getblazedordie said:
sora is stronger, not to say roxas os weak, cause roxas is awesome, but sora is a whole being, a heart, a body, and a soul, roxas is only a body, no heart, no soul, roxas "couldhaveshouldhave" stuff... no, when u fight there are no rules, either u win either u lose, sora won, roxas lost(even though he is awesum 2!), if roxas could have won, he would have won, he didnt, sora is stronger
KingofKH said:
i know that
but if sora never lost his keyblade he would have lost
because come on roxas is the dark keyblade master
<Roxas> said:
Roxas because he doesnt hang around animals
Before I get started, I've got three things to say.
1. getblazedordie: Roxas might not be a whole person, but he still has feelings. Don't get started with the thing about nobodies not having feelings, because I know that, but I think there are a few exceptions. One of them being Roxas, and that's because Sora was still himself and not a heartless. So Roxas had feelings and emotions, even if some aren't as strong as whole people. The other exception is Axel. I don't know why, but he seemed to care more than the rest of them. Why else would he give up what life he had to help Sora find Riku?
2. KingofKH: Yes, Roxas is the dark master, but he wouldn't have overthrown Sora just because of that. Roxas is one part of Sora's heart, while Sora has the other part.(If that makes any sense

) But as to him being the dark master, to quote Torah: " The Darkness isn't as strong without the Light, nor is the Light complete without the Darkness. Only corrupt Darkness is evil, because life depends on the three sides to Light: Light, Darkness and Twilight." So you see, Sora is Light, Roxas is Dark and they balance each other. Besides, I think Roxas let Sora win, 'cause he was just testing him.
3. <Roxas> What are you talking about, are you crazy?! Sure, I don't like Donald and Goofy much, but critters are way cool! Roxas might have felt better if he had a pet cat to talk to, 'cause mine help me feel better when I'm low. Animals rule! A shout out to my critter friends: The tribe(our cats) Moose, Oreo, Smokey and Zoey. My dog, Honey and to our girls(Guinea Pigs) Kairi and Raven. Animals rock!!!
Okay, now as to my opinion. I think Roxas, 'cause I can kinda relate to not knowing who you really are, 'cause I have that problem quite a few times. Not much else to say, because I used everything in the stuff above.