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Kingdom Hearts Re:Make



Active member
Feb 3, 2015
Los Angeles, California
So I came across a video a while ago talking about the porspect of a remake of the first KH game and it caught me by surprised because it's something I never really thought about before.

Now, whether it's a good idea or not is the other question. Because remakes of past games gave work in the past; Crash, Spyro, and even Link's Awakening are games that have more then benefited from a touch up. The KH shader would work would perfectly for the remake and could even improved upon gameplay wise because as far as games in the series, KH is one that is sometimes hard to come back to due to some outdated mechanics.

And dare I say, even the story could be improved. Though I'm certainly in the minority of this opinion but KH is regarded as having the best, most coherent story. I personally don't think so and I honestly think some aspects could be improved. Even so, I do love the story of the game more most of the storylines in KH but its story does feel far removed since Noruma obviously retcon and changed some things once he realised he could make a sequel. Plus, it gives new and old players a chance to play the first game in a completely different way.

Though, as there are positives. There are also negatives. For one thing, since the Remixs existence, it would feel a little unnecessary. You could just buy that game and though not everything about it up to date, it's still a game you can enjoy for the most part. Plus, KH is part of an ongoing saga, which means you would have to remake ALL the games up until KH3 graphics wise and that seems like a lot of money I would have go to a Kairi spin-off, DDD2 (as much as I don't want that), and a console remake of KH Union Cross. Spending time remaking past games... I don't know, just doesnt seem like it would be the right time for that.

But, if the past games were to be remade as well, it could fix a lot of the mistakes of past games as well; the pacing 358/2, the plot DDD in general, Re:coded being less insignificant, Chain of Memories changing it's own gameplay to make it more playable.

Still though, given the success of other video games remakes, I'm fascinated by this idea. I think there are a lot of benefits and downsides; just depends on which ones weigh more then the other.


Mar 16, 2014
So I came across a video a while ago talking about the porspect of a remake of the first KH game and it caught me by surprised because it's something I never really thought about before.

Now, whether it's a good idea or not is the other question. Because remakes of past games gave work in the past; Crash, Spyro, and even Link's Awakening are games that have more then benefited from a touch up. The KH shader would work would perfectly for the remake and could even improved upon gameplay wise because as far as games in the series, KH is one that is sometimes hard to come back to due to some outdated mechanics.

And dare I say, even the story could be improved. Though I'm certainly in the minority of this opinion but KH is regarded as having the best, most coherent story. I personally don't think so and I honestly think some aspects could be improved. Even so, I do love the story of the game more most of the storylines in KH but its story does feel far removed since Noruma obviously retcon and changed some things once he realised he could make a sequel. Plus, it gives new and old players a chance to play the first game in a completely different way.

Though, as there are positives. There are also negatives. For one thing, since the Remixs existence, it would feel a little unnecessary. You could just buy that game and though not everything about it up to date, it's still a game you can enjoy for the most part. Plus, KH is part of an ongoing saga, which means you would have to remake ALL the games up until KH3 graphics wise and that seems like a lot of money I would have go to a Kairi spin-off, DDD2 (as much as I don't want that), and a console remake of KH Union Cross. Spending time remaking past games... I don't know, just doesnt seem like it would be the right time for that.

But, if the past games were to be remade as well, it could fix a lot of the mistakes of past games as well; the pacing 358/2, the plot DDD in general, Re:coded being less insignificant, Chain of Memories changing it's own gameplay to make it more playable.

Still though, given the success of other video games remakes, I'm fascinated by this idea. I think there are a lot of benefits and downsides; just depends on which ones weigh more then the other.
Well they already have some assets for a KH1 Remake too.
* Sora, Riku, Kairi (KH1 versions)
* Dark Riku
* Ansem SoD
* Ansem's Guardian
* Hooded Xemnas
* Shadow Heartless
* Soldier Heartless
* Large Body Heartless
* Darkside Heartless
* Air Soldier Heartless (Olympus)
* Neoshadow Heartless
* Mage Heartless
* Donald Duck, Goofy , Mickey (0.2), Minnie, Daisy, Chip, Dale, Jimmny Cricket, Pluto, Merlin, Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Gopher, Ariel, Simba, Hercules, Phil, Maleficent
* Destiny Islands
* Rabbit's House (100 Acre Wood)
* Station Of Awakening
* End Of Sea (Dark Margin)
* Kingdom Key, Kingdom Key D, Oblivion, Oathkeeper, Soul Eater, Mage's Sfaff, Knight's Shield
All of that and possibly more. The model rips confirmed Simba, Ariel, Wreck-It-Ralph and Darkside have coded-in game effects, but the models themselves don't have the effects.

