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Fanfiction ► Birth of a Nobody: The Story of Rukix


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New member
May 15, 2008
NOTE: This story is a preview of my work. It will be continued onto fanfiction.net/~narutofreak14 once the first chapter is done. If you like this preview, be sure to check on the above website to check it out!

“Birth of a Nobody: The Story of Rukix”
By narutofreak14

SUMMARY: When Riku turned to darkness for the ultimate power, his old self was gone, or was it? His Heartless was born, but no one knew that he would gain a Nobody too. Sora has Roxas, Kairi has Naminé, and Riku now has Rukix. This is his story.
Who-minor Roxas x Naminé
What- Rukix’s story of his creation, deception, and how he met Naminé and Roxas.
Where-Twilight Town
When-Before and during Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts II
NOTES: This story is being told from Rukix’s POV.
DISCLAMIER: Kingdom Hearts is owned by Disney and Squaresoft. This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only; there is no way I am making money off this.
“You can't fade. No power can defeat you — not the light, not the dark. So don't run from the light — and don't fear the darkness. Both will make you stronger.”
-----Namine, Destiny Islands, Reverse/Rebirth Story, KH: Chain of Memories
Is that really true? Does darkness and light together makes one stronger than ever before? I wanted to know the answer. I think Roxas and Naminé do as well. My name is Rukix. I am nothing but a shadow of Riku, just as how Roxas and Naminé are shadows of Sora and Kairi, respectively. We all have one thing in common…we were never meant to exist. I recently learned about the two obtaining hearts. But…they are Nobodies, those without emotions or hearts. How can they possibly have hearts? Well, I can tell that it’s not a simple idea. First, I believe I should tell you of my so-called…birth.
Riku is my “somebody” as they called them. Riku was a young man living with his best friends, Kairi and Sora, on Destiny Islands. They lived a happy life until one day when he was 15; their island was attacked by the Heartless. Sora ended up in Traverse Town and found Donald and Goofy. Riku ended up in Hollow Bastion, where he meant Maleficent and was convinced that the power of darkness is the way to find his lost friends. But the darkness consumed him and he turned against his friend, Sora. Soon, he was possessed by Ansem…or Xehanort’s Heartless. He and Sora were able to shut the Door to Darkness, but Riku had to stay behind it.
Now at the moment that he began using his dark powers and when he officially became a Heartless, I was born…as a nobody. I was created with no heart, no emotion, and no remorse. I was nothing but the body and soul of Riku, who lost his heart to darkness. I am nothing, but I still exist.
When I was first created, I just remembered floating around in darkness. “Hello?” I called out. “Hello! Somebody answer me!”
“Don’t you mean…nobody answer you?” said a voice.
“Shut up! Don’t get smart with me!”
“Sorry, but you’re just a Nobody. We all are,” said another voice. Two forms appeared in front of me. One was a boy and another was a girl. “Who are you guys?” I asked.
“It’s nice to meet you,” the girl said.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Um…we don’t know our names,” the boy said.
“Huh? You don’t know your names.” I thought to myself. “Come to think of it, I don’t know my name either.”
“That’s okay,” the girl laughed. “It’ll come to us I’m sure.”
The boy and the girl disappeared. “Hey! Come back!” I shouted. A bright light then appeared in front of me. I know now that the two that I was talking to were Naminé and Roxas, more Nobodies like me. I heard that Roxas was found in front of a mansion in Twilight Town and Naminé was found in Castle Oblivion.
What happened to me? I was brought to a laboratory. I was contained in a test tube, stripped down to some weird waterproof underwear with oxygen being pumped through a tube connected to an oxygen tank outside of my tube. I think there was something else in that tank too because I couldn’t feel my body. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I was scared for my life. “What’s happening to me?” I asked myself.
I looked out and I saw a door open up. A man with a red suit and bandages over his face appeared in front of the tank. “How is he?” he asked.
“Everything seems functional, DiZ sir,” a scientist said.
“DiZ? Is he the one who put me in here?” I asked again. DiZ then looked at me. “Hello? Can you understand me?” he asked me. “Oh right, you’re in a test tube. I am currently injecting you with a low concentration of a special chemical I have created. I call it…Noboxion. It paralyzes you body and mind and mutes you during this process.”
“That’s what it is!” I shouted in my mind.
“Blast that Maleficent for creating Riku’s Heartless. What am I to do with him?!? It’s bad enough that Roxas, Naminé, and the whole Organization XIII have been created, but he is too much.”
“What are we to do sir?” the scientist asked.
“Well…I was thinking of just destroying him…” DiZ said.
“NO!” I shouted.
“But…I think we should do some more research on him,” DiZ said. DiZ looked at one of his scientists. “You! Get him on the operation table and perform a standard procedure on him. I have plans to turn him into my ultimate weapon to stop Organization XIII.”
“What?!? No! I’m not a weapon! I am a human being!” I shouted in my mind.
Suddenly, I felt the tank emptying. The tubes that provided me with oxygen to breathe disconnected. A door opened up and two scientists carried me onto a stretcher and transferred me to another room. I was still feeling the effects of the chemical drug, so I couldn’t do anything. All I remember were scientists hooking up tubes and wires to my body and inside my mouth. “Stop it! Stop it please!” I pleaded in my head. They couldn’t hear me.

