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8/17 Union χ JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

10 story quests (826~ 835) were added at 15:00 JST on 8/16!

How are the people in other worlds doing? This time, let's visit Snow White and Alice!

(Player and Chirithy arrive in Dwarf Woodlands.)

Chirithy: The dwarves must be working in the mines.

I guess Snow White is looking after their home while they're out.

Let's go see her.

(You enter the dwarves' cottage to find them preparing for the day. Dopey runs past you with Grumpy hot on his trail.)

Grumpy: Hey, if you're in that much of a hurry, why don't you get yourself ready!

(He turns to you.)

Grumpy: How's about you quit staring!

(He yells at the others before heading out the door.)

I'll be needing your tools, so don't keep me waiting!

(The others greet you on their way out.)

Sleepy: Yawn... so sleepy but I have to get to work.

Bashful: It's good to see you again. Be sure to take it easy, alright?

Sneezy: Ah, ahh, achoo!

I thought those sneezes would never stop, but then you showed up.


Happy: Haha, thanks for coming all this way to see us. We're heading off to work now, so let's meet again another time.

Doc: Oh, it's you!

Hm? The princess? I believe she said she's going to the Flower Glade.

We've got to get to work, so please go and pay her a visit.

(You find Snow White picking flowers in the glades. You call out to her.)

Snow White: Oh hello, so nice of you to drop by.

(You ask what she's doing.)

Snow White: I'm picking flowers to make flower crowns for the dwarves.

(You approach her and count the crowns. There's already seven completed ones, and she's currently making an eighth. You ask about it.)

Snow White: Oh, this? This is for him...

Next time, I'll make one for you too.

(You bid her farewell, and make your way to Wonderland, where you find Alice and the White Rabbit.)

White Rabbit: Huff, huff, huff, huff... Please, give me, a break...

Alice: Oh, what a shame. You've got to do better, Mister Rabbit.

(You make your way over to them.)

Alice: Oh, you're here too!

In that case, you can be "it" this time. Catch us if you can!

(She runs off.)

White Rabbit: Hey, wait, I've already told you I've had enough of this!

(He runs after her.)

Chirithy: Alice hasn't changed one bit.

Why don't you go along with her for a while?

(You find the White Rabbit with no trouble at all.)

White Rabbit: Oh dear, it appears that I've been found.

Alice is just up ahead.

Hurry up and catch her so we can finally bring this game of tag to an end!

(You find Alice hiding by the White Rabbit's house.)

Alice: Awww, you found me.

I'm getting rather tired of Tag and Hide n' Seek. What shall we play next?

Oh yes! Let's see if we can get our hands on that arrogant queen's staff and try to hide it.

(She happily runs off. You start to go after her, but the Cheshire Cat stops you.)

Cheshire Cat: Wait. Just leave her be.

By now, those two will have forced her into joining their tea party.

Since it can't be helped, I'll watch over Alice for you.

She seems to be quite bored lately, so it'd be nice if you'd come back to play sometime.

Limited Draw from 8/17~8/31 offers Riku VS Roxas and Namine [EX+]! Each pull guarantees 1 ★6 Riku & Roxas, 1 ★7 Tier5 medal, 10 VIP coins and 3 Magic Mirrors.

★7 Riku VS Roxas is a 5-pull mercy. 
Namine [EX+] is a voiced medal that has no guarantee, but introduces a new ability that changes the target of the following medal to AOE. If they were single or random attackers prior, Namine [EX+]'s affect would make them affect all targets.

★7 Riku VS Roxas [All Targets | 6 SP | 80~150%] For 1 turn: Increases Upright ATK+3, Magic ATK+7 and Guilt+80, decreases enemy Upright DEF-7, DEF-5 and Magic DEF-7. Recovers 3 SP, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage against standalone enemies. Doesn't affect counters

★6 Namine [EX+] [1 Target | 0 SP | 150~230%] For 3 turns: Increases Upright ATK+7, ATK+7, PSM ATK+7, DEF+2, PSM DEF+3 and Guilt+90%. Raises Counter+5, inflicts fixed damage. Changes the target of the following medal to AOE.



Oct 9, 2007
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

So we'll most likely visiting Agrabah and Enchanted Dominion during the next story update, that's three months of filler. Didn't Nomura promise that the main story will take off?