Deleted member 246005

How would you improve the first story? I'm just curious. I probably would just leave Kairi in Hollow Bastion at the end instead of Destiny Islands.

I'm not against remakes but would I rather see new adventures than repeating old ones. Plus I guess it depends on how much you trust Nomura-san to fix things rather than make it worse.
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Active member
Feb 3, 2015
Los Angeles, California
How would you improve the first story? I'm just curious. I probably would just leave Kairi in Hollow Bastion at the end instead of Destiny Islands.

I don't think I would do that. To be honest, among other things, I would have Kairi have more of an active role in the story later on and expand her powers. Not necessarily take away Sora's sacrifice or her being in his heart the whole time but maybe give her something to do after the fact. I rather her not be in a damsel role and be more active once she's freed.

As far as anything else, I would take away the whole aspect of there being only one keyblade. Obviously this was retcon later on but I would much rather it be apart of the first story.

I also think the Disney worlds need to play a more active role in Sora's journey, or at least put more into the lessons he actually learns because though the story progresses, Sora himself doesn't really progress as a character all that much and there really isn't any internal conflict being presented here until Hollow Bastion in his attempt to save Riku from himself but I honestly feel there has to be more to it. It's enough for the story but I also feel like more could be done to explore Sora as a character, the same way Chain of Memories did. Maybe that's because Sora is presented as a very simple character but its proven throughout the series that there's more to him then he let's on.

I personally don't think the Disney worlds do any more or less in that aspect then most KH games; so that's more of a series complaint then this game entirely but still. Although this game does the "this disney world is relevant to the story" aspect better then most of the games, I personally don't think its by THAT much besides Agrabah, Wonderland, Monstro, and Neverland.

Also, I think the lore of the series needs to be better presented so that the rest of the series lore isn't so confusing to tackle as it usually is for newcomers. Again, I don't KH1 is bad per say, it's one of the better stories in the series but I do think it would require some improvement. But I could say that about other stories in the series that did certain aspects better then others.
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Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Yeah, there's really no need. They've already essentially remade the game once as I understand it, and attempting to reconstitute its story in order to retroactively accommodate the games that came after would doubtless rob the original of a lot of its charm. KH1 was lighting in a bottle, and while there have been other great installments, none have managed to fully embody the kind of intuitive blend of atmosphere and tight plotting which characterize that first title. It may not be flawless, but it's the best example of how to balance the elements that make up a KH game; leaning on it to force some indication that Ansem SoD is actually a time traveling dark wizard who is really one half of a person (who is really two people combined) whose soul has been separated into different parts would be a prime way to muck it up. KH's story unraveled the way it did in part because Nomura didn't have it planned in much detail, but also because many of the concepts which have become inherent to it needed time and space to develop as part of the world-building process. One of KH1's strengths is that it takes its time and encourages the audience to accept the facts of the universe as they're presented at face value by declining to exposit on them, so we learn how to make associations and apply the vocabulary of the narrative through implication and example rather than taking the characters' words for it.

As for the characters, it's true that Kairi's role could be significantly revised and expanded upon, but we all know Nomura would never bother to do that. At best I could see him digging more into Riku's side of the story and working to further juxtapose and/or parallel him with Sora. Speaking of which, Sora has his best (or second best, as CoM is a pretty strong contender in this regard) development as a character through KH1. He's fully engaged with the worlds he visits, consistently takes in new forms of knowledge about the universe (and retains it after he leaves) and gradually starts to apply an entire philosophy towards things that he had never had cause to consider before. The idea that his own heart could connect with others in a way that lends him spiritual strength, that his own belief in himself could make the impossible possible, and that the world is fundamentally made up of good so there is always a "light in the dark" guiding the way through, are all representative of teachings he received from others (and the worlds themselves) throughout the game. It's true that Sora has a predilection towards optimism and filters his experiences through that lens, and while nothing much in KH1 nudges him off that path, it's still the case that he actively deepens his own rationale for examining the world using that field of view so that when he wavers or his vulnerabilities are exploited in later installments, it's offset by an understanding of who he is at his core-- and how that coheres with the broader motif of the universe around which KH is built. That's precisely what KH1, whether viewed as the first in the series or as a standalone, ought to have been accomplishing, so it's not clear to me what else could be added that would feel purposeful rather than contrived.

