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Fanfiction ► ~Into the Mind of Zaine - {An Original FanFic}~

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Miss Murder

In the Mind of Zaine ( A Original FF )

Rating: PG13 - R

Warning: This is bloody and psychopathic, so it may disturb some of you. Yet there isn't anything sexual, it is cannibalism and serial killing. But none of the characters in this story relate whatsoever to anyone in reality. No one, not at all. ^^

Intro: First off, I would like to say that I first thought of Zaine and invented him as a cartoonish drawing, but later made him into the ingenious cannibal and serial killer he is today. So now I take you into a world of bloodshed, into a world of true reality; Into the Mind of Zaine.

Chapter 1:

A scream rang through the ears of all the occupants of the bustling bar one night at around 4 am on the dark and dreary pavement of South 23rd street. It was only heard for a split second, so all who heard it couldn't even be sure that they did hear it at all. All time seemed to hang there for a moment; brawly men playing pool looked up, startled, from their game. Two guys fighting paused their brawl, fists hanging in midair. Even a hooker from outside the bar turned away from the street to peer into the misty and cracked glass of the bar to see where the scream had originated from. But no one, ( not even the hooker ), could see or tell where exactly the scream had come from. In truth, the scream, a woman's scream, had originated from the back of the bar. But it's not like any of the residents of the bar would have any clue to that, of course. In the next moments, however, life returned to the bar and its occupants returned to what they had been doing. However, the two men who had been fighting ceased their fighting and instead decided to indulge in beer, so as to get drunk, naturally. So to all those unsupecting and unknowing people, everything was normal in the town of Marshalltown, Iowa. But everything was most definately not normal.

An eighteen year-old boy walked out of the back of the bar, carrying with him a large black bag, which he slung over his back. For a split second, almost as quick, if not swifter, than the scream heard minutes before was, a glint of metal could be seen under the boy's black leather jacket in an inside pocket of it. Slightly bloodied bandages were wrapped around the boy's neck and torso, also under his black leather, unzipped, jacket. The boy's long black hair with red highlights hung in his eyes, but did nothing to his impeccable eyesight. This amazing, ingenius boy was named Zaine.

Zaine's mouth was closed, of course, but if you were one of his unlucky victims who were the only ones to see it open, you would see that his canines had been purposefully sharpened so as to make his 'unique' and grotesque diet easier to indulge in. For, you see, Zaine was a cannibal. In fact, he was also a serial killer. But no one but Zaine himself, and the dead of course, knew of his deadly secret. Yet the dead could be a very reliable source, so Zaine made sure that even in death his victims could not tell his dastardly secret, for Zaine thought of near everything. So instead of letting them rest in peace and reveal his secret to the world, Zaine ate the carcasses of his victims . . . and on certain days the occasional living person who he had captured formerly. He was not overly muscular, but Zaine was far from being just a serial killer and cannibal. To some he may have easily been considered psychopathical, but in reality he wsa much more than that. He was, simply put, a genius of sorts. This is Zaine's deadly and dark story, his background and his story. This story goes into his ingenius and psychopathical mind, the mind of a serial killer and the mind of a cannibal; Into the mind of Zaine himself.

He walked through the dark allyway that led out of the back door of the bar where he had killed his latest victim, a victim who he presumed did not follow the rules. The rules, of course, referred to the rules of curfew in the small town of Marshalltown, Iowa. Legends and accounts of a teenaged cannibal and serial killer had spread throughout the county, yet no mortal knew of Zaine's true identity. And Zaine intended to keep it that way. Because of these legends and the continued killings of humans, a law was passed in Marshalltown forbidding any person, child and adult alike, from being outdoors passed 11pm every and any night. But the occupants of the bar on this fateful night either were from different towns or cities than Marshalltown, weren't familiar with the legends, didn't care about the myths, or had been dragged there by friends or family that night or other nights. In Zaine's mind, it didn't matter which way you viewed it from, a barful of unsuspecting drunken people was just a hunting waiting to happen. So Zaine had carefully and selectively chosen his victim, this particular time it was a young sixteen year old girl named Rachael Miller, and had been watching her for a few weeks or months now.

