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Fanfiction ► Secret Mission: Summer Vacation

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New member
Sep 26, 2010
Best fanfic ever. It really helps brighten up my day. Glad you kept writing this fanfic, it's awesome.
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New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Best fanfic ever. It really helps brighten up my day and sometimes I laugh so much, I have trouble breathing. Glad you kept writing this fanfic, it's awesome.

oh gee i hope i'm not killing you guys with this fanfic XD. Lots of people keep posting things like "I almost died" and "i couldn't breathe". But i'm glad to know you all enjoy it


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
No, it just means we really enjoy it. I couldn't help but LOL every time I read your fanfic. Those are great and wonderful chapters. And it gives me a smile too, this is an awesome fanfic and it makes me laugh. :)


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Sorry if I sounded rude, I have a tendency to do that when I don't mean it. My brother actually recommended that I read this and SMHS. I read SMHS and SMSV last weekend.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
dw you weren't being rude at all :D and thanks guys.

So your bro read both Secret Missions huh? sounds like he enjoyed it. The new chapter will come up this weekend.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
I just realized that my remark about not being able to breathe was probably me just trying to not laugh very loud so my parents don't think I'm crazy, and generally when people say stuff like that usually it is probably just an exaggeration. Oh yeah, one question, what is AkuRoku? I'm not sure if I worded that question right, and I have limited knowledge of manga and anime, because of my overprotective parents who want to treat me like a 6 year old, so I'm not sure what that is.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Mother's Day Special

Beach house: 11:30 am

Xemnas walked into the house with many many lovely presents. There were perfumes, chocolates, flowers and nice smelling bath things. The rest of the organization, who were watching TV, raised a brow at the sight.

"Uh superior? What's with all that stuff?" Demyx asked.

"Mothers day is coming soon" Xemnas smiled.

"You do realize you're not a woman right?" Axel smirked.

"WHAT NO!" Xemnas screamed. "This is for your mother!"

Everyone exchanged confused looks. "Um superior…what mother?" Xion asked.

"You know your mother…how can you not know who your mother is…wait…who is your mother?" Xemnas asked himself and the young nobodies.

"Um superior" Zexion said. "We don't have a mother"

Xemnas immediately dropped the presents. "What!"

"Yeah the only female presence in this household is Larxene and Xion and they're too young. Then there's Helga but I still don't know if she's a woman or not" Xigbar said.

Just then Helga grabbed him by the collar. "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME NOT BEING A WOMAN?"

"Um uh?" before Xigbar answered that Helga threw him out of the house.

"What about you Helga?" Roxas asked. "what are you doing for mother's day"

Helga sighed. "well my mother died a few years ago from old age" She sighed.

"I'm sorry" Xion said. Lexeaus started crying from a corner.

"Aunt Millie's dead?" Lexeaus cried while holding Pooky the 2nd.

Xemnas started panicking "You mean I raised my children without a mother without realizing it?" Xemnas asked. "OH MY GOD! MY POOR CHILDREN! GROWING UP WITHOUT A MOTHER!"

"Technically you didn't raise us" Zexion muttered while continuing to read his book.

"Don't worry I will find you a mother!" Xemnas yelled and then ran out of the house.


Jenova house: 12pm

Sephiroth was baking up a storm. He was baking cookies, brownies and cup cakes. Neko and Scarlet watched from afar.

"Why's dad cooking so much?" Neko asked.

"I dunno" Scarlet shrugged. "You ask him. Last time I did it he went a little crazy"

Neko walked into the kitchen. "Um dad?"

"Yes?" Sephiroth sung while beating some eggs.

"Why are you cooking so much?" she asked.

"It's for your mother" Sephiroth smiled.

Scarlet entered the kitchen. "What mother?"

"Mother's day is coming up and I'm…" Sephiroth suddenly remembered something and he stopped cooking. "I'm a single father"

Scarlet smirked. "Suddenly remembered huh, dad? Don't you remember? You adopted us when our real parents kicked us out and moved to a different world" Sephiroth dropped the bowl of beaten eggs.

"(Shadow)" Sephiroth cursed. He took off his pink frilly apron and ran out of the house. Suddenly Xemnas stopped somewhere near the Jenova house.

"I MUST FIND MY CHILDREN A MOTHER!" They both screamed. Sephiroth looked at Xemnas and Xemnas looked at Sephiroth. They glared at each other for a while.

"Sephiroth" Xemnas said.

"Xemnas" Sephiroth said.

They continued to glare at each other and then Xemnas had a flaming aura surrounding them. "THERE'S NOT ENOUGH WOMEN FOR THE BOTH OF US!" They both screamed and ran towards different directions.

The exchange students, their friends and the two detectives watched the two extremely feminine father figures (who are supposed to be major bad guys but have been made into shoujo manga fathers for everyone's enjoyment) bolt down the streets.

"Am I seeing things?" Riku asked.

"Wow Xemmy is really serious about this" Larxene said.

"About what may I ask?" Kuri scratched her chin.

"Oh Xemnas just realized that he's a single father so he's 'trying' to find us a mother" Roxas explained.

"How cute!" Kairi squealed. "Xemnas wants to find love"

"Too bad he'll scare all the single women in this town with just one glance" Zexion laughed.

"Don't be so mean Zexy!" Xion yelled.

"Don't call me Zexy" Zexion muttered.

"Think about it!" Xion said. "If Xemnas finds a girlfriend then he won't be so…mean…"

"shortie has a point there" Larxene said. "That and since he'll be so in love he'll let us date without tackling our partner's to the ground"

"So I don't have to come out of your house with many bruises or broken bones?" Riku's eyes lightened and he had a huge grin on his face. Larxene nodded and Riku fist pumped.

"One question?" Ed asked, "Does Xemnas even know how to 'woo'?"

"What?" Xion asked.

"Does he know how to y'know…flirt?" Kuri asked.

The exchange students stood quietly for a while and they looked at each other, then their friends, then each other again and then to the random guy who was picking his nose while nobody were looking.

"Actually…I don't think Xemnas is very good with women" Demyx said.

"In fact I think he's still a virgin" Axel said.


"But think about it. Do you really think a psychotic maniac like mansex who has a serious case of over protective father syndrome has ever 'done it' before" Axel said.

"Actually…you have a point" Kuri said. "I never thought of that"

Everyone stood quietly and watched Xemnas run like a torpedo…if torpedoes could run that is. "Want to go to my house?" Sora asked breaking the silence.

Everyone nodded and followed Sora.

Shopping District: 12:45 pm

Xemnas was frantically searching for a woman. But like everyone thought, he had no idea how to pick up chicks.

Xemnas walked up to a young brunette. "WILL YOU TAKE CARE OF MY CHILDREN?" Xemnas yelled. The young brunette screamed and ran away.

He found a slightly older looking blonde woman and ran up to her. "PLEASE BE A GOOD MOTHER AND TAKE CARE OF MY CHILDREN?" The blonde slapped him across the face.

"You freak!" She yelled and strutted away. Xemnas sighed.

"It's no use…I'm not going to find a woman" he muttered sadly. Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a very pretty, long black haired woman smiling at him. The moment seemed so perfect if Xemnas wasn't so scary.

He had a demonic aura around him and he looked like he was about to murder someone. "WHAT IS IT?" he snapped.

The woman screamed and ran away from him. Xemnas then realized that was a single lady. "W-wait! Come back! Please? My kids need a mother!"

Sora's house: 1:30

Sora opened the door to his house and he went to the kitchen. "I've got some cookies in the kitchen! I'll be right back" he grinned and sped off to the kitchen

When everyone walked into Sora's living room Kuri wondered. "y'know we've never seen Sora's parents before"

"Now that I think about it. I've never seen them either ya" Wakka said. Everyone looked at Riku. "You're his best friend ya? Have you seen his parents?"

"Nope" Riku said.

"EEEHHH?" everyone screamed.

"Does he even have any parents?" Xion asked.

"Of course he does…I think" Roxas said.

Suddenly a sparkly shoujo aura surrounded Demyx. "Poor Sora! He must've been all alone this whole time"

Xion started crying. "Why didn't he say something to us?"

"He didn't want to burden us with his pain…ya" Wakka said sounding just as dramatic as Demyx and Xion.

"All this time he's had a smile on his face" Kairi cried. "I never realized he was just trying to hide his sadness"

Everyone else sweat dropped.

"Seriously?" Larxene said breaking the silence between the sane people that weren't so dramatic. "What is wrong with you people?"

"I think Xion and Kairi should stop watching soap operas…and why are Demyx and Wakka equally like this?" Axel asked.

"Demyx started watching Korean dramas," Zexion answered.

"And Wakka's secretly watches soap opera's too" Riku answered.

The sparkling aura went away. "Damn it Riku! That was a secret ya!" Wakka screamed.

"Hi guys I'm back!" Sora sung with a plate full of cookies. "My mum baked them this morning"

"So he does have parents," Ed muttered.

"Hey you guys want to meet my mum?" Sora asked and everyone nodded. "Come this way!" Sora led everyone to a room with only a giant computer screen, a microphone and a camera.

"Your mum's a computer?" Roxas asked.

"No silly!" Sora laughed and turned everything on. On the giant screen was a woman sitting in the dark. Her face wasn't visible at all. "HI MUM!" Sora waved.

"Oh Sora honey how are you?" Sora's mum asked through the microphone from work. "Oh are these your friends"

"yep!" Sora grinned. "Mum why is it so dark?"

"There's been a black out at work. Only this computer still works," she replied.

Larxene groaned. "Damn we don't even get to see what Porcupine's mum looks like"

"Yeah she could be hot" Axel smirked. Everyone gave him disgusted looks.

"Gross that's Sora's mum you idiot" Selphie growled.

"Now Sora" his mum said. "Behave yourself and remember to heat up dinner"

"I will"

"Bye Sora"

"Bye mum!" The computer screen turned off. Sora led everyone out of the room and back into the living room.

"So you just live with your mum?" Ed asked.

"yep" Sora said.

"What about your dad?" Kuri asked.

"I don't know I haven't seen him for 5 years and mum calls him a rotten (bandit)" Sora said with a grin still on his face.

"That kid is like a puppy" Larxene said.

