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New member
Dec 31, 2008
Like some others have said, I think that your mother is afraid of losing you, but by acting the way you said she does, it looks like she is only pushing you away more.

You might have to sit her down and have a serious, calm talk with her. But if you're afraid to do it alone, rally in some help from a close family member.


Married to Crimson ♥
May 17, 2007
Get Out Alive ♫;3581116 said:
Ehehe, well she starts to throw things and tosses them in every direction. And if she gets really mad, I get pushed to the ground and slapped in the face or like knocked in the head.

No matter what you say, it'll only reconfirm my opinion. Consult a professional, or continue like you've done until now.

I'm actually pretty amazed how you can still post happy smileys like "xD" and ">__>" so laid-back while describing such things. But it doesn't even really seem like you're willing to accept advice.

You keep posting your arguments "I'm just sick of people picking at me and telling me how to life my life. I don't want to be selfish, and can't help but to be careless." over and over again, as if you think the problem will just solve itself without any action from your side.

It doesn't work like that.

Get Out Alive ♫

New member
Jan 2, 2009
A Musical Place Where The Melody Doesn't End♫
Eh, well, I'm alright, but it won't leave me mind. I don't know why.

To be honest, I don't want to talk about it. I want to forget about it and live my life. I know things are going to happen, but holy craps, it's nonstop. I just want to be free without troubling others. Most of the time I don't say a thing, it comes up by someone else. >_>'

Thanks. If you have anymore advise, please share. XD

Reika Noko

Forever lurking
Sep 26, 2008
Get Out Alive ♫;3581140 said:
I'm just sick of people picking at me and telling me how to life my life. I don't want to be selfish, and can't help but to be careless.
The thing about a conflict in life is that the only way to solve it (at least, what I was taught anyway) is to change your perspective in some way. ...Or something else in your life. You can do anything, but saying "I don't care" all the time isn't going to cut it. It's going to make the situation worse, actually.
Excuse me, just wanted some opinions.
Then that's my opinion almost filled with no shame :D
Get Out Alive ♫;3581116 said:
Ehehe, well she starts to throw things and tosses them in every direction. And if she gets really mad, I get pushed to the ground and slapped in the face or like knocked in the head.

I just hope I'm not overreacting. >_>'''''''
...Isn't that called child abuse? Or, as my family calls it, "discipline"?

Get Out Alive ♫

New member
Jan 2, 2009
A Musical Place Where The Melody Doesn't End♫
The thing about a conflict in life is that the only way to solve it (at least, what I was taught anyway) is to change your perspective in some way. ...Or something else in your life. You can do anything, but saying "I don't care" all the time isn't going to cut it. It's going to make the situation worse, actually.
Then that's my opinion almost filled with no shame :D

...Isn't that called child abuse? Or, as my family calls it, "discipline"?

I don't know if it's child abuse. >XDDD I mean, she doesn't do it often, but that's mostly because I don't go to far. I don't want to say anything because it'll make it worse. But I don't want to sit there and let her say what she wants, declaring she's right. It's hard for my to say something, I just can't explain myself without her misunderstanding, yelling, demanding I'm wrong, etc.

About the "I don't care," it's just that I really don't care what people think. Everyone has a right to dress and act a certain way. Some cause attention, some don't. I don't, because people like my friends, and teachers don't care. I think that all that matters is personality. My isn't that bad. I respect people and their opinions. I feel so much better at school because it's easier to express how I really without getting nagged at or always thinking I'm wrong. At school, I have a happy life, I can free myself. At home, I have to watch what I say, because if it's not what they want to hear, it's merely wrong most of the time. Or, "Oh, you don't want to live there, it's bad." Or, no, no, no, that's not right. I'm an atheist, and my parents aren't. I have to hide that, along with opinions.

Sorry. DX..>___>


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
What she's inferring is that we don't care anymore about your problems or the way you dress anymore than you care about what other people think.

If you don't want our opinons, and just want to forget it, then why did you make this thread?

Look, we all go through something similar. I myself have to deal with parents that don't understand me. I'm lucky, though, that they just don't care enough to make an effort to change me.

Don't change who you are as a core person. But perhaps it would be better to, at least when being in the room, stop listening to your music.

Nothing is saying that you have to join the conversation, but sometimes it's good for them to know that perhaps you're interested in them and not the latest song.

And I'm sure that Three Day's Grace isn't the only thing you listen to. If that's so, you need a better range. Not saying they're bad, I like 'em and listen to them, but there are a lot of songs out there that you could probably relate to. Off topic, though.

Either way, there's a reason that your mother acts the way she does, and perhaps you should ask her about that, beyond saying that you don't care and you'll act however you want. Sheesh, not even a teenager and already rebellious.

Get Out Alive ♫

New member
Jan 2, 2009
A Musical Place Where The Melody Doesn't End♫
Life, I do want your opinions, that's why I made this. <___<''

I do listen to other stuff, just in my opinion, I like Three Days Grace the best. And it's not even about the music. I don't mind listening or talking, but I'm the person who likes to observe the conversation and just think.

I do sorta listen to her. And yes, I need to follow her rules. BUT, being a person in general should have rights. She doesn't get that I don't care what people think. People do judge, but unless I have to get involved with them, I don't care that they think. If someone really gets to know me, they would know I don't do drugs, fail in school, disobey, ect. It's their problem anyways. One time she said it was embarrassing. I was like..OMG..ignore it.


