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Kingdom Hearts Re: Union X?



New member
Apr 30, 2011
This game needs a remake. A good one. Chain of Memories got one, as well as Coded. So please, don't let a very important chapter be exclusively playable on smartphones. The graphics and the turn-based combat system do not belong to Kingdom Hearts. Personally, a MMORPG would be very awesome. We would get to explore Daybreak Town and all the previous Disney worlds with the new engine, which is sick. Let's consider they already have a model for Daybreak Town thanks to Back Cover. As for the player, you could customize it and make it one of a kind. Plus, having constant online updates (not lore updates please) would help SE's sales go up and would make us play this game with friends online for a very long period of time. I honestly want multi-player in Kingdom Hearts to be a thing.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Oh boy, here we go..

The graphics and the turn-based combat system do not belong to Kingdom Hearts. Personally, a MMORPG would be very awesome. We would get to explore Daybreak Town and all the previous Disney worlds with the new engine, which is sick. Let's consider they already have a model for Daybreak Town thanks to Back Cover. As for the player, you could customize it and make it one of a kind. Plus, having constant online updates (not lore updates please) would help SE's sales go up and would make us play this game with friends online for a very long period of time. I honestly want multi-player in Kingdom Hearts to be a thing.
1. Disagree. The graphics are perfectly fine and turn-based combat works, it just needs more polish to it. I would love to see an actual turn based KH game in the future more akin to the main ones, it would bring more utility to the party members since you wouldn't have to deal with their AI.

2. Not really. Just because they made a model for a CGI movie does not mean it's useable in a videogame. Even if it's in-engine, they only really have models for some parts of the move and everything still needs a lot more polish.

3. Very wrong. Union X makes more money than a 3D remake could ever achieve since it needs lower investiments as there's no voice acting and the graphics are easier to manage.

That aside, I don't mind having Union X remade into some other form of media in the future like a movie in the same vein as Back Cover, but I doubt they would do anything else with it. Not only does the game print money in it's current format, there isn't enough to it to warrant a full remake.

I think the closest we may ever get to a console-based online KH experience is if they ever decide to touch upon the multiplayer for 358/2 days again in a future game, but who knows how they would approach that as a remake is unlikely since the 2.5 collection exists.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Oh boy, here we go..

1. Disagree. The graphics are perfectly fine and turn-based combat works, it just needs more polish to it. I would love to see an actual turn based KH game in the future more akin to the main ones, it would bring more utility to the party members since you wouldn't have to deal with their AI.

2. Not really. Just because they made a model for a CGI movie does not mean it's useable in a videogame. Even if it's in-engine, they only really have models for some parts of the move and everything still needs a lot more polish.

3. Very wrong. Union X makes more money than a 3D remake could ever achieve since it needs lower investiments as there's no voice acting and the graphics are easier to manage.

That aside, I don't mind having Union X remade into some other form of media in the future like a movie in the same vein as Back Cover, but I doubt they would do anything else with it. Not only does the game print money in it's current format, there isn't enough to it to warrant a full remake.

I think the closest we may ever get to a console-based online KH experience is if they ever decide to touch upon the multiplayer for 358/2 days again in a future game, but who knows how they would approach that as a remake is unlikely since the 2.5 collection exists.