Café: 2 pm

Xemnas and Sephiroth sat in a café looking very miserable and playing with their food. "my poor kids" Xemnas sighed, "growing up without a mother or at least a motherly figure"

"I know what you mean" Sephiroth sighed too. "My poor daughters had to go through their teenage years without a woman to talk to about these changes they go through. Instead they just let out all their angst by blowing up a bridge and watching innocent people fall to their death or…perhaps not so innocent, I think they might have been Yakuza."

Xemnas raised a brow and looked slightly terrified from the already terrifying demon sisters "uh huh. I better go now" Xemnas backed away from Sephiroth before finally running for it.

Sephiroth sighed again and continue playing with his food. Suddenly Cloud sat on the other end of the table. "Hey there Sephiroth" Cloud said sounding unusually happy. "What's up?"

"Well I'm a single father and sometimes I just want someone there to bake cookies for my kids and raise them" Sephiroth said sadly.

Cloud sweat dropped. "Um you do that anyway…but who needs women?" Cloud shuddered "I've already got Tifa stalking me…literally"

Sephiroth let out a loud sigh "I'll never find a partner"

"I'm sure you will" Cloud said trying to cheer him up "I mean you're a single father and you're a school principal some girl's gonna want that" Cloud grinned, "So what kind of woman do you want to date?" he asked

Sephiroth took a while to think about it "I guess a woman who's younger than me. Blonde hair, blue eyes and strong enough to lift big swords and rides a motorbike. How about you?" he asked.

"I dunno. I guess an older woman with long silver hair and green eyes. And it'd be really cool if her eyes can go into cat slits and she must own a long sword too…oh my god that's really hot." Cloud said.

"That sounds nice" Sephiroth nodded.

"Yeah" Cloud sighed.

Cloud and Sephiroth stared at each other and they just realized they just described each other as the perfect partner. They looked at each other with wide eyes and blushed.

"I've got to go home to my kids!" Sephiroth yelled and ran out of the Café.

"And I gotta hide from Tifa" Cloud yelled and ran the other direction.

Beach house: 7 pm

Xemnas lay down on the couch and looked miserable.

"Man the superior looks really down" Demyx said.

"Someone should go talk to him" Xion suggested. Everyone looked at Larxene.

"WHY ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT ME?" Larxene yelled.

"Because you know more about love troubles than we do" Roxas said.

"And Xion or Demyx will go into ultra shoujo sparkly dramatic mode again" Axel said

"And you're an emotionless (berserker)" Zexion smirked.

"FINE I'LL TALK TO THE CRAZY MAN! Geez" Larxene growled. She approached Xemnas and she sighed. "What's wrong superior?"

"I'm sorry" Xemnas said. "I couldn't find you a mother. You'll just have to grow up without one"

"Think about it this way" Larxene said sitting near Xemnas. "If we had a mother then all our attention will go to her instead of you"

Xemnas sat up. "Good point" he said and jumped off the couch and a flaming aura surrounded him. "I VOW TO RAISE MY CHILDREN ALL BY MYSELF! NO WOMAN WILL TAKE THAT POWER AWAY FROM ME!"

Everyone sweat dropped. "He sure cheered up quickly" Roxas said.

"Poor guy's going to stay a middle aged virgin" Axel said. Everyone gave him disgusted looks.

"Axel!" Xion screamed. "You're such a sicko!"

"How rude" Zexion growled and everyone left Axel standing by himself.

"What did I do now?" Axel asked himself.

Jenova house: 7:30 pm

The demon sisters and Sephiroth sat around the dinner table quietly. "Scarlet? Neko?" Sephiroth asked

"what is it?" Neko asked.

Sephiroth stuttered "I-I-I-I-I-I-


"I THINK I MIGHT BE GAY!" Sephiroth screamed and then hid his face from the two crazy girls. Neko dropped her fork onto the plate and Scarlet smiled.

"FINALLY!" Scarlet yelled for joy, raising her arms to thank the heavens.

Sephiroth was a little confused "what?"

"he finally admitted it" Neko cheered and did a little dance.

"wait you mean you knew I was gay the whole time?" Sephiroth asked.

"hello?" Neko said in an I-told-you-so voice "You bake cookies, you garden, you colour coordinate your wardrobe and ask tips on whether or not you look fat in jeans"

"Not to mention you check out Hugh Jackman every time we watch X-men" Scarlet smirked.

"I can't help it! He's hot" Sephiroth said in his defense

"see?" Scarlet said.

Sephiroth blushed. "oh my god I am gay!"

Neko hugged Sephiroth trying to cheer him up "Dad, there's nothing wrong with being gay"

"yeah" Scarlet said. "just think of the hits this fan fiction will get"

"what?" Sephiroth asked

"never mind" Scarlet brushed it off.


Cloud's apartment

Tifa was following Cloud begging him to go out with him while he was angrily storming towards his apartment. "BUT CLOUD-

"I'M GAY ALREADY!" Cloud yelled. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Cloud slammed the front door.

"YOU'RE GAY?" Tifa yelled in surprise but then shrugged. "Meh I'll just stalk Genesis"

Cloud opened the door slightly "he's gay too"

"WHAT?" Tifa yelled in surprise.

"hello? Loveless?" Cloud said in an As-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"oh the yaoi manga" Tifa nodded.

Cloud sweat dropped "let's just go with that."


Deleted member

Oh my God, that was so funny!!! Cloud and Sephiroth are totally gay for one another!!! You should write a scene where they are making out and everyone walks in on them or something like that. And the part with Xemnas looking for a mother was funny. He is definitely not boyfriend material; Axel is right, he is most likely a virgin, Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.

Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
Um, why did you make Cloud and Sephiroth gay? Wait! if Scarlet and Neko are breaking the fourth wall, and they were glad their dad admitted what they wanted to hear, then what does..... I smell something fishy here, and I think that Scarlet and Neko just might have something to do with it. I hope this becomes some epic plot twist later in the story.

Also, I think you might have left out a plot point from the previous story. Originally, while Xemnas was partially already in dad mode I might add, he asked them to eleminate the Heartless in Destiny Islands that were stealing panties with pictures of hearts on it. In this story, no one in the Organization even mentions the Heartless. I realize that this is a comedy, and I like it that way, but it's just a little odd to see a plot point like that drop out, even in the sequel. I suggest that you at least address the Heartless at some point in this story, since that's why they moved to the Islands in the first place.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Why did you make Cloud gay?

plot point for the last chapter

Also, I think you might have left out a plot point from the previous story. Originally, while Xemnas was partially already in dad mode I might add, he asked them to eleminate the Heartless in Destiny Islands that were stealing panties with pictures of hearts on it. In this story, no one in the Organization even mentions the Heartless. I realize that this is a comedy, and I like it that way, but it's just a little odd to see a plot point like that drop out, even in the sequel. I suggest that you at least address the Heartless at some point in this story, since that's why they moved to the Islands in the first place.

Well the point of the sequel is that they're taking a break from everything even though the kids on Destiny Islands won't leave them alone.

And don't worry there will be heartless. Not in the next chapter but the chapter after that.

Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
Well the point of the sequel is that they're taking a break from everything even though the kids on Destiny Islands won't leave them alone.

And don't worry there will be heartless. Not in the next chapter but the chapter after that.

Okay, thanks for explaining. Also, could you bring up McMoogles again sometime in the future? I'd just love to see how the Moogles would torture Axel. *gives a sinister smile*
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New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 9: The best of Blind dates

Day 35

Aqua's mum's house

Aqua and her mum were having a family dinner together. Her mum seemed really silent while Aqua was finishing up her food.

"Oh boy you're cooking is still as good as the last time I was here" Aqua sighed as she leaned back on her chair.

"How are you getting home?" Aqua's mum asked.

"Oh Terra's going to pick me up from here" she answered and took a gulp from her drink. "I can't go back home by myself I mean my car's busted and I can't walk home or I'll get stalked by fans. By the way, what did you need to ask me about?"

"Do you have a boyfriend yet?" her mum asked.

"No..." Aqua said and then she realized why her mum invited her for dinner. "Mum don't go setting me up with one of your book club friend's sons again"

"But Mrs. Fair's son is a lovely gentleman and he works at Destiny High" Aqua's mum said.

"You mean that school that has the demon sisters, demon brothers, the Don's twin sons, those weird Chinese kids that has caused so much trouble for all of destiny islands and the two detective kids and defense force girls that cause just about as much trouble as the criminal kids?" Aqua asked.

"Uh...yeah..." Aqua's mum sweat dropped. "But I heard it was a smart school. You should consider going for a blind date"

"But mum! I'm 21! I have plenty of time to think about romance but right now I want to focus on my career!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door "Yo Aqua Car pool!" Terra yelled.

"Oh I better go now." Aqua panicked as she quickly packed her stuff and getting ready to go "Thank you so much for dinner"

"If you change your mind call me okay" Aqua's mum waved.

"Not likely" Aqua muttered under her breath. She opened the door and greeted Terra "Hey Terra"

"Alright Aqua come on Ven's waiting back at your apartment and he's having a staring competition with your goldfish" Terra rolled his eyes when he said it.

"That kid's only popular because he's cute. But he's such a bimbo" Aqua laughed as she got into Terra's car.

Later that night: Aqua's apartment

Ven stared at Aqua's goldfish 'bubbles' and he struggled to keep his eyes open. He ended up blinking. "ARGH!! I LOST AGAIN!! WHY DO YOU KEEP WINNING?!!" The fish said nothing and swum around it's glass bowl.

"hey Ven" Aqua said walking into her apartment.


"Ven..." Terra said in an As-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice "fishes don't have eyelids"

"I know that" Ven said.

"Yes but if they don't have eyelids then how can they blink?" Terra smirked.

Ven thought about it for a while "OOOOOH!!! THIS FISH IS CHEATING THEN"

Terra face palmed "idiot" he muttered under his breath. "So how was dinner Aqua?" He asked.

"Ah it fine until mum wanted to set me up with some guy who works at Destiny high" Aqua laughed.

"You mean that school that has my clone that played my evil brother in Ice Cream Mafia but no one will know about it cause he's already hating me for the fact that fan girls chase him thinking it's me?" Ven asked.

