• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


12/19 Union χ JP Update: Version 3.5.0, Point Draw



trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

December's BIG Bonus Challenge arrives form 12/21~12/31 in the form of a Pegasus Cup! Clear the challenges to get up to 6000 jewels and 87 gems! 

Quest  Rewards
ROUND 1 Jewel x 500
Sun Gem x 1
Moon Gem x 1
ROUND 2 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 3 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 4 Jewel x 500
Chip★6 x 5
Dale★6 x 5
ROUND 5 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 6 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 7 Jewel x 500
Chip★6 x 5
Dale★6 x 5
ROUND 8 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 9 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 10 Jewel x 1000
Sun Gem x 1
Moon Gem x 1
ROUND 11 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 12 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 13 Jewel x 500
Chip★6 x 5
Dale★6 x 5
ROUND 14 Sword Gem x 3
Wing Gem x 3
Mystic Gem x 3
ROUND 15 Jewel x 3000
Sun Gem x 1
Moon Gem x 1

Wing Gem Drop Event is held from 12/21~12/31!

The Guard Armor has a chance of dropping Wing Gems! The more difficult the quest, the higher the drop rate and spawn rate of rare enemies.

The rare Gold Hammer Frame will always drop Wing Gems! Use accessories with Rare Enemy Luck to increase their spawn rate, and accessories with Drop Luck to boost the drop rate.

KHIII Special Draw featuring KHIII Namine returns from 12/20~12/26! Each pull guarantees 3 ★6 or 7 KHIII medal, 1 trait medal, 2 Sword Gems and 10 L/R VIP coins. Get KHIII Namine in 10 pulls!

KHIII Namine [All Targets |0 SP cost | T10] For 1 turn: Increases All Medal ATK+2000, Upright, Reverse, General and PSM ATK+15, Guilt+200%. Decreases enemy Upright, Reverse, General and PSM DEF-15. Raises Counter+2. Recovers lots of HP and 5 SP, removes status ailments.

(AOE) Super Burst: For 1 turn: Increases All Medal ATK+5000 and Guilt+280%. Raises Counter+5, recovers 5 SP. Activates before the 1st slot in PVP

High Score Event is held from 12/20~12/25! Rank as high as you can to earn gems and other rewards! 

There will also be additional rewards based on the combined score of your party. Check them out:

Party Ranking [T10] Subslot Medals

Upright Power x 5
Upright Speed x 5
Upright Magic x 5
Reverse Power x 5
Reverse Speed x 5
Reverse Magic x 5

51-100 Upright Power x 4
Upright Speed x 4
Upright Magic x 4
Reverse Power x 4
Reverse Speed x 4
Reverse Magic x 4
101-150 Upright Power x 3
Upright Speed x 3
Upright Magic x 3
Reverse Power x 3
Reverse Speed x 3
Reverse Magic x 3
151-300 Upright Power x 2
Upright Speed x 2
Upright Magic x 2
Reverse Power x 2
Reverse Speed x 2
Reverse Magic x 2
301-500 Upright Power x 1
Upright Speed x 1
Upright Magic x 1
Reverse Power x 1
Reverse Speed x 1
Reverse Magic x 1

KINGDOM HEARTS Union X will be updated to Version 3.5.0 following maintenance on 12/19. Contents of the update are as follows:

  • UI Adjustment
    • An Event Pickup Banner will be added to the top of the quest screen, recommending the hottest events.
  • Improved Medal Inventory Expansion
    • Players will be able to expand their medal inventory by more than one upgrade at a time.
  • Super Burst Auto Function has been added, which players can enable via the Info screen during quests.
    • When enabled, Super Burst will automatically trigger at the exact moment they activate in PVP.
  • Benefits of Jewel Pack F will last 31 days following purchase, rather than expiring at the end of the month.
    • This change only applies to purchases of Jewel Pack F made in Version 3.5.0 or later.

Point Draw will be available from 12/19 (post maintenance) ~ 1/16 (data update). Trade in unused Tier 2 or higher medals for points that can be used in this draw! You will receive Draw Points based on the medal's tier.


Tier 2 => 2 Points
Tier 10 => 10 Points

Spend 100 points to pull once for a guaranteed SB+ medal with Status Bonus.

Once the event ends, your Draw Points will disappear and you won't be able to obtain additional points.

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Anti-SENA Operative
Mar 16, 2013
Auto Super Burst is great.

Kind of wish this Point Draw was permanent
Aug 28, 2016
Auto Super Burst!? FINALLY!
I always leave PVP as Auto so I can multi-task but the one thing that annoyed me was that super-burst doesn't activate automatically. This makes life a lot easier now.