Please leave some comments and criticism!

Ban Mido

Kissing the skies.
Aug 24, 2007
the Honkey Tonk.
You only need one of these threads. Please PM a mod to close one of them.

First, Riku never turned into a Heartless. Therefore, your timeframe doesn't work. Better to set it after the games. Or switch to the Riku replica, as his fate was never truely disclosed.

Second, add spaces between paragraphs and lines. It makes it easier to read.
Last edited:


Riku never had a Heartless, but you can use the Riku Replica and say he survived, the Repliku was in many ways, a Nobody...no heart


New member
May 15, 2008
Thank you all for your kind reviews. I have decided to use the Riku Replica instead. It seems to make a little more sense.

Ban Mido

Kissing the skies.
Aug 24, 2007
the Honkey Tonk.
doing so also adds some plot elements to your story, like a rematch or rivalry between Riku Replica and Riku. Posible motives can be:

Inferiority complex: He resents Riku for both being the real deal and having the right to exist.
Closure: Why should Riku exist when he doesn't?
Completeness: He attempts to steal Riku's Heart to use as his own.


New member
May 15, 2008
Re: The Story of Rukix

NOTE: Since something weird is going on with the fanfiction.net, I figured I provided a preview of the revision of my story. This time, it's the Riku Replica. As always, leave any comments or criticism that you may have.
-Sorry about the weird looking font. It'll look better on fanfiction.net I promise!


