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358/2 Days: What am I missing?

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New member
Aug 3, 2012
Sorry if this isn't the right place. I'm new here but I really just had to get a community opinion on this.

A while ago, I got 358/2 Days on an impulse while in a game store in the mall. I figured that since I was a fan of the series and had played the first two games and CoM, I would be able to grasp the story and would get in some fun gameplay.

To make a long story short, I hate it. The worlds are boring because they're just the worlds from KH I and II with some areas blocked off. Roxas is completely bland (even though I know he's supposed to be that way due to the story) and I find it really hard to care about him. The panel system enrages me and I can't even seem to get some usefulness out of it like I did with the card system.

I'm really glad I picked up a cheap PSP and Birth By Sleep or else I would've lost all hope in the series. After playing through Terra's story in BBS, I thought I might've gotten over whatever made me hate 358/2 Days, but the game seems even worse now because I see none of the fun gameplay that I experience in BBS.

Still, this game gets glowing reviews and I just want to know why. How long do I have to slog through side missions before I find the fun gameplay and interesting story the reviews have promised? How long does Roxas remain a silent, emotionless blob? Seriously, if he had 1/10th the charm and spirit Ventus has, I would probably play it, but right now I'm finding it hard to get through even one mission in this game.

tl;dr What makes this game so great?

Thank you for reading this babbling post. I really am looking for suggestions so please help me convince myself so I don't miss something special.


Feb 26, 2011
Hey! It's been such a long time since I played this game, so I'm going to try my best to explain why I personally thought it was good.

A lot of people seem to dislike Days a lot, For various reasons that have been debated, over and over and over (literally) again in the forums. Yes, the gameplay compared to BBS is a bland and I think that might be due to technical difficulties or they hadn't thought of that style of game play yet.

Despite everything, I liked the game a lot. Are you still at the beginning bit? I can't really say anything about the rehash of worlds, since this was like the first KH game I had played in a while. Although, it wasn't really expected for the game to get new worlds anyway.

Yes, at first Roxas starts out bland because he hasn''t developed a 'personality' yet (Correct me if I'm wrong) but over the course of the game, he becomes a strong, likeable character in contrast to how he started as.

Unfortunately, the game stays in a mission form for all of the game. Most people hated it, I personally didn't mind since I found them fun. The missions have variety in terms of what you have to do and things to defeat or collect. It's also a nice challenge. Later down the game, after beginning, the plot becomes interesting for me when Xion is introduced. From then on and up to the end, the emotional aspect of the game (which people liked) is developed from there. The bonds between Axel, Roxas and Xion are interesting in how they affect each other and they also pull at the heart strings (Especially at the end, to me).

ive the game a chance. Roxas gains a personality quite quickly if I remember. Play it a bit more then you'll see. But I do understand how the missions can get repetitive for some people. That's SE's mistake on their part.

If he had the charm and spirit of Ventus, then they wouldn't be different characters. They already look like each other, no one wants them to act the same now, do they? I think that Roxas has a charm of his own. Similar to Ventus but they are expressed in different ways, as seen in Days. Roxas is a interesting character. You just need to give him a chance.

Well, that's my opinion on why I liked this game. Sorry it's not as convincing. If I played this game recently, I would be able to give you a more precise view to be honest.


New member
Aug 5, 2012
I think Days is a really good game, at least as good as most of the other titles in the series. It covers a big and important part of the KH story, and what really happened to Roxas when he spent his time in the Organization.
I guess that the story matters more to me than gameplay, because I agree that the gameplay could be a bit boring at times.

However, Roxas is a great character. When you say he's emotionless, remember that he is actually a nobody and not supposed to have a heart, hence no emotions (even though he might have developed a substitute, as Xemnas talked about in KH3D).


New member
Sep 9, 2011
I really enjoyed Days. actually its one of my favorite KH games, because what it lacks in some areas for me, it made up for in the story department. But if you're comparing it to birth by sleep, then yea, obviously Days is the worse one out of the two. But note that BBS was created after Days, and was on a much better system for that matter, on top of that, the command system introduced in that game was a real advancement for the series as whole.

The reason Days is arguably not as popular, I would say is because of the repetitive missions, and technical constraints due to being on the DS system, graphic and gameplay wise were weighed down. But Days does have the potential to be a better game than it already was imo. But like I said I enjoyed Days, I enjoyed seeing an inside look of the organization, and how Roxas lived his life before he had to disappear in KH2, and I really liked the characters in that story.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Days sucked, and Coded was worse. Stay away.
If you haven't yet, you should play BBS (PSP) and DDD (3DS).


