B B Bloodgift Feb 12, 2009 I was wondering, have you ever wanted to make video games?? I just want a fellow KHInsider member to make one too! Interested??
I was wondering, have you ever wanted to make video games?? I just want a fellow KHInsider member to make one too! Interested??
B B Bloodgift Feb 12, 2009 Lucky you! I'm not that good at spriting, yet people say I am, and so they ask and basically beg for sprites....it's getting annoying And the other forum that I'm on now is full of spriters! You like being creative??
Lucky you! I'm not that good at spriting, yet people say I am, and so they ask and basically beg for sprites....it's getting annoying And the other forum that I'm on now is full of spriters! You like being creative??
B B Bloodgift Feb 12, 2009 lol Spose you have a massive ammount of time for me.... So, you made the smilies for my site?? They were nice! You sprite??
lol Spose you have a massive ammount of time for me.... So, you made the smilies for my site?? They were nice! You sprite??
Lancelot Jan 29, 2009 O hai, here's the first animation for ya http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii276/RikuRising024/IBSaniav1.gif
O hai, here's the first animation for ya http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii276/RikuRising024/IBSaniav1.gif
Ðari Jan 29, 2009 Lawl, its your buddy iProd/Afroman/Rokudaime, etc. Damn dude, it's a real breath of fresh air to see someone from the old days. How've ya ben dude?
Lawl, its your buddy iProd/Afroman/Rokudaime, etc. Damn dude, it's a real breath of fresh air to see someone from the old days. How've ya ben dude?