(A/N: I’m going to assume that people have played Chain of Memories, so we’re just going to skip ahead to where Sora had just killed Marluxia.)
After Sora, Goofy, and Donald defeated Marluxia, the three left the room and Sora used his Keyblade to lock the door to his room shut. Sora then turned to me. “Are you okay, Riku?” he asked.
“I'm not Riku. I'm fake,” I said. “I can't remember when I was created, or why...all I've got left is you and Naminé. But those memories aren't real...”
The dog man that they call Goofy looked at Naminé. “Naminé, can you put Riku's memory back to normal?” he asked.
“It...It doesn't work that way,” Naminé said sadly.
“It's all right. Don't worry about me,” I said. I began walking towards the door leading out of the hallway. “Wait!” Sora shouted. “Who cares if someone made you? You have your own heart. Those feelings and memories are yours and yours alone. They're special!” I began cringing at him. “Sora, you're a good person,” I said. “I don't have to be real to see how real your feelings are. That's good enough for me.” I then left the four alone in the room.
I thought over about what Sora said. “You have your own heart. Those feelings and memories are yours and yours alone. They’re special!” Special? My memories, feelings, and heart…it’s all FAKE! Nothing about my memories are special! They’re just lies! He would never know the pain I’m feeling!
I began leaving the room. I really didn’t know what to do. I then remembered that Riku…the real Riku…was in the castle. I hated being a shadow of Riku.
You see…Riku is my “somebody” as they called them. Riku was a young man living with his best friends, Kairi and Sora, on Destiny Islands. They lived a happy life until one day when he was 15; their island was attacked by the Heartless. Sora ended up in Traverse Town and found Donald and Goofy. Riku ended up in Hollow Bastion, where he meant Maleficent and was convinced that the power of darkness is the way to find his lost friends. But the darkness consumed him and he turned against his friend, Sora. Soon, he was possessed by Ansem…or Xehanort’s Heartless. He and Sora were able to shut the Door to Darkness, but Riku had to stay behind it.
Now when he entered Castle Oblivion, he began using his dark powers after an encounter with Naminé at Destiny Islands. I’m not really a nobody, but I might as well be. I was created with no heart, no emotion, and no remorse. I was nothing but the body and soul of Riku. I am nothing, but I still exist.
No one except Naminé could understand that. I hated being a shadow. I decided to take it out on Riku…once I find him that is. I looked into many of the card worlds until I stumbled into Twilight Town. Guess who just happened to be there in front of the Old Mansion? Yep, the real Riku.
Again, my anger boiled. Just thinking about the fact that he has the right to exist and he has REAL memories and feelings. Why shouldn’t I live? Just because I don’t have a real heart? Well, if I took Riku’s heart, then I would be the real deal and not this…coward! I began walking up to Riku.
“Maybe Naminé is in here...” he said.
“Hold it, Real Thing!” I shouted. He turned around and saw me standing right there in front of him. I begin walking closer to him. “Well, well. You've changed,” I said. “Last time we met you were afraid of the darkness, but not anymore.”
“How can you tell?” Real Riku asked.
“Because I'm you!”
“No, I'M me.”
“Ha. "I'm me," he says. It must be nice, being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony! The way I look, the way I feel, everything!” I shouted. My anger began to boil even more as I tapped into my dark powers. “I thought by finding some new strength I could be someone, someone who's not you! But nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be anything better than a shadow!”
I then bared my weapon towards the Real Riku. He then bared his weapon towards me. We then battled in a battle for the ages…or at least for the months to come. Of course, the Real Riku used his dark powers without fear. We matched up our attacks and we were evenly matched in strength and cunning. I then tried to use Dark Aura, but then the Real Riku did it five seconds and well…long story short, I lost.
After my loss, I laid on the ground, fading away to darkness. I felt really depressed. “So...this is the end,” I said to myself. “Figures. But I'm not afraid. Good riddance to an artificial life. I never had a real heart. Even what I'm feeling now is probably fake.”
“What are you feeling?” Riku asked. I decided not to answer that question. “What happens when someone who's not real dies? Where will my heart go? That is, if it doesn't disappear completely...” I asked him.
“It'll go somewhere. Probably the same place my heart will go.”
“Heh... How original. Oh, well.”
With those final words, I vanished into darkness, never to be seen again. Good riddance, I died on the spot. At least…that’s how I wanted to die…but someone decided to save me. I remembered seeing nothing but darkness. Eventually, I saw a bright light overcoming the darkness.
“I’m not going to let you die!”
