Okay, first tip: when writing a fanfic, break it into paragraphs. It may seem like a no brainer, but it's a problem with a lot of beginning fanfic writers here at KHI. It also helps that you start a new paragraph anytime a different character starts a dialog, That way, there's no confusion on who's saying what.
Second: Don't be affraid of detail. Details help the reader get an image of whats going on in their mind. However, don't use so much detail that it takes up to much of your time, or to much space.
Third: Sometimes ideas for it may strike you out of the blue. If one ever does, It's important to make a note for yourself. I keep all of my ideas on a word document, so there is no confusion.
fourth: I myself usually type mine up in a word document, then copy and paste each chapter into the reply box. Typing it up in the reply box itself has given me some trouble in the past.
fith: Writing it in word document or a similar program also helps with spell checking. Sometimes, you have a character's that get's marked as an incorect spelling, so you can just click add to dictionary Here. But the grammer check can be a problem, so you're gonna have to use your own judgement here.
sixth: Always reread your work. Sometimes theres stuff that spell check won't catch. Be sure to reread your work once you've spent some time away from writing. A lot of times, I see stuff that I did wrong that I didn't notice before.
seventh: The Edit button is your friend! It let's you correct any problems you may have spotted in step six.
eigth: If you are having problems trying to think up a story, try to read the fics of others for inspiration. But no plagarisim though!
Lastly and most importantly, is have fun! Writing fan fics don't mean anything if you're not having fun with it!
Edit: Oh! I thought up one more! Save your fic on a flash drive or some other storage device once in a while as a back up.
took the words right out of my mouth, allstar. though in my case, if something happened to my laptop, i would have bigger problems to worry about than a fanfic (i do my school work on it).
and blendedhearts, i have a suggestion or two as well. for one thing, feel free to create a character/event/ etc based off of another video game, book, movie etc., if you think you can do it. i have found this to get good results. make sure you either state in advance that you will do this or change it in someway, just in case anyone tries to get you for plagarisim
also, i feel i should let you know a downside i found when copying from a word document to here. if you use tab to indent new paragraphs, it generally doesnt show up on the post in the forums (if there is a way to change this, i have yet to find it). this can be troublesome if you depend on tabs to show new paragraphs.
well that is all i can think of for now. if i think of any more, ill post them in your story.
with all due respect,