"Yeah that school" Aqua said

Terra laughed at this "are you actually thinking about it?" he asked

"I don't know...Mum said he's a great guy but" Aqua was immediately cut off.

"Then go for him!" Terra snapped in a tone that sounded suspiciously like jealousy, "He's probably going to be a great boyfriend anyway"

"TERRA!!" Ven hissed.

"All right I will!" Aqua picked up her phone and stormed into her room. Terra stood quietly for a while

"Terra, why did you do that?!" Ven asked.

"Because this guy sounds oh so wonderful," Terra said with sarcasm

"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?" Ven asked. Terra's eyes widened and he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door.

"I'm going home good-bye!" Terra yelled and slammed the door behind him

"Terra wait!!" Ven said packing his stuff and heading after him.

Aqua listened to her band mates leaving. She sighed with sorrow but then snapped out of it. "Stupid (bandit)!" she growled to herself. "Doesn't care if I'll see another guy" She sighed angrily. "What do I care about what he thinks?" She looked through her contacts and she called her mum "Hey mum I change my mind"

5 days later

Beach house: 11:30 am

It was a hot and miserable day. The sand on the beach was far too hot to step on so they didn't go to the beach. Instead the Organization all sat around the house with not much to do. Marluxia was trying hard to save his pot plants, Saix was panting thinking how lucky and unlucky it was to be a dog, Xaldin was practicing the Violin which added the effect to how the Organization was feeling and everyone else lay on the floor.

Demyx opened the freezer door and sighed with relief. "That feels nice"

"Demyx!" Xion yelled. "You're letting all the cold air out!"

"HEEELLLLLLOOOOOO!! Hot Day? Cold air?" Demyx said trying to make a point to her.

"urgh it's so hot!!" Xenmas yelled. "I SHALL DESTROY THE SUN!!!"

"Technically if you destroy the sun then all life in every world will die" Ed said in with an As-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"I'd scream 'where did you come from Red top' but it's too hot" Larxene said.

"So that's your nickname for Ed now?" Kuri asked also walking into the house without permission. "Boy it's hot in here! Don't you guys have an air con?"

"Actually we do" Axel remembered. "Why don't we turn it on?"

"The air con's broken remember" Zexion said.

"Don't worry about that! We've got it covered" Luxord said with a smirk on his face and Xigbar had the same smirk.

"Oh really now, you can't fix Air conditioners for squat" Demyx groaned.

"No we hired someone to fix our air conditioner" Luxord said.

"It's a company called 'Shiva air'" Xigbar winked at them all "and something tells me it's going to be a hot babe that will fix it"

"Of course you'd choose that company 'cause it sounds like it has hot babes" Vexen rolled his eyes. Suddenly the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it" Xion said getting off the floor and opening the front door.

"Hello young lady" a really tall muscled blonde haired man said with a goofy grin on his face. "I'm Snow Villiers and I'm going to repair your Air conditioner"

"Wow what a name for a guy that repairs air conditioners" Xion said.

Xigbar walked to the door looking very well dressed but when he saw Snow he grumbled. "Aaw man I thought they were going to send us a hot babe"

Xion whacked him over the head. "XIGBAR!! MANNERS!!" She yelled.

"I mean uh...It's the air conditioner man! How are you good sir?" Xigbar asked.

Snow Villiers sighed. "Couldn't be any better," he said sarcastically.

"Are you all right sir?" Xion asked.

"Is the heat getting to you?" Xigbar said

"My girlfriend dumped me"

"ooooh" Xigbar let Snow in and showed him where the Air Conditioner was. Roxas thought it was a good idea to get a little snack. He opened the freezer feeling slightly relieved from the hot air around the house but when he looked inside he screamed.


Ed raised his hand as if he were in court "guilty" Ed announced.

"ED!!!" Everyone groaned

"You guys want more ice cream" Vexen said sounding unusually nice.

Roxas's and Axel's looked very happy about it. "YES!!!" they yelled and gave Vexen puppy eyes.

"Go buy some more" Vexen handed Roxas and Axel some Munny and they ran out of the door. "Finally those two idiots left" Vexen sighed with relief.

"Someone should go with them in case they eat it all" Xion said. She stared at Larxene and Larxene stared at her. They continued staring at each other and they raised their arm and looked like they were about to punch each other but then...

"Scissors! Paper! Rock!" Xion had paper and Larxene had rock.

"YES!!" Xion cheered.

"Since when does paper beat rock?!" Larxene yelled.

"Paper always beats rock" Xion smirked.

"Fine if a rock gets thrown at you, defend yourself with a sheet of paper" Larxene groaned and walked out of the door.

Helga had finished cleaning up the house and she saw the organization looking miserable. "Why are you all lounging about in the house?" she asked as she took off her uniform revealing a blue bikini. Everyone looked at her and their eyes burned from the horrible sight.

"MY EYES!!" Xigbar yelled. "THEY BURN!!!"

"Now that's just nasty!" Snow said shuddering at the sight.

"Shouldn't you be repairing the air conditioner?" Xaldin asked. Snow rolled his eyes and continued repairing the air conditioner.

"HELGA?!!! WHY ARE YOU REVEALING SO MUCH SKIN!!!" Xemnas yelled feeling his eyes burn from the horrid sight.

"You guys should go into the swimming pool and cool off" Helga said and went into the swimming pool in their backyard.

"WE HAVE A POOL??!!" Demyx smiled like a little child.

"You guys didn't notice?" Ed muttered under his breath.

Demyx took off his shirt and cannon balled into the pool. Everyone shrugged and changed into their bathing suits and went in. Kuri on the other hand was in absolute awe of Demyx without a shirt. "aaaaaah so sexy!"

Ed sweat dropped. "Okay?"

Park: 12pm

Aqua was wearing a pair of shades, a pair of 3-quarter length jeans and a grey t-shirt. She wondered around the place she was supposed to meet Zack Fair. She was still angry at Terra for acting like a jerk but something was telling her that going on this blind date wasn't a good idea either.

"Hey are you Aqua?" a voice came from behind. Aqua turned around and saw a man that looked slightly like Terra but had the same kind of innocent and childish aura that Ven has.

"Uh yeah" Aqua said. Zack shook her hand eagerly.

"Name's Zack Fair! Man I'm a huge fan of you guys!" Zack said. "It's really awesome that our mums know each other"

"Yeah that's pretty cool" Aqua chuckled.

What Aqua and Zack didn't know was that the two other TAV members were spying on them with binoculars behind the bushes. "Remind me again why you dragged me into this" Terra asked.

"We're sabotaging their date remember!" Ven smirked.

"Why would we do that?" Terra came up with a conclusion "Look Ven I know we've been friends since we were in high school but those days are over and I think Aqua should be able to move on with her life if she wants too"

"No it's not because of that," Ven said. "It's because you're in love with Aqua and your too stubborn to admit it" Terra glared at Ven.

"I DO NOT!" he yelled.

"What was that?" Zack asked as he looked around the area. Ven covered Terra's mouth with his hand.

"Not sure" Aqua said. "C'mon we should get some ice cream or something"

Terra and Ven peaked over the bushes to see Zack and Aqua leave. "Okay I do" Terra blushed with embarrassment. "I just don't think Aqua would take me seriously. I mean c'mon it's me, Terra, her band mate and friend"

Ven smiled at his confession. "Well why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling her that? Besides we have a date to sabotage"

"HEY WILL YOU (bandits) SLOW DOWN!!" a slightly familiar voice yelled. They turned around and saw Axel and Roxas running for ice cream and Larxene following not too far behind.

"HEY IT'S MY CLONE!!" Ven yelled and jumped in front of Roxas and Axel and gave them a goofy grin. "Hi!"

Roxas and Axel stopped running and Roxas glared at Ven. "NOT YOU!!!" Roxas whined. "WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?!!!"

Larxene finally caught up with the two ice cream obsessed nobodies. "Hey it's the blonde bimbo"

Terra and Axel sweat dropped. "You're blonde too," They thought aloud.

"Alright why are you out here...in the heat?" Larxene asked Ven.

"Well you see, Terra was being an idiot and now Aqua's on a blind date with some guy" Ven pointed to where Aqua and Zack were.

"Hey it's Mr. Fair!" Axel said. "Damn that guy's a lucky (bandit) it's not every day some ex-teacher like him gets to go out with a hot celebrity"

Suddenly a demonic aura surrounded Terra. "Well the poor guy ain't gonna be lucky when this date is sabotaged"

Everyone else sweat dropped. "What's his problem?" Larxene asked.

"Long story" Ven answered.

Defense Force girls: Seaside Café: 12:05 pm

The other defense force girls sat inside the café near the air conditioner and waited for their milkshakes to arrive.

"Man Kairi better get here soon" Rikku complained. "I'm getting really thirsty and this heat is starting to get to me"

"Be patient Rikku" Yuna said. "It's her first job after all"

"You know something" Paine wondered aloud. "We haven't appeared in this fan fiction for a while. I'm starting to think either the authoress is forgetting about us or Kuri has ditched us. Or both"

Yuna scratched her chin. "Well Ed has come back and their mum wants him to have a social life instead of sitting on the computer all day and night"

Rikku clenched her fists. "Next time I see that (bandit) I'm going to murder him this time"

"Oh and because Rikku will probably beat Ed to a pulp, rip out his vital organs, stab him repeatedly, bury him, dance on his grave, dig him up, bring him back to life, kill him again, clone him, do the same things to his clones and then she'll never talk to him ever again" Yuna said sounding completely calm but Paine felt a twitch under her eye.

"Uh huh" Paine muttered. Suddenly she heard her mobile phone ring. She picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"HEY IT'S KURI!!" The leader of the defense force yelled from the other line. "YOU GUYS HAVE TO COME OVER TO THE EXCHANGE STUDENTS BEACH HOUSE THEY HAVE A SWIMMING POOL!!"

Paine blushed at the thought of Zexion wearing only his swimming trunks and wearing absolutely no shirt. "Alright we'll come ASAP" Paine replied trying to hide the joy in her voice.

"So...?" Yuna asked.

