Yes we know, and we've been cleaving GI to death for it. -.-
Seriously by now I would be content with a release date of the release date![]()
SAME HERE. "Keyblade Mafia" is still on standby though just in case.
Yes we know, and we've been cleaving GI to death for it. -.-
Seriously by now I would be content with a release date of the release date![]()
Seriously by now I would be content with a release date of the release date![]()
Yes we know, and we've been cleaving GI to death for it. -.-
Seriously by now I would be content with a release date of the release date![]()
BBS Release date july-agoust, credit to heartstation. Now let the whining....Begin!!
xD When I saw that I thought of an internet meme.ffffuuuNOMURA!!!!
25chars lol
After hearing June-Aug, I'm sort of relieved.
That means I have enough time to get a PSP.
But hearing that date makes me really want to just watch the secret ending online right now.
But I'm holding back!
Lemme spoil it for you. Everybody dies.
But anyway, I'm glad it's June - August. That means we may get stuff Japan didn't like with KH1.
After hearing June-Aug, I'm sort of relieved.
That means I have enough time to get a PSP.
But hearing that date makes me really want to just watch the secret ending online right now.
But I'm holding back!
If that's true, you do know your rep will go down, and probably get banned