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Fanfiction ► Cirque du Mort

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Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Yeah, while I'm at camp I'll snail mail 'em to you. Then you post them, and the story continues on in easy fashion. Savvy? Good, I thought so. Now attaching chapter.

The Arena is Set

The gummi ship sped trudged ever farther into space. Nire intently gazed out at the various stars and other cosmic anomalies. Harmony was thinking about the future and what lay in store for the four that were in the gummi ship at the moment. Dirst was totally bored. Normally, he could tell jokes to people, run around, or train, but the gummi ship offered no such comforts. He sighed. This was going to be a long trip.

Riku turned to look at the three teens. "We're nearing a new world. We'll stop here to stretch our legs and find out which way Helios is."

Nire nodded, Dirst yawned, and Harmony, still wrapped up in her own thoughts, paid no attention whatsoever. Riku turned back to pay attention to his flying. Nire, who was staring out of the cockpit, saw the upcoming world.

"It looks like it's nothing but an island. No buildings, no people, nothing. Just one island in an endless sea."

"We can't lose hope yet," Riku said, still staring straight ahead. "There's bound to be someone here. Even if there's not, we can still search for a keyhole to seal."

Nire nodded, Dirst yawned, and Harmony still did nothing. Riku didn't turn to look at them, but he simply smiled. The four of them made an unlikely team, but they would pull through. At least, he hoped they would.

The gummi ship landed on the shore of the island. The cockpit opened, and the four keybearers climbed out and onto the sandy beach. Dirst yawned once more and stretched. Harmony silently walked around to get her blood pumping once more, and Riku did the same. Nire simply stood there, for his android body did not need any sort of movement to become active again. After everyone felt reasonably fit to move on around the world, Riku addressed them.

"Right now, we are on a world known as Open Ocean-."

"I wonder where they got that name?" Dirst interrupted with sarcasm.

Riku glared at him, then continued. "So, right now, we're searching for a) a living person that can help us and b) the keyhole to this world. I would suggest we split up, but I sense that trouble is a foot and that we should go together on this search. So, let's get going!"

The teens obeyed, and the four headed off in the direction that the gummi ships nose was pointing toward. The size the island had seemed from the gummi ship was correct; Riku surmised that it must have been about the size of the smallest of the Destiny Islands. The thought of his home world made him glad at first, but of course it brought back memories of Sora and Kairi. His nostalgia soon went gloomy, and he tried to snap back to reality. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't put their deaths out of his mind. He sighed, then focused his attention ahead. The timing was almost perfect.

Ahead on the horizon was a figure. Riku saw the red trenchcoat, the black shirt and pants, and the long black hair. And the scars that ran across his face. Riku froze up for a moment as he recognized the description. The other figure stopped for a moment with the same sensation of recognition. Riku knew that this guy was here for one reason.

Riku's life.

"Lead-bearers, hold tight. We've got an enemy up ahead."

"Is it one of those Heartless or Nobodies that you have yet to describe?" Dirst asked.

"Your quips are becoming rather annoying, and I don't need them," Riku snapped. "In response to your question, no. This is far worse than a Hearless or Nobody."

Dirst turned and looked ahead at the figure. As they approached him, Dirst saw clearly that he was around sixteen or seventeen. He also saw the malicious smirk that was on his face. Definite trouble was coming up.

"Hello, Fury," the figure said.

"Hello, Requiem."

"Requiem? Who is this guy?" Harmony asked Riku.

"He's an assassin. And a good one at that. So, I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of the way while I take him on."

"No, we have to fight!" Dirst exclaimed.

"No!" Riku responded. "You have to find Helios. I can't allow you to get killed here. You stay back!"

Dirst tried to stand fast, but Requiem interrupted. "What's the matter? Too scared to face me? That's not what I've heard about Fury!" Requiem reached into his trenchcoat and pulled out his mask. He placed it on his face, then he stuck his arm out so that it pointed to the sea. In response, the waters began to churn. The lapping surf quickly grew into larger whitecaps as a large whale-like creature emerged from the ocean.

Riku looked at Dirst. "That is a Heartless out there." He then turned to face the others. "I need you to destroy that Heartless while I take on Requiem. Got it?"

The teens nodded, then headed out towards the whale heartless. Dirst stared up at the massive bulk and noticed a strange emblem on the whale's forehead. The eyes, instead of pupils, had giant spirals. The mouth had strange teath and was colored light green. Along its back were several large spikes, and the tail fin looked like a giant axe-blade.