And lastly, as pretty as KH3 is (outside of those plasticine pre-rendered scenes that give me the bad kind of goosebumps), I like the old look for the series with its quirky combination of anime and Disney aesthetics, and it would be a shame to see it go by the wayside when even the Remixes have got Remixes to pick from. It also feels like the moment has passed for this possibility in any immediate sense; I could see them revisiting the franchise this way to milk the IP if Nomura had brought things to a close with KH3, but with no actual end in sight I don't imagine there's much incentive to put time and energy in this when they could be raking it in with another mobile game or hyping up whatever Nomura dishes out next. After all, if people don't know they hate it yet, they're more likely to give it a try! Just remember to come prepared with water to help wash down all the salt.


Active member
Aug 1, 2017
darkness within darkness
I'd be against the idea. In the latest entries, Nomura had too much focus on connecting events that were never actually planned to connect, retconning and pretending all the overcomplicated stuff has been out there from the very beginning. The first game was good because it wasn't so complicated, messy and felt like it had to set up several other games while also trying to hold up on itself and I wouldn't want to see that getting messed up. The first game also still holds up pretty well, so I don't think it's in need for a remake (other than e.g. Spyro that just looks awful as a PS1 version on a big screen).


Active member
Jun 28, 2017
That is unnecessary ? KH1 already looks good in terms of graphics.
As for the story, it is good, but alas, the characters are simply very outdated by 2019. And Sora, Riku, Kairi are much inferior to some Roxas, Aqua, and first of all Riku CoM times and after. Even Kairi is even more of a plot device than in KH3. Therefore, if you do a remake (This does not make sense), then you need to do heroes more interesting. For example, in the new “Duck Tales” the characters were strongly re-designed to match the new years.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I would want a remake just to fight iconic Disney bosses in KH3 quality. Aside from that, I wouldn't want it. Knowing Nomura, he would be too tempted to throw in stuff from current game and "reCONNECT: Kingdom Hearts 1" to everything else which I don't think is necessary and would probably mess up KH1.

If they did a straight up remake of KH1 where everything is the same except for the graphics and the size of the worlds, I would be down. But if they changed more than cosmetics, I wouldn't be interested.

Also, would they even be allowed to since KH1 has Deep Jungle and Tarzan can't be used again?


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
No doubt it would be guaranteed to be worse than the original. Despite its age, KH1 is still the best in the series. All it could improve on is graphics and the camera. And, to a degree, I'd agree they could improve the level design, too, but I doubt the platforming and treasure hunting would be as well-done.
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Moist with roistering
Jan 16, 2012
Also, would they even be allowed to since KH1 has Deep Jungle and Tarzan can't be used again?
Disney could always get the rights again. And I'm pretty sure they needed to in order for 1.5 to happen, as I'm fairly certain you can't release a product that includes something you no longer had rights to, even if you did previously. If I'm mistaken, someone please correct me!

But either way, I just can't have a KH1 with SDG's character moments there being dropped or moved, not having Clayton be crushed to death, or most importantly

"*&&X%! Not Clayton!"


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
Disney could always get the rights again. And I'm pretty sure they needed to in order for 1.5 to happen, as I'm fairly certain you can't release a product that includes something you no longer had rights to, even if you did previously. If I'm mistaken, someone please correct me!
I imagine whatever license they negotiated originally covered re-releases and things like that, seems pretty standard for any form of licensed media (but yeah also correct me if I'm wrong).

That said it could be a moot point as the whole property of Tarzan should be entering the public domain in 2020 for the U.S. (and should already be out of copyright for other countries, including Japan if I'm not mistaken, disclaimer I'm not a copyright expert), with the only possible snag being that the Edgar Rice Burroughs' Estate has been trying to use trademark law to prevent use of the name and character, even for reimaginings of some of the stories by ERB (including John Carter books) whose copyright had already expired-- which is super slimy, but as far as I can research the only suit they've brought against a comic book company on these terms was settled out of court so no precedent has been set on whether that's legally sound. It apparently resulted in that comic company getting a licensing deal with the estate (and Marvel/Disney losing theirs) so who knows. Probably Disney wouldn't want to wrangle with these trolls over such a minor use of the property, especially if they're planning to apply the same legal strategy to prevent "unauthorized" usages of Mickey Mouse when/if he goes public domain as scheduled in 2024. Corporate America will always find a way to keep the common peasants from poisoning their precious brands.

"*&&X%! Not Clayton!"
Losing this would be tragic. Only Days has writing as perfectly poignant.

Deleted member 246005

I just wanted to set Kairi up better for the sequel. Leaving her with Leon and the others just allows for more character growth than going back to the Islands.