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Has anyone played the story quests yet? Roboloid posted on Reddit that there is a “glimpse of something else,” but I’m not sure if that came from an official source or not. Can anyone confirm or debunk?


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

So we'll most likely visiting Agrabah and Enchanted Dominion during the next story update, that's three months of filler. Didn't Nomura promise that the main story will take off?

I have a theory that when kh3 was pushed to January 2019 it messed up their release schedule for story updates and we got this to buy time until we’re closer to kh3’s release.


Oct 9, 2007
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Has anyone played the story quests yet? Roboloid posted on Reddit that there is a “glimpse of something else,” but I’m not sure if that came from an official source or not. Can anyone confirm or debunk?
The last cutscene is just Alice hidding from the Trickmaster and the Cheshire Cat being omnious again. I didn't translate it though since Chirithy didn't appear, so mabye I missed it.

I have a theory that when kh3 was pushed to January 2019 it messed up their release schedule for story updates and we got this to buy time until we’re closer to kh3’s release.
But KH3 was only pushed back by a month, maybe two max, I don't see how this affecting the main story this much.
Maybe we really get a Wreck-It-Ralph world in this game for the Classic Kingdom games, maybe that update isn't ready, maybe not, I don't care.

The problem is that the main story will have not seen a single update for a whole year, and even the side stories with the Dandelion pals are just put into side events that go for way to long for very little payoff (if at all). Why do we have to revisit completed Disney worlds where nothing happens at all? It's like they wanted to repeat the first 200 quests of the game. It's lazy and it's boring, they are stretching the little content they provide too thin.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

The last cutscene is just Alice hidding from the Trickmaster and the Cheshire Cat being omnious again. I didn't translate it though since Chirithy didn't appear, so mabye I missed it.

But KH3 was only pushed back by a month, maybe two max, I don't see how this affecting the main story this much.
Maybe we really get a Wreck-It-Ralph world in this game for the Classic Kingdom games, maybe that update isn't ready, maybe not, I don't care.

The problem is that the main story will have not seen a single update for a whole year, and even the side stories with the Dandelion pals are just put into side events that go for way to long for very little payoff (if at all). Why do we have to revisit completed Disney worlds where nothing happens at all? It's like they wanted to repeat the first 200 quests of the game. It's lazy and it's boring, they are stretching the little content they provide too thin.

Thanks! Yeah, I guess next month will be Agrabah/Enchanted Dominion with maybe a closing scene that sets up the return to the main plot. The return to Enchanted Dominion might even reveal that present day Maleficent is there a la the scene from Browser Chi.

At this point, Global will get Enchanted Dominion 791-800 next month, 801-810 in October, 810-815 in November, 816-825 in December, and then we’ll be where Japan is now in January when KH3 releases. So yeah, if things don’t change, we won’t have any main story in Global UX prior to KH3’s release and certainly not the new world.

Sorry I’m rambling, but that brings up another point. Unless they plan on syncing Japan and Global, I don’t think the Wreck-It Ralph world (if that’s what it is) will tie in to sequel’s initial release since Global won’t be at that point in the story updates by then and the new film won’t come out in Japan until several weeks after the US release like Incredibles 2, Big Hero 6, and most Disney films. Maybe this film will break the trend and release simultaneously, but I don’t think it will. The first film didn’t even release in Japan until 4-5 months after the initial release.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

I have a theory that when kh3 was pushed to January 2019 it messed up their release schedule for story updates and we got this to buy time until we’re closer to kh3’s release.

They're fillering since last September already while having done only the introductory parts of the story so far, it doesn't add up even with KH III's release being pushed back.

Nomura is quoted to have stated that the main story of Union X would pick up pace and a "huge upheaval" would happen more than once ever since last November or so.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

The problem is not just the story lacking, but the whole product has become awful. If the game was great on itself and had other content to dive in, one would complain less about the lack of story, but right now it's just one scammy decision after the other, thousands of banners and PvP, PvP, PvP. I've heard people say they can't beat the events anymore, so they'll just focus on story now, but there's no story so they leave. If they'd be at least able to clear the events, they'd have more content to be entertained by and it wouldn't be that grave that we have no story. Personally, I can't even beat the fourth gem quest anymore (which I, up to the arrival of the 7* medals) always could and it's really frustrating. Many people say "well, if you don't like it, just leave", but, surprise, that doesn't make it better, I want the game to get better or die altogether, not to leave. It's not the same.

