Well Hello there! I see you're new to KHI! Welcome. Well I am the Master of the Pokemon DNA RP. And I approved your Template,so welcome to the RP as well ^^
Ok a few announcements,The main lab is located in Hoenn on top of that cave inbetween Rustburo and Vandentuf city/town. That's were you can start off at,or anywhere else in Hoenn. All I ask is that you interact with some other characters soon so you won't get bored.
Also there is a link on the very first page of the OOC thread. In my post on that page there is a link that'll take you to Pokearth. That's a map of all the regions,so use it if you need to know the where abouts of cities,towns,ETC.
Lastly,Respect everyone in the OOC. If there are and problems or suggestions you'd like to share,contact me and I'll talk with you. Well then,I hope you enjoy your time in the RP and I'll see you soon ^^