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Ranking the keyblade wielders from the strongest to the weakest my honest opinion!



Active member
Dec 17, 2019
This will be my first and probably last kind of thread ok let’s start, i will list their Best feats (at least the ones I’m aware of)

S tier
1) Master Xehanort

A tier
1) young xehanort
2) Terra/Lingering will
3) Master Riku
4) Master Aqua
5) Master Eraqus
6) Master mickey

(With the B tier list I’m not that sure if they belong on this tier or A tier I guess it’s just a poor speculation of mine)
B tier
1) Sora
2) Roxas
3) ventus
4) vanitas

C tier
1) Xion

D tier
1) Axel
2) kairi

Btw putting them in number order like 123 doesn’t mean they are stronger then the person below, welp let’s list their feats:)

S tier

1) Master Xehanort
Xehanort is without a Doubt (or at least in the opinion of many fans) the strongest keyblade wielder in kingdom hearts, in the final battle with the bbs trio he demolished them with no effort with just lifting one hand, his physical strength speed and magic far surpasses that of the wayfinder trio, he beat them all on their own specialty, wrestled terra (the strongest among the 3 in physical strength) with one hand behind his back and sent him flying then out speeded ventus (the fast one between the 3) and crashed his armor head gear with his bear hands and lastly with one hand! He lifted mountains he froze terra’s arm he created a tornado of keyblades using a powerful magic wind attack...if that’s not enough to make aqua (the best mage among the 3) look like a fodder mage compared to him then I don’t know what is, also he lost on purpose to get terra’s (that or his old body caused him the defeat we honestly don’t know for sure) as for his terranort defeat it wasn’t 1vs1, xehanort have been fighting 2 battles ever since he got terra’s body, one fight on the outside and one in the inside also he wasn’t used to the body seeing as xehanort wasn’t using his own moves but terra’s moves instead, he already proven himself to be the most powerful keyblade wilder and smartest one always one step ahead, Master xehanort sits in S tier no question

A Tier

1) Young xehanort
is usually slept on a lot when we never seen anyone actually beating him in one on one (the fight with riku doesn’t count really there was no win or lose back then the fight ended after old master xehanort returned to his old body and YX and riku were fine) YX usually looked down upon and gets called the weakest xehanort when obviously that is not true, we have seen how strong YX really is in kh3 and he wasn’t that different from his kh3D and bbs self, he was haxed with his time magic and variety of his other broken speed magic attacks etc, are we ignoring the fact that Sora couldn’t land a single hit against YX In toy story world? Hmm some of you must have missed it then, YX was toying with him “no pun intended” YX rests in tier A

2) Terra/lingering will
Like YX... terra also suffers from this treatment of fans calling him weak cause he failed the exam (when only reason he failed cause of his darkness) he keep getting looked down upon by the fans cause he couldn’t control his own darkness and cause of that the fans just can’t seem to see how strong he really is, first of all terra never lost a one vs one match ever, vs Aqua, eraqus stated they were equal in the MoM exam, Vs eraqus, terra beats a keyblade master yet people still can’t seem to see how strong he is, Vs Sora, the lingering will journal literally states that terra aka the LW is far superior of a keyblade wielder then Sora is also still fans claim Sora beat him when clearly terra and Sora stopped fighting when he realized Sora wasn’t xehanort, Terra also took on both xehanort and vanitas at the same time something not ventus and Aqua can do (one of the few reasons terra held his own cause of his darkness powers are OP it gives him Power boost) Terra Also beat terranort with his own power the LW is terra own mind soul and power (Aqua on the other hand needed terra help from the inside so it was 2vs1 in her fight) did I also mention the fact terra tanked all the attacks xehanort throw at him in the bbs final battle and was still standing? so yet again my boy insane powers gets slept on T.T anyhow his a tier A no doubt

3) Master Riku
Riku have always been considered sora’s Rival and! Also is usually considered the stronger of the 2, If you pay extra attention while playing all the games ofc, Riku always rely on his powers a lone wolf basically the opposite of Sora who rely on his friends powers to become stronger, Riku is balanced character who uses both light and darkness (kinda like xehanort) which gives him even more power, He took down ansem one on one alone in re chain of memories, Took down roxas easily when he unleashed his darkness (even Sora struggled against roxas and was losing until he surprised roxas with sneak attack) and helped defeat xemnas which would have been impossible with just Sora in his own, and lastly took on YX with master xehanort in control and managed to settle the fight in a draw (clearly cause we see both were fine after the fight) Riku is strong master and has many feats to back it up^^

