• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • Haha, wir haben anscheinend einen Ein-Monat-Rhytmus entwickelt, was antworten angeht xD
    Erz?hl mal, wie ist es dir so ergangen? Wie ist es in Innsbruck, gef?llt dir dein Studium? Was studierst du denn?
    Mir geht es gut, es ist auch unheimlich viel passiert seit wir das letzte Mal miteinander geredet haben :)
    Wenn du ?fters auf facebook bist w?rde ich vorschlagen, dass wir unsere Unterhaltung auf dort verlagern ;)
    Huhu Leo :)
    Mein Gott ist das lange her!
    Pl?tzlich habe ich mich wieder an alte Zeiten erinnert und hier bin ich :)
    Ich h?tte nicht gedacht dass ich so lange fort bin!
    i enlisted, bro.
    March 20th, and i'm outta sight. :D

    college fo sho, plus a nice tan?
    hardcore = yes.
    I KNOW, DUDE!!

    it's been pretteh crazyy!

    i'm total military PROPERTY
    yeah, THAT'S RIGHT. :p

    it's my extended vacayyy.
    I seriously must know where your sig is from. If it's a show I need to start watching it. Immediately.
    I'm serious though, I don't go outside of my house unless I'm dragged. And even then, I never do anything fun really so...yeah, I need a life. ^.^
    And I'm not sure how many more years of school I have. It all depends, really.
    Sounds kewl. I'm in school, but I'm out for the summer. So I'm trying to find a job. And get a life.
    Nice to meet you too. I've seen you around a lot too, and from what I can tell you seem to be the life of a lot of parties. ^.^ And yes, I do go by Mynny. So what's up?
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