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Anima Relic

Wait. What? The way you worded this makes it sound like it's always shown as the Kingdom Key except in this cutscene, which is backwards. In the 1000 heartless cutscene, no matter what keyblade you have equipped and no matter what weapon you have equipped to Donald and Goofy, they will always be shown with the KK, and Donald and Goofy's main weapons. In the fight, you see whatever one you have equipped, but in the cutscene, it's the KK.
No, it's the keyblade you equipped that shows in the cutscene. Besides, that's retarded, why out of all the other scenes, this one is the only one that has the KK shown when you didin't equip it?


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
No, it's the keyblade you equipped that shows in the cutscene. Besides, that's retarded, why out of all the other scenes, this one is the only one that has the KK shown when you didin't equip it?

Because of technical limitations. See, because of all the heartless in that scene, they couldn't make it real time, and so it was made a pre-rendered cutscene.
May 16, 2007
Wait. What? The way you worded this makes it sound like it's always shown as the Kingdom Key except in this cutscene, which is backwards. In the 1000 heartless cutscene, no matter what keyblade you have equipped and no matter what weapon you have equipped to Donald and Goofy, they will always be shown with the KK, and Donald and Goofy's main weapons. In the fight, you see whatever one you have equipped, but in the cutscene, it's the KK.

I was saying it's always KK in that cutscene.

Because of technical limitations. See, because of all the heartless in that scene, they couldn't make it real time, and so it was made a pre-rendered cutscene.

And the fact that it's one of the most important scenes in the game.

Anima Relic

Are you guys talking about the KH2FM+ version or the original KH2? Because in the KH2 original, it was always the keyblade I had equipped that showed in the cutscene, also, any drive form, except anti, that I was in.

The Twilight Prince

The closest I ever gave..
May 5, 2007
Madison, Ohio
I was saying it's always KK in that cutscene.

I know. It just sounded funny to me. I may have read it wrong or something. o_O; Iono.

And the fact that it's one of the most important scenes in the game.

Yeah, I always thought it was a pretty epic scene as well, giving it another excuse for the always KK thing. We first see the main antagonist of the game, there's tons of heartless around to fight. Epic type things.

Anima Relic

I know. It just sounded funny to me. I may have read it wrong or something. o_O; Iono.

Yeah, I always thought it was a pretty epic scene as well, giving it another excuse for the always KK thing. We first see the main antagonist of the game, there's tons of heartless around to fight. Epic type things.

The fight itself wasn't pretty epic :lol: and I refused to use Reaction commands in that fight, I wassn't gonna cheapen the fight that way :closedeyes:


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Are you guys talking about the KH2FM+ version or the original KH2? Because in the KH2 original, it was always the keyblade I had equipped that showed in the cutscene, also, any drive form, except anti, that I was in.

You fail! I got the game the DAY IT CAME OUT, and I've beaten it many times. That scene has ALWAYS HAD THE KK IN IT! You're wrong, get over it. We've already told you why it is always kk, now can it and get back on topic. Save some face and just stop talking about it.

Edit: I think that the game should always show the KK if the other keyblades are not canon. It'd add some continuity to the game and may put some theories on the behavior of keyblades to rest - namely if it has a keychain, its a "real" one or not.

Anima Relic

You fail! I got the game the DAY IT CAME OUT, and I've beaten it many times. That scene has ALWAYS HAD THE KK IN IT! You're wrong, get over it. We've already told you why it is always kk, now can it and get back on topic. Save some face and just stop talking about it.

