Thank you! n.n. Yeah, I'm gonna enter the contest next time, it's on hiatus until July. So lots of practice time :3. I'm also gonna collab with someone from that forum, looking forward to that as well!
So true, life is more than just relationships ;D
Well, I had an accident back in 2009, almost got ran over by a car while I was riding my bike. I had to dodge it, which resulted into me riding against a concrete pole. Had a concussion and I lost a tooth (including the tooth root). Now, this year I'm gonna get an implant (had a temporary false tooth until now).
But for that to be placed correctly, the 'pit' where the tooth root was has to be filled so I needed a bone graft. They took a piece of bone from my lower jaw and put it in the 'pit'. So yeah, long story short, I got a bone graft
Haha I hear ya, I'm the same. I need something to do in order to feel.. well happy might be a bit exaggerated but let's just say that I feel more happy when I have something to do xD