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Fanfiction ► Secret Mission: Summer Vacation

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Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
This was a very good chapter. I just wonder if Ed is going to try and expose Organization XIII in future chapters, or at least still be aware that they aren't who they say they are. I so hope that Scarlet and Neko are the cause of this! The fact that they're called the "Demon Sisters" practically sets it up for it. Also..................

You made Hayner so extreme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
This chapter was awesome, it was funny having Hayner be tricked by Xion. The part with Ed and Kuri was hilarious. And Olette being a ninja was really funny too. Can't wait to see what happens next XD


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
NEWS UPDATE: Summer Special #1

Namine: Welcome to news update summer special. I am your host Namine

Noctis: and I'm your other host Noctis

Namine: oh please you're only the co-host and you're only here because the authoress is in love with you

Authoress: damn straight

Namine: don't you have a fan fiction to work on?

Authoress: fine oh and Noctis… *waves at Noctis* call me!

Noctis: hahahaha yeah sure….*Eyes shift*

Namine: Now so far in the summer vacation of the infamous exchange students many new characters have been introduced so the authoress gave us a new studio so we can interview the new characters and some of the other characters that were in the first one. Our first guests are Ed and Helga

Ed: What's up?

Helga: hello everyone

Noctis: damn that's one ugly drag queen

Helga: *gives Noctis a death glare*

Noctis: *gulp*

Namine: So Ed? Why haven't you been at school for the past year?

Ed: well I was busy solving cases in Twilight Town. From the case of the missing photos to the girl at the old mansion. Never found out about that girl.

Namine: oh that was me. I just come up to the old mansion and scare people by randomly appearing at the window.

Ed: case solved.

Noctis: I wonder Namine, do you have a life?

Namine: more of a life than you do.

Yuffie: OH SNAP!!


Yuffie: Fine *sighs*

Ed: why am I here again?

Noctis: we thought that since your sister got to be on this show, you should have a go.

Ed: I've noticed something.

Namine: what is it?

Ed: you've never had any of the demons on your news broadcast.

Namine: ha funny story…

Flash Back

Namine had just started her news broadcast and she was looking for people to interview. She spotted the demon sisters sitting by themselves plotting something. She had no idea about the demon sisters at that time so she walked up to them anyway.

"Hi Scarlet and Neko" Namine waved.

Scarlet gave Namine a cold glare. "What do you want preppy?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to be interview on our school's broadcast tomorrow night"

"Sorry we can't" Neko said. "We have a meeting with the yakuza"

"YAKUZA?!" Namine thought.

"Oh yeah and we also need to collect our new weapons for our weapons basement"

Namine's face was as white as a sheet. "Weapons basement?"

"Oh yeah and we also need to collect ice cream from the gelato family"

Namine's face lightened. "That doesn't sound so bad"

"Well you can't rely on mafia" Scarlet said "Especially the ones that specialise in ice cream"

"okay maybe that isn't so innocent" Namine thought as her face went white again. "Actually you seem pretty busy, I guess I could interview you another time"

End of flashback

Namine: And I never did.

Ed: you recorded that?

Noctis: yeah we have cameras all over the school

Ed: talk about lack of privacy.

Noctis: Now Helga, how did you get into the cleaning business?

Helga: well I wanted to do modelling but I didn't get in

Noctis: *mumbling* I'm not surprised

Helga: so I became a maid for the mafia but then I got fired because I smashed too many walls by accident. Fortunately I found work for a weird Chinese family.

Noctis: that's a …lovely story.

Namine: well that's all we have time for today. Tune in next time for News update.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
lol cool interview. ^_^ was really good. Can't wait for more.


spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
Aww.. no random appearance from Rikku? I thought that would be a great way to end things, though it might be getting cliche, so nvm.

Deleted member

Yes!!!! Noctis is in the story!!!! I so love Noctis. I'm glad to see him in the story, even if it is a small part. Anyway, that was funny. I don't know why Helga ever thought she could be a model, but we can all dream, can't we. Great job, and I look foreard to more.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
(By the way the first part isn't true)

News Update: Summer special 2

Noctis: Welcome to news update I'm Noctis. We've had a lot of fan mail from our fans and they want Namine and I to go away because they want to stick to the main story of the infamous exchange students. Well you know what…f*** you!

Namine: Noctis this is a school broadcast! And where has our censor words gone?

Yuffie: oops sorry forgot to turn it on! (Turns the censor on) okay test it out

Namine: (shadow)

Yuffie: it's working!

Noctis: … Anyway…1st of all this summer special isn't for school. It's because the creator is bored and she has nothing better to do and she has writers block for the main story and second of all does anyone really watch this?

Namine: well…. our ratings have gone higher since we've had you on the show.

Noctis: well that's 'cause I'm awesome.

Namine: ...Anyway these kids don't go to our school but they've appear in this story anyway and their wacky enough to be on this show so please welcome Lightning, Hope, Hayner, Pence, Olette and Larsa!


Hope: hi everyone *slips on the floor*


Auron: I can't help it if your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they trip and say it's better than yas!


Auron: what ever!

Namine: …..uh huh……first of all I want to ask Lightning a question?

Noctis: why do you always ask the questions?

Namine: because I'm the host and besides, you did the introduction. Now Lightning, how come you're hanging out with a bunch of younger kids?

Lightning: well actually I have a friend Vanille in my class but she was too crazy.

Namine: aren't you guys' crazy too?

Lightning: are you kidding? She's psychotic! I mean she's jealous of my sister for winning the Miss Destiny islands pageant and for dating Snow and now she's plotting revenge. I mean why…. the Miss. Destiny islands pageant is just some popularity contest and Snow's a psycho stalker.

Snow: NO I'M NOT!

Lightning: DAMN IT STOP STALKING ME YOU (bandit)!!!

Namine: let me handle this…………… SECURITY!!!!!

(Security comes in and drags Snow away)

Noctis: right… So Hayner when did you start becoming so…full of action

Hayner: It all started as a young boy…

Flashback can not be played

Hayner: What do you mean you can't play my awesome flash back?!

Namine: sorry we only record videos for Destiny High which means none of you guys can play any flash backs. Unless of course you allow us to install cameras into your school or you send us a video.

Lightning: fat chance

Namine: if you say soo… heheheheh

Hayner: When I was a kid I saw many extreme sports competition and then that got me thinking "I want to be like that"

Olette: that and his mum dropped him on the head and he's been psychotic ever since

Noctis: says the ninja assassin

Olette: EEEH!! Don't say that out loud

Lightning: ninja assassin?

Olette: …oh don't worry Light. This host is a nutcase.

Noctis: yeeeahh (cough)

Namine: I'd ask Olette if she's some kind of ninja but obviously these crazy kids don't know so I'll just ask you all a question…

Larsa: you mean how did we all become friends

Namine: you just read my mind

Larsa: of course I'm psychic

Namine: sur-

Larsa: it's true ask my friends

Pence: it's true

Namine: **As if!**

Larsa: I know…you don't believe me…no one does

Namine: so how did you all become friends?

Hope: Hayner, Pence and I were friends since grade school.

Namine: aww that's adorable.

Hope: then again it was thanks to Hayner's stupid stunts that made me break a mirror and I've had bad luck ever since.

Lightning: really? I thought it was because you were always a klutz

Hope: *glares at Lightning*

Lightning: Well Hope's a family friend so that's how I know him. Besides these kids are my slaves and they'll do anything I ask them to do.

Larsa: and I was placed into their class in 7th grade. When I was 11...

Olette: and I just transferred to the school last year and I prefer hanging out with guys than girls. Seriously it's so much less drama and I hung out with guys a lot while I was at Ninja school… I mean my old school.

Lightning: I know right. I mean hanging out with girls is okay and all but I sometimes they can be sooo dramatic and there's also too many girl rules and expectations.



Pence: didn't security drag him away?

Snow: well yeah but I managed to take 'em on.

Lightning: OH FOR (Heartless) SAKES! STOP STALKING ME YOU (Heartless)ED UP (bandit).

(Lightning gets up and chases Snow out of the studio)

Noctis: we really need to get better security don't we?

Namine: yeeeah…We'll be back on news update soon enough so stay tuned.

Deleted member

Oh my God, Noctis is hilarious!!! I absolutely loved his first line. Snow was funny too; he is one of my favorites. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 11: Pyro Hedgehog on the loose

Day 45

Beach house 1:20 pm

Today wasn't such a hot summer day but it was a cold and wet day. Unusual weather for Destiny islands.

Ever since the nobodies met those Starlight Academy kids they've not only been bothered by Kuri, Ed and the Demon sisters but now they're being bothered by just about everyone.

Vexen snooped around the house hiding a strange device behind his back. He walked into the living room to see the rest of the organization lounging about "the Demon sisters and Detectives aren't here right?"

Roxas stood up like a boot camp kid and saluted. Axel and Demyx followed suit. "I locked the front and back door sir!" Roxas barked.

"I locked the windows sir!" Demyx yelled

"I even locked the vents," Axel added.

Vexen raised a brow "what about your friends?"

"Hopefully they aren't coming today" Larxene said

"How about Helga?" Vexen asked

"She's taking the day off remember?" Zexion said.

Vexen gave them all a creepy smile "Excellent". He pulled out an oddly shaped gun and pointed it at the other nobodies.

"OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO KILL US!!!" Xion screamed.

Vexen looked at his strange gun "what no! This is a memory ray gun"

Everyone stared at Vexen. "A what?" Marluxia asked.

"A memory ray gun" Vexen explained, "it's my new experiment"

"Enough with the experiments!!" Xigbar yelled.

Vexen shot Xigbar a death glare. "I'm interested No.4" Xemnas said

Vexen grinned "excellent!" Vexen showed everyone the memory ray gun "When you pull this trigger it will shoot out a ray and in that ray is a nano device that temporarily knocks out that person and the nano device projects a memory from 10 years ago"

"Does it have to be 10?" Larxene asked

"It's a prototype. Now who wants to be my lab rat…I mean my test subje- I mean…who wants a go?" Vexen's eyes shifted but then he stared at Zexion.

Zexion rolled his eyes "there's no way you're going to test that stupid thi-" Zexion didn't get to finish his sentence. Vexen had shot him with the memory ray which emitted a bright purple light that enveloped around Zexion's head. Zexion fell onto the floor unconscious.

"ZEXION!" Roxas screamed. He was about to run up to him but then a projection appeared in front of Him.

Zexion's Memory

An 8-year-old Ienzo was sitting on a bench in the park all by himself. Ienzo was curled up on the bench and he sounded like he was crying. Suddenly he heard a bark. He looked up and saw a golden Labrador wagging her tail happily. Ienzo wiped away his tears and stared at the dog.

"Hey there are you alone?" Ienzo asked.

The dog sat in front of him and she whimpered. Ienzo sighed, "guess I'm not the only one" Ienzo patted the dog then he had an idea. "Hey why don't you live with me at Ansem's castle"

The dog barked happily and licked Ienzo's face and he laughed. "You better be quiet because I don't think Ansem the Wise would allow pets do you understand"

So Ienzo brought the dog into the laboratories of Ansem's castle. The only other person who was there was Vexen's somebody 'Even'. Even was conducting some kind of crazy experiment (No surprise there) when he spotted Ienzo. "Ienzo where have you been" He looked at the dog. "Is that a dog" Ienzo started sweating uncontrollably. "Ienzo my boy, we're not allowed pets inside the castle. Especially not in the laboratories"

"I'll keep her in my room and I'll try to keep her out of trouble! I promise!" Ienzo begged. He looked at Even with really big puppy eyes. Even sighed. "Fine you can keep her but make sure Ansem doesn't find out"

Ienzo saluted to Even. "Yes sir!" he faced the dog. "Let's go girl!"


