Literally everything about 'Kingdom Hearts II' disappointed me. There was hardly any redeeming qualities about the game except the fact that the camera issue has been resolved. The control scheme was less clunky, sure, but I rather have a clunky control scheme than a masher that somehow plays itself with stupid QTE.
First off, WHO'S IDEA WAS IT... to reduce the platforming elements and focus helluva lot on fighting? Oh yes, Tetsuya Nomura. Because he wanted to dumb it down and appeal to a wider audience ¬¬ It made everything horrid. You wanna go to this location, NO YOU F****** CAN'T!? Beat XXX heartless to press on forth and repeat. Every area was nothing more than a arena to fight those heartless/nobody. Whereas compared to KH1, you can jump on rooftop in Traverse Town, lighting up candles and going in flowers in Wonderland, etc. Puzzles and platforming made KH1 great, whilst the fighting was just complimentary imo. Now the fighting has been enhanced and the rest has been made almost non-existence.
Oh which brings me to my next part; THE ORGANIZATION XIII. Whoever thought the villains in KHII were better... will get shot... by me. There were dreadfully bad. They hardly have any development like in COM. They were rushed to their death and you know what...
AXEL SUCKS! Seriously, he was awesome in COM. He was a sneaky, slinky, evil twat for all the reasons. He killed Vexen, he was in it for the fun when he fought Sora countless times. Even his last sentence before he went shown some awesomeness. In KH2, he resorted to a sympathetic, caring and unappealing character. Literally, everything was gone and his cathphrase is so annoying.
Oh and Larxene, Vexen and Marluxia were the better characters than anyone in KH2. They have more development and personality than they will ever have.
Oh which brings me to my next part, the bad storyline and writing. The script is horrendous, all down to predictability and doesn't have the charm like KH1. Oh and people, KH1 is darker than Kh2. KH2 was just action-packed and tried to be deeper, but it ends up failing. Oh and when Sora defeat the nobodies and get a glimpse of their feelings, when he fuses with Roxas after knowing his feelings. Even when Kairi fuses with Namine who shown her feelings, guess what he says to Xemnas. He's say that Nobodies are still worthless.
...WHY? WHY? Why the hell. Sora would never say that. He didn't hate Namine when she told him that his memories were fake. Yet in the end, he say that nobody are worthless. So I'm guessing Roxas and Namine are worthless as well?
I can go into a lot of depth about why I hate KHII. Difficulty is one of them, even at Proud mode, it was soo easy. But eh... I bet you KHTards will find something to defend about it anyway.
Kingdom Hearts II is the worse in the WHOLE SERIES. I can tell you that much. I would give it a 5 - 6/10. Hardly anything was fun about it and whoever likes it, it's pretty much their first KH game. Nothing more. KH1 and Chain of Memories were superior.
KH2 is inferior in every aspect and should never be mentioned.