I got the game the day it came out also, so what? I'm just saying that in my game, I don't know about you guys games, that the scene had the keyblade I was using, which was the Star Seeker. So as far as I know I could care less whether or not it's canon that the KK was supposed to show up in the scene, the fight wasn't much fun compared to others anyways, so you mi amigo, can it, and get on with your life because you are never gonna prove me wrong. Just face it, how are you gonna tell me what showed up on my game? Was you here when I was playing it? NO, was you here when I was at that fight? NO, so worry about yourself and save your own face. Also, what does the day the game came out have to do with anything? :lol:


New member
Oct 11, 2007
True, I can't know what showed up on your game, but I can tell you that appeals to ignorance carry no logical weight or legitimacy. Your argument is based on you saying "You don't know, therefore, you can't say anything about it" which makes no logical sense. However, my argument has empirical evidence, as well as actual reasons as to why my argument is true. And thus, you are proven wrong. Logic should be your friend, not your enemy. Learn to use it and maybe you won't be wrong so much of the time. BTW, when you buy a game, date may matter because there have been instances of the company fixing something and releasing a new version because the first version was bugged or some such. Computer games use patches, but console games just have to re release it.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Personally, I'd like to think that Sora only uses the Kingdom Key (except in Drive Forms), and that each Keyblade has its own wielder... somewhere out there. But as for the 1000 Heartless battle, I've always seen the Kingdom Key... but then again, I like to play through with just the Kingdom Key most of the time. The only other canonical instance of a character using a different Keyblade at a certain point in time is King Mickey, but I have figured out a way to explain that using pre-existing information.

Since King Mickey is known to be Yen Sid's apprentice, and the Star Seeker Keyblade is affiliated with Yen Sid, King Mickey is seen with Star Seeker in Birth by Sleep because he is still Yen Sid's apprentice (in the words of Yen Sid himself, "But you know this."). As for the dark Kingdom Key, he was using this at the end of the first game because it was needed to close the Door to Darkness from the other side (I'm pretty sure that this was said somewhere... in Another Report, maybe? IDK).

To explain why he was still using the dark Kingdom Key in Kingdom Hearts II, it may have been that since the Star Seeker was currently in Sora's possession, Mickey couldn't use it... but in coded, where he's seen with it in cutscenes, it's probably got more Strength than the dark Kingdom Key, hence why he was using it.

As for Roxas, I'm sure that he eventually gains Oblivion and Oathkeeper in game (maybe after experiencing certain memories belonging to Sora?). Personally, I believe that Roxas is the greatest (or has the potential to be the greatest) Keyblade master in the current time period, given that he seems to be the only one who can use two Keyblades at once (not counting Sora's drive forms).

Anima Relic

True, I can't know what showed up on your game, but I can tell you that appeals to ignorance carry no logical weight or legitimacy. Your argument is based on you saying "You don't know, therefore, you can't say anything about it" which makes no logical sense. However, my argument has empirical evidence, as well as actual reasons as to why my argument is true. And thus, you are proven wrong. Logic should be your friend, not your enemy. Learn to use it and maybe you won't be wrong so much of the time. BTW, when you buy a game, date may matter because there have been instances of the company fixing something and releasing a new version because the first version was bugged or some such. Computer games use patches, but console games just have to re release it.

One, don't put words in my mouth I hate that, two, I never actually used the words "you don't know" so check again, three, if you can't understand something so simple, then maybe you are confusing logic with pure stupidity.


New member
Jan 10, 2008
I'm replaying the game, i'm just about to go fight the 1000 heartless battle. But I'm going with the fact that it's the Kingdom Key for the cut sence. Because for a small fact in KH1 all the way back to the forgotten world "Deep Jungle" The opening cut sence where Sora and Gang are in the grove no matter if you already upgraded thier weapons, it's always the Kingdom Key, Wizards Wand and Knight Sheild they have.

Anima Relic

I'm replaying the game, i'm just about to go fight the 1000 heartless battle. But I'm going with the fact that it's the Kingdom Key for the cut sence. Because for a small fact in KH1 all the way back to the forgotten world "Deep Jungle" The opening cut sence where Sora and Gang are in the grove no matter if you already upgraded thier weapons, it's always the Kingdom Key, Wizards Wand and Knight Sheild they have.
I don't remember getting a keyblade from Traverse town, and I always did the Tarzan level first instead of Wonderland, so I guess your right about KH1, but this is about KH2.