"Wow was that Zexion?" Marluxia asked the other nobodies.

"He looked so…innocent and…happy" Luxord said.

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaww" Xion squealed. "Zexion was sooo cute back then"

"Yeah what made him so emo" Larxene asked.

"Well his dog died" Vexen said. "It may have been my fault…I used his dog as a lab rat many times"

"Vexen" Everyone growled.

"Oh and his parents died when he was a child so we looked after him" Vexen explained. "That may also be why he's so emo"

Suddenly a sparkly aura surrounded Xion and Demyx. "Poor boy" Demyx said dramatically.

"He must've been so lonely" Xion said equally as dramatic as Demyx.

Larxene whacked Demyx and Xion on their heads "STOP WATCHING SOAP OPERAS AND KOREAN DRAMAS!!!"

Zexion sat up from the floor and rubbed the back of his head. "Wow was I knocked out or something?" He asked himself.

Xion and Demyx ran up to hug Zexion. "You poor thing!" they cried.

"Okay?" Zexion muttered.

Xigbar glared at Zexion. "HOW COME POPPET HUGS HIM??!!"

"Guys with sad pasts always get the ladies" Axel winked. "And apparently they get Demyx too"

Vexen stared at his gun like it was some kind of special item from Wakachukanaka "it works" Vexen said.

Well whatever was happening in Axel's strange little mind drove him to do something so uncontrollably, incredibly, extraordinarily stupid. Axel strolled towards Vexen then snatched the ray gun off him. Vexen looked at Axel with shock.

"BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Axel laughed and he was on his way out the front door.

Vexen went red with fury "COME BACK HERE!!"

Larxene ran towards Axel just as he was unlocking the front door "GIVE THAT GUN BACK YOU CRAZY PYRO HEDGEHOG!!"

Axel shot Larxene with the ray gun and got out of the house.

"Larxene are you alright!" Roxas yelled but then a hologram appeared in front of him

Larxene's memory

A young girl with long blonde hair sat at a small table with a plastic tea set and she was surrounded by dolls and teddy bears who also sat around the table. She wore a pink frilly dress and a pretty pink bow in her hair. A white kitten strolled towards the tea party and meowed loudly.

"Would you like some tea fluffy" the girl asked.


Everyone was silent except for Xion who looked like she was about to laugh. Larxene rubbed the back of her head. "That stupid hedgehog!" She snarled. Larxene looked over to Xion and shot her a glare. "WHAT'S SO FUNNY SHORTIE??!!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Xion laughed but everyone else stared at Xion like she was some random weirdo on the street. Xion stopped laughing and looked at everyone "what that's funny. I mean the big bad Larxene had tea parties"

Demyx chuckled "um most little children have tea parties in pink frilly dresses"

Zexion raised a brow "you mean most little girls right?"

"Yeah that's right" Demyx laughed nervously.

"You mean to tell me you've never had a tea party before?" Larxene asked.

Xion shook her head. Suddenly Xemnas was surrounded by a pink sparkly aura. "MY POOR LITTLE DARLING!!" He cried and then grabbed a pink frilly dress out of nowhere "QUICK WE MUST GET HER INTO THIS!! I'LL DRESS UP AS A TEDDY BEAR!"

Xion rolled her eyes "no (heartless)ing way Mansex"


"YOU'RE NOT OUR DAD!!" Xion yelled.

"Besides we've got no time for tea parties. We have to catch Axel" Roxas announced.

park: 1:35pm

Axel sat on a park bench and stared at the ray gun in awe "This is awesome!" he grinned.

"Hey Axel what's that?" Kuri asked from behind the bench

"WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" Axel screamed.

"Well I tried to get inside your place but it was locked so I had to buy more cof-" Kuri didn't get to finish her sentence because Axel shot her with the ray gun.

Kuri's memory

A 5-year-old Kuri and a 6-year-old Ed were both trying to reach for the cookie jar on the kitchen bench. Kuri hopped onto Ed's back and she grabbed the cookie jar. "Mission complete!" Kuri announced as Ed put her down. Kuri opened the cookie jar only to discover

"Someone has stolen the cookies," She said with her usual suspicious tone but in a little girl's voice.

"We should find out who it is!" Ed suggested. "Just like how those detectives solve cases in those mystery shows"

"Good idea Ed" Kuri grinned.


"tsk tsk. Detectives at an early age" Axel grinned as he looked at Kuri. "Why am I not surprised?"


Axel's eyes went wide. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING PERVY!!"

"Oh yeah! Why is she on the ground unconscious then?" Yuna said placing her hands on her hips.

Axel looked at the ray gun and gave Yuna a malicious smile. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He got the ray gun and shot Yuna. She fell to the ground unconscious and Axel ran off into the streets.

Kuri woke up just as the rest of the Organization arrived. "KURI!" Xion yelled. "Have you seen Axel?"

"Oh hi guys" Kuri waved and then yawned. "Wow it feels like I've just taken a nap" Kuri then realised what just happened. "OH MY GOD I JUST TOOK A NAP!!"

"Uh huh?" Xigbar nodded.

"DON'T YOU GET IT?! THAT MEANS CRIMINALS ARE GETTING AWAY WITH THINGS!!! I MUST STOP THEM" Kuri stood up and got her bag of coffee beans. "But first I'm going to go home and make about 10 cups of coffee to make up for my nap" Kuri started running back to her place. The organization watched the detective run away and Zexion let out a heavy sigh.

"Well she was helpful" Zexion said sarcastically.

Roxas looked around and found Yuna waking up. "ow what the?" Yuna groaned.

"Yuna? What happened?" Roxas asked.

"Axel did something to Kuri and then shot me with some kind of ray gun"

"Excellent we have a lead" Marluxia said.

Shopping district

What could be the worst thing that could happen while Axel was on a rampage? That's right…he found the shopping district…with LOTS of people. Axel looked at the ray gun and smiled. "Perfect".

"hi Axel!" Sora waved. He was with Kairi and he was carrying almost all her shopping bags. "Watcha doi-?"

Sora was temporarily knocked out by the ray gun and Axel ran off and he was shooting everyone down the street. "OH MY GOD!! SORA ARE YOU OKAY?!"

Sora has a flash back of when he was 5 and he trying to impress Selphie. Kairi looked at the flashback and glared at Sora.

Sora woke up and rubbed his eyes. "oh geez what happened"

Kairi shot him a death glare "you mean to tell me I wasn't your first crush?"

"Huh what?" Sora asked

"hmph!" Kairi grabbed her shopping bags and left Sora.

"Wait…what did I do?!"

3 minutes later

By the time the Organization arrived it was too late. Everyone down the street were knocked out and having some kind of flash back displaying everywhere. Roxas found the super hot Lemone Sorbei and laughed. "OH MY GOD!! LEMONE USED TO BE FAT!!!!"

"hmmm I wonder how Lemone became so super-hot then?" Demyx wondered.

"He's Italian" Xion said as if it were so obvious.

"Ooh" Demyx said. "That makes so much more sense"

"Idiot" Zexion muttered.

"Man what about his twin Limè?" Larxene wondered. "I barely see him around"

"Oh I've seen him around" Xion said. "Every time I'm out with Riku he's always trying to kill him. I thought I told that weirdo I wasn't going out with him"

"Bloody criminal mastermind kids" Larxene sighed. "Why do we have them at Destiny High?"

"It is a public school" Zexion said.


No one knows why but Xemnas started crying. "I'm sorry my children! I just couldn't afford to send you to a private school. I just couldn't afford it. I mean like what? There's 13 of you going to school"

"Superior…not all of us are going to school" Xaldin said.

"Huh?" Xemnas asked. "Whose education am I paying for again?"

"Us!" Xion, Demyx, Roxas, Larxene and Zexion raised their hands.

"Oh and Axel as well" Roxas said. "And when the New Year starts you'll just be paying for Xion, Larxene, Demyx and I so you're going to have a bit more munny"

"WHAT WHY?!" Xemnas asked.

"Axel and I graduated. Remember Superior? You were at the graduation ceremony and you were crying like a baby" Zexion said. "We aren't going to high school anymore. When the New Year starts we're both going to university?"

"pfffft Axel? In uni?!!" Larxene laughed. "Oh that's classic!!"


Axel sneezed. "Hmm either I'm getting a cold or someone doubted my intelligence"

"that's not hard doubt" Seifer smirked.

"HEY!" Axel yelled and then shot Seifer with the ray gun.

Shopping district

"Wait so that means…you'll both be moving out?" Xemnas asked.

"Well maybe" Zexion said.

"NEVEEEEERRR!!!" Xemnas yelled and chained Zexion up to a tree. Where the chains came from, no one knows.

"SUPERIOR!! WHAT THE (heartless) ARE YOU DOING?!!!!"

"You're not moving out sonny boy!!!" Xemnas yelled.


While Xemnas was just being plain creepy, Xigbar devised a plan. "I think we should all split up and find Axel"

Everyone nodded and left the shopping district except for Xemnas and poor Zexion. Xemnas stood there looking almost sad. "They're growing up" he said. "They'll all leave me soon" Xemnas walked away feeling sad and angsty.

"Um hello?" Zexion said. "I'm still tied up to a tree here…help"

To be Continued
Will Axel be caught red handed?
Will Kuri get her coffee?
Will Xemnas ever cheer up from the fact his children are growing up?
Will someone set Zexion free?
and will Vexen stop making all these experiments

Tune in next time for Secret Mission: Summer Vacation

Deleted member

Oh my God, that was so funny. Vexen would totally kill a dog in the name of science, wouldn't he? Part of me wanted to kill him because it was Ienzo's dog; I hope Siax was paying attention to all of that. Also, Xemnas acting all crazy because his "children" are growing up; I almost died laughing when he tied Zexion to the tree. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Lol picturing Larxene in a pink frilly dress having tea.. Was so funny ^_^ And poor Zexion being tied to a tree and having his dog die by Being experimented on by Vexen. Oh boy hope Saix runs away before Vexen tries another experiment on him. Good job, can't wait for another new chapter.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 12: A memorayable showdown

Larxene, Roxas, Demyx and Xion: the beach

"WOOOT THE BEACH!!" Demyx yelled.

"Demyx! This isn't the time to have a beach party, Axel's on the loose" Larxene screamed.

"You know, I wish Axel would shoot me with the ray gun" Xion said. "Then maybe someone could find out about my life before I joined Organization 13, because I have no clue"

"Or maybe you're not a 15-year-old girl at all but you are in fact an imperfect replica of some Keyblade wielding kid's memories, made by the superior, to take the power of the keyblade so the organization has the keyblade and be unstoppable." Demyx explained.

"Demyx? What have you been smoking?" Larxene asked. "That is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard."

"I dunno, this game was made by square, anything could happen"

"Oh and don't forget Disney" Larxene smirked.

