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FAQ : Drive Forms

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New member
Oct 30, 2005
In Kingdom Hearts II there are 5 Drive Forms which are listed below.

1. Valor Form
2. Wisdom Form
3. Master Form
4. Final Form
5. Anti Form
6. Other Information
7. Battles that increase amount of Drive Gauges
1. Valor Form

A.) Location : The first form you recieve in the game. It is given to you at Yensid's house after you get your new outfit.

B.) Drive Gauge Consumption : 3 Gauges
Special Ability : High Jump
Outfit Color : Red

C.) Description : In Valor Form you fuse with Goofy meaning he won't be on the field to help you in battle, but you duel weild keyblades and your strength increases quite a bit. However in this form you cannot use magic, summons or duel moves with other characters. You cannot use Valor Form unless Goofy is in your party.

D.) Leveling it up : To level up Valor Form you gain exp for each hit you get on an enemy. This makes it the easiest form to level up in my opinion.

2. Wisdom Form

A.) Location : The second form you get in the game. You get Wisdom Form after you beat Timeless River.

B.) Drive Gauge Consumption : 3 Gauges
Special Ability : Quick Run
Outfit Color : Blue

C.) In Wisdom Form you fuse with Donald. Wisdom Form is the only Drive form where you don't duel weild keyblades, instead you use your keyblade like a gun and fire white beams at enemies. While the beams are rather weak, your speed while gliding keeps enemies from defending themselves.

D.) Leveling it up : While in Wisdom Form, you gain exp for each Heartless you kill. It can be quite a pain to level it up because as your levels go higher so do the number of Heartless you have to kill.

3. Master Form

A.) Location : Recieve from King Mickey after first time through Space Paranoids in Ansem's Study.

B.) Drive Gauge Consumption : 4 Gauges
Special Ability : Aerial Dodge
Outfit Color : Yellow

C. Master Form allows you to fuse with any 2 party members for a form where both physical attacks and magic can be used, but are slightly weaker than they would be in Valor or Wisdom Mode. While duel weilding keyblades you can pull off awesome attacks that spin enemies around you to do a lot of damage. Combos last long in this form than Valor or Wisdom.

D. Leveling it up : To level up Master Form pick up yellow Drive Orbs dropped by enemies. Small Orbs give 1 exp and Large Orbs give 3. Great places to get orbs for Master Form are Space Paranoids and The Land of Dragons.

4. Final Form

A.) Location : Final Form is given to you anytime after you have Valor, Wisdom and Master Form. It is completely random and can happen in any world at any time after getting past Memory's Skyscraper. You must also have atleast 5 gauges already. An easier way of getting Final Form is driving while in tournaments in the Underworld since your Drive Gauge fills up faster during the fights you can drive more often.

B.) Drive Gauge Consumption : 5 Gauges
Special Ability : Glide
Outfit Color : Black and White

C.) As with Master Form, you can fuse with any two party members to make Final Form. This is the most powerful drive form in the game. You glide around like with Wisdom Form, as well as having huge increases in physical strength and magic. Instead of holding your keyblades they hover behind you which gives you a bit more range on attacks but at times it may feel a little hard to control as you can't stop finishing moves once you get far enough into a combo.

D.) Leveling it up : Final Form gains exp from each Nobody you kill. Nobodies are most commonly found in Twilight Town and The World That Never Was.

5. Anti Form

A.) Location : None, randomly happens throughout the game while driving. Can happen anytime and anywhere after recieving your first drive form.

B.) Drive Gauge Consumption : 3 Gauges
Special Ability : None
Outfit Color : Sora turns all black and has glowing yellow eyes

C.) Anti Form can be good or bad depending on your situation. In battles against multiple enemies Anti Form can be the answer to your prayers. But in a boss battle it is terrible because not only does your attack decrease but you can't use reaction commands, and you fuse with both your party members. The positive side to Anti Form is not only looking awesome, but the speed at which Sora moves and his ability to pull off quick and powerful combos. But be warned, which each hit Sora takes his defense goes down to the point where a simple Shadow Heartless can kill you.

D.) Leveling it up : Can't be leveled up

6.) Other Information

A.) Each Drive Form with the exception of Anti Form can be leveled up to Level 7. In order to do this you must add more gauges to your Drive Gauge. This is acheived through beating various bosses.

