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E' Nomine Padre

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Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
This is an open battle to anyone that wishes to take it, I shall be waiting.
I will no doubt be using my Exorcist-type character to battle in this bout.


Name: Allen Walker

Age: It is completely unsure what his true age is, due to the fact that the demons that he has harbored in his soul have given him elongated life, but he seems to retain the appearance of a 32 year old male.

Gender: Male (no shit)

Personality: Allen has a profound sense of justice, and will break all the rules to uphold the truest justice that the world has ever known. He does not take orders well from his order, due to the fact that he is quite cocky and persistent in his pursuit of justice. This usually gets him him into trouble, but he rarely cares. He usually acts quite childish when outside of a battle, but when he is in battle he often times gets so intense that he frightens even the demon souls harbored within his own body. Whenever he fights, Allen will fight with every ounce of energy has, not once ever pulling punches. He has also been known to dislocate his own arm simply to get a killing blow at a demon, and then relocated it without so much as a wince. Allen tries not to get attached to people, because he now sees love as a weakness, as seen with his first wife Elizabeth. Allen believes that if he loved someone a fraction as much as he loves the entirety of the human race, he would be far too distracted from his job, so it is unacceptable to allow it to happen again ............. never again will he allow himself to fail.

Attire: Allen wears the tradition outfit of the priest in his secret order whilst he is not fighting the insurmountable odds he puts himself up against, is in public when not on a job, or is attending church to atone for his sins. Whilst he is fighting he will usually wear combat boots, dress pants, a white button up shirt, a trench coat, and a thin layer of kevlar underneath it all as to make i more difficult to be cut. He also wears black gloves and a metal rim hat, as well as a black scarf. Pretty simple if you ask me.

Appearance: Allen is man of great stature, standing at about 6"3" with a fair complexion and a tan color to his skin. He also has hazel brown hair that is long enough to go over his eyes in the front, and down to the bottom of his neck in the back. His eyes are a piercing emerald green color, embedded into his round cherubic face. Now for the fun part. Since Allen has been in many battles, with a couple thousand demons, under his cloths he has a large assortment of scars that are predominately on his chest arms, and back. These scars are not ordinary in their nature though, they all symbolize a religion all the way from roman Catholic cross, to the pentacle of the satanist. He also has tattoos of chains on is chest and forearms, put their in his own blood by his order. This was done so that he could absorb the soul of any demon that he willed, but did no protect him from the effects of doing so. Because of this fact, Allen is thought of by many in his order as a walking, talking affront to god, but is seen by the people of earth as a hero that could purge the veil of darkness that they have slipped into. The only one that can stop the madness, by becoming madness itself.


Wings of the Holy: This is Allen's primary hand to hand weapon. A glove that goes unto his hand that has many buckles to keep it in place, the material on the palm is brown leather, as well as white metal which makes the base of the glove. There is a golden blade on the top of the palm of the glove, held in place by the buckles, and is in the shape of a Catholic cross.

Bladed Rose: This is Allen's primary fighting weapon, a sword made from the souls that he has saved, manifested into a solid as a sword. This weapon s also created, at its base, with a rose that, when the handler grabs the handle of the sword, sprouts thorned vines that are impregnable that pierce the owners forearm slightly to pump adrenaline into the owners body, as well as increase healing abilities. The blade can also transfer microscopic seeds to anything it pierces or cuts that have a variety of abilities, which allen can activate and use to his will due to his control over plants granted to him by the soul of the demon queen Lillith..

Knife of Saint Matthew: This is just a regular knife with a golden handle and a black blade, nothing too extravagant. He can however change the shape and form of the blade at will, due to the powers given to him by the demon soul of Zagan. He has such control over this power that the blade is almost like liquid changing shape and form for any situation that may, and certainly will , come up. There is also a fiber wire attached to the handle that connect the handle the a strap on Allen's forearm. With this attachment, he can throw the knife like a boomerang and cut anything with the near invisible wire.