So once he had carefullly planned out everything that would happen, he waited for the night Rachael would be out late, and she had chosen this particular and fateful night for her late-night outing to the local bar. The perfect and nearly once in a lifetime opportunity, Zaine had reasoned. So Rachael had apparantly gotten drunk, and went into the woman's bathroom to either put on makeup or throw up as a reaction to the overuse of alchohol. But her reasons, Zaine didn't care for. He hid in the shadows outside of the woman's bathroom for a few moments, watching Rachael carefully and planning out every one of his moves. But, that was almost ruined when Rachael saw Zaine's reflection behind her in the mirror. That was when the scream took place, but Zaine moved so swiftly and silenced her so quickly that it was almost unheard of. After he had ended her life for sure, he walked over to one of the bathroom stalls and removed the black bodybag he had stowed there earlier for future use. Taking out the knife he had hidden under his jacket, Zaine got to work silently and quickly cutting Rachael up into smaller and transportable pieces, which he soon put into the black bodybag. Of course, before he did this he carved out Rachael's lifeless eyes and ate them on the spot. After doing this and licking his lips, Zaine washed himself clean of her lifeblood and made his leave from the bathroom and the bar, by means of the back door he had entered through earlier. Of course, Zaine left his calling card in the bathroom as he usually did after a murder: the victim's bodyless, eyeless, and bloodied head in the room. This time he left it propped up against and inside the sink, with his initials carved into her forehead. They read, as always, "Z.W." No one but Zaine himself knew of his last name, not even the people who owned the apartment he now headed to after disembarking from the bar.

As he walked down the dark alley still, he recollected the many legends and myths that had emerged from his cannibalism and serial killings. Many, if not all, of them spoke of the "Teenage Terror's" ability to almost hypnotize his victims with his eyes. Yet, how would they know that, when the cannibal Zaine, as he revealed himself as a murderer and a cannibal, was never seen but by his vicitms who never lived to tell the tale. Despite this, the legend of his hypnotic eyes was completely true, though how people came to know that Zaine will never know or learn of. As he remembered this, Zaine laid the black bodybag against a building in the ally and took out a black and red blindfold, which he tied around and in front of his blood red and seemingly hypnotic eyes. His long black and red bangs covered over the blindfold, so that no one could even see it even if they had so good of vision that they could see in the darkness of the night. Letting his hair fall over the blindfold, Zaine picked up the black bodybag once again and started off back for his apartment, which was on the same South 23rd street as the bar, so it wouldn't be too far.

Even though there wouldn't be many people out walking or driving this late at night, especially not on such a desolate street in such a bad neighborhood as South 23rd street, to anyone who happened to be passing by it would look as if a teenage boy were just carrying an especially heavy and large bag back from the local Wal-Mart, wood stock, or any other place where he happened to be coming from. Even the blood from Rachael's cut up carcass wouldn't soak through the bag for about another fifteen minutes. So Zaine trudged along, not struggling the slightest under the weight from the bag. Soon he reached his abode on the dark street. There weren't very many other people in the apartment complex, due to infestations and foundation problems, and the other people who resided in the apartment weren't anywhere near Zaine, so he always had his privacy.

Zaine leaned the black bodybag once again against the building and reached into his black jacket pocket and fished out his apartment key, which he used to unlock the front door to the apartment. After doing this he once again picked up the black bodybag containing his dark and gruesome goods, and walked into the building, kicking closed the door quietly and locking it after him. Silently, so as not to alert the other residents of the apartment a ways away from him, Zaine walked up the stairs to his room, and unlocked it like he had the front door, and shutting it and bolting it and locking it in the same matter as many times as the locks would allow. Zaine walked into the living room area of his apartment room, where there was a couch, table, and television, and laid the bodybag down on against he side of the couch. As it laid there awkwardly, Zaine walked into the small kitchen area and got out a few large plates, forks, and knives. He also opened the refridgerator and got out a can of Pepsi. He kicked the door of the refridgerator closed and walked back into the living room area, where he sat the plates, forks, knives, and Pepsi can down on the table in a neat fashion.

Next, Zaine opened up the bodybag and began to get out its contents, which he laid out on the plates, raw of course. Reaching over to get a remote, Zaine flicked on the television, popped the tab on the can of Pepsi, and began to indulge in his meal as he watched the news.

End of Chapter 1

(( So I hope you liked. . .or at least were slightly interested in looking into my slighlty disturbed mind, tell me what you think of it! I know, it's very odd and dark, but I suppose a lot of people here may like it like I like dark stuff. So anyway, rate and tell me what you think of Zaine's odd beginning story. . .I may continue it based on what people think of it and if I feel like continuing it. ))​

Candy Man

Green Lantern Battery
Mar 8, 2007
The prime real estate of Funkopolis
Damn..............that was creepy.

