S S SakuraHeart Dec 13, 2008 Too late. lol For what, this time? Stealing the 1000 page? Or posting my pretteh pikcha?
O O Ore012 Dec 12, 2008 God damn you. that last post you made, made me uh.....Translate this. very Duro
S S SakuraHeart Dec 11, 2008 Hehehe...you're funny, yo. Quite the comedian. Who is the one person that hates you beyond any measure?!?!?!? ...yeah thats not me. I dont know you, dude, I was jus pullin your leg. I say that mexican baby thing cuz it makes me laugh.
Hehehe...you're funny, yo. Quite the comedian. Who is the one person that hates you beyond any measure?!?!?!? ...yeah thats not me. I dont know you, dude, I was jus pullin your leg. I say that mexican baby thing cuz it makes me laugh.
B B Bukkake Sensei Dec 11, 2008 there are a lot of those can you just tell me who you are before i decide to lay knuckles upside you boy
there are a lot of those can you just tell me who you are before i decide to lay knuckles upside you boy