"The exchange students and Kuri want us to go to their place 'cause they have a pool," Paine answered still hiding the happiness from her voice.

Rikku gave Yuna and Paine and evil smile. "Excellent" She let out an evil cackle and ran out of the café.

"Okay here's your order" Kairi said handing Yuna and Paine their take away milkshakes. "Hey where's Rikku?"

Yuna and Paine looked at each other and they realized. "Wait...if Kuri's there then-"

"Ed will be there" Paine finished off Yuna's sentence. Paine and Yuna stared at each other for a while and they gasped.

"What have we done?!"

Park: 12:10 pm

While everyone else was having fun in the newly discovered swimming pool Axel, Roxas and Larxene were stuck with Terra and Ven in the heat hiding behind bushes with a pair of binoculars, spying on Zack and Aqua sitting on a bench eating their ice cream.

"I've always wondered why we somehow get dragged into mayhem" Larxene thought aloud.

Terra shushed her. "Like we care about your problems. We need to be quiet so we can work out how to sabotage this date"

"geez and people think my period makes me angry" Larxene rolled her eyes angrily at the idol.

"You do realize I'm male right?" Terra said calmly.

"Well you're sure acting like your going through a Manstration Cycle" Larxene replied childishly.

Terra's blood boiled. "Why I outta-

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE (heartless) UP?!!" Axel yelled. Ven covered Axel's mouth and shushed him.

"Dude they'll hear you!" Ven hissed.


Zack looked around attentively. "What was that?" Zack asked.

Aqua looked around as well. "Not sure...probably just some kids" Aqua assumed. There was an awkward silence between them. (Authoress: *Giggle* a gay baby was born *giggle*).

"So..." Aqua said to break the silence. "What do you do for a living?"

"Well I work at the cafeteria at Destiny High" Zack said sounding a little embarrassed. "I was a history teacher before but I found a mermaid and I was looking for her for ages and when I came back to work my job had been taken" Zack looked liked he was day dreaming about something and a blush came to his face.

Behind the bushes

Roxas felt a little annoyed. "I can't hear a thing" he whined.

"If only we could read lips" Larxene thought aloud. "Or if we had super sonic hearing"

Axel shrugged. "I guess we can just watch and see if anything happens"


"Sorry Aqua but I don't think we should date" Zack said out of the blue. Aqua didn't seem at all angry in fact she was rather pleased.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Well you know that mermaid I mentioned before" Zack said. "She was only swimming with the dolphins that day and I thought she was. I mean she was beautiful and she had a tail like a mermaid would and-" Zack looked at Aqua to see if she was mad at all.

Aqua gave him a warm smile. "Tell me more about her"

Behind the bushes

Terra glared at Zack. "That (bandit)" he hissed. "I know that smile, that's Aqua's lovey dovey smile"

Ven snatched Terra's binoculars "Hey you're right"

"Can I go home now?" Roxas whined. "It's hot and boring"

Ven rolled his eyes. "Nothing's stopping you from leaving"

"But it they leave then that will draw attention to us" Terra said.

"You're right" Ven said. "You three are staying here" The 3 nobodies groaned.


Zack continued going on about the lady he was really interested in and Aqua didn't mind...which isn't what normal women feel like when their date is constantly talking about another woman.

"But man" Zack sighed. "Aerith wouldn't even notice me"

"I'm sure she will" Aqua smiled. "I think you should just tell her how you feel"

"You're right" Zack smiled eagerly. "So how about you, do you have anyone your interested in?"

"Well...maybe" Aqua blushed at the thought of the man she liked. "He'll never notice though he's very dense"

"C'mon you can tell me" Zack smiled eagerly. "We're friends now!"

Behind the bushes

What everyone behind the bushes didn't know was what Zack and Aqua were even talking about because they were too far away so they presumed that Zack and Aqua were flirting with each other, which made Terra preeeeetty angry.

Roxas's eyes sparkled. "Wow Mr. Fair managed to get a blush out of Aqua. He is legendary!"

Axel smirked. "Oh boy it's on"

Larxene, Ven and Roxas looked disgusted. "Axel! You are a sick person!" Larxene growled.

"It's turning you on isn't it" Axel wriggled his eyebrows and Larxene whacked him on the back of his head. "I'm just kidding"

Terra glared at Zack and he looked as though he was about to explode in fury. He couldn't just hide behind the bushes and watch while someone takes the girl he's been in love with for a while. "I can't take this anymore" He muttered under his breath.

Everyone gasped as Terra was going to do something unbelievably extremely incredibly extraordinarily-

"GET ON WITH IT!!" Larxene yelled to the authoress.


Terra ran out of the bushes towards Aqua. Suddenly time slowed down for the sake of the dramatic scene. Terra was running as fast as the slow motion dramatic scene would let him.

"AAAAAQQQQQUUUUUAAAAA!!!" Terra screamed. Aqua turned to see Terra running towards her so slow and dramatically.

Terra was so close, so very unbelievably unremarkably extro-

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! GET ON WITH THE STORY ALREADY!!!" Larxene yelled to the authoress.

...rdinarily close.

But then someone karate kicked him in the face and knocked him to the ground as time went back to normal speed again.

Terra looked up and saw a brown haired woman wearing a pink ribbon in her hair and looked as though she was usually a kind person but boy did she look angry.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU CRAZY CHICK?!!" Terra yelled at the woman that karate kicked him.

"Oops wrong person. You kind of looked like Zack" Aerith apologized but then she glared at Aqua and Zack. She dragged Zack off the bench and glared at Aqua. "I SEE YOU WITH MY MAN AGAIN I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!" She turned left and took Zack with her. "WE'RE LEAVING!!"

Zack waved at Aqua. "It was nice meeting you by the way"

"Bye!" Aqua waved back. She watched Zack and Aerith leave together and she sighed. "Looks like she had feelings for him after all. They're going to be a very happy couple"

Terra looked slightly confused. "Wait...so you weren't actually interested in that guy"

Aqua laughed. "No way, he wasn't my type. Besides there's someone I like already"

Terra raised a brow but looked slightly jealous. "Who is it?"

Aqua winked at him. "That's my secret" Terra was really curious but he shrugged it off and they both walked through the park together.

Ven, Axel, Larxene and Roxas were still behind the bushes. "Well if that wasn't the strangest thing I've ever seen I don't know what is" Ven said breaking the silence.

Roxas placed a hand on Ven's shoulder. "Trust me...we've seen weirder.

Beach house: 12:30pm

Ed didn't want to swim in the Organization's pool so instead he relaxed under the shade with not a care in the world. That was until...

"EEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD!!!" a familiar voice screamed. He turned around and saw Rikku surrounded by a demonic aura.

"Oh (shadow)"



New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 9: The best of Blind dates

Day 35

Aqua's mum's house

Aqua and her mum were having a family dinner together. Her mum seemed really silent while Aqua was finishing up her food.

"Oh boy you're cooking is still as good as the last time I was here" Aqua sighed as she leaned back on her chair.

"How are you getting home?" Aqua's mum asked.

"Oh Terra's going to pick me up from here" she answered and took a gulp from her drink. "I can't go back home by myself I mean my car's busted and I can't walk home or I'll get stalked by fans. By the way, what did you need to ask me about?"

"Do you have a boyfriend yet?" her mum asked.

"No..." Aqua said and then she realized why her mum invited her for dinner. "Mum don't go setting me up with one of your book club friend's sons again"

"But Mrs. Fair's son is a lovely gentleman and he works at Destiny High" Aqua's mum said.

"You mean that school that has the demon sisters, demon brothers, the Don's twin sons, those weird Chinese kids that has caused so much trouble for all of destiny islands and the two detective kids and defense force girls that cause just about as much trouble as the criminal kids?" Aqua asked.

"Uh...yeah..." Aqua's mum sweat dropped. "But I heard it was a smart school. You should consider going for a blind date"

"But mum! I'm 21! I have plenty of time to think about romance but right now I want to focus on my career!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the front door "Yo Aqua Car pool!" Terra yelled.

"Oh I better go now." Aqua panicked as she quickly packed her stuff and getting ready to go "Thank you so much for dinner"

"If you change your mind call me okay" Aqua's mum waved.

"Not likely" Aqua muttered under her breath. She opened the door and greeted Terra "Hey Terra"

"Alright Aqua come on Ven's waiting back at your apartment and he's having a staring competition with your goldfish" Terra rolled his eyes when he said it.

"That kid's only popular because he's cute. But he's such a bimbo" Aqua laughed as she got into Terra's car.

Later that night: Aqua's apartment

Ven stared at Aqua's goldfish 'bubbles' and he struggled to keep his eyes open. He ended up blinking. "ARGH!! I LOST AGAIN!! WHY DO YOU KEEP WINNING?!!" The fish said nothing and swum around it's glass bowl.

"hey Ven" Aqua said walking into her apartment.


"Ven..." Terra said in an As-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice "fishes don't have eyelids"

"I know that" Ven said.

"Yes but if they don't have eyelids then how can they blink?" Terra smirked.

Ven thought about it for a while "OOOOOH!!! THIS FISH IS CHEATING THEN"

Terra face palmed "idiot" he muttered under his breath. "So how was dinner Aqua?" He asked.

"Ah it fine until mum wanted to set me up with some guy who works at Destiny high" Aqua laughed.

"You mean that school that has my clone that played my evil brother in Ice Cream Mafia but no one will know about it cause he's already hating me for the fact that fan girls chase him thinking it's me?" Ven asked.

"Yeah that school" Aqua said

Terra laughed at this "are you actually thinking about it?" he asked

"I don't know...Mum said he's a great guy but" Aqua was immediately cut off.

"Then go for him!" Terra snapped in a tone that sounded suspiciously like jealousy, "He's probably going to be a great boyfriend anyway"

"TERRA!!" Ven hissed.

"All right I will!" Aqua picked up her phone and stormed into her room. Terra stood quietly for a while

"Terra, why did you do that?!" Ven asked.

"Because this guy sounds oh so wonderful," Terra said with sarcasm

"Is that jealousy I hear in your voice?" Ven asked. Terra's eyes widened and he grabbed his stuff and headed for the door.

"I'm going home good-bye!" Terra yelled and slammed the door behind him

"Terra wait!!" Ven said packing his stuff and heading after him.