4 Master Aqua
Her title as a keyblade master is enough to know her strength, Aqua defeated vanitas one on one
(minus the X-blade fight) and won 2 times on her on, Vanitas is no pushover his a really powerful keyblade wielder even ventus and even Mickey (before he becames a keyblade master) struggled against him also he always managed to tier aqua to the point she can’t move, so really beating him is an achievement in my book, Aqua also survived 10 years in the realm of darkness (time might move different for her but still impressive nevertheless) she Took down the demon tide whenever she encounters despite knowing the heartless are much stronger when they are in the realm of darkness, the deeper you go in the Realm of darkness the stronger the heartless becomes, Aqua among the 3 trio is the best mage And the best at not losing sight of her Goal of protecting her friends, truly a keyblade master thus she rests at Tier A

5) Master eraqus
Not much to say about him his a powerful keyblade Master, we don’t know much of his feat but if his armor boss fight is him at full strength then his definitely a high tier and probably only second to xehanort cause I don’t think any of the bbs trio could defeat him, since Terra and aqua are equal I don’t see any of them beating him one on one but terra not holding back his darkness (plus eraqus old age) gave terra the win, we don’t know much of him except that he is a strong and keyblade Master

6) King Mickey
I know Mickey is a strong wielder, his a keyblade master after all but the previous games didn’t show much of his powers so I was skeptical of putting him in B tier but! Khddd and kh3 proved that he is truly an A tier, seriously Ultima? stopza? I cannot see anyone in B tier and tires below it can use this kind of high class magic (then again I don’t think riku terra and aqua can do that high level of magic yet) also Mickey is soo fast like he saved ventus from vanitas blast and saved Aqua when vanitas tried to stab her with the X-Blade, king Mickey truly earned his place in the 2nd top tier

B Tier

1) Sora
Our hero of the story Sora is indeed a strong keyblade wielder (i know many won’t like seeing me putting him here) Sora throughout the game showed us he wasn’t strong just cause he had the keyblade but also cause his connection with everyone he met, their hearts always either goes inside him or have a connection to him I know it sounds stupid but yea that’s the truth of sora’s powers he never truly fights alone he uses the strength that everyone lends him to be able fight, I mean this was obvious it was established in like the whole series that Sora is looked down upon as being weak on his own, just look at xigbar (not gonna spoil) mocked Sora as a person unworthy of being a keyblade wielder (Multiple times) and only is strong duo to his connection with others, the moral of story is the power of friendship so it’s not surprising really, Sora is definitely is strong keyblade wielder and can beat many top tiers when he rely on his “my friends are my power” or maybe on his own? Point is the power boost he receives from his connection with everyone tends to help, but either way he rests in B tier (cause I’m not sure honestly) Sora now is definitely a keyblade master level in kh3 in terms of power but if I had to re rank him again he will be A tier basically, also I don’t count gameplay wise in kh2 cause all those amazing feats is you the player using him it’s a bit exaggeration of the game lol gameplay shouldn’t be taken seriously its just for epic action, anyhow sora will surely be the strongest on his own his the main boi after all

2) Roxas
Just like Sora I honestly not sure how to scale him, in kh3 he was super strong to the point every character looked weak next to him, but I’m just speculation and not a fact since I don’t know how to rank him probably, but I digress, as for his feats Many tend to ignore this but roxas has the upper hand against Sora in their one on one until roxas dropped his guard down (but then again him having 2 keyblades is probably what gave him the edge) either way roxas isn’t weaker then Sora by large scale only small amount, I don’t really need to point every roxas feat he has proven himself many times now, in kh358 he beat riku (before riku unleashing his darkness powers) and somewhat pinned Sora in the ground and had the high ground in that fight (not saying he won but no one would have known the outcome if roxas knew about the keyblade callback) Roxas also soloed Saix twice which is considered one of the strongest in the organizationXIII

