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My theories on who would be the new 7 Princesses of Heart.



Well-known member
Feb 6, 2016
Tbh I don’t see any reason why we’d need the new 7 hearts in phase 2. I mean, Xehanort used them only in order to force the GoL to go to KG..


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Kairi is still a Princess of Heart because she has like two things going for her right now and taking one of them away would damage her character even further.

If Elsa isn't pure enough to be a PoH Ariel certainly isn't. Why do people act like Ariel not being a PoH is some grave injustice committed against her? You don't see these kind of comments about Mulan.
Again, the PoH are not decided by moral purity. This isn't some unicorn-esque holy virgin concept, it merely has to do with the light in their hearts being undiluted unlike all other hearts in the universe. Light and darkness in KH don't = good and evil, especially not post-KH1. That's why making it so more PoHs exist sort of breaks the concept. We're supposed to believe the light in the original six disappeared into another six characters, who were already born with darkness in their hearts prior to this transfer. Like most things with KH these days, if you apply much logic to it, the idea folds under.

Also, it's sort of gross to always see these judgmental comments about what female character is or isn't "good enough" to be a PoH. I saw the same things about Raya early last year. Both Raya and Elsa pretty much sacrifice everything for the rest of their respective casts--Raya dying outright whereas Elsa destroys her mental state for years--if they're not "pure" enough, no character ever could be. Now, Ariel, you would have more of a point with, but since this was always just a way to incorporate the Disney Princess line, it is sort of an injustice to the character considering she's the most popular princess in the line (along with Cinderella, Anna, and Elsa). I'd take Mulan over Moana or Mirabel, but I know that's not going to happen. I'm sure the fanbase would say she isn't pure enough either because she fights and all that--the only princess to have killed hundreds of men, lol.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
I'm sorry but wdym by the word it would damage her character even further? Kairi becoming a keyblade wielder is kinda the next step for her character but in order to become a decent keyblade wielder, they need to remove her status as a PoH.
Why do they need to remove Kairi's status as a Princess of Heart to turn her into a decent Keyblade wielder? Before you say something about it opening up the opportunity to make her a more rounded character or whatever: Kairi's personality was at it's strongest in the same game where her PoH status was most prominent . KH1 Kairi called Sora a lazy bum and I can't ever imagine those words coming out KH3 Kairi's mouth. Being a PoH is not what's holding Kairi back.

Currently Kairi has two things going for her, reasons for her to be used in a role instead of any other character: she's Sora's love interest and she's a PoH. Romance is not a priority in this series so she can't rely too much on being a love interest. The silver lining to "what being a PoH means" being so underexplored is that it could be used to develop Kairi further. I'm not counting on it (I'm no longer giving this series any benefit of the doubt in regards to how Kairi is handled) but there's potential in keeping Kairi's PoH status and taking it away only closes a door for a character that very few doors.
Also, it's sort of gross to always see these judgmental comments about what female character is or isn't "good enough" to be a PoH.
Wow, you're making a lot of presumptions based off a comment mostly made in response to other people in the thread.

Princesses of Heart were not originally a club exclusive to Disney Princesses, there was a Venn diagram not a complete overlap. Though I suppose the misconception that it was is the reason why every single "Ariel should have been a PoH" rewrite involves kicking Alice out to make room despite the fact that she's one of the more important members in KH1.

As far as I'm concerned Ariel already had a very strong role in KH1 that would only weakened by making her a PoH. If Atlantica had ended with her being kidnapped Triton goes from being overprotective to not being protective enough. But hey, it would have granted her the shiny PoH status and apparently that's more important than story integrity.

Ironically, I'm pretty sure the "I don't care about story or lore, this character has to be a PoH!" attitude is half the reason the PoH roster is being replaced (the other half is that they didn't want to come up with a different excuse to visit the worlds.) I kind of get the vibe that the Ariel-for-PoH crowd is madder that it isn't being done for her over it being done in the first place.
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Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Alice was included in Disney Princess merchandise back in KH1 days.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
Alice was included in Disney Princess merchandise back in KH1 days.
Most successful Disney heroines were featured in the merchandise at one point, but they still had an official line-up and Alice has never been a part of it. Unlike say, Esmerelda, who was a part of the original line-up but lost her Disney Princess status because she was deemed unprofitable.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
My point is you're wrong to say that the concept didn't revolve around the princess line. It always has, that's not new to the new PoH.