B.) Drive Gauge Refill Glitch : To refill your drive gauge to full, use a drive near a savepoint then go to World Map. When you return to any world your drive gauge will be full.

7.) Battles that increase amount of drive gauges.

Barbossa : Port Royal
Malicious Program : Space Paranoids
Saix : The World That Never Was
Sephiroth : Radiant Gardens

Also if there are any typos, incorrect information, questions or anything else you want posted just say so.

Credit : Legato2471, keyblader72 and UmbrellaCorp77

*edit* If anyone can help me with the anti form part, IE Probability of getting it, why you get it etc please PM me and I'll give you credit in the FAQ
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New member
Oct 30, 2005
Any info helps, I'd perfer to get the fights in chronological order. You'll get credit though.


New member
Jan 15, 2006
i was reading a thing on this other part of the site where it had a translation of a interview with some maker that explained anti form, with in it he said that the more times u don't get final form, the higher the rate, BUT u can only get final form if u went with 5 or more gauges filled.


New member
Feb 16, 2005
Over there. -->
Some of this is very wrong.

Final form does level up to 7, and you dont have to have 7 drive points to do it either, about 4 hours ago my final form leveled up to 7 and i havent gotten past sephiroth yet.

Also, the anti form is not random, there is a system to it thats described in the guidebook.

Final form can't be obtained until you pass memory's skyscraper even if you have all three other forms, for proof read the World that Never Was level walkthrough in the guidebook (look for the final form pic)

also, from what i can tell... you dont really "fuse", the party member just goes away and doesn't fight, like an extra party member would if it is not in slot 1 or 2. All party members show up in cutscenes and sora drives in the underworld cup without party members. Apparently the party member just looses al his enery to sora during drive.


Dec 22, 2005
Strongbad02 said:
Some of this is very wrong.

Final form does level up to 7, and you dont have to have 7 drive points to do it either, about 4 hours ago my final form leveled up to 7 and i havent gotten past sephiroth yet.

Also, the anti form is not random, there is a system to it thats described in the guidebook.

Final form can't be obtained until you pass memory's skyscraper even if you have all three other forms, for proof read the World that Never Was level walkthrough in the guidebook (look for the final form pic)

also, from what i can tell... you dont really "fuse", the party member just goes away and doesn't fight, like an extra party member would if it is not in slot 1 or 2. All party members show up in cutscenes and sora drives in the underworld cup without party members. Apparently the party member just looses al his enery to sora during drive.

thats where ur worng. u do fuse they said in the begging.


its not fusing, although they did say that in the begining (which the begining wuz quite a while ago) and they did name specifics such as valor form=goofy wisdom=donald master=goofy and donald and final=roxas, that has changed. You do not fuse with roxas nor do you ever play as sora alongside him. and the master and final forms just take away your 2 party members.also if im not mistaken nomura said sum of this info in a recent interveiw...i think it wuz by egm or GI or sumtin.....oh well no one'll beleive me...go on flame.


New member
Oct 30, 2005
Does it really matter? When you go into those forms your party member or members leave. Geez, who cares if they "fuse" or not. All I know is that when I go into Valor Form Goofy goes off somewhere else.


Zombie Hunter
Jul 25, 2005
Racoon City
YOu can also re-fill you drive meter by entering and exiting a colliseum torniment, or when you are in a form you go into a conversation area.


Using conversation pits (the rooms where you see Donald and Goofy walking about freely, along with other people [ex: the Black Pearl's deck]) is another glitch for filling the drive bar up to the max instantly. To do this, walk into the room while still in form. After the room loads, you should be out of your form, with the drive bar maxed out. Especially helpful for levelling Final Form in the World That Never Was, since the final room in the world with the last save point in the game is a conversation pit.

(Just thought I should add this in here.) ^^
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New member
Aug 7, 2005
o.k., i was just wondering what the maximum number you can get your drive gauge up to. I've gotten it up to six without beating Sephiroth so that means that you can get at least seven. But i could have sworn i saw a vid where sora had eight drive points but it may have been something else. anyway does anyway know for sure the MAX # of drive points you can get???
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