3) ventus
Just like the other two I don’t know how to scale Ventus I feel like we haven’t seen his full potential yet, but as for his feats Ventus and vanitas are (arguably) equal, Sometimes vanitas is ahead and sometimes ventus is ahead, ventus managed to take down vanitas one on one which wasn’t easy even for aqua (in all her fights with him) however ventus proved himself that he can be powerful when the time is right specially when it is to protect his friends (similar to Sora’s power) ventus is mediocre for now which sits him at B tier altho if he wasn’t split in half maybe he could be much stronger

4) Vanitas
Just like Sora Roxas and Ventus I feel like I’m being unfair and that he could potentially be an A tier, but anyhow vanitas...the bad boy version of Sora that we love:3, vanitas is definitely without a doubt a powerful wielder, beating Ventus one on one, beating Mickey one on one (we still don’t know for sure if they fought or he just sneak attack him) making Aqua, a keyblade master Go all out and even to the point of exhaustion and later faints, still lost to her but still he took her down with him and both fainted, definitely not a simple feat, it shows that vanitas despite not being a keyblade master he still kicks ass, let’s also not forget that he was soo fast in kh3 that Sora couldn’t see him walking right past him

C Tier

1) Xion
Xion when she first joined the organization she wasn’t all that Good at the keyblade and lost to axel in one on one and can be considered the weakest member at that time however when she started absorbing Roxas’s power she jumped the ranks as a strong keyblade wielder, she can defeat axel after this power up and also some of the members except xemnas and some of the top tier (arguably) members, eitherway Xion still has that power that she got from roxas seeing as how she can fight that Good in kh3, C Tier is a Good spot for her

Tier D

1) Axel
Axel is still a newbie to the keyblade he definitely ranks below Xion as of now but surely will get stronger in the future

2) kairi
I have nothing to say about kairi other then props to her for holding her own against a skilled keyblade wielder (Xion) just like Axel kairi is still a newbie she’s at best kh1 Sora level or maybe a bit lower which is a decent feat for a first timer that uses a keyblade but overall she rests at D for now that is^^.

Edit: this is all just speculation of mine (basically my opinion) but feel free to share your opinion👍
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
If I had to rank them it would be mostly the same, but switching Terra for Roxas. Terra is in the same tier than Keyblade Masters when he is driven by anger, but most of the time he's just average. Roxas is overpowered since he wields Oblivion and Oathkeeper, I don't think he should be included in the same tier Sora and Ven are.


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
This is your list and all and but I respectfully disagree about Sora. Personally I would not rank Riku higher then Sora, especially after KH3. We gotta be fair here and list Sora's feats by himself too including beating Xemnas in a one on one duel by himself, getting acknowledged by Sephiroth as a skilled fighter, yes I'm including that because if Lingering Will counts so should Sephiroth. KH3 also states that the Titan fights from KH1 are canon so Sora beating Ice Titan alone (which is stronger then the Ice Colossus that Aqua fought) should count as a feat and he was self taught too. Among Keyblade wielders Sora is like the only one who's Keyblade sided with him over it's original owner. If anything he's the only one 'choosen' by the Keyblade instead of just inheriting it. I also don't understand why Sora's 'My friends are my power' is slightly looked down upon in terms of ranking Sora's power. Riku's darkness isn't seen as a crutch yet without it he would never have beaten Roxas. Sora has beaten Roxas. Yeah, he used a trick that Roxas should have seen coming, but he did it alone and without losing himself. Riku cannot take full credit in beating Roxas, as that is full Ansem power. Didn't Ansem posses him to take down Lexaeus as well back in COM? Overall I think Sora's friendship power makes his power limitless, because they power him up the same way darkness and light power up Riku, Terra, and anyone else and it shouldn't be seen as lesser.

Other then that I'd also bump up Roxas to A tier as well because like Okhi12 said, he has two Keyblades and they are Oathkeeper and Oblivion. He's op because of this. Everyone is on the list is about where they should be.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
This is your list and all and but I respectfully disagree about Sora. Personally I would not rank Riku higher then Sora, especially after KH3.
You're right. To be honest KH3 was unfair to all main characters but Sora.
Riku peaked in Dream Drop Distance, but KH3 Riku wasn't very competent when he should've been. It's Sora who lost his power after DDD, not him.


Active member
Aug 2, 2008
But Sora is "nothing" without his friends, no?