“I don’t want to live anymore. I hate being in his shadow!”
“You don’t have to be Riku! You can be your own person!”
“I can never be my own person with Riku still walking around.”
“That’s what I used to think when I was just nothing but a shadow of Kairi. But I overcome that and began my own person. The same story happened with Roxas and Sora.”
“Who’s Roxas?’
“I have a feeling you’ll meet him soon. But back to the topic on hand, you can be someone different from Riku.”
“Really? But I still want to keep my dark powers.”
“I think I can arrange that.”
“Do you think that it’s possible to…change the way I look too?”
“It…takes a long time, but I think I can do it. What do you want to change about yourself?”
“I’ll keep it simple. Long brown hair, silver eyes, a bit more muscle to my arms, a little…male enhancement, and…I think that’s it.”
“(laugh) I can’t promise the male enhancement, but everything else is no problem.”
“Are there any downsides to this?”
“Well…this is one. I have to remove your heart. You’re still be able to live and breathe, but you won’t have a heart, like me.”
“No heart is a lot better than a fake heart.”
“Are you sure this will make me happier then I am now?”
“I can’t say. I hope it helps, but only you can make yourself happier. Don’t you want to just live a normal life or do you want to remain lonely and depressed?”
“Well…I guess a new me sounds cool. Do it.”
“Oh wait! I almost forgot!”
“I want a new name. For now on, I want to be called…Rukix.”
“Rukix? Oh I get it! It’s Riku’s name, but you rearrange the letters and added an “X” to it.”
“Yeah. Promise that you’re take of me.”
“I will. Good night…Rukix.”
I didn’t feel anything…until something strange happened. I woke up and I was contained in a test tube filled with a strange liquid, stripped down to some weird waterproof underwear with oxygen being pumped through a tube connected to an oxygen tank outside of my tube. I think there was something else in that tank too because I couldn’t feel my body. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I was scared for my life. “What’s happening to me?” I asked myself.
I looked out and I saw a door open up. A man with a red suit and bandages over his face appeared in front of the tank. “How is he?” he asked.
“Everything seems functional, DiZ sir,” a scientist said.
“DiZ? Is he the one who put me in here?” I asked again. DiZ then looked at me. “Hello? Can you understand me?” he asked me. “Oh right, you’re in a test tube. I am currently injecting you with a low concentration of a special chemical I have created. I call it…Noboxion. It paralyzes you body and mind and mutes you during this process.”
“That’s what it is!” I shouted in my mind.
“Blast that Naminé for trying to revive a failed experiment. I knew something was strange when the energy bill was higher than before.” DiZ then grabbed his head in frustration. “What am I to do with him?!? It’s bad enough that Roxas, Naminé, and the whole Organization XIII have been created, but he is too much.”
“What are we to do sir?” the scientist asked.
“Well…I was thinking of just destroying him…” DiZ said.
“NO!” I shouted.
“But…I think we should do some more research on him. I want to see where Vexen had failed,” DiZ said. DiZ looked at one of his scientists. “You! Get him on the operation table and perform a standard procedure on him. I have plans to turn him into my ultimate weapon to stop Organization XIII.”
“What?!? No! I’m not a weapon! I am a human being!” I shouted in my mind.
Suddenly, I felt the tank emptying. The tubes that provided me with oxygen to breathe disconnected. A door opened up and two scientists carried me onto a stretcher and transferred me to another room. I was still feeling the effects of the chemical drug, so I couldn’t do anything. All I remember were scientists hooking up tubes and wires to my body and inside my mouth. “Stop it! Stop it please!” I pleaded in my head. They couldn’t hear me…and if they did, I bet they didn’t care.
I was placed onto a stretcher in a laboratory room. My eyes were open, but the Noboxion disabled me from moving and I couldn’t shut my eyes either. I just stared up at the white ceiling lit by fluorescent lights. The scientists continued performing tests on me and gathering data.
Every night, they would double-strap me to the beds to make sure I didn’t escape. Of course I wouldn’t escape with the double dose of Noboxion they injected me with. I hated it. It felt like they were trying to kill me. Why? I still felt like a shadow of Riku. I couldn’t look at myself and there was nothing that reflected my image. I felt worse than before.
I can feel tubes wrapped around my arms and legs. They were pumping some more of that Noboxion crap into my circulatory system. My eyes, like I mentioned, were open but I couldn’t blink or close my eyes. My whole body was stark-naked except for some new underwear they gave me. My whole body was numb and I couldn’t move. I don’t know if it’s just water leaking or the drug condensed around my body, but…I felt a tear go down my cheek. Though, I did feel like crying.
Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on. Someone was coming! “Oh my god!” said a girl voice.