Souls of Righteousness: Blue orbs of pure energy that Allen has mastered the use of. He can shoot them, use them as a platform, or create walls of defense. He can also use them to absorb any type of energy that is sent his way, and since the souls of righteousness are within his very being, the energy that he absorbs makes him much stronger than he is originally, and amplifies all the rest of his abilities by ten-fold. He can also simply deflect the attack back at the user, the difference of course being that it is far more powerful than the original.

Abilities: He has only one ability other then his Souls or Righteousness, and that is to unleash the souls of captured demons to increase his power.
Souls of the Dammed:These are the most powerful demon souls that Allen has ever absorbed, thus making his power grow ten-fold when he uses them. Every one grants him greater control over the righteous souls he commands, as well as added strength and speed.

Kazuzu: This demon is talked about in hushed voices, and there are many tales of his unthinkable fury. This was one of the first demons that allen absorbed into his own body, as well as the most powerful demon that he had absorbed in the entirety of his life. To gather this soul he was dispatched to Africa, specifically, the war torn region of Darfur. He had to brave many gunshot wounds, and probably the most unorthodox exorcism in history, as well as a fist fight with the demon itself, but he finally subdued the demon, and instead of exorcising it as the demon thought allen would, he absorbed him into his body so that he is now unable to harm anyone besides Allen, and to Allen this s a small price to pay. This particular demon gives him far greater control over the righteous souls which he commands, as well as power over fire. Kazuzu also speaks it's own mind through Allen's body when Allen is unable to restrain his mind. This is not to say he is schizophrenic, it merely explains that he harbors more than one soul in his body.

Dokuya: Particularly, this demon was not possessing just one single person, but simply transferring through many bodies so that he could bring about a near plague experience by cutting off the water supply, rotting the food supplies, and starting a civil war in south america. To do this, the demon took control of many of the leaders in the country and made them destroy their international relations with the rest of the world, and then proceed to destroy or cut off all the natural resources in the country. This made the people wage guerilla warfare against the government, and that was when Allen's order had enough. They sent in the entirety of Allen's unit to subdue the demon and return normalcy to the nation of south america. Allen and his men aided the rebels and stormed the capital building. There, Allen used he knife of St. Matthew to stick the president into the wall, as to absorb Dokuya into his body while he was immobile. By doing this, he returned normalcy to the nation and was hailed as a hero before he disappeared. This demon dried Allen of all his blood when he absorbed him, making him a walking corpse. The upside is that this demons soul gives him the ability to make the opponents hunger as well as giving allen small regeneration powers. It also takes away the need for regular human necessities such as food, air, water, or sleep.

Samael: King of all demons, Samael, said to be myth and legend, now known to be reality. Allen encountered this particular demon far into his career as a Cleric-Level exorcist. He was investigating the cult activities of the Los Iluminatos, a dark brotherhood of banished exorcist whose soul intent was to revive the King of Demons from his eternal slumber and "sanctify" the earth. Allen investigated every dark corner of the world that could possibly give a hint to where their hideout was, so that he may stop the reincarnation of this ethereal beast. Then finally, one of his contacts gave him information that induced that the cult was hiding in an abandoned town within spain. Without any hesitation, and against the better wishes of the order, Allen traveled to Spain in search of the cult. It did not take long for Allen to find them, because he had heard rumors that this same cult was taking children in the night from their homes. This angered Allen, so he did not even rest after his flight, and he went straight into the town that they were hiding out. When he got there however, h decided to take a stealth approach, an not let his anger consume him. He sneaked through the entire town, that s until he saw where ll the children were being brought, the church. When one of the cult members was bringing a child into the basement f the church, he slit his throat and told the child to go hide. But when he went underground, it was too late, the sacrifice of children had been made, and the ancient statue that bound Samael was unsealed, Samael had risen again. Once this happened the leader of the cult members tried to control the demon, but was cut down by him. Allen then drew his weapon and lunged at the beast and, with a long fought battle, Allen subdued the beast and absorbed it's soul right before it tried to devour the boy he had saved earlier. Most of his bones were broken, and he passed out from excessive blood loss just as hs order came to save him, but he had beaten the beast, and that is all he ever cares about. By absorbing this beast though, it makes Allen's spit an acidic material, and gives him the ability to burn any object with his left hand at will. He can also encase his opponents body pats within stone shells with his right hand. Neither hand does this automatically, it has to be done by Allen's will.