Prepared To Die
Sep 17, 2007
People trying to actually make an argument for Days being redeemable, let alone good?

Oh KHI, you crack me up. Never change.


Don't you step out of line
Jun 13, 2008
What day are you on?

People trying to actually make an argument for Days being redeemable, let alone good?

Oh KHI, you crack me up. Never change.

People having differences of opinion and not jumping on the "Days is complete garbage never play it" bandwagon?

Key Wielder

New member
Apr 7, 2012
Traverse Town
For me, the game is great because of what it does for some of the characters. The missions are rather tedious at times and the gameplay itself is less than ideal, but all the characters get a great deal of direct and indirect development that makes their motives in other parts of the series make a lot more sense. We begin to get clues about the connection Roxas shares with Ventus, and once you play BbS it makes even more sense; Axel's actions in KH2 are more understandable once we see what he was fighting for; the importance of Castle Oblivion to the Organization is revealed; and so many other things happen in the story to make it a great backstory for the less developed main characters.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Vəntus;5894877 said:
The only way 358/2 Days would ever become a good game is if it were remade for 3DS or PS Vita. Because the graphics alone would make up for what it was when it was released on the DS.

Not even a facelift would help Days. The game itself is bad.


Sep 23, 2009
New England
Vəntus;5894929 said:
I dunno, I think just a facelift would make it seem more err, there's a word for what I want to say... sustainable. Or rather give it more sustenance.

To me at least.

I feel Days should've had more cutscenes in which we had voices to listen to. A graphics update would be okay......I just don't see the point in remaking it though, if a lot of people already dislike it so much for other reasons, besides graphics.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
Im playing it now and really it is not as bad as yall make it out to be.

Sure there is need for more story, cutscene with voices, and the Panel isnt the greatest way to hold EVERYTHING. BUT its still enjoyable as long as you dont compare it to other KH games, because its nothing like any of the other games its just Days, and it also fills the inbetween of CoM and 2, as well as making the organizations plot more understandable as well as slightly expanding on all the members.

Overall its not great but its not bad either its ok to even good especially for a DS game.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
I find Days quite enjoyable. Really, I found the story very touching and emotional. Days was the game that showed Organization XIII from the inside (And accept it, we ALL wanted to know more about Organization XIII). Also, I think Days is the game in all the series until now that showed the most antivalues, and It left me with a feeling that inside the Organization they were really NOBODIES without hearts, which is something that in other games (CoM, KH2) didn't left me like in this one and I consider that as a very good thing... The suffer and loneliness of Roxas and Xion made me shake like in no Kingdom Hearts game (except, maybe BbS). I have never cried with a Kingdom Hearts game (I nearly never cry), but in the ending of this game, I was stunned and I almost cry, which was a very powerful feeling and made me love that game much more! In summary, Days was an incredible game in terms of story and emotional touchs it had.

In respect to the gameplay, I think it wasn't so good as other games of the series. The panel system was fun and dynamic. But the fights in-field didn't fill me so much as the other Kingdom Hearts games. I find it a very good battle system for being in a DS, though. In that aspect, I think Re:Coded had a better fighting system, in fact, for being in the DS I think it's awesome.

Also, I have to say the mission system was a very good idea, because it made you feel like time was really passing by! And, considering this game happened in a very long gap of time, I can't think of a better idea. But, of course, sometimes the missions were repetitive and some Heartless were really maddening, however, the attraction of the story made me not to care about those things hahaha.

Finally, for the ones who think that Days had bad graphics... Have you EVER compared Days graphics with other DS games?! Some games doesn't even have 3D graphics... I know lots of games for the DS and I really can say the Kingdom Hearts series has the very BEST graphics for the DS (Re:Coded a little better than Days)... Even Golden Sun (that is known for its good graphics) doesn't match Days graphics... Think a little, guys, we are talking about a Nintendo DS, not a PS2 or a Wii...
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New member
Aug 5, 2012
Not even a facelift would help Days. The game itself is bad.

No, the game is not bad! Story-wise, it's very important because it fills big plot-holes regarding the activities of the Org. and Roxas' character development. I see a lot of complaints about the game's graphics, but the graphics are actually really good compared to other DS-titles. I understand how the gameplay might seem bad and that the panel system is confusing, but I didn't have any problems with these things at all. I had a good time playing the game, and personally, I think it's one of the best DS games ever!