"Interesting," Nire said.

Dirst looked at him. "Bit of an understatement, isn't it?"
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New member
May 10, 2007
I just started reading this story yesterday, and so far I have really enjoyed it. Sometimes I get a little lost with all the characters, but that is probably because I do not have the time to read all the story at once so I forgot some of what I read previously. Keep up the good work!

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Well, the latest chapter of Cirque du Mort is coming up now. So, strap in. You owe Davy Jones your soul. That was the agreement. SUBLIMINAL MESSENGING... nevermind

The Legend of the Nexus Stone

Treble walked into Helios's chambers. The sun was setting, signalling only twelve more days until the Cirque du Mort began. However, Treble had no desire for serving his master at this point. He wanted answers.

"Answers to what?" Treble thought. Then he laughed at the simplicity of his question and its answer. "Answers to everything."

The albino, who was reading a novel, didn't glance up at Treble but acknowledged his presence with a nod.

"What have you come for, Treble?" Helios began. "I didn't call you, you have nothing to report, and you aren't reporting any resistance from that Trisn kid. So, why did you interrupt my perfectly good book to come up here?" To punctuate his sentence, he slammed the hardbound novel shut. Treble merely glared at Helios.

"I came here for an explanation."

"An explanation of what?" Helios pryed.

"The Nexus Stone."

The sadistic albino smiled. "Aha, so you've finally come back to that. We left that subject a while ago. I suspected that you had forgotten."

"You had no such luck, Helios." Treble smirked at Helios.

"Very well. So, where to begin with the legendary Nexus Stone..."

"Try the beginning."

Helios laughed. "Your bluntness is exactly what I need. You want the beginning, so we'll start there.

"In the beginning, when all worlds came into existence and the subsequent life came to be, the Nexus Stone was forged to help keep order in the worlds. Through its powers, the worlds could be connected and a never ending flow of heart energy could circulate through every world. This time, long, long ago, was a time of peace and immeasurable prosperity. Everything that was was fine, until the day that darkness came into being.

"The first Heartless, the true Heartless, were brought forth out of the growing corruption that was growing in the era after the Golden Age of Beginning. Soon enough, the darkness had swallowed more hearts. However, nothing was done until the world known as Phoenix fell to the darkness. It was destroyed and turned into a heartless, a dark desolate forsaken land now known as Apocalypse. After the destruction of this world, the king of all worlds, Ezana, took it upon himself to create the law that all worlds must now abide by: stay seperate to stay safe. For a time, the Heartless threat was downplayed. However, the Nexus Stone was lost in this transition, and it lay hidden in a forgotten world for many years

"Then, not too terribly long ago, Ansem the Wise began experimenting with the darkness in hearts and the hearts of worlds. Through these experiments, he managed to create the Emblem heartless and the first recorded Nobodies. These new Heartless found a way to tap into the forgotten connections between worlds and circulate once more. The new Heartless plague was ten times worse than the old one, and many more worlds succumbed to the darkness. However, the chosen wielder of the Keyblade set out to stop the evil and succeeded in this. During the Keybearer's time, the worlds were reconnected, and the Nexus Stone was once again pouring light into the worlds. However, this was only a short reprieve. The worlds closed up again, and things weren't to bad.

"Now, the part of the worlds that the Nexus Stone is connected to is always connected. The ties are never severed. However, the worlds are cut off by a series of nexuses. The nexuses didn't really seperate the worlds, just grouped them. For instance, the Void is only accessible through the Nexus of Darkness. Likewise, outside the Void is reachable by the Nexus of Light. Also, there is one world that is only reachable by the Yin-Yang Nexus: the Impenetrable World. Housed inside of the Impenetrable World is the Genesis Fountain and the Genesis Key. This key is the only way to reach the Nexus Stone. Also, there is the Nexus of Nothingness that goes to Eternity Castle. This castle holds the Ragnarok Fountain and the Ragnarok Key. Using the combined elements of the Genesis and Ragnarok keys, one can access the Heart of all worlds. But that's not what we're talking about.

"Anyway, the Genesis Key must be taken into the Void. The holder of said key must travel to the Mystic Port world and take the Ironclad of Lore to the mysterious world known as Lotus Tower. Inside the tower lies a doorway, and the Genesis Key unlocks the doorway. Once behind the door, the Nexus Stone is there.

