When you want to reply to a message from someone, you have to go on their profile to do it or click the "View Conversation" option on their message. 
We have a rule here that you can't double post, which means you can post once and then have to wait for someone else to reply before you can post again. In many threads throughout the forum you have been posting two times in a row responding to different things. If you need to edit your post because you want to add more or to reply to someone you didn't think to before, please use the Edit Post option.
We have a rule here that you can't double post, which means you can post once and then have to wait for someone else to reply before you can post again. In many threads throughout the forum you have been posting two times in a row responding to different things. If you need to edit your post because you want to add more or to reply to someone you didn't think to before, please use the Edit Post option.