New member
Aug 17, 2007
Can we get to the point of Roxas having the keyblades? Here's my point of view:

there's too much confuzing trash in here that makes NO SENSE AT ALL unless you find the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the final meaning of the ULTIMATE meaning of the MOST ULTIMATE FINAL meaning of the ULTIMATE FINAL ENDING meaning that loops around to the very first meaning.

hence, if you don't get what i just wrote, that's basically what Kingdom Hearts's "secret" meaning(sssss) are to me.

I'm not scary, I just bite people really hard when i'm ticked, which is every five seconds.

Anima Relic

As I have said before, Roxas could have just concealed the fact that he could use two keyblades as part of his defense to enemies so they wouldn't think he did not have any tricks up his sleave.


Oct 31, 2007
Can we get to the point of Roxas having the keyblades? Here's my point of view:

there's too much confuzing trash in here that makes NO SENSE AT ALL unless you find the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the final meaning of the ULTIMATE meaning of the MOST ULTIMATE FINAL meaning of the ULTIMATE FINAL ENDING meaning that loops around to the very first meaning.

hence, if you don't get what i just wrote, that's basically what Kingdom Hearts's "secret" meaning(sssss) are to me.

I'm not scary, I just bite people really hard when i'm ticked, which is every five seconds.

Too many meaningssssss..
May 16, 2007
Since King Mickey is known to be Yen Sid's apprentice, and the Star Seeker Keyblade is affiliated with Yen Sid, King Mickey is seen with Star Seeker in Birth by Sleep because he is still Yen Sid's apprentice (in the words of Yen Sid himself, "But you know this."). As for the dark Kingdom Key, he was using this at the end of the first game because it was needed to close the Door to Darkness from the other side (I'm pretty sure that this was said somewhere... in Another Report, maybe? IDK).

This seems really common. Everyone says Yen Sid gives Mickey the Star Seeker... why? Because Sora gets it in Yen Sid's tower? Sora isn't actually given the keyblade, it comes on its own accord just as the Kingdom Key did. There's a deeper meaning there. It's not like Yen Sid kept the keyblade or something and gave the keychain to Sora. No, it brings up an important concept. The Star Seeker shows that a keyblade used in the past by one wielder can go to another. This might have explained the appearance of Kingdom Key, the reverse Kingdom Key, and the Way to Dawn in The Gathering (though sadly those are now just concepts).

Anima Relic

This seems really common. Everyone says Yen Sid gives Mickey the Star Seeker... why? Because Sora gets it in Yen Sid's tower? Sora isn't actually given the keyblade, it comes on its own accord just as the Kingdom Key did. There's a deeper meaning there. It's not like Yen Sid kept the keyblade or something and gave the keychain to Sora. No, it brings up an important concept. The Star Seeker shows that a keyblade used in the past by one wielder can go to another. This might have explained the appearance of Kingdom Key, the reverse Kingdom Key, and the Way to Dawn in The Gathering (though sadly those are now just concepts).

I've said something similar to this. I've said that MX could have scattered all of those keyblades in the Gathering to other worlds, and those Keyblades might have merged with the hearts of the worlds. The inhabitants of those worlds might be able to summon their world's keyblades' power and "form bonds" with keyblade masters, thereby creating the keychains. I believe the keychians are bonds formed between two people, one of which is a keyblade master. For example, when Tifa gave Sora the fenrir keychain, Sora formed a "bond" with Tifa, and Sora could then use Fenrir at will. Another great example of this, is when Axel died and gave Sora the keychain for the BOND of flame. That right there could mean something.Axel made a "bond" with Sora and created the keychain for the bond of flame. I think Yensid made bonds with Sora and Mickey and was able to give them the keychain for the starseeker.
May 16, 2007
I think Yensid made bonds with Sora and Mickey and was able to give them the keychain for the starseeker.

I just said that there's no evidence that Yen Sid gave either of them the Star Seeker. I imagine that, just like Sora, the Star Seeker came to Mickey because it chose him, not because Yen Sid did.
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