"As to what the Nexus Stone does other than connect worlds, there is little known. However, it is said that shards chipped off of the stone will make one not age a day if they are injected into the body. However, if one shard can make one almost immortal, what could the whole stone do? That is the mystery that I intend to solve."

Treble stood soaking in all of the information that he had just received. Then a thought dawned on him.

"The Cirque du Mort is a cover. A cover so that you can go to the Lotus Tower and retrieve the Nexus Stone."

"Yes. I intend to lose in the first round, leave Willow Castle, find the Genesis Key, and make my way to Lotus Tower. And I can promise you a free trip with me to glory and power. What say you?"

Treble smiled. "I like the sound of glory and power. Count me in."
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Mar 27, 2007
Very interesting and well put together chapter, I can tell something big is about to happen.


Mar 27, 2007
Well I hope that you get over it soon because I really want to know what happens next xD.
May 17, 2007
Dang, I hate writer's block. Good story!!! I can't wait to see my character in the tournament.

R0ad H0g

New member
Nov 8, 2006
Cirque du Mort
*Sorry about the double post and the long wait!*

RtM: And without further ado, I present the newest chapter in the Cirque du Mort:

“Marine Executioner”​

Dirst, Nire, and Harmony stared in amazement at the large Heartless whale. They were stunned into submission. That is, until the Heartless made a move.
The giant being opened its mouth, revealing a large, cavernous opening. Then, with all of the strength it could muster, it created a huge gust of wind. The three novice keybearers were taken by surprise and blown into the shallows. The salty seawater brought them to their senses, and when they got up, they were ready for action.
“Okay,” Dirst said, taking command. “We have to get rid of this thing.”
“Obviously,” Harmony retorted.
Dirst was unshaken. “Anyway, we just have to disable it, then go in for the kill. Any questions?”
“Could your plan be any more haphazard?” Nire replied.
Dirst rolled his eyes, then headed out into the deeper water. Nire and Harmony exchanged glances, then followed Dirst in for the battle.

/-/-\-\ ! 5|>34|< 13375|>34|< /-\-/-\ ! 5|>34|< 13375|>34|< /-/-\-\​

Seeing that the three youths were ready, Riku decided that he would face Requiem. The masked mercenary drew his claymore while Riku summoned Way to the Dawn.
“I’m going to be paid a pretty large sum for your head, fury,” Requiem said as calmly as if they were good friends.
“Too bad you won’t get it!” Riku retorted. Without thinking twice, Riku ran forward and made a stab for Requiem’s chest. The assassin parried and struck Riku’s arm with a glancing blow with the flat of the blade. Riku winced and jumped back.
“Come on. You aren’t any sort of threat like Helios said,” Requiem teased. Unfazed, Riku struck once again, and Requiem parried again. However, this time, Riku unleashed an Explosion move. The technique took Requiem by surprise, and the mercenary was sent flying backwards. Taking a risk, Riku looked out at the giant Heartless.


Dirst scanned the Heartless for any particular weak points. One presented itself in the eyes of the whale. He motioned to Harmony and Nire to attack the eyes. They understood, and everyone headed to get on the head. On the way to the down the back, the only way onto the whale, the Heartless slapped the three keybearers down with its fins. They were tossed back several feet, but they managed to get back up with resolve. They ran forward and jumped onto the back. As a result, many sharp spines erupted from the Heartless. Nire was struck by one, but the bionic suit protected him from impalement.
The group reassembled, and they headed with utmost care to the head. When they reached the eyes, Dirst motioned for Nire and Harmony to take one while he took the other. They followed, and then they struck.
The whale roared with pain, which shook the island and caused the breakers to rise. Harmony and Nire quickly disabled the whale’s right eye, and a little bit after Dirst took out the left. The whale rolled violently, tossing the three off. They landed hard in the water, but only bruises were made.
“Well, now that the eyes are out, what are we going to do?” Harmony asked Dirst.
“We find a new weak spot,” Dirst replied.
“And where is that?” Nire asked.
“Well…er…” Dirst stammered. He looked at the whale from head to tail and noticed a strange glowing spot on the tail. Without consulting the others, Dirst ran off to see what it was. Not wishing to miss an opportunity, Harmony and Nire followed closely. They reached it after about twenty seconds of running. Dirst, Harmony, and Nire gazed at the source of the glowing Heartless Emblem. Without wasting any time, Dirst spun his keyblade and slammed it into the Emblem.
The blinded whale once again roared, and once again the entire world shook. Then the Heartless curled into a ball. The axe-like tail fit around the head and the spheres protruded out to make a deadly ball. With visible strain, the Heartless rolled upright and turned to face the three keybearers. Then, it spun towards them.
“Nice going, Mr. Impulsive,” Harmony said. Then the three of them ran away, the only strategy available. The rolling Heartless was slowly gaining on them as it skimmed the water. After around ten minutes of the chase, they keybearers began to wear down. Soon enough, so did the whale. The giant Heartless rolled into a circle and uncurled. In an explosion of darkness, it dissipated and released an enormous heart.
Nire stood in the shallows, Harmony fell into the water, and Dirst climbed onto shore, smiling inwardly.
“I say ‘Mr. Impulsive’ did well!” he thought.