Lillith: Queen of all demons, her anger legendary, now halted by man. After the binding of Samael, her lover, Lillith left her sanctuary in the kingdom of hell to go forth and smite the one known as Allen Walker. She began by going to eastern Russia's birch forests and possessing a beautiful young girl. While in the girls body she killed many men, and made unholy fruits for the children to feed on that would add them to her hive-mind, allowing her to posses hundreds of people all at once. Once word of this new horror came to the attention of the order, Allen was dispatched to Eastern russia and did a Halo Skydive into the forest. As soon as he landed, he felt a presence in the dark, dense forest around him. As he moved through the forest, it seemed strange to him. There were no animals, and plants that were exclusively native to different countries were flourishing in this environment. Then he saw a little boy, and he yelled out to him as to as him why he was there. The boy turned around, his arms drenched in blood, and he screamed something in russian at the exorcist. Since he was fluent the language, he knew what the boy had said; "KILL HIM!". At this, many more children with spears and bayonets came down from the trees, and ran at the man. In immediate reaction, Allen hit one of the children to the ground. After the boy fell to the ground, a seed of the evil apple came out of his mouth and he seemed confused, and scared. In realization of this Allen said in russian; "Behind me child, none of you shall die this day." The boy understood and got out of Allen's way. The children then ran at him wildly, and he did his best in hand to hand fighting to throw them to the ground and release them from this burden. In doing this, many of the children stabbed him, and even dislocated one of his arms as he fended them off. Eventually tough, he got the seeds out of everyone of them, and they were free. Then Lillith came down on a vine of a tree, angry as always, and made the branches of the trees impale Allen. In great, excruciating pain, Allen looked up at the demon as she laughed at his pain. But Allen refused to lose, so he crushed the branches on his sides, and put both of his hands on the one going through his stomach and he stared to pull himself through. Lillith then realized this, and in her anger, started to swing the branch so that he would get of. Then when the branch was in an upward, horizontal angle, allen broke off the branch. He then used the ability he had gained from samael, and encased Lillith's body in stone. Once the statue dropped gently to the ground, Allen put his hand on the forehead of the demon and absorbed her soul, saying these simple words; "I release you ........... from your burden." He than cracked the stone shell, and took all the children to their respective homes single-handedly. After Allen absorbed this demon he gained control over the plants around him and even the ability to make them hostile, and blodthirsty. Can also transfer his body through trees and the ground to move quickly.

Zagan: This particular demon is a great general of the underworld whom had become fed up wit the fact that humans were still among the living, and that one in particular had extinguished their most prominent leaders. So in retaliation to these two agitations, he broke one of the only Laws of hell, and waged "open" warfare on vatican city. He brought with him many legions of demons, and brought down hellfire on the city. When this happened all of the Cleric-level exorcist were sent guard the pope, along with his royal guard. This angered Allen to no end because he did not believe that the pope was any better then an other an, woman, or child. He valued all life equally, and thought that in tis way, the church was like a monarchy. He made this anger shown when, in refusal to his summance, he brought his entire legion of exorcist to Vatican square and they did battle with these feeble and weak demons. There were many losses on both sides, and it seemed as if the demons would not start coming. That is when Zagan played his trump card and created a huge metal suit of armor, around his body, that was twenty stories tall with his upper body at the helm. He intended to take out Allen , his men, and the pope out in one single blow with this monstrosity his body was now connected to. Allen saw this and was taken aback, truly this would be a challenge to his skill at the least. Allen Ran at the iron giant at full speed, slaughtering any demons that got in his way. Then he jumped at the left leg, took out two knives, stabbed then into the leg, and started to climb in this manner. He had had minutes of time to spare before the beast was in striking distance of the cathedral, so he climbed as fast as he possibly could have climbed. He then got to the epicenter of the beast, Zagan, and with his free hand he punched him in the face with all of his power. This sent a chain reaction through the entire giant, and it fell to the ground. Then, as Zagan screamed in pain and defeat, Allen had a small smirk on his face as he put his hand o Zagan's forehead, and absorbed his soul. After he did this, the demons skin turned to metal, and he became a statue. The giant suit of armor also imploded and collapsed under Allen as he jumed off, and away. With this demons soul Allen can turn metal around him into a lethal weapon or a defensive shield, as long as the object can be made with that metal.