As for this:
Ironically, I'm pretty sure the "I don't care about story or lore, this character has to be a PoH!" attitude
I'm not sure of your meaning here except that it must be in reference to the whole weird Elsa, Raya, Ariel, etc. "unworthy" Madonna-whore esque debate. In that case, you're the one who clearly doesn't care about lore because if you did you'd know the PoH are based on a KH-specific cosmology, not the morality of the characters included. And that's if we agreed those characters are immoral in the first place and we don't.

As for the last bit about the "Ariel crowd," you'd be wrong again. Although I think it's worth noting that the change to the PoH is another in a long line of KH breaking its own defined rules on a whim (much like everyone and their grandmother getting a Keyblade), I'm fine with the new PoH in order to involve Tiana, Elsa, Anna, etc. since they have broken everything else anyway, Might as well do it to get more PoHs and perhaps new stained glass artwork of those new characters at some point in the slim shot of it ever happening again.
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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
I'm not sure of your meaning here except that it must be in reference to the whole weird Elsa, Raya, Ariel, etc. "unworthy" Madonna-whore esque debate. In that case, you're the one who clearly doesn't care about lore because if you did you'd know the PoH are based on a KH-specific cosmology, not the morality of the characters included. And that's if we agreed those characters are immoral in the first place and we don't.
It would be super cool if you would stop trying to put YOUR words into my mouth. I never said Ariel was immoral, I was just responding to the earlier ideas brought up by other people that A) Elsa isn't cut out to be a PoH and B) Ariel not being a PoH was a mistake and now there's an opportunity to rectify it.

I agree that the new PoH screw over the lore, and if I were in charge the idea would have never been introduced. But KH is a series that isn't afraid to play fast and loose with the lore and the New Seven Hearts are now a thing. From an in-universe viewpoint it's a plot point that doesn't make much sense, but out-of-universe it makes perfect sense: Disney has a bunch of new heroines from movies that hadn't even been greenlit when KH1 came out and making them PoH is a quick and easy excuse for why they're being featured and the old batch is nowhere to be found. Half of the new PoH are newer super popular characters and I doubt any Princess older than Tiana has even been considered for the other half. Most likely the rest of the new PoH will be the most popular new princesses Disney introduces.

Ariel and Atlanica in KH1 were almost perfect story-wise (completely separate from how the gameplay was) and any flaws it did have would not be fixed by making her a PoH. Definitely stronger than how KH3 handled Arendelle and Corona. And I'd even argue that Ariel had a stronger showing than than the PoH in KH1: the PoH are damsels in distress that don't get much focus as individuals but Ariel is a party member with an arc. So it's a real pet peeve of mine that so many people are willing to hypothetically sacrifice this great showing because "Ariel should have been a PoH instead of Alice!" Ariel not being a PoH was not a mistake.

And the idea of Ariel being one of the new PoH doesn't make much sense either. Even if we ignore the clear focus on new characters her movie has already been completely adapted. The only potential angle I can see for Ariel becoming a PoH at this stage would be exploring the idea of someone who wasn't a PoH before becoming one. Which might work, but would require actually exploring what being a PoH means instead of leaving it as a vaguely defined concept that can pull out miracles as the plot demands.


Jul 31, 2016
Also why do the Princesses of Heart have to be “female”?

Prince Charming would have a more pure heart than Elsa.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
It would be super cool if you would stop trying to put YOUR words into my mouth. I never said Ariel was immoral, I was just responding to the earlier ideas brought up by other people that A) Elsa isn't cut out to be a PoH
I'm not sure why you keep trying to bring this back to Ariel, because this began about Elsa. The only way Ariel even relates to the conversation is because she's another character who's also received the "Not pure enough to be PoH" bull from the misogynist fanbase recurrently over the years, but she's not the only one. As I said, I remember posting here excitedly about Raya right after it came out last March and seeing the same comments about that film's protagonist. I forget if it was in that film's thread in the Disney section or in the Worlds thread. It's an opinion I've had for ages, but PoH discussions are often so short-lived because of how irrelevant the Disney characters are to the main story, it's rarely worth confronting it for what it is, but since this is an entire thread on the subject...

The thing is, Elsa clearly is cut out to be a PoH because she is one. Moral purity is not a requirement; not that I think there is anything impure about this character in the first place. It's funny how much complaining there is about Nomura's female character problem all the time, but I'd say the fanbase as a whole is worse than he is in a lot of ways. Always complaining about every "girly" film-based world, never able to comprehend the idea of how a female Disney character could possibly work as a party member, constant dumping on the one female playable character there's been in the series, always thinking X princess isn't good enough to be in a line of characters that are for all intents and purposes chosen at complete random in-universe, etc.
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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
I'm not sure why you keep trying to bring this back to Ariel, because this began about Elsa.
Well for one, from my point of view this argument began because I asked "Why do people act like Ariel not being a PoH is some grave injustice committed against her?" A question that is still unanswered in favor of focusing on the less-than-ideal wording of the preceding sentence. And it's not like the argument had been steered away from Ariel and toward Elsa.