Aqua listened to her band mates leaving. She sighed with sorrow but then snapped out of it. "Stupid (bandit)!" she growled to herself. "Doesn't care if I'll see another guy" She sighed angrily. "What do I care about what he thinks?" She looked through her contacts and she called her mum "Hey mum I change my mind"

5 days later

Beach house: 11:30 am

It was a hot and miserable day. The sand on the beach was far too hot to step on so they didn't go to the beach. Instead the Organization all sat around the house with not much to do. Marluxia was trying hard to save his pot plants, Saix was panting thinking how lucky and unlucky it was to be a dog, Xaldin was practicing the Violin which added the effect to how the Organization was feeling and everyone else lay on the floor.

Demyx opened the freezer door and sighed with relief. "That feels nice"

"Demyx!" Xion yelled. "You're letting all the cold air out!"

"HEEELLLLLLOOOOOO!! Hot Day? Cold air?" Demyx said trying to make a point to her.

"urgh it's so hot!!" Xenmas yelled. "I SHALL DESTROY THE SUN!!!"

"Technically if you destroy the sun then all life in every world will die" Ed said in with an As-a-matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"I'd scream 'where did you come from Red top' but it's too hot" Larxene said.

"So that's your nickname for Ed now?" Kuri asked also walking into the house without permission. "Boy it's hot in here! Don't you guys have an air con?"

"Actually we do" Axel remembered. "Why don't we turn it on?"

"The air con's broken remember" Zexion said.

"Don't worry about that! We've got it covered" Luxord said with a smirk on his face and Xigbar had the same smirk.

"Oh really now, you can't fix Air conditioners for squat" Demyx groaned.

"No we hired someone to fix our air conditioner" Luxord said.

"It's a company called 'Shiva air'" Xigbar winked at them all "and something tells me it's going to be a hot babe that will fix it"

"Of course you'd choose that company 'cause it sounds like it has hot babes" Vexen rolled his eyes. Suddenly the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it" Xion said getting off the floor and opening the front door.

"Hello young lady" a really tall muscled blonde haired man said with a goofy grin on his face. "I'm Snow Villiers and I'm going to repair your Air conditioner"

"Wow what a name for a guy that repairs air conditioners" Xion said.

Xigbar walked to the door looking very well dressed but when he saw Snow he grumbled. "Aaw man I thought they were going to send us a hot babe"

Xion whacked him over the head. "XIGBAR!! MANNERS!!" She yelled.

"I mean uh...It's the air conditioner man! How are you good sir?" Xigbar asked.

Snow Villiers sighed. "Couldn't be any better," he said sarcastically.

"Are you all right sir?" Xion asked.

"Is the heat getting to you?" Xigbar said

"My girlfriend dumped me"

"ooooh" Xigbar let Snow in and showed him where the Air Conditioner was. Roxas thought it was a good idea to get a little snack. He opened the freezer feeling slightly relieved from the hot air around the house but when he looked inside he screamed.


Ed raised his hand as if he were in court "guilty" Ed announced.

"ED!!!" Everyone groaned

"You guys want more ice cream" Vexen said sounding unusually nice.

Roxas's and Axel's looked very happy about it. "YES!!!" they yelled and gave Vexen puppy eyes.

"Go buy some more" Vexen handed Roxas and Axel some Munny and they ran out of the door. "Finally those two idiots left" Vexen sighed with relief.

"Someone should go with them in case they eat it all" Xion said. She stared at Larxene and Larxene stared at her. They continued staring at each other and they raised their arm and looked like they were about to punch each other but then...

"Scissors! Paper! Rock!" Xion had paper and Larxene had rock.

"YES!!" Xion cheered.

"Since when does paper beat rock?!" Larxene yelled.

"Paper always beats rock" Xion smirked.

"Fine if a rock gets thrown at you, defend yourself with a sheet of paper" Larxene groaned and walked out of the door.

Helga had finished cleaning up the house and she saw the organization looking miserable. "Why are you all lounging about in the house?" she asked as she took off her uniform revealing a blue bikini. Everyone looked at her and their eyes burned from the horrible sight.

"MY EYES!!" Xigbar yelled. "THEY BURN!!!"

"Now that's just nasty!" Snow said shuddering at the sight.

"Shouldn't you be repairing the air conditioner?" Xaldin asked. Snow rolled his eyes and continued repairing the air conditioner.

"HELGA?!!! WHY ARE YOU REVEALING SO MUCH SKIN!!!" Xemnas yelled feeling his eyes burn from the horrid sight.

"You guys should go into the swimming pool and cool off" Helga said and went into the swimming pool in their backyard.

"WE HAVE A POOL??!!" Demyx smiled like a little child.

"You guys didn't notice?" Ed muttered under his breath.

Demyx took off his shirt and cannon balled into the pool. Everyone shrugged and changed into their bathing suits and went in. Kuri on the other hand was in absolute awe of Demyx without a shirt. "aaaaaah so sexy!"

Ed sweat dropped. "Okay?"

Park: 12pm

Aqua was wearing a pair of shades, a pair of 3-quarter length jeans and a grey t-shirt. She wondered around the place she was supposed to meet Zack Fair. She was still angry at Terra for acting like a jerk but something was telling her that going on this blind date wasn't a good idea either.

"Hey are you Aqua?" a voice came from behind. Aqua turned around and saw a man that looked slightly like Terra but had the same kind of innocent and childish aura that Ven has.

"Uh yeah" Aqua said. Zack shook her hand eagerly.

"Name's Zack Fair! Man I'm a huge fan of you guys!" Zack said. "It's really awesome that our mums know each other"

"Yeah that's pretty cool" Aqua chuckled.

What Aqua and Zack didn't know was that the two other TAV members were spying on them with binoculars behind the bushes. "Remind me again why you dragged me into this" Terra asked.

"We're sabotaging their date remember!" Ven smirked.

"Why would we do that?" Terra came up with a conclusion "Look Ven I know we've been friends since we were in high school but those days are over and I think Aqua should be able to move on with her life if she wants too"

"No it's not because of that," Ven said. "It's because you're in love with Aqua and your too stubborn to admit it" Terra glared at Ven.

"I DO NOT!" he yelled.

"What was that?" Zack asked as he looked around the area. Ven covered Terra's mouth with his hand.

"Not sure" Aqua said. "C'mon we should get some ice cream or something"

Terra and Ven peaked over the bushes to see Zack and Aqua leave. "Okay I do" Terra blushed with embarrassment. "I just don't think Aqua would take me seriously. I mean c'mon it's me, Terra, her band mate and friend"

Ven smiled at his confession. "Well why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling her that? Besides we have a date to sabotage"

"HEY WILL YOU (bandits) SLOW DOWN!!" a slightly familiar voice yelled. They turned around and saw Axel and Roxas running for ice cream and Larxene following not too far behind.

"HEY IT'S MY CLONE!!" Ven yelled and jumped in front of Roxas and Axel and gave them a goofy grin. "Hi!"

Roxas and Axel stopped running and Roxas glared at Ven. "NOT YOU!!!" Roxas whined. "WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?!!!"

Larxene finally caught up with the two ice cream obsessed nobodies. "Hey it's the blonde bimbo"

Terra and Axel sweat dropped. "You're blonde too," They thought aloud.

"Alright why are you out here...in the heat?" Larxene asked Ven.

"Well you see, Terra was being an idiot and now Aqua's on a blind date with some guy" Ven pointed to where Aqua and Zack were.

"Hey it's Mr. Fair!" Axel said. "Damn that guy's a lucky (bandit) it's not every day some ex-teacher like him gets to go out with a hot celebrity"

Suddenly a demonic aura surrounded Terra. "Well the poor guy ain't gonna be lucky when this date is sabotaged"

Everyone else sweat dropped. "What's his problem?" Larxene asked.

"Long story" Ven answered.

Defense Force girls: Seaside Café: 12:05 pm

The other defense force girls sat inside the café near the air conditioner and waited for their milkshakes to arrive.

"Man Kairi better get here soon" Rikku complained. "I'm getting really thirsty and this heat is starting to get to me"

"Be patient Rikku" Yuna said. "It's her first job after all"

"You know something" Paine wondered aloud. "We haven't appeared in this fan fiction for a while. I'm starting to think either the authoress is forgetting about us or Kuri has ditched us. Or both"

Yuna scratched her chin. "Well Ed has come back and their mum wants him to have a social life instead of sitting on the computer all day and night"

Rikku clenched her fists. "Next time I see that (bandit) I'm going to murder him this time"

"Oh and because Rikku will probably beat Ed to a pulp, rip out his vital organs, stab him repeatedly, bury him, dance on his grave, dig him up, bring him back to life, kill him again, clone him, do the same things to his clones and then she'll never talk to him ever again" Yuna said sounding completely calm but Paine felt a twitch under her eye.

"Uh huh" Paine muttered. Suddenly she heard her mobile phone ring. She picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"HEY IT'S KURI!!" The leader of the defense force yelled from the other line. "YOU GUYS HAVE TO COME OVER TO THE EXCHANGE STUDENTS BEACH HOUSE THEY HAVE A SWIMMING POOL!!"

Paine blushed at the thought of Zexion wearing only his swimming trunks and wearing absolutely no shirt. "Alright we'll come ASAP" Paine replied trying to hide the joy in her voice.

"So...?" Yuna asked.

"The exchange students and Kuri want us to go to their place 'cause they have a pool," Paine answered still hiding the happiness from her voice.

Rikku gave Yuna and Paine and evil smile. "Excellent" She let out an evil cackle and ran out of the café.

"Okay here's your order" Kairi said handing Yuna and Paine their take away milkshakes. "Hey where's Rikku?"

Yuna and Paine looked at each other and they realized. "Wait...if Kuri's there then-"

"Ed will be there" Paine finished off Yuna's sentence. Paine and Yuna stared at each other for a while and they gasped.

"What have we done?!"

Park: 12:10 pm

While everyone else was having fun in the newly discovered swimming pool Axel, Roxas and Larxene were stuck with Terra and Ven in the heat hiding behind bushes with a pair of binoculars, spying on Zack and Aqua sitting on a bench eating their ice cream.