Raijū: This demon was acquired in the South Korean city of Seoul. There was a young Korean boy that had been possessed by this demon whilst in the hospital. The demon short-circuited the wiring in the building, leaving all of the other dyeing children in the hospital defenseless against death. In retaliation to this event, the doctors took anything electronic out of the boys room, and tied him down to the bed, due to the fact that he had struck and killed on of the doctors. While strapped down the demon laughed as he made chaos erupt in the hospital, making the lights flicker, and making everything float and fly around the corridors and rooms, wounding many. Seeing the commotion from afar, Allen, who had been visiting a life-long friend of his, calmly told him to stay where he was as he walked off into the direction of the hospital. He had to break down the door, because the doctors turned off all the electricity in the hospital, and he genially walked up the stairs t the 12th floor, where the demon was being held. Once on the level the doctors advised hi to believe and allen, who is by this point fluent in every language of the world, calmly explains, thanks them for their competence, and goes into the room to initiate what some may call his firs "normal" exorcism. Outside of the room everyone crowded as they heard the demons speaking in demonic tongues of pain and anger while Allen Simply said an assortment of prayers in korean as he sprinkled the beast with holy water. The demon retaliated by send a constant volt of lightning at his body. To this allen smiled, and quickly put his hand on t demons head, ho then got a taste of his own medicine. The lightning attack then stopped, and Allen said these gentle words, in the calmest one at he ever has; "I will carry your burden." Once these words were uttered, the demon was absorbed into Allen's body, the chaos stopped, and power was restored to the hospital. The boy had awoken and simply said; "Thank you sir, for everything", to which Allen responded; "Think nothing of it. Your safety, as well as the safety of all these children, is all that matters to me." Then, now renowned, exorcist then left and was not seen for quite some time. This demon gives Allen power over the element of lightning.

Bio: (I actually think the Demonic souls portion of my template basically covers this, but there are still some points that are to be made, but not now)
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Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
So the bloodbath ensues, good.
As soon as you make a template we will start, but one question before we get to that point, where would you prefer to fight?


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
I am soooo freaking sorry that I did not post this quite yet, but without further adieu, I will begin.
The fight will take place at this location: here.

Allen was walking through a misty bog that surrounded a huge, black castle, looking for the opponent that his order had informed him that he was to face. To tell the truth, Allen was never particularly thrilled to know that he wold have to kill another human being, but if he was an evil man then so be it, there was no backing down now. The Order was absolute authority, and to defy them meant to be an outcast, a heretic. This is something he never wanted, because they were the one group of people that had protected and accepted him. Most religious leaders think that he was a bastard child of demon and man, to others an extravagant hero, but only the Order knows the truth. Allen walked for quite some time in this unholy bog, and to tell the truth he never liked this type of environment, it did not suit an epic fight. Even so, hit was a little unnerving to know that he had no idea where his opponents was, so when Allen saw what seemed like a giant rib bone jutting out of the ground, above the misty bog, he climbed to the top of it, so that he could get a feeling for his surroundings. After he got to the top, he simply sat at the top of the giant structure and waited for his opponent to show himself. He thought about the battle ahead, would he win easily or would he finally fall. Only time could tell for sure.

