Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
ehh i got bored... so i got off the site..i do want to see when she is olympus coliseum and Zack asks her out... ^-^ though she is still in Enchanted Dominion...
my friend sent me this site..they are currently doing Aqua's story in Dwarf Woodlands...i will send it to you if you want..don't go into if you want to be spoiled though...they just finsihed when she was in Castle of Dreams though..
yes in melee he was my best character..along with jigglypuff and zelda..i like jigglypuff because you can do lots of random damage..or more so continuous damage...i'm guessing your pretty good at Melee??
yeah they shouldn't have made a ps3...yeah i love those kind of games..especially the Smash Bros series... i have like all of them..
still have my old systems too...just haven't whipped them out to play them..but yeah games were way more fun back then..
ohh.. yeah wii gets boring sometimes..i don't have an xbox 360 so i don't really know..wii is better if you have lots of siblings..though xbox 360 is more the hardcore gaming system..