Just having her stay with Sora is also an option but more of a change.

In the game itself it's hard to give Kairi more to do. Maybe have her pop up more as a spirit only Sora could see?
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Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
I just wanted to set Kairi up better for the sequel. Leaving her with Leon and the others just allows for more character growth than going back to the Islands.
Such a missed opportunity, really. It would have made sense for Kairi to accompany Sora at least as far as Hollow Bastion and be with the other Princesses as they worked to hold back the darkness, or whatever they were supposedly doing. From there she could have remained in HB, learned more about her past, and most of KH2 could have still worked out the way it did because Axel has even more reason to visit HB than DI (or we could just skip the whole kidnapping subplot and have her go on her own adventure with Pluto the search & rescue dog). Also it would have delayed the catharsis of seeing the three protagonists finally return home, and thus bringing Kairi's character symbolism full circle, until they could be there together. The letter in the bottle could have been a memento Kairi sent out prior to the evening of the storm in KH1, thinking that if they set off on the raft maybe the three of them would find it somewhere along their travels; if she stuck around for the final Xemnas fights in KH2 like she should have, the letter could have shown up with SRK on the Dark Margins and her PoH power kicks in, opens the door to light, and she could be the one to say to Sora and Riku, "We'll go together."

Wasted. Potential.

In the game itself it's hard to give Kairi more to do. Maybe have her pop up more as a spirit only Sora could see?
Without betraying the twist, I think there are a lot of ways Kairi's heart being inside of Sora's could have been helpful or significant to his story's progression and her characterization, like making an explicit point about how Kairi's heart chose Sora not so that he could protect her, but out of a strong desire on her part to protect him. Although that kind of comes to a point after the fact with Kairi shielding Sora's Shadow and reviving his heart, it would have been neat to see her PoH powers shining through in other tough situations for Sora prior to their reunion in order to provide a sense of real partnership between them. Kind of like how Mickey jumps in under certain circumstances in KH2. That way the twist could be less, "Oh he's been keeping her safe," and more, "Oh she's actually been a huge help this whole time, and without her, Sora/we as the player wouldn't have made it this far." The latter just feels like a more exciting revelation to me.

As far as the narrative, I think the most helpful thing would have been if there was more of an acknowledgment that Kairi spent the entirety of KH1 with Sora in future games. There's mention of it, but no sense of consequence or weight to that, particularly for Kairi. Her heart was not dormant in his (like Ven's): she was "conscious" the whole time, feeling things, seeing the worlds as he visited them, reaching out to her body when it was close by. And yet, in CoM she's a non-entity and in KH2 nothing is ever made of how much she must know, at least on an intuitive level, of what Sora experienced in his first journey, or how she experienced it alongside him. Instead she's given amnesia (which Riku never gets...yeah ok) and has to piece together...oh wait, there's nothing for her to piece together because it's like she was never there even though she was.

Again, she could have spent KH2 retracing Sora's steps from KH1, visiting the friends he made and "lining the pieces up." Now because of KH3's "New Pure Hearts" asspull we'll never get a game where Kairi gets to party up with Belle and Jasmine, or wander through Wonderland and solve riddles with Alice. All those spinoffs and Nomura never thought to give us a Princess of Heart game.



2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
^ KH is really Wasted Potential™ the series if you look a little deeper but I prefer not to dwell on that all that much haha

As for a KH1 remake I completely disagree. We all know Nomura's tendencies by now, no way he'll be able to resist adding in retroactive stuff to tie KH1 more to the series. It probably won't be very well received at all by the fanbase because of that. I would love to see Days remade but knowing how half the organisation are now linked to UX it puts a huge damper on that wish.

I really don't trust that there will ever be a compelling enough story or character driven plot in this series ever again, and I wouldn't want to submit old favourites to that.

Deleted member 246005


I wouldn't overload the game with lore. I rather just have a few references to Keybladers of the past. You could put in references to DiZ and the Organization but those are not essential.

Sora's meant to be an everyman but Nomura fell into the common trap those characters can fall into. Everyman characters can become generic and interchangeable if you don't develop them as individuals. Sora falls into that trap and it hurts him in the long term to me.

So if you wanna do more with him, you gotta start there. That helps your idea of doing more with the disney worlds.

I might've prefered a Kairi and the Princess spinoff over Coded.

I thought about Kairi being with Sora in the first half of 2. So if she gets kidnapped it feels more of a twist because you would've gotten to know her better. She could have been training under leon and the others so knows what to do. That's sets her up for the end of 2 and also DDD.

Your thoughts on the twist in the first game are cool.
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