Topic: Probably will pull for Riku and Naminé as they are in the same deal, not a smart choice because I don't really need them, but I'm just pulling for whatever I want anyway. Sena won't release a decent mercy for Kairi / Xion too soon, so I can't afford them anyway, no use in saving for them.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

The problem is not just the story lacking, but the whole product has become awful. If the game was great on itself and had other content to dive in, one would complain less about the lack of story, but right now it's just one scammy decision after the other, thousands of banners and PvP, PvP, PvP. I've heard people say they can't beat the events anymore, so they'll just focus on story now, but there's no story so they leave. If they'd be at least able to clear the events, they'd have more content to be entertained by and it wouldn't be that grave that we have no story. Personally, I can't even beat the fourth gem quest anymore (which I, up to the arrival of the 7* medals) always could and it's really frustrating. Many people say "well, if you don't like it, just leave", but, surprise, that doesn't make it better, I want the game to get better or die altogether, not to leave. It's not the same.

I mean, we've been there already, we already said all that there was to be said.
Which only goes to Ux's further detriment.
I don't even feel rage or frustration, it's only a shame. I know many hated and hate the entire concept, but a KH MMO wasn't a bad idea and had heaps of potential. But on top of all the awful management we've talked about, to me they also did a poor job with the multiplayer part, which was the feature I was more hopeful for.
My distaste for raids (aka: get yelled at by your teammates because you didn't log in at the right time and bashed your head against an HP wall of a boss for 40-50 minutes) is why I'll always be underlevelled, and I think I've stopped entering the Union Cross thingie after the first month.
I just wanted to chill with my friends in a KH setting, perhaps hunting a gigantic Heartless boss in groups Monster Hunter style. But not this. Certainly not this.

To not make my post just a tired rant: what's the situation between JP and global now? I'm only a global player, and I remember a while JP was not only advanced, but just better to play. Is it still the case, or has global managed to narrow the gap?


trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Updated OP with the English-subbed video and transcript. There's really nothing interesting, just some cute interactions.

Next month is a return to Agrabah. We started these revisits off by leaving Enchanted Dominion, so I doubt we'll be going back there. If we're lucky, maybe they'll lead into the new world?
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Oct 4, 2013
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Next month is a return to Agrabah.

I knew it was coming but reading that still makes me scream in fear and terror, let's hope they make it quick orz


Jul 18, 2014
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Sad to see this game dying such a slow death. Wake me up once the game picks up. It's going to be a long slumber.
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Not KHI Site Staff
Staff member
Feb 19, 2008
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

They're fillering since last September already while having done only the introductory parts of the story so far, it doesn't add up even with KH III's release being pushed back.

Nomura is quoted to have stated that the main story of Union X would pick up pace and a "huge upheaval" would happen more than once ever since last November or so.
The thing is, before they decided on a delay they could have planned for the story to kick off in July or August. With KH3 pushed back, they can't have the main story of the game drop revelations a long time before KHIII launches so they had to push the entire thing back and unfortunately that means more filler.

I was sure it would just be two months of Disney retread filler but now we are heading towards a third month. We'll soon be at the two year anniversary of "by the way a brand new Disney world never used before is being added to the game" and I think pretty much everyone​ is sick of waiting.


Fallen to Darkness
Jan 13, 2018
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

So we’ll likely only have four non-filler updates from October-January, possibly five depending how they end September’s update. Even if a new world does appear prior to KH3, we’ll probably only get one or two story updates if they plan on progressing the Daybreak Town story at all. I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t even debut until after KH3 since it hasn’t been confirmed to appear beforehand.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Re: 8/17 Union ? JP Update: Story Update, <Pr> Riku VS Roxas & Namine [EX+]

Updated OP with the English-subbed video and transcript. There's really nothing interesting, just some cute interactions.

Next month is a return to Agrabah. We started these revisits off by leaving Enchanted Dominion, so I doubt we'll be going back there. If we're lucky, maybe they'll lead into the new world?

If we return to Agrabah, I want that Kurt Zisa boss battle.

In all seriousness, KHUx literally has no value if the new Disney world will be playable in global after the release of Kingdom Hearts III.
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