"DISNEY!!!" Demyx shrieked and hid behind Roxas.

"Maybe Axel should shoot me with the ray gun as well" Roxas said. "I still don't know about my life before I was a nobody"

"Wish granted" Axel said, appearing out of nowhere.

Larxene shot Axel a death glare. "You" she hissed.

"Happy to see me?" Axel asked with a smirk on his face as he prepared himself to reach for the ray gun. "Well I'm happy to see you too. I'm going to shoot down Roxie-boy, then I'll go for shortie and mullet"

"Fat chance" Larxene said as she stepped in front of Roxas. "You ain't touching these kids" Roxas, Xion and Demyx backed away from the two crazy people.

The streets were quiet. No one stepped out of their houses or the stores. The wind blew lightly against the nobodies. Grains of sand blew onto the battlefield. The sounds of seagulls were the only sound there. The only thing that moved across the battlefield was tumbleweed followed by a Cactor doing cartwheels and followed by Hayner doing backflips and yelling "WOOOT!! EPIC WESTERN FIGHT SEQUENCE!!"

"Did I just see that?" Demyx asked. Xion and Roxas shrugged and continued watching Larxene and Axel from a distance.

Axel and Larxene stood there and waited for one to make the first move. Axel grabbed the ray gun and Larxene summoned her kunai. Axel shot a ray towards Larxene but she quickly dodged and threw her kunai at Axel. From the distance Xion, Roxas and Demyx were eating popcorn and watching the dramatic fight scene.

"This is just like one of those action movies," Roxas said

"What are you guys up to now?" Scarlet asked.

"We're watching Axel and Larxene fight over the memory ray gun," Demyx explained but then his eyes widened in shock. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!!!"

"Hmmm Memory Ray gun huh" A malicious smile appeared on Scarlet's face. "I want to have a look"

Axel glanced at Roxas and shot the ray gun towards him. Larxene jumped in front of the ray in slow motion screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Unfortunately Larxene was waaay too slow because of the slow-mo scene so the ray ended up striking Roxas anyway. Roxas fell down in slow motion and lay on the ground unconsciously.

"Roxas!!" Xion screamed and ran to his side. Suddenly a fuzzy projection appeared in front of them.

Roxas's memory

A 5-year-old Sora was climbing up a paupu tree during the evening. "Sora! Get down from there" a 6-year-old Riku yelled.


"Is that a chick?" Demyx asked.

"No that's Riku" Xion answered.

Back to memory

"But Riku. I want to see the fireworks. This is a good spot I found!" Sora grinned. "You should come up too"

Riku sighed. "Fine but if you fall over I'm not catching you. You got it!"

"I won't! My mum said I'm like a monkey, I climb on trees all the time!" Sora placed his hands on his hips in pride but then he almost fell off the tree. Riku laughed and then climbed onto the paupu tree to join him.

The two young boys watched the fireworks. "Hey we should've asked Kairi to join us," Riku said.

"B-b-but she's a girl!" Sora poked his tongue out in disgust. "They have germs!"

"You keep that attitude up, you'll never get married" Riku laughed.

"I don't want to get married!" Sora said.

"You say that now" Riku said. "But when you're older you'll want to get married to a lady"

"Eew" Sora poked his tongue out again. "I want to have adventures when I grow up. I'm going to travel to different worlds and slay monsters and win the heart of a fair maiden!"

"You just said girls had germs" Riku said.

"Yes but not ladies!" Sora grinned.

"You do realise ladies used to be girls themselves" Riku explained. "Eventually they change"

"So are you saying Kairi's going to be a lady?" Sora asked. Riku nodded. "Wow. I think she's going to be a pretty lady"

"I think so too" Riku smiled and the two boys watched the fireworks.


"Wait…that's Sora and Riku's Memory" Xion said. "Why does Roxas have it?"

"Okay either he's Riku's Nobody or Sora's nobody" Demyx said.

"Well he looks and acts more like Sora so I think he might be Sora's nobody" Xion said. "W-wait…why is Sora still around if he get turned into a heartless"

"Maybe he was a heartless for like a few seconds but then he turned back to a human with the help of a Princess of Light" Demyx explained.

"That's ridiculous Demyx" Xion rolled her eyes.

Demyx then realised something. "Wait Xion! We just mentioned this stuff around Scarlet," He hissed. Xion covered her mouth in shock.

"Wait…where IS Scarlet?" Xion asked. They saw Scarlet in the distance where Axel was.

"You're handing that gun over right now" she said as she was giving him a death glare.

"What makes you think I'll give it to you?" Axel asked as he faced the gun towards Scarlet.

Everyone gasped. "OH NO!! SCARLET'S TRYING TO TAKE THE MEMORY RAY GUN!!!" Xion yelled.

"Thanks Captain Obvious," Larxene rolled her eyes, only to receive a glare from Xion.

Scarlet got out a couple of sticks of dynamites and threw them at Axel. Axel dodged the dynamites and shot a ray towards Scarlet who dodged the ray as well.

"Hey look another fight!" Demyx said and grabbed the popcorn.

Meanwhile at the shopping district

"Hmm" Vexen pondered. "I think I should've made my memory ray gun password protected"

"You THINK?" Lexeaus replied.

"Well you know…I wanted to show everyone my new experiment"

"GUYS!" They heard a familiar voice yell. "HEY DICKHEADS I'M OVER HERE!!!!" They turned around and saw poor Zexion left chained up

Vexen and Lexeaus looked around. "Zexion? How did you get there?" Vexen asked.

"The superior chained me up remember. You were there!" Zexion rolled his eyes.

Vexen scratched his chin. "oh yeah…um…go get the poor boy out Lexeaus"

Lexeaus nodded and broke the chains…with no assistance what so ever. "I see the super human strength runs in the family" Zexion said, referring to Lexeaus's cousin Helga.

Vexen grabbed some sort of strange device "hmm my nobody detector says that there are 5 of us at the beach. One of them may be Axel"

"Since when did you have a nobody detector?" Zexion asked.

"for a while" Vexen grinned. "TO THE BEACH!!"

The Beach

Roxas emerged from the ground and rubbed the back of his head. "My head" Roxas whined.

"Stop complaining!" Larxene yelled. "We're watching Scarlet whoop Axel's butt"

One of Scarlet's dynamites missed Axel and fell to the ground. The Dynamite exploded on the ground and the force pushed back Scarlet. "Ha! I am close to defeating one of the most powerful criminal masterminds" Axel announced. He steadied the Ray gun towards Scarlet. She tried to get up thinking she won't lose to a psychotic Chinese exchange student.

"SSSSSIIIIIIIIISSSSSTTTTTTEEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!" Neko yelled pushing pass the exchange students.

"WHERE DID SHE COME FROM?!!" Larxene yelled.

Neko ran to Scarlet's side. "Sister! Don't die on me!" The mood of that scene seemed dramatic. It was dramatic enough to meet the standards of Xion's soap operas. This moment was displaying their sisterly love.

"I'M NOT DEAD YET YOU IDIOT!!" Scarlet yelled. Her demonic aura ruining the moment. She stood up and got her rocket launcher ready and had a sadistic look on her face.

Roxas raised a brow. "Where was she keeping that?"

"Today you die, Chinese kid" Scarlet smirked. Axel got out the ray gun and shot Scarlet AND Neko.

Suddenly Vexen appeared with Lexeaus and Zexion. Lexeaus tackled Axel to the ground and Vexen's shadow loomed over Axel. "Ha! We finally got you now No.8!" Vexen cackled. "Now hand that gun over"

"NEVER!!!" Axel screamed but Vexen snatched it off him anyway.

Vexen observed the ray gun and gasped. "YOU IDIOT! DID YOU SHOOT TWO PEOPLE AT ONCE??!"

Axel's eyes shifted. "maybe"


Zexion turned around and spotted the demon sisters who had a projection displaying from their minds. "Look" he pointed at the two criminal kids.

Everyone watched the combined flashback of Scarlet and Neko. The memories being displayed were in sync and they were in black and white.

"Why is their memory in black and white?" Demyx asked.

Xion shrugged. "There's probably a glitch" She said as she grabbed her video camera and cackled. "This will make excellent black mail material"

Scarlet and Neko's Memory

It was a dark and stormy day at Destiny Islands. A 6-year-old Scarlet and a 4-year-old Neko sat in front of Destiny Islands Primary by themselves. Everyone else had gone home. The young demon sisters were sitting under the shelter of the bus stop so they wouldn't get sick.

"Sishter?" Neko asked. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know" Scarlet said with sadness in her voice. "We can't go back home, that's for sure"

"Sishter?" Neko asked again.


"Do you think we'll ever make fwiends?"

Scarlet looked onto the ground. "I don't know Neko, I don't know. But at least we'll have each other" Neko nodded in agreement.

Suddenly a nice, shiny, new black car parked in front of them. The Door opened to reveal Sephiroth. He had shorter silver hair and he was wearing a tuxedo. He stepped out of the car and walked towards the demon sisters.

He looked like the kind of person people would run away from but then he got out a plate full of cupcakes. "Do you girls want some cupcakes?" he gave them a goofy smile. Scarlet got out a gun and faced it towards Sephiroth.

"Back off you creep! Our parents didn't need to tell us never to take candy from strangers" Scarlet yelled, "We steal the candy and run". Most people who have been confronted demon sisters with a gun would often run away but Sephiroth only raised a brow.

"Nice gun" he chuckled. "I wonder how a young girl like you got a gun"

"I just have it okay!" Scarlet snapped. "Now back off"

Sephiroth shook his head. "tsk tsk, kids these days. I suppose you're waiting for your parents then"

Scarlet pointed the gun towards Sephiroth's head. "We don't need them! All they cared about was what people thought of them. That's why they kicked us out and left us to fend for ourselves"

Sephiroth pushed the gun away from his head and offered the cupcakes to Neko. "Would YOU like some cupcakes?" he asked.

Neko nodded and took a cupcake. She took a bite out of them and felt like she was in heaven. "Wow these are amazing sir!" She said while eating them.

"Neko" Scarlet said. "You shouldn't be taking sweets from strangers"

"But he seems like a nice person" she said.

"But what if he's a kidnapper?" Scarlet asked

Neko shook her head. "If he was a kidnapper then he would've grabbed us and shoved us in the car by now." She explained. "I may be 4-years-old but I can tell when someone's a bad person and when someone isn't"

Scarlet put the gun down. "Okay I'll take your stinking cupcake" Scarlet snatched a cupcake off the plate and took a bite. She felt like she was in heaven. "Wow these are good"

Sephiroth smiled. "I'm glad to know someone likes my baking. I was going to present these to the Destiny Islands Bake off. Say, since you two don't have anywhere to go, why don't you come over to my place for a while? I'm sure your parents will be looking for you"

"fat chance" Scarlet hissed.

"Will we get more cake?" Neko asked. Sephiroth nodded and the two Demon sisters got into the car and that was how Sephiroth met the two demon sisters and became a one deadly cupcake loving family.


Some of the nobodies had handkerchiefs to blow their noses and wipe away their tears with. "That…was…beautiful" Xion cried.

Demyx nodded in agreement. "Did you see Neko? Could her eyes get any bigger?"