And I'm going to be blunt: if anyone is dragging a Madonna-whore complex into this thread it's you and you're projecting it onto others. You're the one taking great offense to the discussion of whether or not a character is the best choice for a PoH role. Because apparently the only reason a fan might object to a specific character becoming a PoH is because they think she's immoral and unworthy. It can't possibly be because they think she acts more like a normal person than somebody with no darkness in her heart. And you're the noble one who's willing to automatically put every Disney Princess into the PoH material category because you recognize that they're all worthy and you'll defend them from the dishonor of anyone questioning otherwise. After all, if a character isn't PoH material that means she's immoral and you know that none of them fall into that second category. Sounds like a complex to me. I can't say if you actually think like this, but it's a way to interpret your arguments uncharitably.

In-universe the selection process for is unclear, but out-of-universe it's very obviously corporately driven. To the point where I doubt any rules are being considered besides "newer popular Disney heroine". If anything they're making a selection and building the rules around it. So arguing if the rules of how being a PoH include or exclude a character from being a candidate is pointless because said rules will be thrown out the moment they're inconvenient.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I can't say if you actually think like this, but it's a way to interpret your arguments uncharitably.
You call it blunt, I call it something you say when you've talked yourself into a corner you can't reason your way out of again. After all, I admitted fans might have a point with Ariel when you brought her up unlike Raya, Mulan, and Elsa--if the PoH were chosen by moral purity.

EDIT: I'm not going to keep this going for another page. This is in response to your reply below: The definition of purity as it relates to the PoH is in the sense that the heart has no darkness inside (darkness not equaling evil here)--that has nothing to do with the kind of purity you're referring to. A heart pure of light, without darkness, in KH is something created at random, you can't tell that a character has purity of light in their heart based on behavior or attitude unless you're trying to describe moral purity which does not apply here. The word "immoral" itself doesn't have to be used for it to mean that because it's still what those comments imply regardless. I understand why it's uncomfortable when we take the veil off these comments the fandom makes and call it what it is.
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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
You call it blunt, I call it something you say when you've talked yourself into a corner you can't reason your way out of again. After all, I admitted fans might have a point with Ariel when you brought her up unlike Raya, Mulan, and Elsa--if the PoH were chosen by moral purity.
??? I'm just saying, I'm not the one who brought up the idea that if a girl isn't cut out to be a PoH it's because she's immoral. And purity is literally in the definition of Princess of Heart. Not moral purity (which I never said anyway), but the heart of pure light thing.

Also, I'm resigned to it by now but I really hope they don't make every new Disney Princess into a PoH and instead use the New Seven Hearts sparingly. Because having a one-size-fits-all approach to using Disney's most popular heroines is toxic and lazy. (Yet another thing KH1 and KH2 did better by not making Ariel and Mulan PoH.) Yes, I know that most of the excuses for using any random Disney property are flimsy at this point, but still.

Is "you've talked yourself into a corner you can't reason your way out of" your way of declaring that you've won the argument without actually addressing the points?

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
We all know the New Seven Princesses of Heart are going to appear in the next saga right? Well, here are princesses that I want to appear as one of the princesses of heart.

1. Elsa (Frozen)​

View attachment 14951

2. Anna (Frozen)
View attachment 14952
3. Rapunzel (Tangled)
View attachment 14953
4. Moana (Moana)
View attachment 14954
5. Tiana (Princess and the Little Frog)
View attachment 14955
6. Vanellope (Wreck It Ralph)
View attachment 14956
Yeah, this is basically my prediction for the new Princess of Hearts. I don't see Mirabel being a Princess of Heart only because the lineup would have been decided all the way back when the Disney worlds were chosen for Kingdom Hearts III.
Sep 14, 2010
Since Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox two possible princesses of hearts are Anastasia from the animated film Anastasia, and Mary Katherine from the Blue Sky Studios film Epic.

So these are the possible seven new hearts.

Rapunzel (confirmed)
Anna (confirmed)
Elsa (confirmed)
Anastasia or Mary Katherine

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Can I just say that I was kinda hoping with the "new 7 hearts" terminology they were moving away from "princesses of heart" IE only females? It would be cool to see any DISNEY character get importance instead of just the princesses. It also feels kind of sexist that only female characters can have "pure light", unless they're going to explain why it's only females - which would be interesting. Maybe anyone selected as a princess of heart is connected to the ancient light or something (who happened to be some kind of female character). It just feels kind of flimsy that they're giving only the girls this "passive" importance and it's sort of insulting. Like "hey the princesses of heart are important" "what do they do?" "stand up in a corner and pray".

