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7/12 Union χ JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

KINGDOM HEARTS Union X Japan will be updating to Version 2.7.0 today at 16:00 JST, changing the app icon and implementing a number of changes.

  • Changed app icon design
  • Changed position of the mission button so you can check the mission status outside of the HOME screen
  • More detailed stats can be viewed in the party member lineup by tapping on the HOME screen
  • During raid battles, if other party members defeat the boss before you, you'll be listed on the damage breakdown under "participation" (as opposed to not at all)
  • Adds a button to retreat during raid battles (damage inflicted is still applied)
  • Changes the position of the opponent's skill display in PVP
  • When the same Guard Up skill is activated continuously, it'll be depicted with the number of activations like Guard Up x2
  • Added filter for duplicates (copy) medals
  • Adds commas to damage displays in quests
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

Organization XIII Draw from 7/13~7/23 offers Saix [+]! This voiced medal is guaranteed in 5 pulls, is capable of 150~230% Guilt, comes with 3 ability slots filled and has a new skill attached: Poison EX II 100%! 

Saix [+] [Random Target(s) | 6 SP cost] For 3 turns: Increases Reverse ATK+7, ATK+7 and Power ATK+7, decreases player PSM DEF-2. Inflicts 3 hits

Each pull guarantees 1 of the following returning Premiums, 10 VIP coins and a bonus Cid5:

Key Art #16 [EX+] [All Targets | 4 SP cost] For 1 turn: Decreases enemy Upright Defense by 2 and Speed Defense by 7. Inflicts 3 hits that deal more damage with more HP
Zack HD Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Upright Attack by 1 and Speed Attack by 4, decreass enemy Defense by 1 and Upright Defense by 1. Inflicts 13 hits that deal more damage when set later in the deck
Yuna & Rikku & Paine [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Increases Upright Attack by 1 for 2 turns, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage the more Lux has been acquired in the stage
The World Ends With You Key Art #2 [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Increases Upright Attack by 1 for 2 turns, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage the more Lux has been acquired in the stage

Pete HD Ver
 [All Targets, 4 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse ATK by 1 and decreases enemy Defense by 3. Inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage when set later in the deck
Zexion HD [All Targets | 3 SP] For 2 turns: Increases PSM Attack by 4 and PSM Defense by 2, decreases enemy Attack by 1 and Defense by 1. Inflicts 7 hits that deal more damage with more SP
Larxene HD Ver [All Targets | 4 SP cost] Decreases enemy Defense by 3 for 1 attack, inflicts 3 hits that deal more damage the more SP has been used this turn

New Organization XIII Event from 7/13~7/23 features a battle with Data Saix! Clear all 13 challenges to get up to 5000 jewels and 5 copies of Trait Medal #26.

Quest No. Rewards
1 Jewel x 500
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
2 Jewel x 250
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
3 Jewel x 250
Trait Medal #26 x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
4 Jewel x 250
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
5 Jewel x 250
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
6 Jewel x 250
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
7 Jewel x 250
Trait Medal #26 x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
8 Jewel x 500
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
9 Jewel x 500
Trait Medal #26 x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
10 Jewel x 500
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
11 Jewel x 500
Trait Medal #26 x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
12 Jewel x 500
Magic Mirror x 1
Huey & Dewey & Louie x 1
13 Jewel x 500
Trait Medal #26 x 1
Title [The Luna Diviner] x 1


Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0

  • Changes the position of the opponent's skill display in PVP
  • When the same Guard Up skill is activated continuously, it'll be depicted with the number of activations like Guard Up x2
  • Adds commas to damage displays in quests
Thank you so much ;~;

Now, next they have to fix sorting medals by Special Attack. If you do it, it orders them by medal number so 7* medals aren't with their 1*-6* counterparts, which is obviously not filtering by Special Attack so it's false information.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0

Your efforts are always counted for Raid Bosses, and you can hit and run from them and thus still get participation rewards. Nice, very nice QoL changes there. That latter will make it easier to share Rewards around, like Event Coins and Chips/Dales from the weekend Raids (well, when the bosses become worth farming to that point again, anywho. A Lux/HP ratio of less than 1/100 is just insulting).

Also PVP QoL changes. THANK YOU! Guess I'm not the only one for whom the DBMax message spam made it hard to know exactly what went off where. Sure, I could keep track of the damage numbers, but sometimes that's not accurate enough.

Adding Commas to damage displays is kinda meh. On the one hand, nice for people who want to know at a glance or for the more casual player, but in my case the number of digits tells me how much damage I'm doing (7 digits is over a million, 8 digits over 10 million...etcetera) so it's not that helpful in that situation. Where the Commas really need to pop up at are the Raid Boss Total HP Bars both in and out of battle. All those zeros blend together, making the number of digits harder to discern...being able to check that at a glance would be helpful.