"I haven't cried like this since 'The Notebook'" Lexeaus said and blew his nose.

Roxas, Larxene and Zexion sweat dropped at the scene. "What…the… (Heartless)" they all said.

"Scarlet had a gun" Roxas cringed. "At 6"

Scarlet and Neko sat up and rubbed the back of their heads. "What happened?" Neko asked.

"I don't know, but that Red-headed Chinese kid is toast" Scarlet snarled.

Suddenly Demyx, Xion and Lexeaus ran over and tried to hug the Demon Sisters. "YOU POOR THINGS!" They yelled but then Scarlet face a rocket launcher towards them.

"You go near us you die!" Scarlet glared them down. The organization backed away slowly.

"RUN FOR IT!!!" Vexen yelled and the nobodies blitzed towards home base.

Beach house: 5pm

The organization were all back at the beach house relaxing in the living room except for Vexen and Axel. Vexen was busy lecturing Axel about touching his experiments.

"Hey guys?" Roxas asked. "Axel shot me with the Ray gun, am I right?"

"Well…yeah" Larxene answered.

"Did you see anything?" Roxas asked giving them all his puppy eyes.

Xion stuttered. "w-w-well w-w-we s-s-saw-"

"nothing" Demyx cut in. "nothing at all. Maybe it doesn't work when you don't have any memories from ten years ago" he lied.

Roxas looked down. "oh…I see" he said as he headed towards his room. "thanks anyway"

Xion whacked Demyx on the arm. "Why didn't you tell him he was Sora's nobody"

"Shortie" Larxene explained. "It's better if he didn't know."


"We'll tell him when the time comes okay" Larxene patted Xion on the shoulder. "For now just keep it a secret"

Xion nodded unwillingly. "Okay" Xion said and sat on the couch in silence.

"Maybe it IS better if we both don't know about our pasts"

Deleted member

Another funny chapter, Mikoto. My favorite parts were Zexion screaming explicitives at Lexeaus and Vexen (loved seeing him out of character like that) and Lexeaus mentioning that he saw The Notebook (I was freaked like the others too). I liked the ending too; it was sad and sweet at the same time. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
Chapter 13: I.P.M.S

Day: 50

Beach house: 10am

Once again the Organization thought it was a good idea to stay indoors to avoid any of the weird kids that stalk them or, if not those weird kids, then dragged into some kind of situation, which would involve doing things that most people would be sent to jail for.

The past few days have been bad for both Xemnas and Xion. Many things wouldn't leave Xion's mind like the fact she's still not complete along with the rest of the Organization, the fact she can have feelings for Riku and care about her family and friends without a heart. Up until that day Axel was shooting everyone on the islands with Vexen's memory ray gun, she never thought about all that stuff until now.

Xemnas was having a hard time as well. He's realised that his 'children' are growing up and eventually everyone will leave him. Xemnas wandered into the living room looking gloomy.

"Hey superior" Luxord said. Everyone besides No. 4,6,7,8,9,12,13 and 14 were playing go fish.

"Hi" Xemnas gave them a false smile and sat on the couch, sighing heavily. "Where's my children?" he asked.

"Well…" Marluxia said. "Roxas and Xion are playing some kind of violent video game in the game room, Vexen's doing some kind of experiment and everyone else went shopping"

Xigbar then remembered something "(shadow) I spelt 'Condoms' wrong on the shopping list" he hissed to himself.

Meanwhile: Supermarket

Larxene got out the shopping list and Demyx was exhausted from carrying all that shopping. "Okay eggs?"

"Check" Demyx wheezed.



"Tampons and pads"

"Check" Demyx gulped. He felt uneasy about Larxene mentioning the names of certain items that are used by Larxene and Xion when their time of the month comes around.

Axel and Zexion looked at their shopping list and raised a brow. "What does that say?" Axel asked himself. What they didn't know was that Xigbar had spelt Condoms wrong. "Carrots? Chocolates? Grocones?"

"conmens?" Zexion suggested. "Well it'd be impossible to pick up a con man in a supermarket"

"You called?" A random con man said as he appeared behind them.

"GO AWAY! WE'RE TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT THIS WORD SAYS!!!" Axel yelled at the Con man. The Con Man looked at the word a smirked.

"That's Condoms" He chuckled.

"WHO PUT CONDOMS ON THE SHOPPING LIST?!!" Larxene yelled. Everyone in the supermarket gave the group funny looks.

"There's only one person we know who'd write that down on our shopping list" Zexion said.

Back at the beach house

"AACHOOO!!" Xigbar sneezed.

"You okay Xigbar?" Luxord asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, must be hay fever"

Marluxia raised a brow. "It's summer"

"Oh yeah" Xigbar chuckled. "Hey Superior! What's eatin' ya?"

Xemnas let out a loud sigh as he lay on the couch. "My children grow up too fast. I mean Zexion and Axel are starting University soon, Larxene's going to be in the 12th grade, Xion's got a boyfriend" Xemnas sighed once again.

"Y'know technically they aren't you're kids" Xaldin said.

"But I gave birth to them" Xemnas said as if it was normal.

Everyone stared at Xemnas and they all felt a twitch under their eye "WHAT?!!!

Xemnas sat up and faced the other nobodies. "Y'know they were born from nothingness…I'm nothingness"

Xigbar stood up "oh god it's the nothingness speech!!"

Lexeaus stood up along with the other nobodies "RUN AWAY!!!"

The Living room was left empty. The only person left was Xemnas. He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "Stupid (bandit)s"

Xemnas sighed and walked around the house. He wandered into Vexen's room, also known as his laboratory. "Hey No.4"

"Oh superior" Vexen said with surprise in his voice. "It's not often you walk into my room"

"I'd rather not" Xemnas thought to himself. His eyes wandered over to a tube of pink liquid that Vexen was holding. "Say Vexen what is that?"

Vexen looked at the pink liquid "oh it's a youth potion. I thought I could shed a few years"

Xemnas rolled his eyes. "Oh great another experiment" Then suddenly, something unexpected came to his mind. "Wait I have an idea! I can prevent my children from growing up!" He looked at Vexen and wandered. "But how do I get the potion off of him…wait I know." Xemnas pointed towards Vexen's window "OH MY GOD IT'S A DISTRACTION!!"

Vexen's head turned. "WHERE?!!"

Xemnas snatched the youth potion and ran out of the room "mwuahahahahaha!!" He laughed and headed towards the kitchen.

Vexen ran out of his room, hoping to catch the madman "give that back superior!!!"

Xemnas got out two cups of cola and added the youth potion to it. He walked into the room where Roxas and Xion were playing Street Fighter.

"Oh c'mon there's no way you defeated me again!" Roxas whined.

"Well I just did" Xion smirked.

"B-b-but girls can't be good at Street Fighter"


"Oh Roxas, Xion! I thought you could use a drink" Xemnas interrupted the argument before it got out of hand.

"Wow thanks superior" Roxas said. They both took the drinks and were about to drink it.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Vexen yelled. But it was too late. Roxas and Xion had drunk the whole thing.

"This tastes kinda funny" Xion said. Suddenly a bright light surrounded the two young nobodies. The light faded and Roxas and Xion had turned into babies wearing what they were wearing before but in baby size. The babies crawled towards the dog flap.

"where did they go?" Xemnas asked himself. Roxas and Xion crawled out of the dog flap and headed towards the beach. "DAMN IT!! WHY DID WE HAVE THAT DOG FLAP?!" Saix sat next to Xemnas and barked loudly. "Oh sorry Saix I forgot that you're a dog now."

"Damn right (berserker)" Saix barked.

The Beach

Roxas and Xion sat on the beach in their baby form. Roxas pointed at Xion and laughed. "hahahahahaha!! Xion you're a baby"

"So are you" Xion said and rolled her eyes.

Roxas looked at his chubby baby hands and gasped. "OH MY GOD!! B-b-but how?"

Xion looked towards the beach house that they crawled out of. "That stupid Mansex!" she cursed "He poisoned us with some kind of baby potion"

Roxas looked at the beach and his eyes widened "wow…I never realized how big the beach was"

Xion rolled her eyes "we're babies"


"Everything is going to be bigger"

"Oh right!"

Xion sighed "at least we still have out teenage minds"

Roxas pointed at something in the distance "HEY THERE'S SOMETHING SHINY!!"

"At least some of us have" Xion thought

Beach house

Axel, Zexion, Larxene and Demyx walked through the front door and dumped the groceries in the kitchen. "Yo superior!" Axel waved to Xemnas. "Where are Roxas and Xion? Are they still playing that video game?"

Xemnas's eyes shifted. "uuh um yeah…sure"

Larxene raised a brow "Xemnas what did you do?"

"Nothing at all" Xemnas nervously chuckled but he knew Larxene didn't believe him. "Well… I may have turned them into babies"

"WHAT?!!" the four young nobodies screamed.

"Well then let's find them" Zexion suggested and started looking for the two babies. "They must be somewhere inside the house"

Xemnas was sweating out of fear "actually they escaped from the dog flap"

"Since when did we have a dog flap?" Demyx asked.

"Does nobody remember that I'm a dog now?" Saix barked


Xion was sick of being a baby already and she just wanted to turn back into a 15-year-old girl. "Damn why did I have to become a baby, I don't know where we are anymore" she groaned.

Roxas was digging through the sand. "Xion! This is fun" he smiled.

Xion sweat dropped "I think the sudden youth has gotten to him" Xion was looking around and she spotted a familiar face "RIKU!!" Xion yelled and crawled towards him. "RIKU! RIKU!! HELP I'VE BEEN TURNED INTO A BABY!!"

Riku smiled and picked the baby Xion up "well aren't you a cute little baby" he smiled then he looked at the baby closely "hmm…you know you look a lot like my girlfriend" Riku pondered but then he came up with a conclusion "OH NO!! YOU MEAN XION REALLY DID GET PREGNANT??!! I THOUGHT THAT CRAZY GUY WAS JOKING!!"

"I AM XION!!" The Xion baby yelled.

Riku paced around nervously "oh god why didn't she tell me she has a kid! I could've supported her and the baby and I could've looked after them"

"Riku it's nice to know that you'd support me even if I had a child that wasn't yours but SERIOUSLY IT'S ME!!" Xion yelled but to Riku's point of view all Xion was saying was "gugagagagaaa"

Riku put Xion down and pointed at her "stay right here and I'll go get your mother"

Xion sweat dropped again "I don't think leaving a baby on the beach is very good parenting"

Roxas crawled towards Xion and laughed "well if you're a baby then technically Riku's a paedophile"

"oh shut up you nitwit"
Xion yelled "Let's try somewhere else" and the two babies crawled across the shore.

The streets

Riku was on his way to the beach house when he suddenly realised "wait…if I'm going to be a good boyfriend then I should be a good father too!! Oh god I left the baby on the beach! I'M COMING XION JR.!!!"

The beach

"I think Riku's been hanging out with Sora way too long" Roxas said.

"so have you" Xion snapped.

Suddenly they saw muscled men carrying the demon sisters on their deck chairs, coming towards them. "is that the demon sisters?" Roxas asked.

"I guess" Xion said.

Suddenly the herald from the group came up to the babies.

"YOU BABIES!" he yelled. "You are in the way of Scarlet and Neko Jenova! Leave now or you will have to face punishments."