New member
Apr 19, 2011
No, the game is not bad! Story-wise, it's very important because it fills big plot-holes regarding the activities of the Org. and Roxas' character development. I see a lot of complaints about the game's graphics, but the graphics are actually really good compared to other DS-titles. I understand how the gameplay might seem bad and that the panel system is confusing, but I didn't have any problems with these things at all. I had a good time playing the game, and personally, I think it's one of the best DS games ever!

I disagree. Panel system sucked, backpack sucked, missions were both boring and repetitive. Xion is a useless, genderless, faceless blow-up doll who came out of nowhere and barely contributes to the series. The story was boring, and the ending was a slap in the face. We could have learned about the Org. XIII activities in an interview, or flash backs in a future game, this game was more of a pity party for Xion than it was an Org. XIII game. Days could've been so much better than what it is, I had high hopes for a Org. XIII game, was ecstatic when Days was announced, and was heavily dissapointed with the outcome.


New member
Aug 5, 2012
I disagree. Panel system sucked, backpack sucked, missions were both boring and repetitive. Xion is a useless, genderless, faceless blow-up doll who came out of nowhere and barely contributes to the series. The story was boring, and the ending was a slap in the face. We could have learned about the Org. XIII activities in an interview, or flash backs in a future game, this game was more of a pity party for Xion than it was an Org. XIII game. Days could've been so much better than what it is, I had high hopes for a Org. XIII game, was ecstatic when Days was announced, and was heavily dissapointed with the outcome.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Apparently, we value different things when it comes to Days... Actually, I agree that Xion was mostly a useless character. However, I think she added something important to the story. She was an important factor to Roxas, as a nobody, reflecting on emotions and such things as sorrow and happiness when their friendship commenced and when it ended. I think that it helped us understand how nobodies really think, and what they are really like.

There are different reasons to like and not like this game, but the impression I got from it is, at least, good.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
S?o Paulo - Brazil
If we just wanted characters that "contributed to the series" (thing that Xion does, actually) we wouldn't have games with more than five hours. It's about character development, and Days is full of it in a lot of ways. Not only the three main characters, but the Org. as a whole. Also is one of the best written game in the series.

The gameplay even though was very limited (not as limited as Re:Coded, tho) was very good for the DS (not to be compared with BBS that was a full-fledged game) and was fun while it lasted. I think that doing all the missions is a little bit too much to stretch the lenght so I haven't bothered.

Anyways: Days may be not a very important game to the series but we all can say that a lot of the BBS/CoM/Days events could've been told in interviews and flashbacks. Nomura just thinks that playing them is more significative and love to make a profit so everyone is happy.
Jul 15, 2007
Days was actually very good. Honestly, story wise, I think I've like the portable games better than the console games. Gameplay was, while sometimes slow and some of the Heartless were a bit annoying, pretty good. Its the last KH game that uses the original KH1 and KH2 command style (which I like a lot more than the new BBS, Coded, and DDD command/combat styles), but they also add the panel system which you just have to find the right balance of moves, magic, items, and levelers. I think I had a very good balance to be quite honest. The mission style of the game does make it a little boring at times, but as you play the game it makes time go by quicker than you think. Lastly, the game does start off a little slow, but once Roxas and Xion become friends and all three of them start hanging out on the clocktower together, it begins to pick up. The ending is very emotional (I began tearing up a little). The game offers and interesting look into the Organization and their intentions as well as a look at Roxas, Axel, Saix, and obviously Xion. One thing that struck me as a little odd was Xemnas didn't appear almost at all the entire game. I think he appeared a max of seven times, maybe. Those are my reasons for this being a great addition to the series.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Apparently, we value different things when it comes to Days... Actually, I agree that Xion was mostly a useless character. However, I think she added something important to the story. She was an important factor to Roxas, as a nobody, reflecting on emotions and such things as sorrow and happiness when their friendship commenced and when it ended. I think that it helped us understand how nobodies really think, and what they are really like.

There are different reasons to like and not like this game, but the impression I got from it is, at least, good.

I feel Roxas learned more from Axel than he did from Xion, there was absolutely no need for her, and whatever he did learn from her, he could have learned from Axel.
The series worked fine without her, adding her in just made it more complicated for no reason.
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