ok first of all I am a VERY VERY strong Christian in my beliefs
I agree that as a Christian one should not brush rape aside. however that is not what I was doing. and had you paid a little closer attention you would have realized that.
I was merely stating that worse happens on the forums on a DAILY BASIS. and NOONE seems to complain. therefore you should not get worked up about an image like this, just because it has kairi in it. even if I liked kairi I would have the same opinion. I don't approve of rape, and I don't approve of sexual impurity however just because I see an offensive image doesn't mean I should get into a frenzy and get all pissed off about it.
I don't like the image, I didnt' laugh at the image, and I wish it hadn't been made. I just don't think the existence of such an image should get people so worked up.(especially if it does not depict real people)
(and I didn't wanna go here but)
As a Christian (if you had read your Bible) we are not saved by works but by Grace. which means no matter how bad I get or something I do wrong I can always turn to God for forgiveness and repent. of course this isnt' a get out of jail free card for sin, but you can't call someone who is sinning or not upholding the values of the Bible not a Christian. since however in this case I was NOT sinning, you really don't have an argument here.
even if I HAD been sinning, and lets say I didn't care and supported the image to its fullest. (which I didn't but lets just say I did)
It is no place for you to bring my Christianity into question. Remember that part about "Judge not unless ye be judged"
where did you think you had the authority to call my religious belief into question? Only God can determine the state of my spirit and he will work with me, it is not appointed untom man to accuse the bretheren, that's actually Satan's job.
I'm really surprised you dared take that avenue and bring my Christianity into question.