Xion nudged Roxas "ROXAS ACT CUTE!!"

Xion and Roxas gave the man really huge puppy eyes.

"What's going on?" Scarlet asked.

"There are a couple of babies in the way m'lady" the Herald explained.

"Babies huh?" Scarlet smiled "Let me off". The muscled men lowered her chair and she walked towards the babies.

Roxas looked at Scarlet and panicked "OH NO!! IT'S SCARLET!!!" Roxas yelled "SHE PROBABLY EATS BABIES!!"

Xion yelled. Roxas and Xion tried to run but they realised that their baby legs couldn't even support them standing. "Curse these baby legs!!"

Suddenly a looming shadow appeared above them.

"Oh no we're going to DIE!!!" Roxas yelled.

"I'm too young to die!!!" Xion yelled. "But before I die I want you to know, I still think you and Axel are gay for each other"

Roxas glared at Xion "yeah well I want you to know that I read your diary"

"That was you?!"
Xion asked. "I thought it was Demyx"

"We both read it. It was a very interesting day"

They both turned around to face Scarlet, but what they saw was not what they expected.

"Hey are you all right?" she asked in a kind voice and gave off a kind smile.

Xion shuddered. "My god that's scary. Is that even Scarlet?"

"Well she's got a pretty big rack and she has power"
Roxas thought aloud. "B-but she's……nice"

Scarlet picked up both the babies. "aw it's okay darlings. Where's your parents?"

Roxas started to fall asleep. "my god…she's warm…and nice…it's scary. Ain't that right Xion" Roxas looked towards Xion but she was already asleep.

The muscled men who were carrying Scarlet and Neko's deck chairs sweat dropped.

"Is she alright?" one of them asked.

"Oh boy not again" Neko sighed. "She's suffering from I.P.M.S"

Another muscled man's eyes widened. "OH NO! SHE'S P.M.SING!!! EVERYONE RUN!!" The muscled men sped off into the distance except for the herald.

Scarlet faced the herald and gave him a death glare. "You're fired"

"What? Why?" He asked with fear in his voice.

"HOW DARE YOU YELL AT THESE TWO ADORABLE AND STRANGELY FAMILIAR LOOKING BABIES?!!" Scarlet yelled at the Herald, who by the way ran off like a little girl. Scarlet looked at the babies with a warm smile on her face. "It'll be alright my darlings"

Sweet Street: 11 am

Xion's slowly started to wake from her baby nap. She looked up at the sky and the hood of the pram. "It was just a dream" she said to herself. She rubbed her eyes and then looked at her small baby hands. "Wait…my hands are still chubby" She turned over and saw the baby Roxas sleeping soundly. Xion turned the other side of the pram and gasped. "HOW DID WE GET ON A PRAM??!"

Suddenly the pram stopped and Neko popped her head in. "hi there babies!! My name's Neko"

Roxas awoke and screamed. "OH MY GOD NEKO!! WHY ARE YOU SO BIG?!!!" He screamed.

"We're still babies" Xion answered. "Man I'm so used to Neko being slightly smaller than me"

"Neko" Scarlet said. "You scared the children" Scarlet picked up Roxas and hugged him. "It's okay honey. Neko's just a silly girl isn't she?"

"heeey!" Neko snarled. "I'm not that bad"

Xion started sweating uncontrollably. "Okay…we've been babynapped by the Demon sisters. This is NOT good" She thought. "Stupid Mansex! Why did he turn us into babies, we're completely vulnerable"

Somewhere down the street Kano Toshiro from the Toshiro clan and Cobalt from the Hate club/ Demon brothers were having a glare down "I am now the perfect man for Scarlet san. I can blow up things, I'm intelligent and I'm not a pervert" Kano said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey I've only groped Scarlet 3 times this week." Cobalt said.

"How many times this month? Cobalt san?" Kano asked.

"…43" Cobalt sweat dropped. "…and a half."


"She shoved a grenade down my pants when I came up to her" Cobalt chuckled nervously.

Scarlet walked past Cobalt and Kano with the pram and Neko followed behind with an ice cream in her hand "Neko! I told you before, don't drip the ice cream onto the children." She scolded.

"Sorry Scarlet. It's really hot and the ice cream's melting fast" Neko sighed.

Scarlet looked into the pram and tickled the babies "whose the cutest little babies on destiny Islands. Yes you are yes you are."

"are you sure that's Scarlet? Did she have a nice twin sister at some point?" Xion asked.

"nope that's Scarlet." Roxas said. "I can recognise that rack anywhere"

"pervert!" Xion muttered under her breath.

"You know what" Scarlet said. "I'm going to take you to Toy Kingdom."

"TOY KINGDOM!" Neko's eyes sparkled. "I love toy kingdom"

"Not for you Neko" Scarlet said. "it's for the children"

Meanwhile Cobalt and Kano stared at Scarlet and the children and their eyes popped out of their heads. "Scarlet…has kids?!!" they screamed in unison.

"I don't remember her being pregnant" Cobalt said. "…well then again she did look like she gained weight a few months ago"

"are you calling Scarlet san fat?!" Kano growled.

"no…not at all" Cobalt stuttered.

Sora, Wakka and Kairi saw Scarlet, taking the babies and Neko into the Toy store. They all looked like they saw a ghost.

"Why does Scarlet have a couple of babies? Ya?" Wakka asked.

"She's raising a delinquent army." Sora said. He got stared at by Kairi and Wakka. "She has to be, that's the only way to explain why she has kids."

"Should we call the police?" Wakka asked. "I don't think those babies are safe with Scarlet and Neko ya"

"Do you really think the police stand a chance against the demon sisters?" Kairi felt a twitch under her eye.

10 Minutes later

Xemnas, Saix and the rest of the exchange students entered Sweet Street in order to find the missing babies. Xemnas had one of Roxas's shirts stolen from the laundry so that Saix would be able to sniff them out.

"Superior" Zexion said. "Vexen had a nobody detector back at the beach house"


"I did" Zexion mumbled.

Saix turned towards Toy kingdom and barked. "Saix? Did you find them?" Larxene asked the dog.

"Yes I did thank you very much" Saix barked.

"Hey guys! They're in there" Larxene announced.

"MY BABIES!!" Xemnas yelled at ran into Toy Kingdom

Toy Kingdom

"Neko?" Scarlet asked. "Would you mind looking after the babies while I change into my Goblin Queen costume for Tonight's costume party with the Gelato Family"

"Don't worry Scarlet. They're safe with me" Neko pinched Xion's cheeks. "aren't you, you little cutie"

"OOOW MY CHEEKS!!" Xion thought.

Roxas was hugging a heartless plush toy. "Xion! Isn't this heartless plushie cute?"

Xion felt a twitch under her eye. "Roxas…I think that's a real heartless"

Roxas dropped the heartless. "AAAH!" he screamed. "GET IT AWAY!! GET IT AWAY!!" Roxas summoned his keyblade but it was way too big for him. The weight of the key blade dragged Roxas to the floor. "ow" he said.

Neko picked up the keyblade and sighed. "You're not allowed to have this toy," she said in a stern but kind voice. "See look, it says 'Ages 3+"

"I didn't know my keyblade had an 'ages 3+' sign" Roxas thought aloud.

Suddenly Xion spotted some familiar looking faces. "Roxas! It's the superior and the others!"

Roxas turned around and saw Xemnas looking very very VERY happy to see them. "MY CHILDREN!!"

"Oh no" Xion sweat dropped.

Xemnas was so close to reaching his 'children'. He was close to reaching them but Scarlet stood in front of the babies. She was wearing her Goblin Queen Costume and she looked even more evil than she did before.

"S-S-S-SCARLET?!!" Demyx stuttered. "What are you doing with the babies?"

"GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN!!" Xemnas yelled.

"hmm let me think about that" Scarlet grinned. "No" Suddenly she got out a remote and beneath Toy kingdom emerged a Goblin castle like fortress. Everyone besides the nobodies and Neko evacuated from the store. Scarlet was about to grab both the children and take them inside.

Meanwhile: Outside Toy Kingdom

The kids of Starlight Academy stared at the goblin like fortress thing that appeared out of nowhere. "Hey that's the Goblin City mark 3" Olette said "That's not supposed to be out yet"

"How would you know?" Lightning asked.

"Uh…umm" Olette started sweating uncontrollably. "I read guns and ammo"

"Oh okay that makes sense" Lightning nodded her approval.

Back at Toy Kingdom

"I'm going to ask you again. GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN NOW!!!" Xemnas yelled.

Suddenly, Riku popped out of nowhere and took Xion. "There you are Xion junior" He said. "Now I can return you to your mother.

Xemnas blinked a few times, wondering where the hell Riku came from. "Okay…give me back my child"

"Yes! We have Xion back!" Demyx cheered.

Xemnas snatched Xion off Riku "thank you for saving my baby spoon head."

Riku cocked his head to the side "your baby?"

"Don't worry honey" Xemnas said in a baby voice "your safe from that evil (berserker)"

"I miss Scarlet already" Xion sighed, "…wait what am I saying"

"Um Superior?" Axel asked. "What about Roxas?"

"MY BABY!!" He screamed. Xemnas gave Xion to Larxene. "Look after Xion. I'll back" Xemnas walked up the steps to face Scarlet who had Roxas captive, quite comfortably against her massive bosom.

Larxene looked at baby Xion and smirked. "Y'know what, maybe you should stay a baby. Then I shall raise you to become my evil minion! MUHAHAHAH!!"

Xion sweat dropped. "Can I pleeease turn back to a teenager yet?"

"No way Larxene!" Riku said. "If anything I should be raising this child. It is Xion's baby after all"

Zexion sweat dropped. "Um…Riku…hate to break it to you but…that IS Xion"

Riku raised a brow. "What?"

"Yeah Xion and Roxas got turned into babies" Zexion explained. "It shouldn't surprise you that it was Vexen who made a youth potion, should it?" Riku shook his head in agreement.

"Oh I hope Xemnas can get Roxas back" Axel muttered under his breath.

Xemnas reached the top of the steps and he looked calmer than before. He almost looked like his old self before Vexen turned him into a crazy/girly/perverted fatherly like man.

"Goblin Queen" Xemnas said to Scarlet "give me the child. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered. I've fought my way here to the goblin city mark 3, to take back the child you have stolen."

Larxene raised a brow "does this feel like a rip off of a David Bowie film to you."

Neko shrugged "probably foreshadowing the next chapter"

Zexion gave Neko a funny look "next chapter?"

"Never mind" Neko sighed.

"What's Scarlet's problem anyway?" Larxene asked. "Why is she looking AFTER kids?"

"Oh that. She suffers from I.P.M.S" Neko explained.

"I.P.M.S?" Larxene asked.

"I KNEW IT!!" Demyx yelled. "I was wondering why you've been acting grumpy recently"

Neko shook her head. "No I.P.M.S stands for Instant Perfect Mother Syndrome. Scarlet gets I.P.M.S when it comes to Children smaller or younger than her" She explained.

"Oh okay" Zexion nodded. "That explains it"

In the meantime Scarlet looked at Roxas and then gave Xemnas a glare. "No!"

"What do you mean no?!!" Xemnas asked. "It's my child!!"

