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July 29th - Kingdom Hearts Union χ ENG Update

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

This Falling Price Deal brings back Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+]!

Heads up, Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+] have returned! 
With the Falling Price Deal, the Jewel cost will decrease with each pull, decreasing to 1900 Jewels from the 5th pull onward! 
As you’re also guaranteed to get a corresponding Trait Medal each time you draw from this Deal, you'll be able to deck out your Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+] traits and power them up further!

Their Special Attacks will overwrite buff and debuff values, and will heal you back up! 
・Example: If your strength is at -7, when this Special Attack activates, your strength will be overwritten to become +7!

This Medal Deal guarantees a Tier 4, 7★ Medal per draw! 
As an added bonus, you will receive three Magic Mirror Medals each time you draw from this banner!

When you fuse Trait Medal #20 into Xion [EX+] and Trait Medal #19 into KH II Kairi [EX+] the following will occur: 
 ・Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+] will gain a new trait
 ・Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+] will gain one Special Attack Dot. 
NOTE: If Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+] is already strengthened to 5 Special Attack Dots, the Trait Medal will unlock the Special Attack Bonus. Trait Medals can also re-roll Special Attack Bonuses if the Bonus is already unlocked.

■Campaign Period: 
Jul. 29, 2018 12:00 a.m. to Aug. 6, 2018 11:59 p.m. (PT) 
Jul. 29, 2018 7:00 to Aug 7, 2018 6:59 (UTC)

■ Falling Price Deal Details: 
This 10-Medal Falling Price Deal guarantees the following: 
・The price of the deal will decrease after each draw: 
 - 1st Draw: 3000 Jewels 
 - 2nd Draw: 2500 Jewels 
 - 3rd Draw: 2200 Jewels 
 - 4th Draw: 2000 Jewels 
 - 5th Draw onward: 1900 Jewels 
・You’re guaranteed to get a corresponding Trait Medal each time you draw from this Deal! 
・You're guaranteed to get a Tier 4, 7★ Medal per draw from this Medal Deal! 
・The remaining 8 Medals will be of 5★ or higher rarity! 
・You will receive three Magic Mirror Medals!

You also have a chance of getting a Boosted version of this Medal! 
・Boosted Xion [EX+] and KH II Kairi [EX+]1,000 more base Strength and Defense
Please check the 'Draw Odds' tab for more information on other Boosted Medals obtainable from this banner. 
・The boosted base Strength and Defense stat will be highlighted in yellow instead of the usual white text on the Medal details screen. 
・A Boosted Medal can have its Special Attack strengthened by fusing the normal version of the same Medal onto it. 
However, make sure that you don't fuse the Boosted version onto a normal version, or else you'll lose the stat boost!

Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
Xion [EX+] S Reversed 8 1 turn: 7 STR, R- & PSM-STR, targets' -7 DEF, R- & PSM-DEF, -2 PSM-STR. SP ATK B +80%. Count +1. HP MAX. Gauge +10. Cures status ailments. All 0 × 4.98

Medal Details

Medal Attribute Reversed / Upright Special Attack Bonus Tier Special Attack Target Gauge Cost Damage Multiplier*
KH II Kairi [EX+] S Upright 8 1 turn: 7 STR, U- & PSM-STR, targets' -7 DEF, U- & PSM-DEF, -2 PSM-STR. SP ATK B +80%. Count +1. HP MAX. Gauge +10. Cures status ailments. All 0 × 4.98

* Damage multiplier listed applies to a version of this Medal with a maximum Special Attack Bonus. 
NOTE: Should you use multiple Medals that grant an increased SP attack bonus during the same turn, the effect will not stack. For example, should you use a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +15%" and a Medal that grants "SP attack bonus +30%", these effects will not stack; rather, the higher value (+30%) will take effect.



Active member
Jun 28, 2017
Re: July 29th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Is it bad or good?
Simply personally for me it's rather good. I could not get the Kairi EX + in my time. And I'm glad that I was given a second chance.


Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2016
Far flung galaxy
Re: July 29th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Is it bad or good?
Simply personally for me it's rather good. I could not get the Kairi EX + in my time. And I'm glad that I was given a second chance.

It's a way to take your money in a sneaky way, while still guaranteeing nothing in return. It's a Falling Price deal. That just means you're paying a wee bit less to take your chances. The deal is basically the same. You could pull 100 times and not get either medal...or pull once and get it. It's gambling, pure and simple.

I pulled way too many times the first time to get nothing, and will not get burned again. I would advise anyone to wait until they come back as mercy pulls, but that is only my suggestion and personal way of approaching it. Any medal deal that is not a guarantee pull is a no go for me in the future. Of course, there are players with unlimited access to cash, so it matters not how many times they have to pull. Choose wisely.

Wishing you lots of good luck if you do decide to pull!


Feb 15, 2016
Re: July 29th - Kingdom Hearts Union ? ENG Update

Such bait~ Since these still aren't mercies, it would probably be better to pull for T5 primes, since Roxas also has the 80% guilt buff and -7 AOE reverse defense down, but you only need to pull 5 times to get him.
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