* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus. 
NOTE: Should you use multiple Medals that grant an increased SP attack bonus during the same turn, the effect will not stack. For example, should you use a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +15%" and a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +30%", these effects will not stack; rather, the higher value (+30%) will take effect.

Follow us on Twitter for the latest news! @Daybreak_Town



Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Introduces Xion EX+ the same day they introduced quests with an enemy where you can't use Reverse attacks. A+ advertising for your banner, SENA!


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Introduces Xion EX+ the same day they introduced quests with an enemy where you can't use Reverse attacks. A+ advertising for your banner, SENA!

Yep, and XEX EX+ while KEX EX+ is still here! And the power creep has finally stopped me from completing events. Cannot beat the first stage of the Critical Quest event. Pretty sad. I've got two SG medals, a Lexaeus, Vexen, Xexio, King Triton, Illus. Diz, and still can't beat it. I haven't left this game because I love KH, but this game has definitely left me.


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Tbh I would not have finished the critical quests without my 7* Woody Prime. That thing does major damage, but without it I would have suffered, which sucks. These quests should be doable with a variety of medals and strategies, not just with the latest and greatest medals.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I was lucky because this morning I pulled a Kairi EX+. I put it on my Fairy Stars with HD Vanitas copying KA17 then being copied again by HD Replica Riku, followed by Ventus EX (my weakest medal by far, it's 6 star), and then ending with my seven star Illustrated Goofy.

I was worried that I might have to have Second Chance to pull it off, but I didn't. I didn't even need the pet's HP recovery. Even that mouse enemy with 7000+ bars of HP was defeated in one turn by my setup. My eyes were really big when that happened.


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I was lucky because this morning I pulled a Kairi EX+. I put it on my Fairy Stars with HD Vanitas copying KA17 then being copied again by HD Replica Riku, followed by Ventus EX (my weakest medal by far, it's 6 star), and then ending with my seven star Illustrated Goofy.

I was worried that I might have to have Second Chance to pull it off, but I didn't. I didn't even need the pet's HP recovery. Even that mouse enemy with 7000+ bars of HP was defeated in one turn by my setup. My eyes were really big when that happened.

Your luck has been really good. Congrats on the pull. Alas, if I didn't have bad luck, I would have none at all. 15 pulls and no Kairi. Am broke. How can anyone play this game without luck or money??? I have none. Ha ha.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Your luck has been really good. Congrats on the pull. Alas, if I didn't have bad luck, I would have none at all. 15 pulls and no Kairi. Am broke. How can anyone play this game without luck or money??? I have none. Ha ha.

To be honest with you, I must have done around that same number of pulls. Pulling for her again this morning was dumb and not well-thought out. But then I got her, so... (I just thought getting her is more important than Xion, and the Toy Story medals are still around forever, so no sense in pulling from them today)

I had really good luck on EX banners a while ago, getting Xion EX and Sora & Kairi EX on their own banners on the first pull, getting Ventus and Aqua EX in the first few pulls. However, I really thought my luck had run out.


Jul 5, 2013
Trapped in some random lolita doll.
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Sigh, three pulls in and havn't been able to get this Xion yet. So apparently this Xion comes seven star? Great, so it's probably harder to pull. My luck with pulling Xion already sucks as it is. XD Least I have Kairi Ex+, but still, need her to help balance out my setups in pvp.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Sigh, three pulls in and havn't been able to get this Xion yet. So apparently this Xion comes seven star? Great, so it's probably harder to pull. My luck with pulling Xion already sucks as it is. XD Least I have Kairi Ex+, but still, need her to help balance out my setups in pvp.
Nope, she comes at 6*.

Took me all 9 pulls I had, but I was able to snag XEX+!!! Even got EA40 and 2 +2SP Traits, so she'll be a major boon to my Reverse Setups, especially my Speed ones. Dear Gods it is nuts. The PSMAtk Debuffs don't stack sadly, but the Counter and SP Regen do so it's been a great help. My Lady Luck setup in PVP is a complete 180 of before, with the way I have it setup as my second keyblade it's a big middle finger to Ailment shenanigans by putting XEX+ on Slot 3 and even through DBIIIMax I deal almost 20mil damage. She's just what my Reverse Speed Setups needed.

I tried the first Critical Mission and that Flutterings swarm in the last round can go die. Don't care how, it can go die. Geez, these quests are Looooooooong. Makes retrying them a real PITA. Going through Coli now, but I'll get back to that Crit mission, tweak my setup a bit, and get that Moon Gem. It will be mine...Oh yes it will be mine...Diamond Dust Demands evolution!!! Also the Jewels will help, XEX+ pretty much drained my entire stash so I need to start restocking for the eventual Reverse Magic Prime.

Also, we have x2 Lux Bonus on the Event Raid Boss. So if you have decent setups that can lay the smackdown on the Jewel Princess, now is the time to farm it. Good chance to snag all the Turtle Parts early!


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

I got both. So lucky..hopefully I'll be able to upgrade'em soon. Not going to pull any time soon though after this unless something really good shows up; I'd been saving up jewels for a long time.

I also managed to max out my Dream Eater companion, so that's something too. ^^
Last edited:


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Coliseum is confusing the heck out of me right now. Thankfully the number of rounds you skip is drastically increased even for Tier 16. I'm happy about that, naturally. The problem I'm running into is that my medals are not doing any damage to some of the enemies whatsoever. It makes no sense to me because I'm using Kairi EX+.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: July 1st - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Coliseum is confusing the heck out of me right now. Thankfully the number of rounds you skip is drastically increased even for Tier 16. I'm happy about that, naturally. The problem I'm running into is that my medals are not doing any damage to some of the enemies whatsoever. It makes no sense to me because I'm using Kairi EX+.

This month's Coli from what my Party and I can tell has been straight Copypasta'd from JP and is the same as they currently have. This includes the jacked up defense the bigger guns have been given. -60 Traits or 7* Medals are mandatory for dealing damage to certain Major Heartless (like the Ogre, any Bosses, the Copter Fleets, etc) even after max Buffs and Debuffs in Tier 15 onward. So the smart thing to do is to stick to the Round 1 foes since all of them are standard and don't get the jacked Defenses...at least not until T16 R800+. I made it all the way up to Round 971 before even with -60 Traits/7* Medals their defenses and HP proved too much for my strongest setups to handle. I can't 1 turn them anymore, and thus have hit my roadblock. I just hope where I'm at is good enough to stay top 10k for the whole month. I was able to finish the Critical Challenges so I'm starting to get my Jewel stockpile back up, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the Reverse Magic Prime at 7* from the draws...if it'll even be AoE at this point. I suppose we'll know Thursday/Friday, as I expect the next Reverse Prime this week.
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