Scarlet shook her head in disappointment. "If you had been a good father in the first place, you wouldn't have left them on the beach all by themselves"

Xemnas faced downwards and a smirk appeared on his face. Once again he looked like his old self. "You give me no choice" He summoned his Aerial blades and faced them towards Scarlet.

"First the Labyrinth now Star Wars?!!" Larxene groaned. "What else is going to be ripped off?"

Scarlet raised a brow. "Light sabers? You serious?"


"They look like light sabers" Scarlet sighed. "But whatever. I have these" She got out two sticks of dynamite and threw them near Xemnas. She put Roxas down and got her own light saber. Where the light saber came from? No one knew.

"HOLY CRAB ON A STICK!!!" Xemnas yelled and kicked the dynamite somewhere near the other nobodies.

They looked at the dynamite and screamed. "What the (heartless) Xemnas?!! We have a baby, woman and a dog here!!" Axel screamed.

"Aww you considered me as a woman that's so sweet of you Axel" Larxene cooed. "But I digress. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!"

Neko grabbed the sticks of dynamite and threw them far away. "Well that solves it" she said.

"Where do you think they went?" Zexion asked as the dynamites exploded somewhere far off. Neko shrugged and watched her sister fight Xemnas.

Scarlet fought with Xemnas, star wars style. Scarlet wasn't very skilled with the sword, but she was still whooping Xemnas' butt. Xemnas got knocked down very dramatically. He almost got up but then Scarlet faced her light saber towards him. "any last words my dear friend"

Xemnas said nothing but only looked at his surroundings. Xemnas lived a great life. Sure he was about to be defeated by a sadistic teenager and there was a point in his life before he became a nobody, when he unleashed heartless into the world and pretty much doomed us all. But other than that he lived a good life with the people who…tolerated him the most.

A bright light surrounded Roxas and Xion. Larxene placed Xion down and watched Xion and Roxas slowly transforming back into their normal ages. The light disappeared and left Roxas and Xion as teenagers…and completely naked.

"OH MY GOD!!" Roxas screamed and covered the part where the sun doesn't shine.

Xion looked down at her naked body and screamed while covering her private bits as well. "AAAH!! D-D-DON'T LOOK AT ME!!"

"XI-XI-XION!!!" Riku screamed and then got a major nosebleed.

The other guys could only stare, twitch and then stare. "DON'T LOOK YOU IDIOTS!!" Larxene yelled and threw her long coat to Xion.

Scarlet took her light saber away from Xemnas. "Wait you mean, you two weren't babies?" Scarlet asked.

"I'm really sorry Scarlet" Xion said with sincerity in her voice. "But we were temporarily turned into babies because of Xemnas."

Scarlet looked towards the ground. "Oh, okay" Scarlet said with sadness in her voice. "Sorry for the trouble Xemnas" Scarlet got rid of the fortress with the push of a button and walked towards the horizon.

"Wow…Scarlet seems sad" Zexion said.

"Oh when that child has left she often goes through this moment of angst" Neko explained. "Oh well…it was nice seeing you guys. I better follow Scarlet" She smiled and then left the nobodies.

"Excuse me" Roxas asked the nobodies. "Can someone give me a pair of pants" Everyone turned around and saw Roxas who was still nude.

Beach: 1pm

Kano and Cobalt were wandering around the beach when they found Scarlet looking towards the ocean. "Scarlet?" Kano asked. "Is everything alright? Did that pervert touch you again?"


Scarlet let out a sigh. "I want to have kids of my own," She said.

Cobalt and Kano gasped. "I'LL BE THE FATHER!!" Cobalt and Kano yelled and then glared at each other again.

"I'll be!"

"No I'll be!"

"I got to second base!"

"Only because you're a groping hentai!"

"Hentai? What do chickens have to do with that you stupid yakuza?"

Scarlet sighed and looked at the pair, and smiled suddenly. She would never say it out loud, but if it came down to it, she would love either of them to father her children, and it did help that they were both considerably hot.

Neko popped down beside her and gave her an ice cream.

"So," she said, "Are you going to pick one of them?"

"I don't think I will," Scarlet mumbled. "We're criminals, these things have a way of illegally working themselves out."


Deleted member

Oh my God, Xemnas is unbelievably retarded!!!! Seriously, he needs to be put in an asylum or locked in a basement or something. But, I digress, that was funny. Seeing Xemnas super crazy like that was just hysterical. Anyway, great job, and I look forward to more.


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
That was just lol funny. Riku thinking Xion had a kid lol.. I look forward to more chapters. Oh an you did an awesome job. ^_^


New member
May 30, 2008
Ok, so today I decided to go to FF.net and reread SMHS...And then I discovered you've taken up writing this one again. I swear my heart skipped a beat right there. I haven't started on SMSV yet, but as soon as I do, I'll comment.

Horizon's Knight

Currently [REDACTED]
Jun 22, 2009
SCP Foundation
That was a very interesting chapter. Since you mentioned a couple of times that Xemnas was starting to act like his old self, does that mean that whatever Vexen did to Xemnas is starting to wear off? Also, since Xemnas fought in public, is that going to raise raise public suspicion?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
(AN: Sorry i've been forgetting to submit new chapters of SMSV so i'm gonna post all the chapters i've written so far.

Chapter 14: Oh Great God Demyx Part 1

Day 61

Jungle: 1:45 am

So once again the infamous exchange students were lost on WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island and of course when Roxas gets lost he adapts to his environment immediately. Larxene looked at her map, only to be hit by a banana. "WILL YOU STOP MONKEYING AROUND?"

Roxas was wearing only a loin cloth. He was climbing on the trees and throwing fruits at people. He didn't even talk; he just went like "OOOH! OOOH! AAAH! AAAH!"


Xion only rolled her eyes. "Y'know this wouldn't of happened if we didn't separate from the tour guide"

Flash Back

The young nobodies ventured off to WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island once again. They traveled with their friends, whom most of the nobodies thought of as their stalkers. The rest of the organization didn't go with them, mostly because they weren't even invited to come. The gang waited for their tour guide to arrive near the souvenir shop so they can explore the jungle.

"Oh this is so exciting ya!" Wakka screamed in excitement. "We're going to explore the jungle. Y'know most people say that there's some kind of hidden city of cannibals ya. Somewhere deep inside that forest"

"Really?" Kairi shivered. "Where did you hear that from?"

Wakka shrugged. "Oh I dunno ya? I heard it from the Demon sisters"

"The demon sisters?" Riku raised a brow. "You sure you should trust them?"

Larxene rolled her eyes. "Oh c'mon guys. No need to freak out about some myth. These are the DEMON SISTERS. They'll do anything to scare people"

"Well they aren't bothering our hang out this time and also they may be criminals but they don't lie" Wakka explained.

"That's funny, they usually stalk the exchange students" Riku scratched the bottom of his chin.

"Oh yeah they're busy this week" Sora explained. "Some kind of criminal get together thing. I heard it's going to be big"

They weren't the only ones going on the tour. There were some familiar faces in that group, like Tidus, Leon, Mary Sue and Inu.

"Man can't wait to go exploring!" Tidus grinned. "At least we won't be seeing those exchange students"

"Yeah haven't seen THEM for a while" Leon nodded. "I doubt they'd come to WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island at the same time as we have"

"Um guys…slight problem" Mary said.

"what?" Tidus and Leon questioned.

"The exchange students are right there" Inu pointed towards the nobodies.

"EXCHANGE STUDENTS!" Tidus yelled.

Axel rolled his eyes. "Oh c'mon! Can't we have a day off from all you crazy stalker/hater kids?"

"Hey we were the ones who came here first!" Tidus screamed.

"Um actually…we did" Kuri explained, taking a sip out of her latte. "Mm they sure make good coffee here"

Everyone turned to Kuri and the Defense Force…and some random guy who looked suspiciously like Ed but he had brown hair and a mustache. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" Everyone screamed.

"Duh, we're going on the jungle tour," Paine explained.

"Oh hey Paine" Zexion waved. "How are you? Haven't seen you, Yuna and Rikku for a while"

Paine felt her heart skip a beat. "H-h-hi Zexion. Um we've been good" Paine stuttered which made Yuna and Rikku giggle.

Larxene smirked at Kuri. "I see you didn't bring Ed"

"EEEEEDDD!" Rikku snarled. The brown haired boy with the mustache laughed nervously.

"As awesome as that guy is, let's just forget about him for now" He said.

Roxas pointed towards the random boy who was hanging around the defense force for some weird reason. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Uh my name is Drawde" Ed- I mean Drawde said. "I'm Kuri and Ed's cousin"

"Yeah he comes from Hollow Bastion. Ed couldn't come because he caught the swine flu," Yuna explained. "Hey Rikku we should get Ed some souvenirs"

"Why should I get that (bandit) a present?" Rikku snarled.

"Well you don't have too but I will" Yuna rolled her eyes and dragged Rikku away from the group.

Xion looked at Dwarde who sighed with relief. "So Dwarde…"

Dwarde leaned over to the rest of the gang and hissed. "It's me!"

"Who?" Zexion asked.

"Ed!" Drawde said as he took off the mustache and well, it wasn't that much of a surprise… but Drawde turned out to be Ed.

Axel laughed. "Hey Ed. what's with the get up?"

Ed sweat dropped. "Um Rikku…Should I say more?"

Axel shook his head. "No that's alright"

After much bickering the tour guide finally arrived. "Welcome to the WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island jungle tour" Auron said.

Larxene blinked a few times. "Auron? The Janitor/Destiny Studios tour guy? You work here too?"

"YOU KIDS!" Auron yelled but then let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah my name is Auron and I'm your tour guide for the day. Besides I needed a summer job anyway." Auron looked up towards the guided tour party. "Now does everyone have a map, water bottle, insect repellent, sunscreen and all that other stuff" Everyone checked their bags and nodded. "Okay good. Now before I start this tour I'll need to warn you about this jungle. This island wasn't originally called WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island. No this was originally called Wakachukanaka"

"Wow Roxas got the name right when we landed on the island last time" Demyx whispered to the gang.

Auron continued on with his speech. "This island originally belonged to a tribe of natives called the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID People"

Everyone in the group held onto their laughter but then they could no longer contain it. "Are you serious?" Tidus laughed. "You are so making this up"

"No way blondie. I don't make these things up" Auron glared at Tidus. "Anyway the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people were um…cannibals."

"CANNIBALS?" Everyone screamed.

"Yeah, and although WONSTOPPSHUPHOLLYDAY Island is a civilized tropical island now, somewhere deep in the jungle the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people live in a hidden city with lots of gold, cannibals and coffee beans"

"Hidden city?" Ed/Drawde said with determination in his eyes.

"Gold?" Larxene said with Dollar signs in her eyes.

"Cannibals?" Demyx said with fear in his eyes.

"Coffee beans?" Kuri said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yeah" Auron answered. "Apparently their espressos the best" Kuri had a devious smile on her face. "Although that part of the story is probably urban legend but you can never be too sure about those things. Oh and one last warning. If you get lost…well then…you might just be taken by the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID People so stick with me at all times."

30 minutes later

It didn't take too long for the Hate club and the Exchange students to get annoyed with each other already. The defense force on the other hand already mysteriously disappeared.

"I wonder where Kuri, Ed and the Defense force went." Kairi asked.

