C C ChocobosComet Jan 14, 2009 Oh poo. It's loads of fun doing this and it's funny watching him get mad for giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Oh poo. It's loads of fun doing this and it's funny watching him get mad for giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Byronic Hero Jan 9, 2009 Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally! This is subtracting from my arts and crafts time. It's x2 die.
Byronic Hero Jan 9, 2009 You're outta you're vector! Who gives a digit if I know the first 156 digits of pi, you stupid 000. xD this is fun
You're outta you're vector! Who gives a digit if I know the first 156 digits of pi, you stupid 000. xD this is fun
Byronic Hero Jan 9, 2009 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111!
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211 706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111!
D Dirk Jan 7, 2009 www.kh-media.com/forums features rpg inferno- kingdom hearts based radio arcade gallery roleplaying area graphics area shoutbox We are a very very friendly community and we're not so strict besides most members from here are there so check it out www.kh-media.com/forums
www.kh-media.com/forums features rpg inferno- kingdom hearts based radio arcade gallery roleplaying area graphics area shoutbox We are a very very friendly community and we're not so strict besides most members from here are there so check it out www.kh-media.com/forums
C C Cinollex Jan 6, 2009 Wait, what? Thrones? Forcefields? Judges? Paper birds? Why don't you people cut the "omgtournamenthighlanderstylejudging'n'magikpowerzlulz" crap, and just TRAIN?
Wait, what? Thrones? Forcefields? Judges? Paper birds? Why don't you people cut the "omgtournamenthighlanderstylejudging'n'magikpowerzlulz" crap, and just TRAIN?
L L LadyofShadow Jan 6, 2009 Yeah I feel horrible and can barely remain on the computer. Can't you just come on MSN? Its much easier to speak plus I can nudge you when I post.
Yeah I feel horrible and can barely remain on the computer. Can't you just come on MSN? Its much easier to speak plus I can nudge you when I post.