Me: Is it really that fun??? @_@ KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK! KK!!! IT IS FUN!!! ^_^
Kaze:...-_-; You guys are ALL dumb@$$es...
Me: Thank you!! ^_^ And were all damn proud!!!
Chappy 2: "What the hell..?"
"Megan!!! Wake up!!!" I groaned and tried my best to ignore the voice. "Wake up or I WILL kick you!!!" I sighed and groggily sat up. My friend Sabrina said, "FINALLY!!!-" She pushed a thin book in my face-" I need you to sign my yearbook!!" Did ya have to wake me up for that?!?! >_< It was the last day of school, so, naturally, everyone wanted everyone else to sign their yearbook....Even if you had no idea who the hell you were talking to...
I grabbed Sabrina's yearbook and opened it to the first page. I took my purple ballpoint pen and signed, in purple ink, KINGDOM HEARTS RULZ ALL!!!! ^_^....*cough**cough* uhhh...c u @!!! And next year!!! *~Megan~* aka:K_K I handed the newly-signed yearbook back to her. She read it over, smiling. Her smile faded into a scowl, "You really need to get off that KH kick..."
I smiled hyperly, "NEVER!!!" Sabrina rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Sometimes, Megan, you really scare me...." I checked the clock on the far wall, ignoring her last statement. The red lettering was hard to make out, but I read it to be 11:43. Since it was the last day of school, we got out early; at precisly 11:45.
I didn't bring my backpack to school, because I knew all we would do was sign yearbooks. Just two more minutes till the ultimate freedom!!! w00t w00t!!! ^_^ My seventh period History teacher, Mr. Imialek, stood up from his chair,"Alright, go ahead and pack up." But....there's nothing to pack...-_-;
He said, " Okay, you can go, and have a great Miner day." I shot up from my seat and power-walked to the door. I followed my other classmates out, and when I got outside, I shouted, "FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! ^_^" I proceeded to run down the stairs and started walking towards my Dad's house. My parents were separated, and today was the day I had to go to my Dad's.
I walked slowly home, savoring the fact I was finally a NOT a seventh grader!!! That year just FLEW by!!! ^_^ w00tage!!! I noticed the ground around me had gotten considerably darker. I looked up at the sky and spotted a dark purple orb of darkness. My face scrunched up in confusion,"What the hell..?"
The dark orb was functioning as some kind of enormous vacuum, and a very powerful one, at that!!! I was starting to get pulled into the air. ACK!! >_< Desperate, I grabbed onto a nearby tree.Please don't snap!Please don't snap!!Please don't snap!!!Please don'- The tree snapped and we both flew toward the orb.Figures...-_-; I entered the orb and was knocked unconcious by the overpowering........ummm...power...-_-; X_X
Me: So...I've revealed who my character TRULY's up to you, the viewers, to spoil it for everyone else!!!