"I don't know but even if they run into cannibals, I'm pretty sure they can handle it" Sora said.

"Hey Sora you better not get lost ya" Wakka warned him. "You may just go crazy"

"What do you mean?" Xion asked.

"Oh yeah Sora has this mental condition. Whenever he gets lost he adapts to his environment and turns into someone bad. Like that one time we got lost in the Japanese gardens." Riku explained.

"What happened then?" Xion asked.

"He turned into a Ninja and attacked the locals ya" Wakka explained.

"We got kicked out afterwards." Selphie sighed. "Such a shame. That garden was really pretty too"

Xion sweat dropped. "Wow Roxas really is Sora's Nobody" She thought.

The guided tour party arrived at the tallest tree in the jungle. "Alright guys pay attention. This is the tallest and oldest tree in the jungle. This Morten day fig has lived for thousands of years"

The tourists got their cameras and took photos of the scary looking but large tree but the hate club and exchange students were squabbling

"Y'know this all started because you blew up the science lab" Tidus growled.

"Hey it's a tradition in our Chinese village. When we are welcomed into a community we blow up a room as a sign of respect" Axel lied.

"Axel…You were the one who blew up the science lab" Demyx growled. "AND I'M STILL GETTING BLAMED FOR IT!"

"That's some village" Inu raised a brow.

"I still can't believe your holding a grudge about losing your hair" Zexion chuckled. "Don't you think you're behaving like a little girl who got her pretty pink princess dress ruined."

"And what do YOU have against us?" Larxene asked Leon.

"You heard my story. I was once king of the tennis club. I had fan girls and everything. But then Shortie here took my title"

"Hey only I can call her shortie!" Larxene growled.

"Who gave you permission to call me that?" Xion muttered under her breath.

"And I hate you girls because I was once and still the most popular girl in scho-"

"Shut up Mary. No one cares" Larxene snapped.

"WHAT? You're just jealous because of my multi coloured long and silky hair, and my beautiful eyes that change colour whenever I want"

Inu sighed and stared at Mary with absolute awe. "She is like a goddess" He grinned.

"and you're jealous of me because I'm talented and smart and-" And while Mary kept going on about how perfect she is and while the hate club was arguing with the nobodies, Xion noticed something.

"Um guys?"

"WHAT?" Everyone except Inu and Roxas (who climbed up the trees and was wearing a loin cloth) snapped.

"Everyone's gone"

End of Flash back

Larxene let out a heavy sigh. "Great we're lost and Roxas turned into a monkey"

Suddenly Mary came up with an idea. "I know how to get out. I'm very good at directions…along with everything else. I was in girl scouts when I was a kid and I got soooo many medals an-"

"Shut up Mary!" Leon yelled.

Tidus looked up at the trees and watched Roxas swing across with the other monkeys. "why has this idiot gone crazy anyway?"

"Roxie boy has this mental condition" Larxene explained "Whenever he's lost he adapts to his environment and he often turns into something bad."

Leon raised a brow "okay?"

"yeah it's true." Demyx said "The last time we came to this island we got lost."

"What happened then?" Inu asked.

"He turned into a cannibal and tried to eat Zexion." Larxene explained.

"yeah and there was this one time we came to Atlantica" Xion explained "…he turned into a shark and attacked the locals"

"And that one time I went with him to Halloween town." Zexion sighed "We got lost and he turned into an exorcist and attacked the locals"

"Oh and there was one time I came with Roxas to Port Royal." Axel laughed "We got lost there as well. He turned into Chuck Norris and attacked the locals."

"Chuck Norris?" Inu raised a brow.

Axel sweat dropped "Don't ask"

Suddenly the bushes were rustling. "What was that?" Demyx asked himself. The bushes kept rustling. The hate club and the nobodies huddled together out of fear. They heard strange noises coming from behind the bushes and Xion swore she saw a spear decorated with feathers and bits of bone. Unexpectedly a wooden cage fell down and land on the group. Out of the bushes came a group of Cannibals that surrounded the cage.

"OH MY GOD!" Axel screamed. "That crazy Janitor was right!"

Xion looked out the wooden cage and saw Roxas outside of it. "ROXAS HELP US!"

Roxas stopped being a monkey but he was still wearing a loin cloth. This time he had a spear and red markings on his skin and he joined the Cannibals in a strange dance.

Zexion sweat dropped "well he's helpful"

"You can be very rude sometimes did you know that?" Xion muttered.

One of the cannibals pointed at Demyx "!mih si ti...ha" he said.

"?ohw" Another Cannibal questioned.

The Cannibal who pointed at Demyx pointed at a statue somewhere close by that looked like David Bowie. "eiwoB divaD, doG ruo si tI "

To be continued


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm not telling you
BTW the cannibals speak backwards

Chapter 15: Great god Demyx Part 2


Suddenly the bushes were rustling. "What was that?" Demyx asked himself. The bushes kept rustling. The hate club and the nobodies huddled together out of fear. They heard strange noises coming from behind the bushes and Xion swore she saw a spear decorated with feathers and bits of bone. Unexpectedly a wooden cage fell down and landed on the group. Out of the bushes came a group of Cannibals that surrounded the cage.

"OH MY GOD!" Axel screamed. "That crazy Janitor was right!!!"

Xion looked out the wooden cage and saw Roxas outside of it. "ROXAS HELP US!!"

Roxas stopped being a monkey but he was still wearing a loin cloth. This time he had a spear and red markings on his skin and he joined the Cannibals in a strange dance.

Zexion sweat dropped "well he's helpful"

"You can be very rude sometimes did you know that?" Xion muttered.

One of the cannibals pointed at Demyx "!mih si ti...ha" he said.

"?ohw" Another Cannibal questioned.

The Cannibal who pointed at Demyx pointed at a statue somewhere close by that looked like David Bowie. "eiwoB divaD, doG ruo si tI"

The jungle: 1:55 pm

While the nobodies and the hate club were being captured by the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people, the defense force and Kuri's 'mysterious cousin Drawde from Hollow Bastion' were in the jungle hopelessly following Kuri.

"Captain?! Where are we going?!" Rikku whined.

"I'm going to find the lost city of the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people and get those coffee beans" Kuri explained. Paine paused and glared at Kuri.

"THAT'S IT?!!" Paine yelled. "We got lost from everyone else just so you could find a lost city that probably doesn't exist to find coffee beans?!"

"We're not lost" Kuri said. "We've just temporarily separated from the group and we don't know where we are."

Drawde/Ed sighed. "How is she my sister?"

"Sister?" Rikku questioned.

"I mean cousin…she is like a sister though!" Drawde said.

Rikku raised a brow as Drawde/Ed was sweating out of fear "okay…"

Somewhere further away from the Defense force

The cannibals stared at Demyx and they talked in an unknown language amongst themselves. "What do you think they want from me?" Demyx asked the gang.

"They think you look the tastiest" Axel smirked and Demyx squeaked out of fear and then started crying.

"MUUUMMMYYYY!!!!" He cried.

Xion and Larxene shushed Demyx. "Demyx shut up!!"

"And Axel! Don't scare Demyx like that" Xion said giving Axel a disapproving look.

"Yes mum!" Axel rolled his eyes and received a glare from Xion.

The cannibals opened the cage and dragged Demyx out. "HELP ME!!" Demyx screamed.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!!" Larxene yelled and tried pulling him back and everyone in the cage helped out. "Let go of him you crazy cannibals!!!"'

The hate club and the nobodies pulled Demyx but the Cannibals ended up pulling him out of the cage. "NOO!" Everyone screamed.

The Cannibals placed Demyx on a raised throne and gave him a crown made out of bones. "!eiwoB divaD doG taerg ruO !liah hO"

The Cannibals and Roxas cheered and then carried Demyx on the raised throne and some other cannibals carried the rest of the gang in their cage. "W-W-W-WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!" Tidus screamed.

"!ouy tsaeb nam deraih ednolb yxes ginkool ytsat uoy ecneliS" Roxas screamed at Tidus.

"!pu tuhS !haey" The other cannibals screamed.

Zexion blinked a few times. "Wow…I didn't know Roxas's strange mental condition could make him speak a different language"

"It's not the first time" Xion said. "Remember when I told you about Roxas and me getting lost in the Land of Dragons"

"Oh yeah" Axel said and chuckled. "He spoke mandarin"

Demyx was sitting on the throne sweating like crazy. "Get this thing off me!!!" Demyx screamed when he realized his crown was made out of human bones. The Cannibals took them inside the cave.

10 minutes later

Inside the cave was the entrance to the hidden city. Once again Axel realised that Auron was right about what lay deep in the jungle. There was a hidden city with lots of gold, cannibals and coffee beans. "Whoa…he wasn't lying about the city either" Axel said.

"Let's just say everything Auron said was true" Zexion suggested.

"It really is!" Xion said and pointed at the cannibals. "It has cannibals"

Leon pointed at the temple of gold. "It has gold"

"It's a hidden city" Larxene said.

Inu looked at the temple of coffee beans. "It even has the coffee beans"

"So that's why the defense force went missing" Zexion pondered.

The cannibals carried Demyx on the raised throne towards a large and beautifully detailed temple but it was also decorated with well…bits of their dinner. The cannibals and Roxas were carrying the rest of the gang towards the temple as well.

"this is it!" Tidus screamed. "We're going to die!"

Axel thought this was a good moment to confess everything. "Guys I just want you to know…I wouldn't want to have any other friends than you. Zexion, I think you are the smartest person I know and you have been very loyal to me along with everyone else. Xion, at first I thought you were just one of those pre-pubescent girls who think they're better than everyone else but now I've realised you've been like an annoying little sister to me and I wouldn't have you any other way. Roxas has been my best friend for a while and I'm going to miss those times when we ate Sea Salt Ice cream together and we had many gay jokes with each other. Demyx has been my partner in crime for a long time and it's sad to know that he's going to be eaten first. And Larxene, I just want you to know…I think you're hot"

Everyone in the cage stared at Axel. Some people looked shocked and some people looked at Axel as if he were crazy.

"Really? You think I'm hot?" Larxene smiled. "Does that mean you have a crush on me?"

"Well no…I just think you're hot" Axel explained. "Y'know in a…girl kind of way"

"Girl kind of way?!!" everyone else thought.

Larxene blinked a few times. "Oh…thanks Axel"

"OKAY!!" Xion said breaking the awkward moment. "That was just weird"

"No kidding" Zexion said agreeing with Xion.

Inside the temple was most likely their leader. He had a bone necklace, a smaller bone crown than Demyx's and was wearing nothing but a tribal man skirt. Roxas walked towards the leader and bowed down. "su ot emoc sah doG taerg ruO .eurt emoc sah dnegel eht, feihc ho"

"sah eh oS" the leader of the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people said. He stood up and walked towards Demyx.

Demyx sunk back into the throne and gulped. "this is it" he muttered to himself. "I've lived a good life and now I'm about to die being eaten by cannibals"

The chief bowed down to Demyx. "Welcome to our grand city YEBAIBEWEAREECH oh great God" Everyone in the temple bowed down to Demyx. Demyx on the other hand raised a brow.

"Okay?" Demyx said. "w-wait? you can speak English?!"