.....and totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like Silence of the Lambs for teenagers!!! I loved it!!
Have an Oscar!!!!

Miss Murder

Lol, thanks for the Oscar, Froad. . .

And the


Oh well, thanks anyway.


Legendary Member
Jun 3, 2005
Back from the Dead
I liked it, I saw maybe two typos. . .try to give Zaine more personality. . .maybe you were just trying to set up his character. .


Write more, I wanna see what happens to Zaine. . .

Miss Murder

Yeah in the first chapter I was just kind of trying to set up his character and give you a little background on him, but thanks!

I'll write the next chapter either sometime today, or maybe tomorrow. . .I dunno.

But thanks. ^^


Mar 27, 2007
Great start so far, I'll be on the lookout for upcoming chapters.

Miss Murder

^^ Thanks much Haku, and I'll be on the lookout for ideas for future chapters. . .

Anyway, like I said before if I get a good inspirtation for writing then I may write and post up the next chapter sometime either later today (which is unlikely), tomorrow, or maybe Monday. . .around then. But still thanks.

Miss Murder

Yeah, I'm pretty good with disturbing. . .now after re-reading this I feel like I REALLY want to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Hannibal Lector. . .

Anyway, thanks for the comment!


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
xD I'm odd in an odd way.

I'm odd in an odd way for despite it being semi creepy/disturbing...


I find it rather funny. o.o

Mind you, I wouldn't find it funny in real life if someone was doing that in my city and was living in a complex like me (that'd scare the hell out of me! >_<) though, it's funny for how naturally he sets his small table, as if he didn't commit a bloody murder really.

It was unique, though, I think some words didn't have to have been added for describing their purposes or some could of been rounded up. There was only one thing that really caught me attention as repetitive though.

example said:
He kicked the door of the refridgerator closed and walked back into the living room area, where he sat the plates, forks, knives, and Pepsi can down on the table in a neat fashion.

That be the only real sentence bothering me seeing the above or few sentences above it had more or less almost the exact same nouns/order. So maybe instead of just plates, forks, and knifes, maybe round up the words as silver ware, cultrey, I don't know, something 'long those lines...? (Another example, drink, fluid... Yeah, I'll stop now). >>;;;

I don't know. >_<

That be the only constructive (I hope) critism I have, I hope it doesn't bother you for me putting that out! >_<

... And made sense... >>;;;

... I hope it made sense, and again I hope ya don't mind what I pointed out! D:
*Hopes she isn't too nit picky*

But yeah...

Anyway, I'm really intrigued by your characters mind and can't wait to see future chapters! 8D

I'm quite curious of this character now and his daily routine with stalking his victims and such so I hope you continue!

(Oooh, how'd he be so fast? ;D)



The Froad: Ano... It may be best if ya linked it seeing it seems a bit too big for the screen, plus we'd probably view it better but that's just me! >_<

Miss Murder

Yeah, thanks very much Tarokitty for the comment and constructive criticism. ^^ I do appreciate that, and I thought so to. When I typed up that particular sentance, I dunno, I think I thought it would be funny in a very odd way or something. Like dry humor, almost, but with silverware. . .go figure.

Anyway, thanks. ^^


A Chagrined Fool.
Aug 3, 2005
People's Fragile Dreams, Relinquished from Anixiet
xD I guess it's because of that part now that I think about it is one of the reasons I found it oddly funny... o.o

xD Dry humour with silver ware doesn't seem to occur very often, neh? =o
(Scuse my inability to spell silverware Dx)

And no problem! ^-^

For some reason, ever since I started posting in the fanfiction section (which isn't a lot, mind you) I've been feeling... Constructive critismy and long post... Y... >>;;;

So yeah.

That be enough out of me now!

*Zips mouth shout*

I don't want to end up spamming your story too much. ^^;;;


Miss Murder

X) Haha, no big deal.

But thanks for posting here, very much.

Chapter 2, as said before, will probably come sometime in the next few days when I get inspiration, write it at different times, and then post it.


New member
Jun 11, 2007
Battling my inner demons....and winning thank you
wow. Like when I first saw it I was like " Aw hll naw im not about to read this sht its too long." But then when i started reading it it was Really good and it went by fast. I liked it also cuz it was like Zaine went home and he fixed his meal and watched tv and stuff like he was just eating a pizza or something. Reminds me of Hannibal.Your words flow easily your a good writer.

