Emma looked in the mirror as her mother helped her try on her wedding dress. She looked at the pearls that aligned the dress. She saw every detail, and couldn't stop looking at it. Emma watched her face turn to sadness. She hated that she was feeling this way, tomorrow was her wedding day and she was having second thoughts. Her mother kept telling her it was her nerves, but Emma didn't really know for sure. Emma knew that Benjamin would come to the wedding tomorrow to see if she would go through with it. Dwain was a wonderful man, that was the truth, but there was something missing. Was it the thrill and risk, that she had when she was with Benjamin? All those years ago, there was adventure and true passion with him, he made her nervous and she always felt he was bad for her, yet she was always wanting more. But with Dwain, everything was safe, and it was completely predictable. She knew her mother loved Dwain, because he was going to be a wonderful husband and father. Why did she contemplate her feelings, surely it was her nerves, or at least that's what she kept telling herself. She could still hear Ben's words in her mind, "I'll wait for you." She hated him for so many things, but this was the worst. He made her rethink her love for Dwain, all because he was her first love. Her mother touched her arm bringing her back to reality. "Honey are you alright?", her mother looked at her. "Yes mom, I'm fine. Just flustered is all.", she smiled seeing her mother behind her from the mirror. Her mother turned her around so she could look at her face. "Emma, I don't know what happened last night, but I could see your face when you came in from dinner. When Dwain looked at you, you would barely look at him. What is wrong?", her mother asked looking at her. "I don't know, I'm fine. ", she tried to turn away but her mother didn't want her to turn away. "No you're not. What did Benjamin say?", her mother stared her in the eyes. Emma's stomach dropped, she knew her mom was smart but this was crazy. Emma didn't answer afraid of what her mother might say. Her mother touched her face, "Honey I know that you love Ben, but you know what kind of man he is. Don't do what you think Benjamin wants you to do. Don't let him in your head. Dwain loves you, he really does." "Mom I don't know what I think or feel. I'm stuck in the middle. I love Dwain, I do. But Benjamin comes back and tells me what I always wanted him to say. I've waited for him, all those years I waited. And even now, I'm waiting.", tears began to fall down her face. "Em, listen to me. You're heart and head say two different things. I think you know what you really feel. You're mind is telling you what everyone wants you to do, but your heart is pulling you away. I love you dearly and I wouldn't want you to ever regret a decision you make. Marriage is a beautiful thing but it means nothing if you are not fully commited to that other person.", She pushed the hair out of Emmas face. "I'm not going to do anything rash, I'm just dealing with old feelings that's all. I promise I know what I want.", she tried to brave a smile. "Okay. Follow your heart sweetie, whatever it may be.", Her mother wiped the tears off her cheek. Emma and her mother hugged and she looked at herself one more time in the mirror.
Ava watched the waves of the ocean sway back and forth. The sun was shining on the ocean and it had such a reflection. She wondered what it would be like to be a bird, and fly across the vast water. What did the birds think of the water, were they scared they would fall? She laughed at her thoughts. Ava thought of Paul, was he okay? She didn't know and she knew it would be along time maybe even never before she found out. She hoped the best for him, she wished him love, and safety. Ava saw a seagull flying above her, she thought it was kind of weird for him to be so far from shore. She watched him make his way over the waves, and she pictured her self as that seagull. Ava saw that the seagull as her, and her feeling of lonliness. For so long she felt she was flying around without someone there, without any direction, away from home and her loved ones. But the more she watched the gull she realized that it was a good thing. It brought her here, and she would see her family soon. She knew there was a reason for everything. Lucas was a part of her life because he was her true love, Dwain was a loyal friend that stood by her, Paul was the risk of taking chances, whatever they may be. Ava saw the seagull fly away from the ship and finally seemed to be on track. Just like her life, it was on track and she smiled as she watched herself fly away into the sunlight.