"It just never ends ............ this hell I've made for myself ........ does it." Allen said as he waited in his solitude, a solitude he has known all his life.

OOC: That really is a shitty opening post.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Kaidaku had gotten a special invitation to fight a man of the name of Allen Walker, a demon controller.. immediately he was intrigued with this man..as he appeared on top of the dark, tall castle Kaidaku had heard the words of a figure down below "It just never ends ............ this hell I've made for myself ........ does it."

This instantly fired up Kaidaku...."Allen you are finally here, i have been waiting up here for quite some time, so if you don't mind i will begin.." Kaidaku said as he jumped from the highest tower of this magnificent castle...and landing firmly on the ground sending molted lava into the ground.."Prepare yourself allen, i am not one to be mr. nice guy, i love the thrill of destruction..." Kaidaku said as he raised his human arm and appeared a sword that flowed with the power of fire. the aura surrounding it ripped through the air and causing the air to become dense and hard to breath...

"Prepare yourself for your ending" Kaidaku as he fired a fireball that was fired out of the tip of the sword..​


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
Allen simply watched as his opponent, Kaidaku, jumped from the tallest tower of the castle that stood before him to the cold hard ground, making it transmute into magma as he landed on it. Quite theatrics did not impress Allen in the least, but it did interest him to wonder how this youth had gained dominion over fire, just as he had long ago. He then greeted Allen to the arena in a very pleasant manner, which was by all means refreshing to Allen. It had been to long since he had fought someone with some form of respect or honor. Then the youth stated that he loved destruction, and allen sighed heavy at the thought and looked forward once more.

"Your thirst for destruction sickens me child, it will never be quenched and will go on until it swallows your soul. You are truly an evil being, so in return I will put you down so you can hurt no one else.." Allen said to his opponent, still sitting in the same position as he had begun, not even looking at kaidaku.

Then Kaidaku unexpectedly made a sword of flame, and sent a grand fireball towards the presence of Allen, to which he responded immediately. He finally jumped to his feet on the bone platform of which he had been sitting, and brought both of his arms upwards, his palms facing the heavens. Then suddenly the area of the bone platform that was in front of him rose up in the form of a many spiked shield, and then proceeded to create a shell around him. When the fireball came in contact with the thick bone shield, it was easily dispersed, and allen slightly smirked in his protective shell. After this action was done, he raised one hand in a fist, and a platform of the bone beneath him was raised safely through the small opening at the top of the shell. Hen then proceeded to sit down once more on the platform above his bone shell.

"What a weak attack, and the order thought you were a threat? Not to be rude, but that attack had not substance to speak of. You know, bones are fascinating materials indeed. They can bend, twist, and curve, and yet they are some of the most durable things in the world. This is in part thanks to the amount of iron in them, iron which I can manipulate. You see, I simply resized the small particles of iron in these bones to a size that I could manipulate, and did so with the simplest of ease to create what you see before you." Allen stated as he smirked at his opponent as he sat atop the structure he had made.

"You must know you cannot win, so why not just give up." said with a confident, yet childish smile.

Allen then raised his right hand and summoned a soul of righteousness, and threw it up at the sky with his one hand. He then jumped off the platform, and waved his hand at the ground. This made the lava that had appeared on the ground disperse to reveal a patch of ground. Allen then transmuted into the ground to be unseen completely, and the instant that this happened the blue orb fragmented into many glass-like pieces and rocketed toward Kaidaku. Then an instance after this, Allen resurfaced from the ground directly behind Kaidaku in a cyclone of lava circling around him like he had an invisible shield and, with his Bladed Rose broadsword, attempted to tear his opponent asunder.
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King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Feeling like he is being made a fool of, Kaidaku's anger for Allen started to grow, and this anger started to consume his senses, and he did not see this, but Allen had telaported right behind him, with a rose broadsword in his hand,and circling him was a cyclone of lava, this caught Kaidaku's attention, he knew that Allen was strong, but this cyclone of lava made him a bit nervous.So quickly reacting to the sudden actions of Allen, Kaidaku gripped Flambara tightly and forcfully put it behind him to block that broadsword in the hands of Allen.. "YOu call me weak, fine you will find out my true power you idiot." Kaidaku said as his eyes burned with fire inside of them..