“I know my methods seem a bit harsh, but I want you, Naminé, to deconstruct his memories and his entire being.” I knew the voices. Naminé and DiZ then appeared over me. “Why did you keep him in this condition? He’s is a human! Not some weird experiment.”
“I was hoping that maybe…I could destroy Organization XIII by preparing him for battle. But I suppose that he is just a failed experiment.”
“DiZ, don’t you…”
“DiZ, I need to talk to you!” a scientist shouted. DiZ left the room to speak with him. Naminé looked out of the room to make sure that he was gone. She then came back to me. “Rukix, I’m so sorry. I tried to finish the process, but DiZ interrupted me. I swear! I never intended to let this happen! I’m so sorry!” she sobbed. She placed her head next to my arm and started crying. “I forgive you!” I said in my mind.
Naminé then looked at me straight in the eye. “I am busting you out of here!” she said. She again looked to see if DiZ was watching. She then turned the handle on a Noboxion canister. I felt the dose of the drug decrease to none. “You should be able to regain consciousness and movement of body tomorrow at most. How you escape is your choice.” She then gave me a small kiss on the cheek. “Good luck,” she murmured. She was about to leave when she picked up a mirror. She showed me my face in the mirror. “I figured you want to see what you looked like,” Naminé said. I was amazed. I…I was one sexy beast. I had long brown hair and silver eyes like I asked. Naminé did a pretty good job.
“Naminé, will you be able to do it?” DiZ asked.
“Of course. The machine will be ready in a week,” Naminé said.
“A week?”
“It needs to cool off once in a while, especially when it has not been used in a long time.”
“Oh…fine! You have one week!” DiZ and Naminé left me alone in the room. I then began to sleep…with my eyes open.
POV: Third person
The two scientists continued looking at the computers and watching over Rukix. “So…have you seen Iron Man yet?” one of the scientists asked.
“I hate it. The comic book was so much better,” the other said.
“Vexen…” Rukix said. The scientists were surprised. “Vexen, you creepy, buy-eyed bastard…” Rukix murmured again.
Then, the computers began beeping and blinking red. “What’s going on?!?”
“It appears that Rukix is having some sort of reaction. He’s experiencing a nightmare…possibly involving Vexen, his creator.”
“Quick! Fill him with more Noboxion!”
One of the scientists was going to turn the handle on the canister, but Rukix’s hand suddenly grabbed his hand and began squeezing the life out of it. “Oh my god! He’s awake and moving!” the scientist shouted.
“I’ll get him!” the other shouted. He grabbed a fire extinguisher and was going to whack Rukix, but Rukix countered by throwing the other scientists into him, knocking them both down.
Rukix, out of anger, became ripping out all of the tubes and swinging away the sheets and straps. He didn’t care if it was important. He wanted it off of him! Rukix, out of anger, tried to summon his weapon. Didn’t work the first time. He tired it again and for some reason, the Oblivion Keyblade appeared. “What the heck?” he asked himself. “A Keyblade? Oh well, it’ll have to do.” He then begin swinging his keyblade at several things, destroying everything in sight. The scientists tried to run, but Rukix prevented them by creating a weird dark barrier. He then picked up a can of Noboxion. “This is what you a-holes use to keep me down?!?” he asked angrily. He began reading the label. “Let’s see…Noboxion is used for the paralysis of Nobodies and is made of…yada, yada, yada. What’s this? This is interesting. DO NOT USE NEAR OPEN FLAME AS NOBOXION IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE!”
Suddenly, the alarm began blaring. Rukix looked and saw that the scientists scurried to the computer console and pressed an alarm button. “Big mistake,” he said. He then dragged the scientists to a pile of Noboxion canisters he set up. He then prepared a Dark Firaga attack.
DiZ and a group of other scientists began running down the hallway. “What happened?” DiZ asked.
“The experiment is escaping,” the scientists said.
Suddenly, the group ducked as a huge explosion went off and a bunch of debris began flying down the room. “My god!” DiZ shouted. When the smoke cleared, the group of scientists and DiZ ran in and saw that everything in the room was torched. The two scientists in the room were on the floor, burned badly. There was no sign of Rukix, except for his underwear on the floor.
“Did he…?” the scientist asked.
“I suppose he did,” DiZ said. “No one can survive an explosion like that. Now get these two to the medical facility stat!” The two scientists were hauled away. However, no one noticed that a ventilation shaft cover was open and a naked Rukix was crawling around in there, trying to escape DiZ’s laboratory.
NEXT TIME: Rukix’s story on how he joined Organization XIII (version 2) and how he became their leader.


Hmmmph, I like the revision even more. Can't wait to read more.
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