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
But did you not just say in an earlier post that you didn't care what other people thought, and that you just want to forget about it? That shows to me that you don't really want our opinions. Don't be so hasty in what you say or type.

Three Day's Grace is good, I'll admit, but not the best in my opinion. Then again, I have a wide range of music. Yes, you say that you like to observe the conversation and think, but how can you do that with phones in your ears and your mind occupied with music?

I never said that people didn't deserve rights. I also didn't say that you weren't following her rules. Ignore her when she makes mention of whether or not you care what other people think. But, sitting down and having a rational and calm discussion with her might also help. If you need a mediator, then get another family member to help keep you guys calm.

You won't ever get anywhere in life if all you do is complain, without even trying to change things. The only one truly in control of your life is you. Only you will be able to change.

Get Out Alive ♫

New member
Jan 2, 2009
A Musical Place Where The Melody Doesn't End♫
But did you not just say in an earlier post that you didn't care what other people thought, and that you just want to forget about it? That shows to me that you don't really want our opinions. Don't be so hasty in what you say or type.

Three Day's Grace is good, I'll admit, but not the best in my opinion. Then again, I have a wide range of music. Yes, you say that you like to observe the conversation and think, but how can you do that with phones in your ears and your mind occupied with music?

I never said that people didn't deserve rights. I also didn't say that you weren't following her rules. Ignore her when she makes mention of whether or not you care what other people think. But, sitting down and having a rational and calm discussion with her might also help. If you need a mediator, then get another family member to help keep you guys calm.

You won't ever get anywhere in life if all you do is complain, without even trying to change things. The only one truly in control of your life is you. Only you will be able to change.

Eh...I think you misunderstood. I meant that I didn't care what people think as far as looks. I respect people's opinions and understand they think differently.

I can observe while listening to music, plus I don't have it on that high, I listen at the same time. Other times I just listen to my music thinking about a bunch of things.

I don't just complain, trust me. I know things aren't going to go my way or problems are going to come up. I've realized that. I just want to be free, think what I want to think, look the way I want. My looks aren't even that bad. When I walk into a room with my mom or sister, there like "EW, Change that right now!" I don't think it should matter and I just want them to understand that not everyone likes the same things. She tells me that everyone thinks I look retarded. Which, really, that's not true. And every time we get into fights she'll mess up my hair, saying, "Good, it covers your ugly face." Also, she said she hated me before. I just want to be left alone and live a life.
Jun 14, 2004
Get Out Alive ♫;3579925 said:
Okay, well my mom mostly picks on my personality and looks. I can't stand it. I always apparently have my bangs in my face and she yells at me. She'll always poke my face and mess with it. I'll tell her to leave me alone, and her response most of the time is like, "I don't want you looking like a thug!" I don't care because I don't care what people think. If they know me they know I don't act like that, and for the people who don't, screw them, I don't care! I get all A's and like one B. I follow rules and I'm not a bad kid. My personality is a problem, too. When I go places with my family, I don't talk. She gets mad and will be like, talk, participate, etc, etc! I'm sort of anti-social. Plus, I always think deeply besides talk. And she thinks I space out. My parents do a lot for me, but they don't understand. If I'm not like one of them, I'm mistaken, or wrong. I listen to my iPod near family, and my mom is like, "Stop listening to it, and join the conversation!" I love listening to Three Days Grace, I can relate. It's not my fault I don't like socializing. I hate it and can't stand it. I hate home, and I just want to be alone. I'm a jerk to my family, but not on purpose. I'm always happy at school because I feel free and can express how I truly feel. It's hard at home. And half the stuff I don't say there because I disagree, and once again will get yelled at for difference in opinion. (Like I'm a non-believer and they're are Huge Christians.) Obviously I can't be. I just wish I could go someone where else where people understand without yelling. Yesterday I got screamed at at like 1:00 A.M. Then, till 3:45 A.M I stopped crying. I feel worthless, not needed, and mistaken. I'm usually happy, too.

Do you think I'm overreacting, or what? I hope not, but I need advice, thanks.

I do think that you're overreacting, but the trick is to be more assertive. There's no way to teach somebody how to do that; it's something you acquire on your own. But you obviously have low self esteem, which is why your mom berates you. When you exude confidence and security and have a commanding presence, people do not want to fuck with you.

Honestly? My parents used to treat me very much the same way, except I never listened to shitty music like Three Days Grace. But they did make fun of my hair, yell at me for being antisocial and quiet in company, disapproved of the fact that I wasn't the portrait of purity, and a few other things (including their reaction to my Atheism when they are both Christians). It all changed when I gained their respect and they began to view me as an individual.

The problem is that your parents do not respect you, so find a way to gain their respect. Simple.

Get Out Alive ♫

New member
Jan 2, 2009
A Musical Place Where The Melody Doesn't End♫
-_- Okay, thank you, I thought I was. And by the way, I like Three Days Grace, but I respect your opinion.

I just want to be understood as someone more different from them. Everyone is different, obviously, but my mom won't take it that I like different things, act different, etc.

And I'm not emo, or someone who is depressed all the time. Listening to music is a hobby of mine.
Jun 14, 2004
Get Out Alive ♫;3581540 said:
-_- Okay, thank you, I thought I was. And by the way, I like Three Days Grace, but I respect your opinion.

I just want to be understood as someone more different from them. Everyone is different, obviously, but my mom won't take it that I like different things, act different, etc.

And I'm not emo, or someone who is depressed all the time. Listening to music is a hobby of mine.

I have to ask; are you really only 12?
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