Then by using his own fire energy to force away Allen, both of them were ten feet away from each other, and just giving a sadistic smile to Allen, Kaidaku just dropped his sword, crouched down on one knee, and his eyes glowed through the air causing intense heat to be caused. His feet started to be surrounded by a reddish-orange aura.." Fury of Fire" He shouted as Kaidaku rushed at Allen with the intent to kill, a series of kicks came at him one after another...some hitting some not, but even if they didn't hit the aura would cause damage to his arms and legs.." You still think I am weak." Kaidaku shouted as he continued his onslaught against Allen.

"Lightning JAb" He shouted

these jabs are thrown at a very high velocity, and combined with kaidaku's strength, this part of the battle will be hard for allen to counter act. "come on fight back, you scared or something" Kaidaku said as the jabs and kicks came at Allen from every direction, giving him no time to rest, or counter; but only little time to plan..but this seemed like the end of Allen, or as it seemed in the eyes of Kaidaku.​


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
Allen was happy to see that his opponent could counter his most trivial attacks, and was intrigued by the boys untapped power. He then decided in that instance that Kaidaku blocked his attack that he would test the boy, see how far his rage and power could take him, and fight him at his peak. This method of fighting usually breaks Allen's opponents, but he had a good feeling about this one, a feeling that told him that he would at least put up a fight.
Just then, Kaidaku came at allen with his fury of fire attack, some of the kicks in the attack hitting dead on and some missing. When these attacks hit, the soul of dokuya worked on the wounds and healed them almost instantaneously, due to the fact that the damage was miniscule. Then Allen saw that similar attacks were coming from every direction, so without even considering it he quickly made a shell around hi body and reinforced it twenty times. The attacks from Kaidaku then indefinitely came, and every single one hit to barrier, some slightly cracking the surface, and others peeling off whole layers. When allen saw these attacks futilely hit his barrier, he chuckled slightly, because he knew how this would frustrate his opponent. Then in that instance the cracks in the shell began to get bigger and bigger, so Allen sheathed his broadsword for now, took out his knife of St. Matthew, made a hole in the bottom of the barrier, and transferred is body through the ground.
Allen then went over to the ground under Kaidaku, and was waiting to hear him land from his attack on the still visible shell of righteous soul energy, and when he did Allen instantly grabbed his leg and, with the power of lightning, sent a volt of ten-thousand through Kaidaku's entire body. He then proceeded to bring him down into the earth beneath him, making the dirt below him soft enough to fall into, but solid enough to be unable to move and be suffocated by, which was the intent.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Kaidaku released a numerous amount of punches and kicks to the body of Allen, and after the first couple of sets; Allen looked to be a bit afraid of what the true power of Kaidaku could do. So by the looks of it, Allen put up a barrier of soul energy; so immeadatly reacting, Allen somehow turned the soft, yet hardened soil even harder beneath Kaidaku.. and Kairo's feet were trapped inside the ground

"So you are going to this length to keep me binded to the ground huh" Kairo sad under his breath as as rage of flames started to gather, not reacting; but holding itself in steady pace.."B-o-o-m" Kairo sequencely said as a rage of flames spun around his body as if his entire being was like gasoline with lighter fluid on him..the fire scortched around him; slightly altering his sense of direction. His power increased dramatically.."Since that is completed, time to get back to the actual battle." Kairo said with a mysterious tone, his sword; which he calls flambara started to act funny..