Miss Murder

Thanks very much iloveyou502! ^^

Yeah I wanted that part when Zaine went home and 'prepared his meal' to kinda have that effect.

Thanks again, and you're a good writer yourself. ^^

Miss Murder

^ Thanks for the comment shadow!

Ok, here's chapter 2. . .I got on a roll with writing it last night and got done with it ahead of time. Yay! Well, it tells more about Zaine's past than continuing with the story. The main story will be continued in Chapter 3, I think. Anyway, here it is:

Chapter 2:

You may very well be asking by now what is always going on in Zaine's head, why he thinks this way, why his actions speak so of a tortured soul so much yet he has been proven to have exceptional potential and an ingenious mind. The truth is, to find these answers, we will have to journey back to Zaine's youth, and so much more. So now, I dare your very person to join me in the dark journey into Zaine's mind, the fateful nights when his destiny was decided for him and much, much more than that as well. I dare you to join me in the dark journey to all of this, to Zaine's past.

Even though there was much more before this simple yet astounding aspect of Zaine's life, I must tell you of his birth. Zaine was born in a small town on the outskirts of Houston, Texas, in the Houston Memorial Hospital. This hospital could hardly be called what it is, though. Rather, it was a small wooden and makeshift building, very unsuited to most medical procedures, let alone childbirth. Zaine's mother was of course a very odd individual, preferring the ways of the omish than the ways of todays scientists, doctors, and nurses. Yet of course she would settle for this little amount of modern inconvinience to make due for her newborn baby, who her husband decided to name Zaine after his best and near inseperable friend's name. Yet this friend had also died not a week before Zaine was born, so it was a seemingly odd yet almost unoticed act that his father got away with. To tell of Zaine's father, however, is to almost speak of the devil. Even though no one knew of his horrible deeds except for his wife, Zaine's mother. But of course, under threats, she wouldn't even dare tell anyone, and she tried to keep Zaine has safe away from his fathers evils as possible. Though it is almost needless to say that as he grew up, Zaine was exposed to these horrors.

I believe most, if not all, of you have heard of the Texas Chainsaw Massacres? If nothing, you have more than likely heard of the movie series after those true events. Yes? Well, instead of telling you all about Zaine's father's horrible personality and characteristics, I can just tell you that Zaine's father idolized Leatherface very much; almost as a son idolizes his father. But such is not the case with Zaine. Instead of idolizing his father, Zaine hated his father with a passion. Though no one but Zaine and his mother knew any of this, for to the whole town of Houston, Zaine's father was an accomplished doctor and surgeon. In contrast to his wife, the father of Zaine didn't like the omish ways as much as she did, and of course relieved more in modern times. He even went so far as to try and turn Zaine against his mother in more than one situation and make Zaine hate her. Zaine, naturally, could not even bring himself to even so much as think of turning against his mother and hating her, her being such a caring and kind person.

These characteristics from his mother seemed to rub off on Zaine, and instead of growing up hateful and vengeful like his father, he grew up caring and kind like his mother. He was fairly large in muscle for his age, but it was almost as if he were a gentle giant, of sorts. His father hated him for being like his mother, and as he would give Zaine's mother harsh and rage-filled beatings, he would turn to Zaine and give him the same sort of beatings. One night when Zaine was eight, and his father was whipping him with his belt, the belt buckle caught under his eye and cut deep into his flesh, forming a burning gash of a scar. It is said that Zaine still has this scar, though it is almost always unseen to people, with the exception of his victims.

As Zaine grew older and the beatings to his mother and himself from his father became more and more severe, they still stayed unheard of to the public people who nearly adored Zaine's father for his skill with surgery and doctoring. He was well-loved by all, except the two people who should have been closest to him. One fateful night, Zaine's father was far too drunk to care about his actions or have much control over them, and he went too far in his beating to Zaine's mother. Thirteen at the time, Zaine couldn't take seeing his mother in so much pain, though the only words she kept shouting and sobbing over and over again were, "Don't harm Zaine, get away Zaine, don't get Zaine. . ." Unable to take this torture anymore, Zaine leapt onto his father's back, oddly in a mock and far darker reinactment of the traditional father-and-son piggy-back rides they had missed out on in Zaine's youth, and Zaine fought his father back from his mother, only to get thrown off of his back and be knocked out cold.