Anyway, I'm hoping they rework the 7 hearts concept to be 7 DISNEY characters that they are willing to include in the main plot somehow. They're already off to a rough start having 2 FROZEN characters involved because there is no way Anna and Elsa will be exposed to the main plot.

If I was choosing across the board who the new 7 hearts would be:
  1. Kairi
  2. Rapunzel
  3. Anna
  4. Elsa
  5. Wreck-It Ralph
  6. Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove)
  7. Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Making both Anna and Elsa pure hearts of light was a poor choice IMO. It basically denies another world/character getting importance.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
If I were choosing male characters, I'd make them Ventus, Quasimodo, Arthur (Sword in the Stone), Hercules, Prince Eric, The Prince (Snow White), and Aladdin. Tadashi from Big Hero 6 as an alternate. Gurgi from The Black Cauldron??

TBH, Sora could be the original character choice. @Face My Fears: The PoH actually did more than stand around in KH1. They used their powers to hold the darkness back at several points--Kairi at Destiny Islands, the other six at Hollow Bastion. They could also sense the source behind things, similar to Riku in CoM (they could recognize the portal that appeared as being neither light nor darkness). But they have become passive since, partly because of the Disney characters being sidelined story-wise. I think they should be / should have been party members with similar capacity to Minnie, as far as the ability to cast white mage spells (both offensive and defensive). This is why I never though Kairi needed a Keyblade to be able to be a party member really.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2022
Toonburg, Texifornia
Maid Marian from Robin Hood deserves a spot in the next Princess of Heart line up. i know it ain't going to happen. just pointing it out


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2021
Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
The chances of this happening are non-existent, but Quasimodo is my favorite suggestion in this thread. It's one of those "You didn't see it coming, but in hindsight it's obvious," choices. Or at least it would be if his film hadn't already been adapted and there wasn't so much emphasis on the new CGI films.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
If I were choosing male characters, I'd make them Ventus, Quasimodo, Arthur (Sword in the Stone), Hercules, Prince Eric, The Prince (Snow White), and Aladdin. Tadashi from Big Hero 6 as an alternate. Gurgi from The Black Cauldron??

TBH, Sora could be the original character choice. @Face My Fears: The PoH actually did more than stand around in KH1. They used their powers to hold the darkness back at several points--Kairi at Destiny Islands, the other six at Hollow Bastion. They could also sense the source behind things, similar to Riku in CoM (they could recognize the portal that appeared as being neither light nor darkness). But they have become passive since, partly because of the Disney characters being sidelined story-wise. I think they should be / should have been party members with similar capacity to Minnie, as far as the ability to cast white mage spells (both offensive and defensive). This is why I never though Kairi needed a Keyblade to be able to be a party member really.
I know they did more... but it was just said. They didn't even give the princesses of heart a cutscene using their power of light to hold back the darkness coming from the keyhole at Hollow Bastion or clearing the darkness so Sora could return. You can literally walk right by them without knowing what they were doing or what they can do. So even in KH1, the game where they are most important and relevant to the story, they still were handled in a very minor way.

KH2 was the game that really put a nail in their coffin. Jasmine NEVER acknowledges what happened in Hollow Bastion or even that she has some major power. She doesn't even question whether the Organization wants her - as she is aware of the outside powers, it would be a fair question to ask.

I wouldn't want to do a list of all female or all male, I rather a mix. That would allow the New 7 Hearts to join you in combat. Like picking Jasmine over Aladdin was simply because Jasmine was a DISNEY Princess and thus the only female option from the Aladdin film. If they were to pick someone from The Little Mermaid film, I would rather Ariel over Eric - that way she could be on the team. Also, Rapunzel's removal as a party member after the world's completion set a precedent - which is why I feel like Ariel wasn't selected in KH2. A party member can be removed from the world - not that I would recommend they do that again.

Anyway, my point was to try and use this as a tool to bring back purpose to the DISNEY characters and at least connect them to the main plot. Even if they combine the 7 hearts with the black box B-plot, I would rather that than just having them be sought after for no reason.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Disney isn't all capitals, you know. That only applies to PIXAR.

And I had thought about the Jasmine only being one because she's a princess thing myself when I was making that males-only list. Aladdin is the "diamond in the rough," more special than she was in the original film. Anyway, I don't mind it being all one gender or the other. I picked mostly "prince" characters (male protagonists or love interests), so... Tarzan could be one, too, if not for copyrights.