"Fire i call upon you..come and give me your strength." Kairo chanted as flambara started to create chaotic flames that surrounded both Kairo and Allen.. then not even hesitating, that fire suddenly went right into the blade making a screeching sound that hurts one ears each time him/her hear it. And by rotating his body, Kairo spun; firing a cyclone of fire strait at the barrier that Allen has up.

((just so you know kairo is the nickname of Kaidaku, and the last attack i used is part of my temp..if you look under weapons the ability of fire means able to control any part of it..including inputting it into a object..such as his weapon..:D))


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
OOC: I am sooooo sorry, but to be perfectly honest, I forgot about this battle. Since I am involved in the raked match tournament, I was trying to make the best character that I possibly could, but I just ended up just using this character, and I guess I forgot about prior engagements. Well, no more talk, this is time to fight.

Allen was slightly annoyed now by his opponents resilience, but what was he to expect? For his opponent to roll over and die the likes of a dog, no, this man would not die so easily or detached from his dignity. The man became engulfed in flame, acting slightly crazy, and smiling at allen. This made him happy because this told him his opponent was only starting to let loose. Allen gave him he same respect as he put down his shields, and made symbols with his hands as the fire around Kaidaku was still tame. He then put a sheet of righteous souls around his body as if it were a suit of armor, protecting him from any heat the flames could emit, and then he started to scream. The swirling vortex of flames was then launched and allen put out his arms, and instantly the righteous souls moved at neck-breaking pace and opened up all of the wounds in shape of holy symbols all over Allen's body, making them shine a bright blue. Then, as Allen was still screaming, the the flaming vortex connected with it's target. It stayed there for a few moments until another great scream was heard. The flames then ceased spinning and went into Allen's wounds. The size of his muscles then doubled, and finally the sheet of righteous souls which had enabled him to absorb the fire attack dispersed into the air.

He then fell to the ground on one knee, and he then smirked at Kaidaku, and said; "Well then, I think it's about time that I unleash an attack of my own." Next, Allen plunged the tip of his rose sword into the ground and sent thousand of seeds into the earth below. He then started to laugh silently as the ground started to shake as if a earthquake was about to occur. Allen then suddenly thrust his sword forward whilst in the ground and the ground erupted giving wake to the thousands of thorned vines that were rocketing towards Kaidaku. All were the size of a average truck with thorns and spikes sharp enough to rip straight through metal. Allen then jumped over all of this chaos and, using his own power over fire, made fire erupt from his back shoulders, were he had two scars in the shape of wings, and flew towards Kaidaku, ready to slice him into bits.

King Sora X

Legendary Member
Mar 31, 2008
Nowhere in particular.
Kaidaku saw the attack in which was flung at him by his opponent, thousands of thorned vined popped out of the ground due to the force applied by Allen. then out of nowhere Allen used his own control of fire to launch it at Kairo at fast speeds."Crap, bad, bad, bad. "Kairo panicked. He didnt have much time to react, so he started to get away from Allen and his destruction, but everywhere he went; it followed."So your going to be persistant, fine two can play at that game" Kaidaku said with a little smirk upon his face.

So now facing the force of Allen, it came near him, and right before it touched him; kairo jumped into the air, gaining a level advantage, Kaidaku then got his blade Flambara and shot down a mighty slash vertically, almost ridding all of those wretched vines, but still a good number remained. "Still not good enough, well i didnt think i would have to bring out this attack so soon, but you are leaving me no choice." Kaidaku said as he landed in front of Allen, as they stopped as well.."

Flaming Terror" Kaidaku shouted as he then again jumped into the air, but this time was different, his right hand had a large amount of fire building inside of it, he then pulled his whole right arm back "Here goes nothing" Kairo thought to himself as he launched his right arm forward with all of his might, and a stream of fire shot out with high speeds and intense strength, and they made their way over to Allen and his remaining vines of terror.

"if this doesn't do it, then i will have to revert to that move" Kairo siad as he launched his attack.
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