I think the series constantly suggests that Sora borrows other people's power, and that's HIS power, so to speak. He can channel and utilize the light of those he's made connections with, which is why he can beat people are who are fantastically stronger than him.

And this doesn't mean his connections have to be physically next to him - they simply have to have made a connection to him for this power to be harnessed. Sora himself seems to likely has little idea how to do this other than to just believe in it, and hope it helps him win.

In that way, as long as Sora focuses on using the power of those around him in conjunction with his ability to build bonds, he could theoretically beat anyone.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2019
Ehh, If I had to put them in a rank then Aqua is definitely first. Extremely skilled magician with decent physical skills and good mobility, she's also arguably the smartest playable characters and the only one who always managed to keep her composure at all times.
She defeated Terranort, beat up Vanitas, saved Riku and King Mickey and had to be dropped in the deepest part of the Realm of Darkness where no one was set to have gone before to lose her composure, and even then I'd argue she would have gotten out of there on her own if she already hadn't gone through so much.

Next is Sora. Not only is he constantly put down throughout KH3 due to that garbage excuse they used on 3D to justify him starting from scratch in the next game, but fans also tend to undervalue his feats with the excuse that he borrows a lot of power from his friends, but not only is that a reach but also plain incorrect, lol.
Sora, by himself, grows to be quite the skilled Keyblade Wielder in KH1 mastering powerful Light magic and elemental magic to be at least on par with Donald, who was an experienced user. While Donald and Goofy are alongside him for most of the adventure, 14 year old Sora canonically fought against two of Xehanort most annoying forms alone, standing his own ground against the World of Chaos form until we release the other two.

He then proceeds to defeat some of the Organization members and it's important to note that Xion, whose power is equal to that of KH1 Sora, proved to be quite the threat, defeating Xigbar and nearly killing Axel, one of the most skilled fighters. Riku had to use his darkness to stop her.

Xehanort and Eraqus are hard to judge because we never really got to see either of them at their prime. Xehanort is a powerful magician but the only time we really got to fight him properly he had the unnatural boost from the Chi-Blade.

But if I had to judge, Eraqus is probably around Aqua's while non-X blade Xehanort is Terra on steroids.

By the time we go through KH2 Sora is definitely above Master level in terms of pure strenght and throughout 3 he matures enough to earn the title too.

Then we have Riku, who is definitely under Sora in terms of power but has matured enough to be a capable user on his own right. Although his potential isn't as high as the former (Sora's being pretty much unlimited, honestly), I'd say that Riku is one of the only tree Keyblade Users that has reached his full potential, making Darkness his own power without loosing his Light, and once he lets go of his pride and anger during his time with the King, he grew to be someone people can rely on and make decisions similar to Aqua.

Then we have two wild Behemoths: Terra and Roxas. Terra is a powerful Keyblade wielder with the same powers as a Master but his weak heart and Xehanort's manipulations caused him to fail his Mark of Mastery. Although extremely powerful, he still needs to mature a lot to grown into the capable warrior he is meant to be.
Roxas is a wild card that not only is capable to dual wield, but also mastered the power of Light, becoming someone worthy of his Org Title of Key of Destiny. While in terms of Raw Power he probably has the same potential as Riku, he is still too unstable to reach that potential.

Mickey is somewhere around here; the franchise had hyped the King way too much culminating into his Yoda-like fighting style in 2, but by the time we reach the Battle of 1000 Heartless it's clear that while a very capable warrior and a wise King, Mickey is not as strong as Sora or Riku, something that is made even more clear when we see his past in BBS. He is still far from weak, though, but his role is more of a mentor rather than a warrior.

Then we have Ventus and, by extension, Vanitas. Ven seemingly dominated the air, but it was all to misdirect his true power as a wielder of Light. Fully fledged Ventus in Birth By Sleep is a powerful Light user and we can see more of this through Roxas, a vessel born through his and Sora's connected hearts. Likewise, Vanitas is a being of pure Darkness that seemed to be as powerful as Terranorth's Heartless, if not more.
But the truth is: we know very little of Ven. We can judge him based on what he has show, but in reality we have no idea what his true power might have been thanks to his past surounded in mystery. But I'd say that a completed Ventus seems to have the same potential as Sora.