When Zaine awoke to the world once more, outside, rain was pouring from the sky. He was lying down on his side in the muddy earth, unable to see much other than the ground. He turned onto his other side, and was immediately met with the lifeless face of his now-deceased mother. They were so close, in fact, that Zaine's own nose and her long-cold one were touching faintly, in a deathly butterfly kiss. Zaine's eyes widened, and he shot up into a sitting position, though without a sound. He couldn't say that he wasn't surprised. After all, he had failed in stopping his father from killing his dearly beloved and now dearly departed mother. In his mind, it was all his fault. Soon after the realization of what happened hit Zaine, tears rolled down his cheecks, rolling down and past the long scar he had aquired five years prior to this event, and mixing with the falling rain.

In the next few moments, however, the tears stopped falling as Zaine heard a familiar voice chuckiling. Soon, the chuckle turned to a laugh, then a hysterical one. His father. Laughing at his own murdering his wife, and at Zaine's own pain. Zaine's pain turned to anger at the sight of his father's dirty and bloody face, black bangs much like Zaine's own at the time matted down against his sopping wet forehead. He leapt to his feet, and saw they were outside a barn full of sharp tools -- weapons. With a glance to his father, then another glance to the barn, Zaine took off at high-speed to the barn. "No you don't, you little damn bastard child!" his father had shouted and begun to run after his son, but Zaine was far younger and faster than his father and beat him by a longshot to the barn. But of course, aside from there being plenty of weapons and hiding places for Zaine, there were also plently of weapons and hiding - or rather hunting - places for his father. In Zaine's mind, however, it was a risk he would have to take.

Still running at high-speed, Zaine's eyes frantically sought out a weapon he could use against his father, and they soon landed on a sharp sickle. Zaine picked this sickle up and turned back to face where he thought his father would be, but found emptyness. Tense and worried, he waited for the slightest noise or movement in the barn. After a few moments, Zaine thought he heard something like water being poured in the barn. No, Zaine had thought at the time after smelling the fairly distant liquid, not water. . .it was gasoline! Even more frantic and worried, Zaine ran back to the barn's entrance, but he found the large doors shut and locked from the outside. Outside of the barn doors, Zaine heard his father's laughter and the sound of a match being lit. "Farewell, my son," he said with glee as he dropped the match.

"No!" Zaine had shouted, though it was meaningless. He ran away, or rather leapt away, as the gasoline took alight and a large fire began to burn around the barn, spreading inside and all around it fairly quickly. Though, of course, during this time Zaine was not just standing still. After all, he still had a sickle. Mind working at top-speed, Zaine quickly felt along part of one of the walls of the barn that hadn't yet taken alight, and he found the coolest part of it. Upon finding this part, Zaine swung his scythe and began to hack away at the wood, eventually hacking away a hole large enough for him to get out of. Waiting right outside for him was his demented father.

A fought broke out between Zaine and his father then, envolving the sickle being meaninglessly thrown away back into the barn by his father, more fighting, and eventually ending with Zaine managing to push his father back into the barn, where flames that had grown since Zaine broke out enveloped his father in their burning clutches. Panting, black hair matted to his wet and sweaty forehead, Zaine had backed away from the barn, eyeing the flames inside as if his demonic father would leap out of the ashes at him. A few hours later, the rain put out the fire in the barn, but try as he might, Zaine couldn't find even a trace of his father inside of it. But what he did find was a slightly charred sickle blade, and this Zaine picked up.

Walking back to where his dead mother still lied, Zaine began to think. In his rapidly working mind, Zaine knew that the police would wonder and ask many questions, but he couldn't answer them or have them ask the questions he knew they were going to ask. Taking off a slightly charred black and red armband he had had since he was fairly young, Zaine dropped this into the ashes of the fire in the barn. So if they asked any questions, someone would be able to tell them that the whole family of three had died in the fire. As for his mother. . .Zaine turned back to her and looked down at the sickle blade in his hand. He knelt down beisde her and began the tradition that he would later became infamous for, rain falling around him once more and tears mingling with them in the night air.


In the present, as Zaine finished his meal, he remembered this time and he was back there once again. Despite himself, a tear rolled down his cheek, past his long scar, falling down to the ground.


What Zaine hadn't seen that night, however, was a hand, still attached to its body however burnt and deformed, shoot up out of the ashes of the fire.


End of Chapter 2. CnC, tell me what you think of it!!! ^^​
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Mar 27, 2007
Great chapter, this is my favorite one so far and the story hasn't even gotten that far yet xD.

Miss Murder

Haha, thanks Shadow and Haku! ^^ Yeah I liked writing the second chapter a lot too. And red's always fun to write in. XD
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