"You mean the language of the Gods? Then yes I do. All the tribal chiefs speak the language of the gods. The native language of our tribe is also the language of the gods but since we are not gods we speak it backwards" The tribal leader explained.

"oooh" Axel nodded. "So they do speak English…just backwards"

Tidus searched his bag and got out a tape recorder. "I guess this will come in handy" he smiled to himself and then held the tape recorder in front of the nobodies. "DIDN'T THINK OF THAT DID YOU? EXCHANGE STUDENTS!!!" Tidus laughed and then poked his tongue out childishly. Larxene groaned and whacked him over the head.

"Oh great God David Bowie, King of the goblins and of the really really tight pants. Welcome to Wakachukanaka"

"David Bowie?" Demyx asked himself and then he looked around the temple and saw a signed poster of David Bowie hanging in the temple. Suddenly Demyx had an idea. "Yes that is me. David Bowie. And who might you be oh noble one?" Demyx asked.

"What is he doing?" Larxene asked.

"I think he's playing along" Xion said.

"I did that too" Mary sue said "I remember when I got lost in the mall and then someone totally mistook me for Hillary Duff 'cause they thought I was pretty an-"

"SHUT UP MARY!!" Leon yelled.

The tribal chief introduced himself. "I am the leader of the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people. I have come from a long line of tribal chiefs. My name is… Tom"

Everyone raised a brow at the name. "Tom? Seriously? I was expecting something more…foreign and long and awesome" Larxene said.

"!RENNID ECNELIS" Roxas screamed.

"Roxas snap out of it!" Larxene said and threw a stick towards Roxas.

"!!HHHAAA" Roxas screamed. "!em ta kcits a werht srenosirp eht fo enO !feihC"

Tom looked at the prisoners and then asked. "?tips eht ni meht tup ton yhW ?ereh meht gnirb uoy did yhW"

"eiwoB divaD doG taerg ruo htiw erew yehT" one of the cannibals answered. "meht htiw od ot tahw wonk t'ndid eW"

Tom scratched his chin. "ees I. David Bowie? I see you brought us dinner"

Demyx looked at the gang. "Oh no…those are my companions" he said and pointed at the nobodies. "And those are my servants" Demyx pointed towards the hate club.

"HEY!" Tidus screamed.

Tom sighed. "Very well. srenosirp eht esaeleR" Tom commanded. There were many strange looks among the rest of the cannibals but they obeyed and set the gang free.

"ALRIGHT!!" Axel cheered. "WAY TO GO DE- DAVID BOWIE!!!"

Tom raised his hands in the air. "!doG ruo rof tsaef a eraperp"

30 minutes later

Everyone who weren't IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people besides Roxas and Demyx sat together. "Well at least we didn't get eaten" Inu said looking at the brighter side of things.

Zexion looked over to where Roxas was and he was sitting in a group of cannibals. "That's strange. They haven't tried to eat Roxas yet"

"Maybe he blends in so well that nobody notices that he's not one of them" Larxene suggested.

While Roxas was sitting there talking about some story that never happened the native people were thinking. "?yug siht wonk ew oD"

Demyx on the other hand was being offered lots of food (that wasn't people) and getting a foot massage. "How are you liking our city David Bowie?" Tom asked him.

"It's really awesome looking. I can't believe no one has ever found this place before" Demyx said in awe.

Tom chuckled. "Oh they have…they just haven't lived to tell the tale" Demyx looked at Tom's bone accessories and gulped.

The gang sat down feeling bored by the cannibals feast. "Guys! You found the lost city as well" Kuri said.

Everyone turned around and saw the Defense force and Ed who was still disguised as Drawde. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!"

"Well what do you know" Paine said. "Auron WAS right about this place. W-w-wait are those people the IMWIDABUNCHEOSTOOPID people who are in fact Cannibals?"

"That's right" Zexion answered. "It even has the gold and coffee beans"

"Right that's what I was here for" Kuri said and grabbed a huge sack. "I'll be right ba-" Kuri then noticed that the hate club was with them. "TIDUS!!" she growled and the Defense force went into battle position.

Tidus groaned and smacked his forehead. "No need to attack girls. We're NOT going to hurt them right now. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU GUYS!!" Tidus announced. "We're just simply trying to survive from being eaten by freaking cannibals"

Kuri loosened up a bit. "Oh okay then" Kuri smiled and got her sack and went into the temple of coffee beans.

Larxene sweat dropped. "Some leader of the defense force YOU are"

Xion looked at Demyx who was eating like a pig and then at the middle of the feast was a big cauldron of mixed vegetables. "hmm something doesn't feel right" She said.

"Well no (shadow) we're surrounded by cannibals" Leon said.

"Well, they're feeding Demyx lots of food and they have a huge cauldron" Inu explained. "I don't know about you but I think they're going to eat either us or Demyx"

Larxene laughed. "oh man that's ridiculous. They can't eat Demyx…He's their great God…right?"

Zexion came up with a plan. "Y'know what, I think I may just eves drop on these people's conversations" he said.

"yeah 'cause you can totally speak English backwards fluently" Leon said with sarcasm in his voice.

"well…Tidus, does your tape recorder play things backwards? If so may I borrow it?" Zexion asked.

"Fat chance!" Tidus said and stroked his tape recorder.

"Frankly we don't want to be eaten" Drawde/Ed said.

"So may I borrow your tape recorder?" Zexion asked.

"C'mon Tidus" Yuna pleaded. "please let Zexion borrow your tape recorder"

Tidus gave in. "okay but if you break it…YOU'RE DEAD!!"

Zexion took the tape recorder and recorded the conversation between two tribesmen who were preparing whatever was in the cauldron. Zexion walked back and played the tape backwards.

"This is it! This is finally it! We've been waiting years for this to happen"

"Yeah our great God David Bowie has come to us. We shall free our God by eating his mortal body"

Everyone gasped. "THEY'RE GOING TO EAT DEMYX!!" Xion yelled.

"Thanks captain obvious" Larxene said.

The cannibals and Roxas were dancing and cheering as Demyx was carried down to the cauldron and placed in there. "WHOA A BATH!! I LOVE THIS CITY!!" Demyx yelled.

The nobodies and the hate club snuck over to the cauldron. "um Demyx?" Axel asked "may we have a word?"

"Hey Axel" Demyx said as he sunk further into the vegetable bath "Man this bath is awesome! Did you know onions make your skin feel smooth?"

"Really?" Mary asked. "I should try that"

"eeew" Xion shuddered.

"Do you want to be turned into soup?" Larxene asked.

Demyx raised a brow. "Soup?"

"Yeah!" Larxene explained "What did you think was happening? You don't normally take a bath in a cauldron…WITH ONION AND BUTTER SOAP DEMYX!!!"

Tom came towards the gang "his name is not Demyx. It is the great god, David Bowie. King of the goblins and of the really really tight pants."

The Defense force and Ed/Drawde raised a brow. "huh?"

"Oh yeah did we mention that these cannibals think Demyx is their god David Bowie?" Axel asked.

"No, you left that part out" Paine replied.

"oh okay, now you know"

Demyx looked at the cauldron and gasped "w-wait? Why would you want to eat me? I mean, I'm a bit scrawny, there's not enough of me to eat. Besides I'm your God! David Bowie!"

"Exactly, which is why we're going to eat you" Tom explained.

"Wait you're going to eat your god?!" Paine asked.

"If we eat David Bowie we shall absorb his singing talents." Tom explained "And with that, our tribe will become filled with international pop sensations AND WE SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Much like Justin Bieber has with his international no.1 hit single 'baby"

"baby?" Axel asked.

"baby" Zexion said, hoping Axel would remember that song that drives a lot of people crazy.

"baby?" Larxene Questioned.

Xion then remembered what the song was "ooooooh…that song."

Demyx took off his bone crown "well this is going to be hard to explain. I'm not David Bowie." He explained and stepped out of the cauldron "I only pretended to be so then my friends and I wouldn't get hurt."


"What's happening?" Leon asked.

"I think…they're about to kill us" Axel suggested. "Just a guess"

Demyx stood up and summoned his sitar "DANCE SOUP DANCE!!" out of the soup rose Demyx's soup clones which distracted the cannibals.

"RUN FOR IT!!" Larxene screamed and everyone ran away from the cannibals. Ed, Yuna, Paine and Rikku ran into the temple of Coffee beans.

they looked inside and found Kuri greedily stuffing her coffee beans into her sack. "Kuri!" Ed yelled and tried to drag her out of the temple. "It's time to go"

"NEVER!" Kuri yelled. "I have fought long and hard to get these coffee beans!!"

"KURI!!" Rikku also tried dragging her out. "c'mon the cannibals are going to kill us"

"Is it really worth risking your life for coffee beans?" Paine asked. "Besides if you die here, Ed's going to be the greatest detective on Destiny Islands"

Kuri gasped. "YOU'RE RIGHT!" She stood up and got her sack of Coffee beans. "Let's get out of this crazy city!"

The defense force ran out of the temple of coffee beans and joined the rest of the gang as they almost made it out of the grand city. They could taste the sweetness of freedom but then Roxas stood in front of them.

"epacse ton lliw uoY" Roxas said.

Larxene furrowed her eyebrows and dragged Roxas with them. "You're coming with us you crazy cannibal"

"!!!OOONNN" Roxas screamed as the gang ran out of the city.

Everyone made it out of the cave except for Kuri. "Kuri!" Ed yelled. Kuri was out of the cave but her giant sack of coffee beans was stuck in the entrance. Everyone could hear the Cannibals scream from the other side of the sack. "Kuri! let go of the sack, it's blocking the cannibals exit."


"Do you want to be eaten by cannibals?" Ed asked.

Kuri's eyes widened as she let go of the sack "good point. So long my precious coffee beans!" She said and then followed the rest of the gang.

They all hid behind the bushes and tried to catch their breath. "Okay, any act of kindness I have shown to you today" Tidus said. "Never happened"

"Deal" Axel said.

"We better go" Leon said. "I've had enough of this crazy jungle" The rest of the Hate club agreed and followed Leon out.

Roxas stood up and looked at his attire. "Hmm that's weird" Roxas said to himself. "Why am I wearing a loin cloth? And what's with the red markings on my skin…and is that a bone necklace?!!" Roxas screamed. "eeeew get it off me!!"

"Roxie's back!" Larxene cheered.

"Uh yeah…I've been with you guys this whole time…at least I think we have…why are we in a jungle?" Roxas asked and the nobodies laughed.

Ed removed his wig and scratched his head. "Man wigs sure get itchy after a while"

"ED?!" Rikku growled.

Ed then realised what he had done. "Um no…I'm Drawde…This is just a toupee, yeah…I'm balding"

Everyone sweat dropped at the scene. "Idiot" Paine muttered to herself.

Rikku walked over and took off his fake mustache. "IT IS YOU!!" Rikku was suddenly surrounded by a flaming aura. "DIIIEEE!!"

Ed screamed like a girl and ran away from the crazy teen. Everyone else laughed at the scene. "We better head back to the souvenir store" Xion said.

Everyone agreed and searched for the jungle path towards the souvenir shop. Today was probably one of the most interesting days that the nobodies ever had and now no one will find this place since Kuri's coffee sack is blocking the entrance to the grand city YEBAIBEWEAREECH and nobody else will discover this strange city...ever.

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