The other wielders are too recent to judge. But Riku Replica is probably around the same level as Lea, and Kairi is probably around KH1 Sora during his first time in Hollow Bastion.


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
This is your list and all and but I respectfully disagree about Sora. Personally I would not rank Riku higher then Sora, especially after KH3. We gotta be fair here and list Sora's feats by himself too including beating Xemnas in a one on one duel by himself, getting acknowledged by Sephiroth as a skilled fighter, yes I'm including that because if Lingering Will counts so should Sephiroth. KH3 also states that the Titan fights from KH1 are canon so Sora beating Ice Titan alone (which is stronger then the Ice Colossus that Aqua fought) should count as a feat and he was self taught too. Among Keyblade wielders Sora is like the only one who's Keyblade sided with him over it's original owner. If anything he's the only one 'choosen' by the Keyblade instead of just inheriting it. I also don't understand why Sora's 'My friends are my power' is slightly looked down upon in terms of ranking Sora's power. Riku's darkness isn't seen as a crutch yet without it he would never have beaten Roxas. Sora has beaten Roxas. Yeah, he used a trick that Roxas should have seen coming, but he did it alone and without losing himself. Riku cannot take full credit in beating Roxas, as that is full Ansem power. Didn't Ansem posses him to take down Lexaeus as well back in COM? Overall I think Sora's friendship power makes his power limitless, because they power him up the same way darkness and light power up Riku, Terra, and anyone else and it shouldn't be seen as lesser.

Other then that I'd also bump up Roxas to A tier as well because like Okhi12 said, he has two Keyblades and they are Oathkeeper and Oblivion. He's op because of this. Everyone is on the list is about where they should be.
Np we all have our opinions:3
Oct 22, 2016
I don't get why people say Sora wasn't chosen by the keyblade. Ever since BBS introduced the concept of passing down the ability to wield a keyblade, Sora is literally the only character in the series that the keyblade DID chose to be its wielder. Everyone else was given the power, were raised and groomed to be keyblade masters from birth, or they inherited the power from Sora.

For some reason everyone in the series randomly started acting like Sora is average little wimp who doesn't deserve to be a keyblade wielder, but he's beaten every single villain in the series. The fact that he gets his power from his friends shouldn't be a seen as a negative, it should be seen as the strongest power in the series, because he beats EVERYBODY with it lol


Active member
Sep 13, 2018
In my opinion, They’re all equal to each other. Powerscaling is inconsistent tbh. Kairi was fighting goat!Xehnaort, who was wielding 13 no name keyblades but she couldn’t face off Terranort? 😐.


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
I don't get why people say Sora wasn't chosen by the keyblade. Ever since BBS introduced the concept of passing down the ability to wield a keyblade, Sora is literally the only character in the series that the keyblade DID chose to be its wielder. Everyone else was given the power, were raised and groomed to be keyblade masters from birth, or they inherited the power from Sora.

For some reason everyone in the series randomly started acting like Sora is average little wimp who doesn't deserve to be a keyblade wielder, but he's beaten every single villain in the series. The fact that he gets his power from his friends shouldn't be a seen as a negative, it should be seen as the strongest power in the series, because he beats EVERYBODY with it lol
It’s not like that, Sora is special but what I’m saying here he was chosen by the people not by the keyblade, the keyblade merely moved down the list which is riku first and Sora second and since riku was unworthy to be the kingdom key wielder cause he fell into darkness the key choose Sora as its next wielder cause he also had a strong heart and desire to protect his friends, Sora and aqua are the same if you look closely, both seem unimportant at first (cause they don’t have any connection to the main villain xehanort) their importance to the plot and to xehanort plans seemed as unimportant and unneeded but in the end those 2 ended up ruining xehanort plan the most, so yes Sora is important and special but him being not chosen by the key is simple no one did the ceremony on him like riku (even tho this is not the only way to get a keyblade) but in the end he got riku’s keyblade and made it his own cause he was worthy of being its master more then riku simple as that.
Oct 22, 2016

It’s not like that, Sora is special but what I’m saying here he was chosen by the people not by the keyblade, the keyblade merely moved down the list which is riku first and Sora second and since riku was unworthy to be the kingdom key wielder cause he fell into darkness the key choose Sora as its next wielder cause he also had a strong heart and desire to protect his friends, Sora and aqua are the same if you look closely, both seem unimportant at first (cause they don’t have any connection to the main villain xehanort) their importance to the plot and to xehanort plans seemed as unimportant and unneeded but in the end those 2 ended up ruining xehanort plan the most, so yes Sora is important and special but him being not chosen by the key is simple no one did the ceremony on him like riku (even tho this is not the only way to get a keyblade) but in the end he got riku’s keyblade and made it his own cause he was worthy of being its master more then riku simple as that.