Hopefully this being mainly QoL stuff and bug fixes (please have a bugfix to the Effective Damage is Uber Weak in PVP Glitch...) means Global will get it much sooner than usual. Would really like some of this stuff.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

A few corrections: tapping on the HOME screen just displays more stats, and the new medal filter is for copy medals.

Also added the new Saix stuff to the OP.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Kind of odd that they'd attach a poison skill like this to a medal that everyone's going to want to put Attack Boost Maxes on.


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Decreases your own defense?? I won't be going for this Org. 13 medal. Am saving only for the return of KEX+. Made the mistake of going all out for Xexion and it cost me. And if I see another Larxene in a pull, I will scream. Lol.


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Kind of odd that they'd attach a poison skill like this to a medal that everyone's going to want to put Attack Boost Maxes on.

Agreed. Though if it's like Zexion I imagine Trait Medals pulled from the banner will also have the skill attached (unless that was just a Global thing, though I'd be very surprised), which would be pretty handy to put on other medals.

Saix himself though will absolutely want ABMax&SP skills. He's got stats to rival Primes at 6*, he has a 3 turn set of buffs, and the Self Debuff doesn't actually hurt much in practice because when's the last time tanking actually worked in high-end content in this game? I'll tell you, that damned Assault Dragon back in March, and just barely. PvE has been steadily moving away from tanking outside of SC/HP Recovery's Extra Lives and into a "nuke them before they can nuke you" fest. Not entirely sure if Zexion+ has changed that any as I didn't get him, but I don't hear about tanking strats being viable around here, so it seems like a no. And it's definitely not a drawback in PVP, the land of "Your defense will be debuffed to heck anyways and any attempts at defense buff setup can be overwritten by the Neo Wonder Twins, so DBMax skills are your only real option." If anything, the PSM Def Self Debuff is there to make him look balanced on paper while in practice, he's gonna be absolutely nuts and it will hardly affect player performance.

I wish I was able to get him now, but the RevMagic Prime is still my prime target so I'll have to hope they do a rerun of all the banners for this event sometime in April/May of next year (if it's like the Bs, it'll happen after they've all run and thus for Global, after March or April, depending on if/when we get Roxas+ and Xion+). Since the Avatar Boards are still AWOL atm, I'll do one pull on the Saix Banner and see if I get lucky unless tonight's tweet tell us the boards are actually coming. Got enough M&Bs to guilt a single copy of the RevMagic Prime and enough Mirrors and T4BFs to 7* it. All I need is 1 pull for it, and I have more than that on standby.


Crazy Woodwind Lady
Jun 26, 2011
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Actually I was watching SmellyOctopus's video and it appears that Saix+'s 6* mutliplier is below that of Saix B's 7* multiplier. So really, this medal is not really above average for damage dealing unless you can get it to 7*. And how many of us are able to evolve Tier 8 medals with the current horrible state of PvP?


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Actually I was watching SmellyOctopus's video and it appears that Saix+'s 6* mutliplier is below that of Saix B's 7* multiplier. So really, this medal is not really above average for damage dealing unless you can get it to 7*. And how many of us are able to evolve Tier 8 medals with the current horrible state of PvP?

Bingo. Everything now is a 7* must. Sad. Am hoarding my jewels and skipping Saix. Not one of my faves anyway.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Meant to post this earlier, but just a heads up to Global players: Saix is a ginormous ass. Besides getting an obnoxious amount of HP, he also has multiple Armored Knights as backup as well as counters for medals used AND hits inflicted.

I hope y'all have enough 7-star medals for him :\


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Wait, he has friends like Zexion did? Lame. Face me with your own power, Saïx! Not like I can't smack his buddies thanks to my 7* Copy Medals (turns out, that base stat increase does make a big difference. So if you have ones with good Traits, evolving them is worth it. My Perfect HD Vanitas shall now be referred to as God Vanitas), but if he has dual counters (that's gonna be annoying as hell...) being able to focus him down alone would have been better. I'll need to be careful with my DD Setup...


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

JP will be getting a Coco medal event on 7/16 to promote the film coming to MovieNex, a service used for purchasing media and merchandise produced/distributed by Disney.

Last edited:


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Huh, that's really cool. Wonder if it'll be the JP version of our Jesse medal? Would make sense IMO.


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 7/12 Union ? JP Update: Version 2.7.0, Organization XIII EV + Draw

Also in case there's any confusion, the film was renamed to "Remember Me" in Japan. This isn't confirming the medal will have the song as BGM.
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