"I've always wondered why we somehow get dragged into mayhem" Larxene thought aloud.

Terra shushed her. "Like we care about your problems. We need to be quiet so we can work out how to sabotage this date"

"geez and people think my period makes me angry" Larxene rolled her eyes angrily at the idol.

"You do realize I'm male right?" Terra said calmly.

"Well you're sure acting like your going through a Manstration Cycle" Larxene replied childishly.

Terra's blood boiled. "Why I outta-

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE (heartless) UP?!!" Axel yelled. Ven covered Axel's mouth and shushed him.

"Dude they'll hear you!" Ven hissed.


Zack looked around attentively. "What was that?" Zack asked.

Aqua looked around as well. "Not sure...probably just some kids" Aqua assumed. There was an awkward silence between them. (Authoress: *Giggle* a gay baby was born *giggle*).

"So..." Aqua said to break the silence. "What do you do for a living?"

"Well I work at the cafeteria at Destiny High" Zack said sounding a little embarrassed. "I was a history teacher before but I found a mermaid and I was looking for her for ages and when I came back to work my job had been taken" Zack looked liked he was day dreaming about something and a blush came to his face.

Behind the bushes

Roxas felt a little annoyed. "I can't hear a thing" he whined.

"If only we could read lips" Larxene thought aloud. "Or if we had super sonic hearing"

Axel shrugged. "I guess we can just watch and see if anything happens"


"Sorry Aqua but I don't think we should date" Zack said out of the blue. Aqua didn't seem at all angry in fact she was rather pleased.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Well you know that mermaid I mentioned before" Zack said. "She was only swimming with the dolphins that day and I thought she was. I mean she was beautiful and she had a tail like a mermaid would and-" Zack looked at Aqua to see if she was mad at all.

Aqua gave him a warm smile. "Tell me more about her"

Behind the bushes

Terra glared at Zack. "That (bandit)" he hissed. "I know that smile, that's Aqua's lovey dovey smile"

Ven snatched Terra's binoculars "Hey you're right"

"Can I go home now?" Roxas whined. "It's hot and boring"

Ven rolled his eyes. "Nothing's stopping you from leaving"

"But it they leave then that will draw attention to us" Terra said.

"You're right" Ven said. "You three are staying here" The 3 nobodies groaned.


Zack continued going on about the lady he was really interested in and Aqua didn't mind...which isn't what normal women feel like when their date is constantly talking about another woman.

"But man" Zack sighed. "Aerith wouldn't even notice me"

"I'm sure she will" Aqua smiled. "I think you should just tell her how you feel"

"You're right" Zack smiled eagerly. "So how about you, do you have anyone your interested in?"

"Well...maybe" Aqua blushed at the thought of the man she liked. "He'll never notice though he's very dense"

"C'mon you can tell me" Zack smiled eagerly. "We're friends now!"

Behind the bushes

What everyone behind the bushes didn't know was what Zack and Aqua were even talking about because they were too far away so they presumed that Zack and Aqua were flirting with each other, which made Terra preeeeetty angry.

Roxas's eyes sparkled. "Wow Mr. Fair managed to get a blush out of Aqua. He is legendary!"

Axel smirked. "Oh boy it's on"

Larxene, Ven and Roxas looked disgusted. "Axel! You are a sick person!" Larxene growled.

"It's turning you on isn't it" Axel wriggled his eyebrows and Larxene whacked him on the back of his head. "I'm just kidding"

Terra glared at Zack and he looked as though he was about to explode in fury. He couldn't just hide behind the bushes and watch while someone takes the girl he's been in love with for a while. "I can't take this anymore" He muttered under his breath.

Everyone gasped as Terra was going to do something unbelievably extremely incredibly extraordinarily-

"GET ON WITH IT!!" Larxene yelled to the authoress.


Terra ran out of the bushes towards Aqua. Suddenly time slowed down for the sake of the dramatic scene. Terra was running as fast as the slow motion dramatic scene would let him.

"AAAAAQQQQQUUUUUAAAAA!!!" Terra screamed. Aqua turned to see Terra running towards her so slow and dramatically.

Terra was so close, so very unbelievably unremarkably extro-

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! GET ON WITH THE STORY ALREADY!!!" Larxene yelled to the authoress.

...rdinarily close.

But then someone karate kicked him in the face and knocked him to the ground as time went back to normal speed again.

Terra looked up and saw a brown haired woman wearing a pink ribbon in her hair and looked as though she was usually a kind person but boy did she look angry.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU CRAZY CHICK?!!" Terra yelled at the woman that karate kicked him.

"Oops wrong person. You kind of looked like Zack" Aerith apologized but then she glared at Aqua and Zack. She dragged Zack off the bench and glared at Aqua. "I SEE YOU WITH MY MAN AGAIN I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!" She turned left and took Zack with her. "WE'RE LEAVING!!"

Zack waved at Aqua. "It was nice meeting you by the way"

"Bye!" Aqua waved back. She watched Zack and Aerith leave together and she sighed. "Looks like she had feelings for him after all. They're going to be a very happy couple"

Terra looked slightly confused. "Wait...so you weren't actually interested in that guy"

Aqua laughed. "No way, he wasn't my type. Besides there's someone I like already"

Terra raised a brow but looked slightly jealous. "Who is it?"

Aqua winked at him. "That's my secret" Terra was really curious but he shrugged it off and they both walked through the park together.

Ven, Axel, Larxene and Roxas were still behind the bushes. "Well if that wasn't the strangest thing I've ever seen I don't know what is" Ven said breaking the silence.

Roxas placed a hand on Ven's shoulder. "Trust me...we've seen weirder.

Beach house: 12:30pm

Ed didn't want to swim in the Organization's pool so instead he relaxed under the shade with not a care in the world. That was until...

"EEEEEEEEEEDDDDDD!!!" a familiar voice screamed. He turned around and saw Rikku surrounded by a demonic aura.

"Oh (shadow)"



Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
LOL at Rikku :) Awesome chapter can't wait to see what happens next. Never would have thought Terra would make a dramatic slow motion scene lol.

Deleted member

Ha Ha!!! That was funny!!! Terra is so stupid, and I liked the part with Aerith. I also liked the part with those guys hiding behind the bushes, and the part where Snow is the air cinditioner repair man; that was funny. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 10: The Starlight Academy Gang

Day 40

Axel, Roxas and Larxene returned from their little trip to the supermarket to buy ice cream (Which turned out to be another random adventure like all the chapters before).

"Hey guys" Larxene announced as she opened the front door. "We're ba-" She realized that there was no one inside.

"Okay that's weird" Axel muttered.

Roxas heard some noise in their backyard. He went out to investigate and that's when he found... "SINCE WHEN DID WE HAVE A POOL!!??"

Kuri rolled her eyes. "Took you long enough to notice. We discovered this last chapter"

"Last chapter?"

"I mean a few hours ago just before you left" Kuri's eyes shifted.

"By the way where's Red top?" Larxene asked.

"You mean Ed?" Kuri shrugged. "Probably being slaughtered by Rikku"

"Shouldn't you go help him?" Xion asked.

"Can't be (heartless)ed" Kuri said. "Besides Yuna and Paine are rescuing him anyway"


Yuna and Paine were running away taking Ed with them. Ed suddenly tripped over a rock. "Ed?! Are you alright?!" Yuna asked.

"Yuna, Paine" Ed said very dramatically. "Go on without me"

"Okay" Paine responded. "Yuna let's get out of here"

"I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY!!!" Ed screamed.

Beach house

Snow walked into the backyard with a grin on his face "well your air conditioner's fixed. Now I've got to find my fiancé Serah"

Zexion raised a brow "didn't you say she dumped you?" he asked.

A flaming aura surrounded Snow "SHE'LL NEVER DUMP ME!!!!" He yelled and ran off to the distance.

Everyone raised a brow "...okay?"

Xion suddenly remembered something "Hey! We forgot to pay him!"

Xemnas looked at the six young nobodies "well what are you six waiting for? Go after him"

Axel groaned "why do we have to do EVERYTHING?!!" he screamed

"Well like you said..." Vexen smirked "we're old geezers. Heheheh" he chuckled

"You son of a (berserker)" Larxene mumbled.

Luxord grinned "well you young fellows can leave now while us 'old geezers' stay here and play in the pool while you guys somehow get dragged into another random situation involving Mafia, Yakuza, TAV, the detective siblings, the defense force, demon sisters and brothers, hate club and even those normal kids will somehow drag you into something interesting."

"Alright! We'll go!" Larxene yelled and lead the five other nobodies out of the front door.

Kuri looked at the other older men. "Well Demyx isn't here. I'll just go steal your coffee and leave"

Xigbar groaned. "How much money are we spending on coffee just to have it stolen by this girl?"

Saix started barking like a mad dog. "Well maybe if you had let me eat her in the first place then it wouldn't be a problem"

"Oh Saix do you want to go for a walkies" Helga asked Saix as if he were a baby.

"NO I DON'T WANT TO GO FOR A WALKIES!!!!" Saix barked madly.

"I'll go get your leash then. You boys stay here!" Helga waved and went inside to get Saix's leash.

"(Heartless) MY LIFE!!!" Saix barked.

Somewhere near the skate park: 1:30 pm

The exchange students were looking for the air conditioner man in the heat. More people were out in the streets because the weather started to cool down.

"Man I hate this" Roxas complained, "It's like our day has been planned out like it's some kind of crack fan fiction"

"What's fan fiction?" Demyx asked

Roxas shrugged "I dunno...but if this is a fan fiction then people must be thinking our authoress is a nutcase"


Roxas suddenly got hit by a TV "WHO THREW THAT SHARP 101 CM WIDE LED SCREEN TV?!!!" He gave thumbs up and a grin "with an inbuilt blu-ray player"

"Subliminalmessagingwasnotadvised" Axel grinned "...but it still happened"

Xion found Snow hiding behind a bush. "WAIT!! MR. VILLIERS!!! YOU FORGOT YOUR MUNNY!!!" Snow shushed the young nobody.

"What's going on?" Xion asked.

"If I listen in carefully I might find out where Serah is" Snow said as he peered through the bushes.

