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11/26 Union χ JP Update: No Heart, More Deals, Union Cross

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Premium Quest from 11/26~12/2 offers No Heart! Get 2 No Heart medals, 8 Trait Medal #63, and 1400 jewels. Players who purchase the Bonus Jewel Pack will alos receive an additional Gold Ticket to be distribute on 12/3 at 15:00 JST.

This medal is capable of 150~230% Guilt and has 3 trait slots.

No Heart [1 Target | 0 SP cost] For 1 attack: Increases Reverse ATK+7, ATK+7 and Magic ATK+7, decreases enemy Reverse DEF-7, DEF-7 and Magic DEF-7. Raises Counter+10, inflicts 3 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets 

Key Art #19 and Maleficent return in a Falling Price banner from 11/26~12/1! Each pull guarantees 1 Trait Medal #56, 1 ★6 Maleficent, 10 VIP coins and 3 Magic Mirrors.

★7 Maleficent is a 5-pull mercy, while there's no guarantee for Key Art #19.

Key Art #19 [ All Targets | 6 SP cost | 150~230%] For 1 turn: Increases Upright ATK+3, Magic ATK+7 and Guilt+100%, decreases enemy Upright DEF-7. DEF-7 and Magic DEF-7. Recovers 3 SP, inflicts 6 hits that deal more damage against standalone targets. Doesn't affect counters.

Maleficent [All Targets | 4 SP cost | 80~150%] For 1 turn: Increases Reverse ATK+ 3 and Guilt+120%. Inflicts 5 hits that are effective against all attributes

Invi, Gula and Aced HD [EX+] return as 5-pull mercies from 11/26~11/28! Each pull guarantees 1 respective trait medal, 1 Tier6~7 7 ★ medal, 10 VIP coins and 3 Magic Mirrors.

Invi HD Ver [EX+] [All Targets | 4 SP cost] 3 turns: Overwrites Player with Upright ATK+7, ATK+7, Magic ATK+7, Power DEF+7
Overwrites enemy with Upright DEF-7, DEF-7, Magic DEF-7, Power ATK-3
Increases Guilt+100%, recovers 2 SP, raises Counter+2, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage with more HP
Changes next medal to Magic-type


Gula HD Ver [EX+] [All Targets | 4 SP cost] 3 turns: Overwrite Player with Upright ATK+7, ATK+7, Speed ATK+7, Magic DEF+7
Overwrite enemy with Upright DEF-7, DEF-7, Speed DEF-7, Magic ATK-3
Guilt+100%, recovers 2 SP, raises Counter+2, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage with more HP
Changes next medal to Speed-type

Aced HD Ver [EX+] [All Targets | 4 SP cost] 3 turns: Overwrite Player with Upright ATK+7, ATK+7, Power ATK+7, Speed DEF+7
Overwrite enemy with Upright DEF-7, DEF-7, Power DEF-7, Speed ATK-3
Guilt+100%, recovers 2 SP, raises Counter+2, inflicts 4 hits that deal more damage with more HP
Changes next medal to Power-type

Union Cross is updated for 11/26~12/2! Clear quests to earn coins and redeem rewards like Hugging Chernabog (Raid Appearance Luck+5).

There are 4 sets of Cross Boards available:

(1) Magic Mirror set 1
=> Magic Mirror set 2
(2) Broom Servant set 1
=> Broom Servant set 2
(3) M_Hugging Chernabog
(4) L_Hugging Chernabog

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~19:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more coins by defeating the boss.

Skill Draws are available from 11/28~11/30! Each draw comes with 5 ★6 medals and a guaranteed skill. Players are limited to 1 draw of each banner per day, which comes with 5 VIP coins.

Skills being offered are ATK XL IV 100%, Guard Up XL 100%, Ability0 & ATK XL III 100%, Lux2 & ATK XL 100%, Poison EX II 100%, Paralyze EX II 100% and Sleep EX II 100%.

The ★6 medals may also come with one of the following abilities attached:

Attack Up M Guard Up M
Ability Prize Up Ability2
Poison EX Paralyze EX
Sleep EX  


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
Re: 11/26 Union ? JP Update: No Heart, More Deals, Union Cross

I know it's premium, but eventually that No Heart medal has to be mine somehow.
A full Foretellers set, an all Larxene deck and an eventual No Heart/Luxu medal are my endgame goals for this entire game
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