Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
hEY PEEPS i need help i made my own sig on adobe photoshop but i dont now how i can put it on as a sig becouse it says i need a url page from the internet even thoe i made it my self can you help
1. This is in the wrong place. This should have either went in the Graphics Section or in a PM.
2. He's spamming.
3. You're spamming
4. KeybladeKid1127 is right.
keybladekid is right and if you read the rules before you came here you would see there is no spamming and this belongs some were else not here. this should be closed or moved some were else. just save your sig. then open it with the internet by going over the sig after you open it with my pictures then once it has been opened with the internet just copy and paste.