Larxene looked at where Snow was looking. She saw a bunch of kids hanging out in the skate park. Most of them looked younger than they were but the strawberry blonde haired girl looked like she was around Larxene's age. Larxene gave Snow a disgusted look "are you some kind of pedophile?!!!"

"NO!" Snow yelled, "One of these kids is my fiancé's sister. Now be quiet or I'll kick your (assassin)"

"No wonder she left him" Zexion muttered to himself but Snow overheard him

Snow turned around to face the exchange students "she did NOT leave me!" He yelled. "She just left destiny islands without telling me, or answering any of my calls, or txts, or emails, or Facebook posts... now that I think about it...she blocked me on Facebook and changed her relationship status to 'never dating an idiot again'." Snow gave the nobodies a huge grin "But it was probably because we had a fight"

Zexion's palm met his forehead. "Oh boy"

Snow turned around and saw the same strawberry blonde haired girl peeking into the bush and giving him death glares. "WHY THE (heartless) ARE YOU HERE?!!"

Snow let out a high-pitched feminine scream. The young nobodies raised a brow and wondered how someone like Snow could have such a high-pitched scream.



The girl shot him another death glare "and you honestly think that me, a loving big sister would tell you her location?"

Snow chuckled nervously "well that would be nice if you did"

"NO (Heartless)ING WAY YOU CRACK POT! NOW SCRAM OR ELSE I'LL GET MY SWITCH BLADE AND STAB YOU IN THE NECK!!" The girl screamed. Snow backed away slowly and then he ran off like a chicken. The girl faced her switchblade towards Demyx. "You heard me! Get out of here"

"Wait we aren't his friends!" Demyx said. "He just fixed our air conditioner and he didn't get his munny"

The girl put away her switch blade "oh yeah that guy dropped out of school and now he works with Air conditioners."

"Well he's not going to have a great future" Zexion said with sarcasm in his voice "fixing peoples air conditioners for the rest of his life"

"Yeah what an idiot" Roxas said.

"I DID IT FOR SERAH!!" Snow yelled from the distance.

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!!" The girl yelled.

"Right!" and Snow vanished away from this scene

"He only wanted to fix air conditioners because he thought Serah thought he looked sexy when he fixes it" She laughed.

"We were home the whole day and he did NOT look sexy when he was fixing it" Xion smirked.

The strawberry blonde girl gave them a friendly smile "I like you guys. What's your name?"

Xion was about to introduce herself "well I-

Axel shoved Xion out of the way "Well hello there. My name's Axel got it memorized" He said trying to sound flirtatious. The other exchange students glared at Axel. Axel laughed sheepishly and introduced everyone else very quickly "Oh the Antennae girl's Larxene, the Emo is Zexion, the Mullet guy's Demyx, the Blonde guy's Roxas and the short one's Xion"

"I'M NOT THAT SHORT!!!!" Xion whined.

"I'm Lightning" She replied. "Call me Light if you want. I'll introduce you to the rest of my gang"
The exchange students walked out of the bushes to see three younger boys and a brown haired girl who were all probably younger that Roxas and Xion. The dirty blonde haired boy was about to perform a stunt from a 100-meter Skateboard ramp.

"HEY GUYS!!!!" The boy yelled. "CHECK THIS OUT!!!"

Everyone's eyes widened. "Is that guy nuts?" Roxas said.

"Hey that's dangerous get down from there!!!" Zexion yelled to the boy.

Lightning chuckled "wait...just watch" she gave them a mischievous grin.

The boy skateboarded down the 100-meter ramp. He started performing awesome skateboarding tricks. Some of which even Roxas had never attempted to try on his skateboard and would prefer not to. Just as the boy was high up in the air he lost his grip on the skateboard and fell down onto the ground.

"OH MY GOD!" Xion screamed "Quick! Someone call a hospital!"

Lightning held Xion back. "Wait for it..."

The young skateboarder emerged from the ground and he looked like he was in pain but at the same time he was happy about it "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!

Larxene raised a brow "...is he okay?" she asked.

"I'VE NEVER FELT MORE ALIVE!!" he screamed and jumped up and down with glee.

Lightning introduced the crazy boy "this is Hayner, he's starting year 9 after Summer Vacation"

Hayner went to shake everyone's hand "Hey nice to meet you all. I'm Hayner" suddenly a flaming aura surrounded Hayner "I LIVE FOR THE THRILL!!!!"

"This guy's a nutcase"

Lightning went to introduce the brown haired girl...or at least the exchange students thought it was a girl. "This guy is Larsa. He's also starting year 9 after summer vacation though he's only 12"

Larxene seemed confused "he? Larsa's a girl right?"

Lightning laughed "naaah Larsa's male"

Everyone's eyes widened "HUH?!!"

"And he's also the younger brother of our school Principal Vayne Solidor. I heard your principal and our principal are rivals and it's not because of our schools"

"Something to do with a baking contest" One of the boys said. This one had short Silver hair and green eyes. Xion thought he looked a bit like Riku.

"That'd be right" Axel sweat dropped.

Shopping District 1:40 pm

Sephiroth was skipping down the streets with his shopping bags. "Oh I love grocery shopping," He sang.

What Sephiroth didn't know was that there was a brown haired man who was doing the exact same thing as he was.

"There's nothing like shopping on a fine day like this" The man sang as he skipped down the streets. As soon as he spotted Sephiroth he paused and he glared at him. Sephiroth did the same.

"Vayne" Sephiroth muttered.

"Sephiroth" Vayne muttered.

The two principals glared at each other for a while. "YOU SO CHEATED ON THAT BAKING CONTEST!!" Vayne pointed accusingly at Sephiroth. Sephiroth also pointed at Vayne.

"I DID NOT! I WON FAIR AND SQUARE!!" Sephiroth said in his defence. "You're just jealous because I bake cakes better than you do!"

"Well you're just jealous that my hair looks better than yours!" Vayne smirked and Sephiroth got angry at that comment and two feminine principals continued bickering.

Back to the Skate park

Larsa walked up to the exchange students and examined them very closely. "You seem to be hiding something" he said "something veeery secret"

This comment made some of the nobodies worry but the others were confused.

"Oh yeah Larsa's psychic" Lightning explained, "He knows everything about everyone"

The nobodies freaked out. "This can't be good" Zexion whispered to the exchange students "We shouldn't be hanging out with these kids"

The exchange students were about to leave but then Helga passed by taking Saix for a walk. Larsa looked at Saix and he screamed "AAAH!! THAT MAN'S NAKED!!"

"What man?" Demyx asked.

"THAT ONE!!" Larsa screamed as he pointed at Saix.

Lightning raised a brow "um...that's a dog"

"No it's a man look at him" Larsa yelled.

"Well it's about time someone saw me as a person" Saix barked but of course no one understood him because he's a dog...with the exception of Larsa.

"SHUT UP YOU DAMN DOG!!" Larxene yelled.

"You know this is your pet" Helga said. "You shouldn't be so mean to the poor thing. C'mon Saix let's go, I have a treat for you"

"pffft like I'm going to take your bribe" Saix barked but then Helga gave him. "IT'S A BONE!!" Saix munched happily on his bone and trotted home with Helga.

Roxas rolled his eyes. "Oh if only you knew him as a person" he muttered to himself.

Lightning introduced the silver haired boy. "This is Hope he's the same age as Hayner. By the way he's a total klutz" Hope glared at Lightning.

"I'M NOT A KLUTZ" Hope yelled.

"How much of a Klutz is he?" Axel asked. Hope glared at Axel and he was about to storm off when he suddenly slipped on Hayner's skateboard causing him to knock over someone who ended up knocking over a nearby sign which left dents on someone's car.

"He's a total klutz" Lightning smirked.

Hope got off the ground pouting angrily at the others. Hayner and the exchange students walked up to Hope to check if he was okay.

"Dude" Hayne said. "That wasn't extreme enough. You really need to work on your extremeness"


"You know Hayner" Zexion said. "Not everyone's into all that action" He looked over to Hope who didn't seem to be too hurt at all.

"You know you look kind of like Spoon head," Larxene said to Hope.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed that!" Xion yelled.

"Who's spoon head?" Hope asked.

Speak of the Devil, Riku appeared. "Hey Xion what's up?"


"Are you ever going to stop calling me that?" Riku complained. He looked over to Hope and his eyes widened.

Xion was about to introduce Hope to Riku. "Hey Riku this i-"

"Hope?" Riku asked.

"Riku?!" Hope yelled in surprise.

"You two know each other?" Zexion asked.

"Yeah he's my little cousin" Riku answered.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled in surprise.

To be continued... right now

Larxene's eyes widened "YOU MEAN THAT KLUTZ IS YOUR COUSIN?!!!"

"HEY DON'T GO CALLING ME KLU-!!" Hope yelled angrily but then he tripped over Hayner's skateboard again. "FOR GODS SAKES HAYNER!! PUT THAT SKATEBOARD AWAY!!"



"I knew it!" Xion said. "You two looked a bit similar"

"Yeah" Riku responded. "People often mistake us for brothers"

Xion smiled. "Well you have a very cute cousin" Hope overheard this comment and blushed timidly but then he shook off the comment and chased after Hayner.

Lightning, Larsa and another boy from their gang walked over to where the group was. "Oh one more person to introduce" Lightning announced. "This is Pence; he's the same age as Hope and Hayner"

"Greetings" Pence waved.

"Well at least we found someone that's normal" Axel said

"I wouldn't be too sure about that" Roxas whispered to Axel

What was there to worry about? Pence seemed to be perfectly normal "And who are your new friends?" He asked Lightning but he looked behind the exchange students and he saw... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" he screamed.

"W-what is it?!" Riku asked

Pence pointed at the Twilight billboard behind them "t-t-t-t-t-t-t-TWILIGHT!!!! AAAAH!!!" Pence screamed and rolled around the ground like a madman. He then started to scratch his arms, which had rashes on them. No one seemed surprised by his behaviour.

"Normal you say?" Zexion smirked.

Axel shrugged. "I stand corrected"

Larxene rolled her eyes "this isn't going to be like Demyx's phobia of Disney"

"DISNEY!!!" Demyx screamed

"TWILIGHT!!" Pence screamed.