Yeah Aqua and Sora do have pretty similar stories in terms of xehanort's plans, but everything you said about Sora being so strong, and so much more worthy than Riku that he basically ends up stealing Riku's keyblade and making it his own, kind of helps proves my point of how strong Sora is.

I just don't get how you have Sora two tiers below Master Xehanort considering how KH3 ended.

***Also, I think Axel and Mickey were also shown/said to be directly chosen by the keyblade, so I was wrong about Sora being the only one chosen.***


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
Yeah Aqua and Sora do have pretty similar stories in terms of xehanort's plans, but everything you said about Sora being so strong, and so much more worthy than Riku that he basically ends up stealing Riku's keyblade and making it his own, kind of helps proves my point of how strong Sora is.

I just don't get how you have Sora two tiers below Master Xehanort considering how KH3 ended.

***Also, I think Axel and Mickey were also shown/said to be directly chosen by the keyblade, so I was wrong about Sora being the only one chosen.***
Kh3 Sora beating xehanort is honestly a cliche to the power of friendship always wins or the light always prevails, cause of you look into it deeply it just doesn’t make sense, Xehanort was said to be the most powerful keyblade wielder and yet even if his old and past his prime he still possessed kingdom hearts and the most powerful keyblade the X-blade and still loses to a 16 year old kid (who clearly had less experience then xehanort who is 80 years old) and his side kicks the dog and the duck, you seeing what I mean xD, also Nomura confirmed that xemnas is the strongest in the organization while roxas is 2nd yet roxas was winning against Sora until Sora sneak attack him while Sora vs xemnas showing that xemnas needed kingdom hearts power to stand a chance (I’m aware xemnas is a nobody and his weakness is the keyblade which probably the really reasons why he lost) however a character beating someone doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is stronger, in kingdom hearts the Good guys must always win and overpower the villain darkness, the game is half Disney and square so it’s to be expected winning by the power of love or friendship is a Disney thing, that light (The Good) must always prevail (the bad)


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
I would rank Terra, Sora, and Roxas as top tier, with Aqua coming in next. You can simply tell by how these characters are heralded when it comes to their abilities and strengths.

For example, Roxas came in a beam of light from the sky that pierced through the ground and Xemnas practically shitted himself when he saw him. Then was the only AI of the cast to single handedly wreck the opponent by himself if left to his own devices. Heck, he defeated that same opponent before at half his power. And Saïx is not a weak Organization member. Nomura before ranked it Xemnas, Roxas, and Xaldin as Top 3, so Saïx should be in Top 5.

One of my pet peeves is that since Roxas' portrayed as being so strong, they had to bs his battles so the narrative can continue as it were. Yes, I'm talking about Riku tapping into his Darkness to get at him while Roxas was blinded by anger to think strategically, and Roxas for whatever reason not expecting Sora to summon back the KK. Nevermind the fact that he shouldn't have waited those seconds when Sora was at his mercy yet he did cause, plot armor. A slash to Sora's neck would have ended him right there and then. Come on. He lost the war, but won that battle imo.

The dude also has power enough to change the dimension they're in with a sunset theme, lol.

Sora has practically defeated the series' villains, but I'm not sure how much influence Donald and Goofy have, cause he didn't do it alone.

Terra is self explanatory with Lingering Will and Terranort.

Aqua comes in from behind them. She's definitely the most skilled and strongest of the female wielders.

So I would say, in order:

S Tier
The Foretellers

A Tier
Master Xehanort

-not that much of a wide gap-

B Tier
Mickey (not sure where he hovers)

Top three are undisputed, though the rest after can switch around.

C Tier
Ventus (I don't know, I've never been impressed by him)

D Tier


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
I would rank Terra, Sora, and Roxas as top tier, with Aqua coming in next. You can simply tell by how these characters are heralded when it comes to their abilities and strengths.