2019 and turn based mechanics for Kingdom Hearts certainly do not belong to the same sentence and wouldn't fit for a home console. After the frenetic gameplay we got from KH3 a turn based game would be an involution to my eyes. It was necessary for a mobile game as it's easier to program and you really don't have to focus about how the characters interact with the environment etc. As for number 2, it's just my hope, I admit I have no clear idea on how that really works, but hey, spes ultima dea they say. As for number 3, I never said Union X is not making enough money or whatsoever. I simply stated that an actual MMORPG would increase their sales because we've got to let's start facing the fact that Union X will come to an end sooner or later, as the plot simply cannot last forever, considering that (KH3 Reports spoilers ahead)
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With that being said, I still believe that micro-transactions would work really well in a hypothetical remake. Just my two cents. I believe Union X deserves more than being a title for smarphones, given its importance to the lore. It would be easy to follow, because most of the missions would be cut out just to have us explore the classic Disney worlds and play the nostalgia card. And the potential for multi-player, as I said, is more than enough for them to make this possibility become reality.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
2019 and turn based mechanics for Kingdom Hearts certainly do not belong to the same sentence and wouldn't fit for a home console. After the frenetic gameplay we got from KH3 a turn based game would be an involution to my eyes. It was necessary for a mobile game as it's easier to program and you really don't have to focus about how the characters interact with the environment etc. As for number 2, it's just my hope, I admit I have no clear idea on how that really works, but hey, spes ultima dea they say. As for number 3, I never said Union X is not making enough money or whatsoever. I simply stated that an actual MMORPG would increase their sales because we've got to let's start facing the fact that Union X will come to an end sooner or later, as the plot simply cannot last forever, considering that (KH3 Reports spoilers ahead)
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With that being said, I still believe that micro-transactions would work really well in a hypothetical remake. Just my two cents. I believe Union X deserves more than being a title for smarphones, given its importance to the lore. It would be easy to follow, because most of the missions would be cut out just to have us explore the classic Disney worlds and play the nostalgia card. And the potential for multi-player, as I said, is more than enough for them to make this possibility become reality.
The thing is, microtransations on a MMORPG would hardly compare to the money they make from Union X with its simpler format. And to get money from a MMO it would need to be sucessful at first, plus all the money that goes into work to develop said game in the first place. It's not something as simple as taking the KH3 engine and expanding it into an open world. They could very easily walk into the FF14 problem where the game had to be literally scrapped and remade because the first one was terrible.

I do agree with you that Union X deserves more than what it got, but they could just as easily keep the current format for many years. We have no idea how long it'll take for the next game, regardless if it's KH4 or another spin off. And even then, we don't really know how much of KH3 it'll cover as they proved that they can makes out of nowhere, sans BBS.

And there's no reason a Turn Based game wouldn't work on console just because KH3 is frenetic. One does not exclude the other, just like FF15 didn't magically erase the first 10 games. Getting a turn-based spin off out of KH doesn't mean the next main entry is going to follow that format or anything, although it could easily be sucessful enough to birth sequels of it's own.
There's a lot more to turn based games nowadays, Bravely Default and Octopath Traveller are both amazing games that take that further and beyond. Persona 5 is another example that just because it's turn based it doesn't mean it has to be slow.

Deleted member 246005

Making a game about Ven's time in the Union era is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Kingdom Hearts III Epilogue demands a Union Cross remake. Besides, it's a better way to recreate classic Disney properties from the series than remaking Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Yeah, I mean if they did it would be for Western audience's benefit, since Japan loves mobile games. Though I guess I have heard Japanese fans are getting sick of the way UX is being handled as well. But I know multiple people who have literally played all but like 1 or just legit ALL the games....except UX. A few tried, and just got bored lol. Like, the fact it seems imperative going forward, its beginning to feel like they really need to do something. Other than go back in time and just make a fun little story that is self-contained lol, that ship has sailed.

Kingdom Hearts III Epilogue demands a Union Cross remake. Besides, it's a better way to recreate classic Disney properties from the series than remaking Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.

Yeah I can't deny I have thought of the latter as another reason I want this game remade in KH3's engine.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Kingdom Hearts III Epilogue demands a Union Cross remake. Besides, it's a better way to recreate classic Disney properties from the series than remaking Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.

Good point. A new KINGDOM HEARTS game with the worlds of the first Seven Lights would be better than remaking the first game, seeing as how some sacrifices would have to be made in order for that game to work on the scope of KHIII's.


Jul 21, 2016
Re: Union X is indeed imminent due to the Epilogue. However, I'd rather the game not be an MMORPG. It's sorta pointless if we want a replayable game. Rather they remake it God Eater style if they want to use the Avatar again as playable character.

Preferably though, I'd like to play as the Union Leaders instead in order to keep it in line with the series' style.

Ballad of Caius

Player 💀
Jan 4, 2014
Actually, that would be nice too. Less of a hassle to develop, but it's sorta a shame Kingdom Hearts' new saga would be reduced to actually just cutscene movies.

I mean, the next saga should start with a game. Maybe they can pull a 0.2 and have it as a demo for the next saga.