Mar 27, 2007
Well I'd almost gave up hope that this story was just going to die, that was a really great chapter.

Davy Jones

I Believe In Harvey Dent
Oct 21, 2006
1 Police Plaza, Major Case Squad Room
Traitors in Darkness

Night time had long ago fallen on the world of Willow Castle, blocking out the light like an enormous black blanket over a light bulb. However, all signs of life were not put out in the castle. For there were those still there who needed time to think...

Trisn was tired and frustrated. He was tired of Helios, tired of the castle he was in, and he was tired of being taken the better of by others. Despite the obvious friction between him and the sadistic albino, Trisn had been given a lavish room with a four-post bed, fireplace, tables, a mirror, and a bathroom, all of which were extremely well made. But none of this mattered to him now. He silently cursed his useless thoughts as he tried to plan a way to weasel out of Helios's stupid tournament. So far, none of his thoughts had brought him any thing but more questions. He wished that Nestor, Ajax, or even Laocoon were there with him to help. But that was not the case, and so Trisn began to think out loud.

"Well, I could try to run away from here... No, I don't have a means of transportation... Maybe if I stole a gummi ship... No, that's to obvious. Helios is sure to have it locked down and guarded... I could try to fight in the first round. It's nothing more than an analysis round-."

As Trisn said these last words, he knew that he had struck gold. "Yes! That's it!" he exclaimed, then suddenly realized loud noises were not the best thing during the evening hours. He waited to see if anyone was coming by to investigate the source of the distrubance. After a few minutes of silence, Trisn relaxed and began to think again.

"The first round is going to be an analysis round. No one knows my true fighting skill except for those who are friendly to me. So, if I fight like I'm weak, no one, not even Helios, will notice. And then I can get out in the first round and leave, but not before my vendetta has been fulfilled." Trisn ended with the thought of Helios's slow and painful demise at his own hands. Then another thought entered his mind.

How was he going to tell the others? Nestor and Laocoon had rooms in various levels of the castle, unknown to Trisn, and Ajax was locked up in a cage in the basement that had been hexed by Qell- Hadr. So, after his moment of great triumph, Trisn once again found himself slightly lacking in the planning department. But, as fate would have it, this would not last for long.

"Embrace the power."

Trisn looked around to find the source of the silent voice. He hadn't really heard the words, but more like he had thought them without knowing.

"Who are you?" Trisn asked the voice.

"Embrace the power. Embrace the darkness. With the darkness, all your problems will be answered."

"Who are you?!" Trisn asked again,this time more fervent.

The voice gave no answer, but just repeated the message from before. "Embrace the power. Embrace the darkness.With the darkness, all your problems will be answered. You need only choose your path. But choose wisely, for once you go one way your path never deviates."

Trisn sat and thought about the voice's proposal. Darkness or light. Which should he choose? He puzzled and puzzled until his gaze rested on the keychain he wore on his necklace. Darkside. His mind was made.

"I choose the darkness," he murmured allowed.

"Then the power shall be yours," the voice said. With that, Trisn's hand was automatically moved so that the palm faced the wall and his arm was straight. Suddenly, a portal began to appear. The purple and black swirling mass formed an oval about six or seven feet tall. Trisn looked at it for a moment, and then without thinking walked into the darkness, and into a new destiny.


The top room of Willow Castle reverberated with the laughter of the albino. "It is done,"he said, a smile firmly planted on his face.
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