R R Rounge Feb 8, 2011 nm just hanging around drawing the usual o and of course listening to Breaking Benjamin! how bout u?
K K keybladegirl258 Oct 23, 2009 yeah I have an MSN >.< sorry for taking so long to respond, I dont get on much. I can PM you the name.
yeah I have an MSN >.< sorry for taking so long to respond, I dont get on much. I can PM you the name.
C C Crimson Homunculus Oct 9, 2009 lol XD wouldnt have thought youd find me considering my name change :3 and yesh i do remember you havent seen you in a long time o.o how you been o.o
lol XD wouldnt have thought youd find me considering my name change :3 and yesh i do remember you havent seen you in a long time o.o how you been o.o