Pence and Demyx faced each other and they both screamed. "POPULAR CULTURE!!!"

"Oh yeah Vanille, Serah and Pence were watching all three of the twilight movies and Pence has been allergic to Twilight ever since" Larsa explained

"All three movies. That'd be enough to drive anyone crazy." Axel said. "If you weren't a twilight fan that is"

Roxas patted Axel on the back. "Nice save there. We don't want our authoress to get murdered by Twilight fans now do we?"

"Of course not" Axel's eyes shifted. "Our authoress loves Twilight right?"

"Of course I do" The authoress said and she coughed loudly.

Shopping district: 2:30 pm

So the Exchange students plus Riku started hanging out with these strange kids. "So what school do you guys go to anyway?" Demyx asked.

"Starlight Academy" Lightning replied.

Xion's eyes widened. "You mean that really prestigious school that makes our school look like a dump?"

"How did you know about that school?" Demyx asked.

Zexion raised a brow "um...we walk past it a lot"

The other nobodies were confused "we do since when?" Axel asked

"We walk past it on the way to school"

"Oh yeah when our portal arrives at an ally way" Roxas said. The exchange students looked at Roxas with absolute horror and the others just raised a brow with the exception of Larsa.

"Portal?" Riku, Lightning, Pence, Hayner and Hope asked.

"He means bus stop!" Xion said "the heat's starting to get to Roxas so his speech isn't very good" She laughed nervously and Larxene whacked Roxas at the back of his head.

Hayner saw a familiar girl walking past the television store. She was carrying a ninja sword. "Hey it's Olette!!"

"Hi Olette!" Pence waved

Olette shrieked and hid her bloody ninja sword "hi guys"

"Hey how did your ballet performance go?" Hope asked

Olette seemed confused "what ballet performance?"

Hope gave her a strange look "the one you said was on today so you couldn't hang out with us"

Olette laughed "oh yeah...that one...uh...it went well"

Something about this Olette character seemed very suspicious "did anyone else see that bloody ninja sword?" Demyx asked the other nobodies.

"I saw it too" Zexion answered

Suddenly there was a News flash on the TV behind Olette.

"The president of the Wannawakamoogle cooperation has just been assassinated by a ninja."

"So who are these guys?" Olette asked trying to distract the others from the news flash.

Lightning pointed at the exchange students "that's Axel, Roxas, Xion, Demyx, Larxene and Zexion"

"They're our exchange students" Scarlet nodded.

Everyone stared at Scarlet. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!!!" Larxene screamed.

"Oh you know...we were just walking by" Scarlet answered

"Hi Olette how are you?" Neko asked.

Lightning raised a brow "who are these girls anyway?"

Scarlet gave then a malicious grin "we're the Demo-" Olette quickly covered Scarlet's mouth

"Um...they're my cousins!" Olette lied "They came from another island not too far away" She dragged the Demon sisters away from the group "what are you two doing? They can't find out about my secret" She hissed to them

"oooh so they don't know about your job?" Neko asked.

"Of course not" she hissed "The only one who knows about this is Larsa because you can't keep anything from him because he's a freaking psychic"

Scarlet smirked "too bad I think the guys from our school are getting suspicious" Olette turned around and saw the Destiny High kids having their own little conversation.

"Okay when the demon sisters know someone outside of Destiny High it usually means they're some kind of criminal." Riku said

"Couldn't agree more." Axel said.

Xion sighed "I'm sure Olette isn't that bad"

"She was carrying a bloody ninja sword." Demyx hissed. Olette was sweating uncontrollably

Zexion examined her from a far distance "judging by her slight Japanese style of clothing she could be yakuza"

Roxas came to a different conclusion "or she could even be a ninja."

Xion's palm met her forehead "you guys..."

"uummm uuh" She looked at a heart shaped underwear sale at the store next to the television store "hey they have a sale on heart shaped underwear." She said trying to distract them

"Heart shaped underwear!!" Larxene ran over and pick some up "Oh my god where's my munny?" Everyone stared at Larxene "I mean um...eew that's gross" Larxene said and her eyes shifted.

"you know getting heart shaped underwear isn't such a good idea nowadays." Hope said.

Pence nodded "yeah some weird shadowy creatures keep stealing them."

Zexion's eyes widened "you mean..."

Suddenly a heartless snatched the underwear off Larxene. Larxene had steam coming out of her ears. "GIVE ME BACK THOSE PANTIES!!!" she screamed and chased after the heartless.

The other exchange students started following after her. "sorry...we have some...uh...Chinese get together with all our relatives...yeah" Demyx lied as they left the crazy kids.

"Chinese?" Hope cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah they're exchange students from the land of dragons." Riku explained

Lightning also cocked her head to the side "they don't look Chinese"

Hayner started walking away "well I'm off too"

"Where are you going?" Pence asked

Hayner shrugged "home"

"No you're going to try and wrestle the mightiest animal in the nearby forest area to be 'extreme'..." Larsa corrected.

Hayner sighed, "Why did I have to be friends with a psychic?"

Exchange students: Forest area: 3pm

The exchange students were tired and angry "(shadow) THIS WAS OUR SUMMER VACATION!!! WHY ARE WE CHASING HEARTLESS?!!" Axel groaned.

"I wanted to buy those panties." Larxene screamed.

Xion paused "THAT'S IT?!!!" Everyone else stopped running but that's when Roxas saw the heartless hugging the underwear.

"They're over there!" he pointed at the heartless.

Larxene summoned her kunai "you damn stinking perverts!!"

Hayner: Forest area: 3:05pm

Hayner was strolling down the forest with no care in the world. "Alright! I love this forest! There's all sorts of dangerous creatures out there" he then fist pumped "Now to find the most deadly creature and wrestle it!"

He heard a noise coming from nearby. Hayner went to investigate "huh...hey it's those kids from before" He saw the exchange students fighting the heartless. "huh?" He continued watching them until they wiped them all out.

"Well that's the last of them" Xion said.

Axel sighed. "Alright time to go home" he was about to stroll him but then suddenly.

"You..." Hayner muttered.

The exchange students started to freak out. It didn't help that they still had their weapons in their hands "Oh (shadow)" Axel hissed.

"W-wait Hayner we can explain" Demyx stuttered.

CLIFF HANGER....................
Just Kidding

Hayner looked at the exchange students in awe "you guys are AWESOME!!" he yelled.

The nobodies were very confused "...what?"

Hayner ran over to them and started stroking their weapons "WOW WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE! THEY ARE SO AWESOME! CAN I HAVE ONE OF THOSE?!!" then he paused "why do you have these weapons anyway?"

Most of them were sweating uncontrollably "what do we do? He's caught us" Zexion whispered to the others but Xion had an idea.

"Look Hayner" Xion explained and talked to him as if he were a small child "what we do is very dangerous."

Axel started to freak out "(shadow) what is she doing?" Axel hissed


"I know you will, which is why you must keep this a secret, only the most extreme people know about this" Xion lied.

"You mean I'm one of the most extreme people?" Hayner asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Xion nodded "that's right, so if you tell anyone about this you will no longer be extreme. You'll be an average person"

Hayner went down on his knees and begged "I WON'T TELL ANYONE!! PLEASE JUST DON'T TAKE AWAY MY EXTREME TITLE!!!"

Xion smiled "good now run along now and be extreme"

Hayner saluted to Xion "YES MA'AM!!" he ran off to find a deadly creature to wrestle in the forest. The nobodies got rid of their weapons before anyone else found out.

Larxene patted Xion on the back "well done shortie!" Xion winced when she heard the word.

"Hopefully he'll keep his mouth shut" Zexion said.

"He better or else I'll kill him myself" Axel said.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind them "don't think we don't know your secret" They turned around and saw...

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM DETECTIVE WEIRDOS??!!!" Larxene screamed at Kuri and Ed.

Kuri smirked "you guys aren't Chinese"

Roxas stuttered "K-Kuri wa-"

Kuri pointed at the exchange students. "YOU'RE JAPANESE!!!"

Everyone was quiet. The only noise that was heard was the same cricket that appears every time there's an awkward silence and possibly even the sound of Hayner wrestling a bear.

"Well if that wasn't completely random I don't know what is." Axel whispered to Roxas.

"Uh yeah...how did you know?" Demyx's eyes shifted.

"Aw man I got it wrong!" Ed whined

Kuri laughed and then took a sip out of her coffee "you have to forgive Ed. He thought you and your family were an evil organization from a different world and you don't have any hearts and you're just disguising as exchange students to collect hearts. But I thought you were Japanese and I got it right!" Kuri smiled and the dragged Ed back to their place.

"Ed's onto something" Larxene hissed

"Should we kill him?" Axel asked.

"No that'll cause too much suspicion" Zexion said.

"Leave the poor guy alone" Xion sighed. "He's already got Rikku on his back"

Beach: 5pm

Once again the exchange students ditched Riku so he went to hang out with his cousin and his gang. They waited for the sun to set. It seemed so peaceful and quiet until Lightning threw a rock at a bush nearby.

"OH FOR GODS SAKES SNOW!! STOP STALKING ME OR I'LL STAB YOU IN THE NECK!!" Lightning screamed and waved her switchblade around.

Snow got up and tears started falling down his cheek and a sparkly aura surrounded him "go on...do it...there's not much point in living anyway."

Lightning's palm met her face "urgh there's no fun stabbing someone when they actually want to be stabbed" She groaned, "I mean seriously it takes the surprise off people."

Riku sweat dropped "you mean to tell me you've stabbed people before."

"That's right." Lightning said and she glared at Riku "Got a problem with it"

Riku stepped away from the crazy girl. Hope then patted him on the back "no need to worry cousin. With Lightning I feel sa-AAAA" Hope suddenly slipped on a discarded icecream. "Ouch"


Deleted member

Ha ha ha!!! That was funny!!! I so love the fact that the Twilight Town gang, Lightning, Hope, and Larsa are in the story; Hope and Larsa are are the best. I also love the scene with Vayne and Sephiroth; that was funny. Question, is Siax ever goign to be human again? I would so love to see what happens when he turns back. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.
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