For example, Roxas came in a beam of light from the sky that pierced through the ground and Xemnas practically shitted himself when he saw him. Then was the only AI of the cast to single handedly wreck the opponent by himself if left to his own devices. Heck, he defeated that same opponent before at half his power. And Saïx is not a weak Organization member. Nomura before ranked it Xemnas, Roxas, and Xaldin as Top 3, so Saïx should be in Top 5.

One of my pet peeves is that since Roxas' portrayed as being so strong, they had to bs his battles so the narrative can continue as it were. Yes, I'm talking about Riku tapping into his Darkness to get at him while Roxas was blinded by anger to think strategically, and Roxas for whatever reason not expecting Sora to summon back the KK. Nevermind the fact that he shouldn't have waited those seconds when Sora was at his mercy yet he did cause, plot armor. A slash to Sora's neck would have ended him right there and then. Come on. He lost the war, but won that battle imo.

The dude also has power enough to change the dimension they're in with a sunset theme, lol.

Sora has practically defeated the series' villains, but I'm not sure how much influence Donald and Goofy have, cause he didn't do it alone.

Terra is self explanatory with Lingering Will and Terranort.

Aqua comes in from behind them. She's definitely the most skilled and strongest of the female wielders.

So I would say, in order:

S Tier
The Foretellers

A Tier
Master Xehanort

-not that much of a wide gap-

B Tier
Mickey (not sure where he hovers)

Top three are undisputed, though the rest after can switch around.

C Tier
Ventus (I don't know, I've never been impressed by him)

D Tier
Decent list really, I would still rank xehanort S tank cause we don’t know anything about the foretellers and we saw them fight and it was on the same scale as any keyblade master like eraqus xehanort terra aqua etc so I would say the only ones on S tier are MoM and master xehanort (or if we can count master xehanort in his prime then that’s another reason to put him in S in my opinion ofc) but overall that’s my opinion and really Good list you got there^^


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2018
In my opinion, They’re all equal to each other. Powerscaling is inconsistent tbh. Kairi was fighting goat!Xehnaort, who was wielding 13 no name keyblades but she couldn’t face off Terranort? 😐.
For real. And this goes for non-Keyblade fighters too. Like hardly any of the villains have any wins and yet they are suppose to be threatening. What have Luxord, Xigbar, and Larxene ever done in combat to make them scary for the Keyblade Graveyard? They are living fodder. Even Vanitas has no real wins, he's all talk and I have yet to see him win a real fight that doesn't involve Aqua looking the other way. Terranort goes from wrecking everyone to losing in a formal fight.

Kingdom Hearts characters are as strong as the plot needs them to be. It's why Kairi is going from struggling with Xion to fighting Goat Xehanort.

Edit: This is kinda why boss fights/gameplay should be taken into account for KH powerlevels. Without them more Organization members have no feats at all. Even characters like Lingering Will are famous for the KH2 'non canon' boss fight.
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Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
Decent list really, I would still rank xehanort S tank cause we don’t know anything about the foretellers and we saw them fight and it was on the same scale as any keyblade master like eraqus xehanort terra aqua etc so I would say the only ones on S tier are MoM and master xehanort (or if we can count master xehanort in his prime then that’s another reason to put him in S in my opinion ofc) but overall that’s my opinion and really Good list you got there^^

Based on KHUx and Back Cover, these folks are stronger, with MoM at the head. Though we haven't seen him fight, I am going to assume he's powerful by virtue of being the next antagonist and the power of his disciples.

Twilight Lumiair

Well-known member
May 1, 2017
Kingdom Hearts characters are as strong as the plot needs them to be.
I wish more people understood this. There is no consistent power-scaling in KH, and there likely never will be. I like engaging in a tier list as much as the next guy (trust me, I have a lot of thoughts on the comparison between Aqua and Terra), but it feels almost pointless when power and intelligence seem to fluctuate at random from title to title.


Active member
Dec 17, 2019
Based on KHUx and Back Cover, these folks are stronger, with MoM at the head. Though we haven't seen him fight, I am going to assume he's powerful by virtue of being the next antagonist and the power of his disciples.
They didn’t show anything as impressive as xehanort tbh but ofc xehanort being stronger then them or equal or lower is all debatable for now until we see how much they can do.
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